999 resultados para literatura brasileira sobre administração


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Memory, the ability of keeping and remembering past states of consciousness and everything that could be associated with them, is one of the human properties responsible for the construction of experience, knowledge and preservation of individual’s identity. However, recalling is also the way we keep relationships with time, factor that is essential and inherent to our existence and responsible for the fact that we have memory. As for the narrative, as for life, time is a prime category, because it is in time that narrated or experienced events happen. This relationship between time and memory is remarkable in “O burrinho pedrês”, Guimarães Rosa’s short story present in his debut book, Sagarana. In this story, we can notice, generally, the characters use memory as a way to return to the past, evoking, consciously or unconsciously, the experience and its result, the wisdom, to help on the understanding of present situations. So, this research has as objective to analyze how time and memory relate and become indispensable to the development of the narrative and to the construction of the other categories - character, narrator and space. The theoretical foundation is based on studies clustered in three dimensions: a) theoretical essays about Guimarães Rosa’s work in general and the particular short story b) philosophical and/or psychological propositions about memory and time, and c) propositions about the mentioned categories of narrative


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Dans l‟“A historia de Lina et Lélio, le troisième récit de Corpo de baile, l‟oeuvre de Guimarães Rosa, Lélio arrive à la ferme Pinhém à la recherche de l'amour, de la paix d'esprit et de l'auto-connaissance, mais il n'a pas la claire conscience de cela. Dans cette trajectoire, on peut voir le poids des femmes: bien que Lélio soit le protagoniste de cette histoire, les personnages féminins présentent des différents profils et sont construites sur des aspects mythiques et archétypiques, qui ont des influences directes sur le destin de ce personnage masculin. On cherche, donc, comprendre comment l‟auteur fait la caractérisation mythique et archétypique des personnages féminins, voir l'influence de celles-ci sur la suite du récit ainsi que dans la construction du protagoniste. De la même façon, on veut vérifier comment les autres catégories du récit – telles que le temps, l'espace, le narrateur et la focalisation – peuvent contribuer à cette caractérisation. Cette recherche est développée à travers des lectures, des notes et des discussions autour du corpus, en s'appuyant sur une base théorique déterminée en trois dimensions : a) des essais critiques à propos de l‟oeuvre de l'auteur, en particulier au sujet en cause, comme celui dans l‟A raiz da alma, de Heloisa Vilhena Araujo, b) des études sur le mythe, comme celles de Ernest Cassirer, dans le Linguagem e mito et Antropologia filosófica, et les propositions de Meletínski dans l‟A poética do mito et dans l‟Os arquétipos literários et, encore, c) des textes théoriques sur les catégories du récit, présentées dans le Dicionário de teoria da narrativa, de Reis et Lopes, et des études sur l'espace, comme celui d'Antonio Dimas, Espaço e romance, et sur le temps, de Benedito Nunes, O tempo na narrativa. On observe que, dans la construction des personnages féminins... (Résumé complet accès électronique ci - dessous)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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This paper presents some results of a study on culturally marked terms in a corpus composed by the Brazilian novel Relato de um certo oriente (1989), by Milton Hatoum, and its translation into English The tree of the seventh heaven, by Ellen Watson. For the analysis of culturally marked terms, we followed the interdisciplinary approach proposed by Camargo (2005, 2007) involving corpus-based translation studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000), and the investigations of cultural domains (NIDA, 1945; AUBERT, 1981, 2006). The methodology adopted in the present research required the software WordSmith Tools (SCOTT, 2007), which provides the necessary resources for the collection of data in a corpus of translated texts. The software tool called WordList was used for the selection of the most frequent words in the texts and also for the identification of the culturally marked terms. For the analysis of the culturally marked terms in both texts we used the software tool Concord. The results revealed that most of the culturally marked terms are inserted in the ecological domain, and the other terms are distributed in the domains of material, social and ideological culture, which reflects the theme of the book.


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The present essay aims at observing possible tendencies of normalization by the translator Irene Matthews in the translation to English from As mulheres de Tijucopapo, by Marilene Felinto. The methodology employed is that of corpus-based translation studies (proposed by BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; SCOTT’s study concerning normalization, 1998; and CAMARGO’s research studies, 2005, 2007), and that of corpus linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA’s studies, 2003, 2004). The investigation was carried out by means of a combination of semi-manual and computerized analyses using the computer software WordSmith Tools. Based on Scott (1998), we analyzed the translation of five words considered to be preferred by the author, as well as their co-text, in relation to three normalization features. The final results obtained in this study show that the translator Irene Matthews tends to use strategies that may be identified as features of normalization.


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This paper aims at observing a particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style in the pair of works Viva o Povo Brasileiro and An Invincible Memory. Our investigation has its theoretical starting point based on Corpus-Based Translation Studies (Baker, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2000; Camargo, 2005, 2007), and works on cultural domains (Nida, 1945; Aubert, 1981, 2006). The results showed that great part of cultural marks may be classified as the material, social, and ideological cultural domains, which reflects the context of the source text. It was also possible to observe that normalization features tends to reveal conscious or unconscious use of fluency strategies by the self-translator, making the translated text easier to read.


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This investigation has as an objective to observe the translation of the word “eyes” and its collocates, in similar and (re)used fragments extracted from two books written by Clarice Lispector, A Descoberta do Mundo, translated by Giovanni Pontiero as Discovering the World and Uma Aprendizagem ou o Livro dos Prazeres, translated by Richard A. Mazzara and Lorri A. Parris as An Apprenticeship or The Book of Delights.Another objective is to identify aspects of normalization found in the respective translations of these fragments. The metodology is situated in the field of Corpus-based Translation Studies, (proposed by Baker, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2004; studies on normalization by de Scott, 1998); research and project by Camargo 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2008), and in Corpus Linguistics (studies by Berber Sardinha, 2004); also, it is based on the author’s critical heritage (studies by Gotlib, 1993, 2009; Nunes, B., 1995; Sant‘Anna, 1997; Ruggero 2000; Sá, O., 2000; Franco Júnior, 2000; Ranzolin (1985), Varin, 2002; e Cherem, 2003). The results found in this research enabled to carry out a comparative study among the respective translators concerning tendencies to normalization and show Pontiero’s smaller tendency in relation to the couple of translators Richard A. Mazzara e Lorri A. Parris.


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Neste artigo, apresentaremos um estudo da tradução da obra Inferno da autora Patrícia Melo, com o título Inferno, por Clifford Landers. Buscamos refletir sobre como são projetados no exterior uma visão da realidade violenta de grandes centros urbanos brasileiros e sobre o quanto o tradutor conseguiu resgatar da nossa sociedade no texto traduzido. Partimos do pressuposto de que o tradutor, consciente ou inconscientemente, usa recursos durante o processo de mediação entre o texto de partida e o texto de chegada, que tornam a leitura da obra traduzida mais fácil. Baker (1996) propõe a investigação de tipos de comportamento linguístico característicos de textos traduzidos. O objetivo desse trabalho é identificar aspectos de normalização presentes na tradução. Para a investigação, recorremos aos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus (Baker, 1993, 1996; Camargo, 2005, 2007), à Linguística de Corpus (Berber Sardinha, 2004) e aos estudos sobre normalização de Scott (1998). Pode-se observar a ocorrência de mudança de registro de linguagem, omissões, adições, diferenças no comprimento das sentenças e relacionadas a imprecisões de expressões. Espera-se que o presente trabalho possa contribuir para uma maior conscientização das tendências apresentadas pelos tradutores, e para apresentar as possibilidades oferecidas pela intersecção dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus e da Linguística de Corpus.


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This paper concentrates on demonstrating that the novel called São Bernardo ,written by Graciliano Ramos, utilizes some literary strategies that cause the effect of being built by rememorizations, which is a vital aspect of several of the author’s titles. Such objective is reached via the analyses of how the following narrative categories: focalization, narrator, characters, story and time converge toward the elaboration of the memory and the comparison between this construction on São Bernardo and Angústia. In order to be successful on this task, three groups of study constitute our theoretical basis: a) critical essays concerning Graciliano Ramos; b) theoretical propositions about the narrative categories; c) academic articles on the constitution of memory. Papers composed by Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi, Sonia Brayner, Luís Costa Lima and others are part of the first group. The second one is constituted by propositions of Gérard Genette, Benedito Nunes etc. Finally, on the last one, we find Paul Ricouer and Henri Bergson


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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As Ciências Sociais foram constituídas no bojo do processo de conquista colonial da Europa sobre a África no século XIX, isto fez com que muitas reflexões, conceitos, teorias, metodologias fossem inspiradas neste contexto social que vinculou homens de diferentes realidades históricas de maneira antagônica. Este artigo faz uma abordagem analítica e interpretativa deste período de nascedouro das Ciências Sociais e da literatura oitocentista sobre a África e os africanos.