969 resultados para kinetic constants
Transport of volatile hydrocarbons in soils is largely controlled by interactions of vapours with the liquid and solid phase. Sorption on solids of gaseous or dissolved comPounds may be important. Since the contact time between a chemical and a specific sorption site can be rather short, kinetic or mass-transfer resistance effects may be relevant. An existing mathematical model describing advection and diffusion in the gas phase and diffusional transport from the gaseous phase into an intra-aggregate water phase is modified to include linear kinetic sorption on ps-solid and water-solid interfaces. The model accounts for kinetic mass transfer between all three phases in a soil. The solution of the Laplace-transformed equations is inverted numerically. We performed transient column experiments with 1,1,2-Trichloroethane, Trichloroethylene, and Tetrachloroethylene using air-dry solid and water-saturated porous glass beads. The breakthrough curves were calculated based on independently estimated parameters. The model calculations agree well with experimental data. The different transport behaviour of the three compounds in our system primarily depends on Henry's constants.
The rate of proteolysis of amino acids was used to assess the nutritional lability of various materials making up estuarine seston in 3 Maine, USA, estuaries. Physical separations of subcellular fractions of phytoplankton cells led to higher proteolysis rate constants for the cytoplasmic fraction (>1.2 h(-1)) than for the membrane fraction (0.2 to 1 h(-1)). Whole cells, copepod fecal pellets, bottom sediments, and estuarine seston had overlapping ranges of rate constants of 0.17 to 1.3 h(-1), which were indistinguishable from one another. Protein pools in the seston of these estuaries throughout the seasons were dominated by phytoplankton production and its fresh detrital products. Inverse relationships between proteolysis rate constants for estuarine seston and the ratios of pheopigments to chlorophyll indicates that the average lability of seston decreases with the disappearance of cytoplasmic material in suspension. This kinetic approach to the quality of food resources implies the existence of different pools of digestible protein for estuarine heterotrophs with different gut residence times. Preferential enrichment of membrane components in sestonic detritus may result from the differential lability of proteins in cytoplasm versus membrane components of cells.
The rate constants of simple electron transfer (ET) reactions in room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) available now are rather high, typically at the edge of experimental accuracy. To consider ET phenomena in these media in view of theory developed earlier for molecular solvents, it is crucial to provide quantitative comparison of experimental kinetic data for certain reactions. We report this comparison for ferrocene/ferrocenium reaction. The ET distance is fixed by Au surface modification by alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers, which were characterized by in situ scanning tunneling microscopy. The dependence of ln kapp on barrier thickness in the range of ca. 6–20 Å is linear, with a slope typical for the same plots in aqueous media. This result confirms diabatic mode of Fc oxidation at long distance. The data for shorter ET distances point to the adiabatic regime of ET at a bare gold surface, although more detailed computational studies are required to justify this conclusion.
DNAzymes (Dz) 8–17 and 10–23 are two widely studied and well-characterized RNA-cleaving DNA catalysts. In an effort to further improve the understanding of the fragile interactions and dynamics of the enzymatic mechanism, this study examines the catalytic efficiency of minimally modified DNAzymes. Five single mutants of Dz8–17 and Dz10–23 were prepared by replacing the adenine residues in the corresponding catalytic cores with 3-deazaadenine units. Kinetic assays were used to assess the effect on the catalytic activity and thereby identify the importance of hydrogen bonding that arises from the N3 atoms. The results suggest that modifications at A15 and A15.0 of Dz8–17 have a significant influence and show a reduction in catalytic activity. Modification at each location in Dz10–23 results in a decrease of the observed rate constants, with A12 appearing to be the most affected with a reduction of ∼80% of kobs and ∼25% of the maximal cleavage rate compared to the wild-type DNAzyme. On the other hand, modification of A12 in Dz8–17 showed an ∼130% increase in kobs, thus unraveling a new potential site for the introduction of chemical modifications. A pH-profile analysis showed that the chemical cleavage step is rate-determining, regardless of the presence and/or location of the mutation. These findings point towards the importance of the N3-nitrogens of certain adenine nucleotides located within the catalytic cores of the DNAzymes for efficient catalytic activity and further suggest that they might directly partake in maintaining the appropriate tertiary structure. Therefore, it appears that minor groove interactions constitute an important feature of DNAzymes as well as ribozymes.
The cometary coma is a unique phenomenon in the solar system being a planetary atmosphere influenced by little or no gravity. As a comet approaches the sun, the water vapor with some fraction of other gases sublimate, generating a cloud of gas, ice and other refractory materials (rocky and organic dust) ejected from the surface of the nucleus. Sublimating gas molecules undergo frequent collisions and photochemical processes in the near‐nucleus region. Owing to its negligible gravity, comets produce a large and highly variable extensive dusty coma with a size much larger than the characteristic size of the cometary nucleus. The Rosetta spacecraft is en route to comet 67P/Churyumov‐Gerasimenko for a rendezvous, landing, and extensive orbital phase beginning in 2014. Both, interpretation of measurements and safety consideration of the spacecraft require modeling of the comet’s dusty gas environment. In this work we present results of a numerical study of multispecies gaseous and electrically charged dust environment of comet Chyuryumov‐Gerasimenko. Both, gas and dust phases of the coma are simulated kinetically. Photolytic reactions are taken into account. Parameters of the ambient plasma as well as the distribution of electric/magnetic fields are obtained from an MHD simulation [1] of the coma connected to the solar wind. Trajectories of ions and electrically charged dust grains are simulated by accounting for the Lorentz force and the nucleus gravity.
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P) is a Jupiter-family comet and the object of investigation of the European Space Agency mission Rosetta. This report presents the first full 3D simulation results of 67P’s neutral gas coma. In this study we include results from a direct simulation Monte Carlo method, a hydrodynamic code, and a purely geometric calculation which computes the total illuminated surface area on the nucleus. All models include the triangulated 3D shape model of 67P as well as realistic illumination and shadowing conditions. The basic concept is the assumption that these illumination conditions on the nucleus are the main driver for the gas activity of the comet. As a consequence, the total production rate of 67P varies as a function of solar insolation. The best agreement between the model and the data is achieved when gas fluxes on the night side are in the range of 7% to 10% of the maximum flux, accounting for contributions from the most volatile components. To validate the output of our numerical simulations we compare the results of all three models to in situ gas number density measurements from the ROSINA COPS instrument. We are able to reproduce the overall features of these local neutral number density measurements of ROSINA COPS for the time period between early August 2014 and January 1 2015 with all three models. Some details in the measurements are not reproduced and warrant further investigation and refinement of the models. However, the overall assumption that illumination conditions on the nucleus are at least an important driver of the gas activity is validated by the models. According to our simulation results we find the total production rate of 67P to be constant between August and November 2014 with a value of about 1 × 10²⁶ molecules s⁻¹.
Femtosecond Raman rotational coherence spectroscopy (RCS) detected by degenerate four-wave mixing is a background-free method that allows to determine accurate gas-phase rotational constants of non-polar molecules. Raman RCS has so far mostly been applied to the regular coherence patterns of symmetric-top molecules, while its application to nonpolar asymmetric tops has been hampered by the large number of RCS transient types, the resulting variability of the RCS patterns, and the 10³–10⁴ times larger computational effort to simulate and fit rotational Raman RCS transients. We present the rotational Raman RCS spectra of the nonpolar asymmetric top 1,4-difluorobenzene (para-difluorobenzene, p-DFB) measured in a pulsed Ar supersonic jet and in a gas cell over delay times up to ~2.5 ns. p-DFB exhibits rotational Raman transitions with ΔJ = 0, 1, 2 and ΔK = 0, 2, leading to the observation of J −, K −, A −, and C–type transients, as well as a novel transient (S–type) that has not been characterized so far. The jet and gas cell RCS measurements were fully analyzed and yield the ground-state (v = 0) rotational constants Aₒ = 5637.68(20) MHz, Bₒ = 1428.23(37) MHz, and Cₒ = 1138.90(48) MHz (1σ uncertainties). Combining the Aₒ, Bₒ, and Cₒ constants with coupled-cluster with single-, double- and perturbatively corrected triple-excitation calculations using large basis sets allows to determine the semi-experimental equilibrium bond lengths rₑ(C₁–C₂) = 1.3849(4) Å, rₑ(C₂–C³) = 1.3917(4) Å, rₑ(C–F) = 1.3422(3) Å, and rₑ(C₂–H₂) = 1.0791(5) Å.
Numerical calculations describing weathering of the Poços de Caldas alkaline complex (Minas Gerais, Brazil) by infiltrating groundwater are carried out for time spans up to two million years in the absence of pyrite, and up to 500,000 years with pyrite present. Deposition of uranium resulting from infiltration of oxygenated, uranium bearing groundwater through the hydrothermally altered phonolitic host rock at the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine is also included in the latter calculation. The calculations are based on the quasi-stationary state approximation to mass conservation equations for pure advective transport. This approximation enables the prediction of solute concentrations, mineral abundances and porosity as functions of time and distance over geologic time spans. Mineral reactions are described by kinetic rate laws for both precipitation and dissolution. Homogeneous equilibrium is assumed to be maintained within the aqueous phase. No other constraints are imposed on the calculations other than the initial composition of the unaltered host rock and the composition of the inlet fluid, taken as rainwater modified by percolation through a soil zone. The results are in qualitative agreement with field observations at the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine. They predict a lateritic cover followed by a highly porous saprolitic zone, a zone of oxidized rock with pyrite replaced by iron-hydroxide, a sharp redox front at which uranium is deposited, and the reduced unweathered host rock. Uranium is deposited in a narrow zone located on the reduced side of the redox front in association with pyrite, in agreement with field observations. The calculations predict the formation of a broad dissolution front of primary kaolinite that penetrates deep into the host rock accompanied by the precipitation of secondary illite. Secondary kaolinite occurs in a saprolitic zone near the surface and in the vicinity of the redox front. Gibbsite forms a bi-modal distribution consisting of a maximum near the surface followed by a thin tongue extending downward into the weathered profile in agreement with field observations. The results are found to be insensitive to the kinetic rate constants used to describe mineral reactions.
Many biological processes depend on the sequential assembly of protein complexes. However, studying the kinetics of such processes by direct methods is often not feasible. As an important class of such protein complexes, pore-forming toxins start their journey as soluble monomeric proteins, and oligomerize into transmembrane complexes to eventually form pores in the target cell membrane. Here, we monitored pore formation kinetics for the well-characterized bacterial pore-forming toxin aerolysin in single cells in real time to determine the lag times leading to the formation of the first functional pores per cell. Probabilistic modeling of these lag times revealed that one slow and seven equally fast rate-limiting reactions best explain the overall pore formation kinetics. The model predicted that monomer activation is the rate-limiting step for the entire pore formation process. We hypothesized that this could be through release of a propeptide and indeed found that peptide removal abolished these steps. This study illustrates how stochasticity in the kinetics of a complex process can be exploited to identify rate-limiting mechanisms underlying multistep biomolecular assembly pathways.
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of a chiral drug can significantly differ between application of the racemate and single enantiomers. During drug development, the characteristics of candidate compounds have to be assessed prior to clinical testing. Since biotransformation significantly influences drug actions in an organism, metabolism studies represent a crucial part of such tests. Hence, an optimized and economical capillary electrophoretic method for on-line studies of the enantioselective drug metabolism mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes was developed. It comprises a diffusion-based procedure, which enables mixing of the enzyme with virtually any compound inside the nanoliter-scale capillary reactor and without the need of additional optimization of mixing conditions. For CYP3A4, ketamine as probe substrate and highly sulfated γ-cyclodextrin as chiral selector, improved separation conditions for ketamine and norketamine enantiomers compared to a previously published electrophoretically mediated microanalysis method were elucidated. The new approach was thoroughly validated for the CYP3A4-mediated N-demethylation pathway of ketamine and applied to the determination of its kinetic parameters and the inhibition characteristics in presence of ketoconazole and dexmedetomidine. The determined parameters were found to be comparable to literature data obtained with different techniques. The presented method constitutes a miniaturized and cost-effective tool, which should be suitable for the assessment of the stereoselective aspects of kinetic and inhibition studies of cytochrome P450-mediated metabolic steps within early stages of the development of a new drug.
New fully kinetic model for the study of electric potential, plasma, and dust above lunar landscapes
We have developed a new fully kinetic electrostatic simulation, HYBes, to study how the lunar landscape affects the electric potential and plasma distributions near the surface and the properties of lifted dust. The model embodies new techniques that can be used in various types of physical environments and situations. We demonstrate the applicability of the new model in a situation involving three charged particle species, which are solar wind electrons and protons, and lunar photoelectrons. Properties of dust are studied with test particle simulations by using the electric fields derived from the HYBes model. Simulations show the high importance of the plasma and the electric potential near the surface. For comparison, the electric potential gradients near the landscapes with feature sizes of the order of the Debye length are much larger than those near a flat surface at different solar zenith angles. Furthermore, dust test particle simulations indicate that the landscape relief influences the dust location over the surface. The study suggests that the local landscape has to be taken into account when the distributions of plasma and dust above lunar surface are studied. The HYBes model can be applied not only at the Moon but also on a wide range of airless planetary objects such as Mercury, other planetary moons, asteroids, and nonactive comets.