673 resultados para jumping spider


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Die vorliegende Arbeit ist ein Teil des Projektes Flut und Hitze des Kompetenzzentrums Überflutung an der Universität Mainz. Die Ziele dieser Untersuchung waren: Die Artzusammensetzung und Phänologien der Spinnengemeinschaften von Uferhabitaten bei Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland) zu ermitteln, anhand des Artenspektrums die Folgen langjähriger Trockenheit und die Auswirkungen des Extremsommers 2003 zu beschreiben, Einflüsse von Überflutungen festzustellen und die Submersionstoleranzen ausgewählter Arten zu bestimmen. Insgesamt wurden 27783 Spinnen aus 179 Arten und 24 Familien bearbeitet. Die Untersuchung umfasste einen Hartholzauwald bei Ingelheim am Rhein, den Hochwasserschutzpolder Ingelheim, sowie Tiermaterial von vier weiteren Uferstandorten und drei Inselstandorten des Rheins bei Mainz. Die Beprobung der Hartholzaue mit Barberfallen und Stammeklektoren erfolgte von Mai 2005 bis Mai 2008. Im Polder wurden von Oktober 2006 bis Mai 2008 mit Barberfallen und einem Vakuumsauger gefangen. Die Proben der weiteren Standorte stammten aus Barberfallenfängen der Jahre 2000 bis einschließlich 2005. In der seit Winter 2002/2003 nicht mehr überfluteten und im Sommer stark austrocknenden Hartholzaue wurde eine als xerotolerant zu bezeichnende Spinnenfauna vorgefunden. Dies galt insbesondere für die sehr artenreiche Stammregion. Zu den dominierenden Spezies zählten: Diplostyla concolor (Boden), Clubiona pallidula und Textrix denticulata (beide Stamm). Der Polder Ingelheim wurde überwiegend von euryöken Freilandbewohnern besiedelt, dominant kamen Oedothorax apicatus und Pardosa agrestis vor. Das Tiermaterial der Ufer- und Inselstandorte wies deutliche Unterschiede in der Artenzusammensetzung im Bezug auf die Flutungsintensität auf. Nach dem Ausbleiben von Hochwässern und dem starken Austrocknen der Standorte im Sommer 2003 wurden hygrobionte Arten wie Allomengea vidua kaum mehr vorgefunden, während sich xerotolerante Spezies ausbreiteten. Darüber hinaus wurden die Submersionstoleranzen ausgewählter Spinnenarten im Labor ermittelt. Die gewonnenen Daten lassen Vermuten, dass die getesteten Spinnenspezies durchaus in der Lage sind, bei niedrigen Wassertemperaturen eine kurze Flut submers zu überstehen. Unter hohen Temperaturen besteht dagegen keine Submersionstoleranz.


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Die Neurogenese und axonale Wegfindung sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten Thema einer Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen in den verschiedensten Organismen gewesen. Die zusammengetragenen Daten in Insekten und Crustaceen geben eine gute Übersicht darüber, wie das Nervensystem in Arthropoden aufgebaut wird. Die entwicklungsbiologischen Prozesse, die daran beteiligt sind, sind in den beiden genannten Gruppen sehr gut verstanden. In den Gruppen der Cheliceraten und Myriapoden jedoch wurden ähnliche Analysen bisher kaum durchgeführt. Das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit war es daher, Mechanismen in den Spinnen Achaearanea tepidariorum und Cupiennius salei, zwei Vertretern der Cheliceraten, zu untersuchen, die eine Rolle im Leitsystem der ventralen Mittellinie und bei der axonalen Wegfindung spielen. Eine Vorraussetzung hierfür sind Kenntnisse über die Architektur des Zentralnervensystems. In einem ersten Schritt beschrieb ich daher grundlegend die Morphologie des Nervensystems im Verlauf der gesamten Embryoalentwicklung. Ich konnte zeigen, dass in Spinnen ein für Arthropoden typisches Strickleiternervensystem gebildet wird. Dieses wird von segmental angelegten Neuronen geformt, wobei sowohl Gruppen von Zellen als auch einzelne Neurone daran beteiligt sind, die primären axonalen Trakte zu etablieren. Im Besonderen konnte ich eine Zelle identifizieren, die in Position, Projektionsmuster und der Expression des Markergens even-skipped vergleichbar zum PR2 Neuron in Drosophila ist, welches die posteriore Wurzel des Segmentalnervs anlegt.rnrnIn einem zweiten Ansatz untersuchte ich die ventrale Mittellinie in Spinnen im Bezug auf ihre mögliche Funktion in der axonalen Wegfindung. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es sich beim Epithel der Mittellinie, das die Lücke zwischen beiden Keimstreifhälften während des gesamten Prozesses der Inversion überspannt, um eine transiente Struktur handelt, die keine neuralen Zellen hervorbringt. Es ist daher vergleichbar mit der so genannten Floor plate in Vertebraten, die ebenfalls nur vorübergehend existiert. Die Untersuchung von single minded (sim) zeigte, dass es, anders als in Drosophila, wo sim ein wichtiges regulatorisches Gen für die korrekte Spezifizierung von Mittellinienzellen ist, nicht in den Zellen der Mittellinie, sondern in diesen benachbarten Zellen, exprimiert wird. Das ist vergleichbar mit Vertebraten. Zusätzlich konnte ich Expression von sim an den Basen der Gliedmassen und im Kopf nachweisen. Wie in Vertebraten könnte sim an der Musterbildung dieser Gewebe beteiligt sein. Dennoch spielt die Mittellinie in Spinnen eine wichtige Rolle als Organisator für auswachsende, kommissurale Axone. Diese Funktion teilt sie mit anderen Invertebraten und Vertebraten.rnrnDie Signaltransduktionskaskade, die an der axonalen Wegfindung an der Mittellinie beteiligt ist, ist in den verschiedensten Organismen hoch konserviert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte ich sowohl in Achaearanea als auch in Cupiennius ein netrin Homolog identifizieren und eine konservierte Funktion des Wegfindungsmoleküls während der Bildung der Kommissuren aufzeigen. RNAi Experimente belegen, dass, wird die Funktion von netrin herunterreguliert, das Strickleiternervensystem nicht korrekt gebildet wird, ins Besondere die kommissuralen Faszikel. Des Weiteren konnte ich eine neue Funktion von netrin, die bisher in anderen Organsimen noch nicht beschrieben wurde, identifizieren. Neben seiner Rolle in der axonalen Wegfindung, scheint netrin auch an der epithelialen Morphogenese im zentralen Nervensystem beteiligt zu sein. In dieser Funktion scheint netrin in Gliazellen, die die epithelialen Vesikel der Invaginationsgruppen umhüllen, wichtig zu sein, um neurale Vorläuferzellen in einem undifferenzierten Zustand zu halten. Der Abbau von netrin Transkript durch RNA Interferenz führt zu einer verfrühten Segregation neuraler Vorläuferzellen aus dem epithelialen Verband der Invaginationsgruppen und zu einer Zunahme an Zellen, die den frühen Differenzierungsmarker islet exprimieren.


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Defensins are a major family of antimicrobial peptides found throughout the phylogenetic tree. From the spider species: Cupiennius salei, Phoneutria reidyi, Polybetes pythagoricus, Tegenaria atrica, and Meta menardi, defensins belonging to the 'ancestral' class of invertebrate defensins were cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences contain the characteristic six cysteines of this class of defensins and reveal precursors of 60 or 61 amino acid residues. The mature peptides consist of 37 amino acid residues, showing up to 70% identities with tick and scorpion defensins. In C. salei, defensin mRNA was found to be constitutively expressed in hemocytes, ovaries, subesophageal nerve mass, hepatopancreas, and muscle tissue. This is the first report presenting and comparing antimicrobial peptides belonging to the family of defensins from spiders.


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We investigate the aging dynamics of amorphous SiO2 via molecular dynamics simulations of a quench from a high temperature Ti to a lower temperature Tf.We obtain a microscopic picture of aging dynamics by analyzing single particle trajectories, identifying jump events when a particle escapes the cage formed by its neighbors, and determining how these jumps depend on the waiting time tw, the time elapsed since the temperature quench to Tf. We find that the only tw-dependent microscopic quantity is the number of jumping particles per unit time, which decreases with age. Similar to previous studies for fragile glass formers, we show here for the strong glass former SiO2 that neither the distribution of jump lengths nor the distribution of times spent in the cage are tw dependent.We conclude that the microscopic aging dynamics is surprisingly similar for fragile and strong glass formers.


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We investigate the long time dynamics of a strong glass former, SiO2, below the glass transition temperature by averaging single-particle trajectories over time windows which comprise roughly 100 particle oscillations. The structure on this coarse-grained time scale is very well defined in terms of coordination numbers, allowing us to identify ill-coordinated atoms, which are called defects in the following. The most numerous defects are O-O neighbors, whose lifetimes are comparable to the equilibration time at low temperature. On the other hand, SiO and OSi defects are very rare and short lived. The lifetime of defects is found to be strongly temperature dependent, consistent with activated processes. Single-particle jumps give rise to local structural rearrangements. We show that in SiO2 these structural rearrangements are coupled to the creation or annihilation of defects, giving rise to very strong correlations of jumping atoms and defects.


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Adrenalin-seeking airborne sports like BASE-jumping, paragliding, parachuting, delta-gliding, speedflying, and skysurfing are now firmly with us as outdoor lifestyle activities and are associated with a high frequency of severe injuries, especially to the spine.


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This review on all spider venom components known by the end of 2010 bases on 1618 records for venom compounds from 174 spider species (= 0.41% of all known species) belonging to 32 families (= 29% of all existing spider families). Spiders investigated for venom research are either big (many mygalomorph species, Nephilidae, Ctenidae and Sparassidae) or medically important for humans (e.g. Loxosceles or Latrodectus species). Venom research widely ignored so far the two most species-rich families (Salticidae and Linyphiidae) and strongly neglected several other very abundant families (Araneidae, Lycosidae, Theridiidae, Thomisidae and Gnaphosidae). We grouped the known 1618 records for venom compounds into six categories: low molecular mass compounds (16 % of all compounds), acylpolyamines (11 %), linear peptides (6 %), cysteine-knotted mini-proteins (60 %), neurotoxic proteins (1 %) and enzymes (6 %). Low molecular mass compounds are known from many spider families and contain organic acids, nucleosides, nucleotides, amino acids, amines, polyamines, and some further substances, many of them acting as neurotransmitters. Acylpolyamines contain amino acids (Araneidae and Nephilidae) or not (several other families) and show a very high diversity within one species. Linear peptides, also called cytolytic, membranolytic or antimicrobial, exert a highly specific structure and are so far only known from Ctenidae, Lycosidae, Oxyopidae and Zodariidae. Cysteine-knotted mini-proteins represent the majority of venom compounds because research so far focused on them. They probably occur in most but not all spider families. Neurotoxic proteins so far are only known from theridiid spiders. Enzymes had been neglected for some time but meanwhile it becomes obvious that they play an important role in spider venoms. Sixteen enzymes either cleave polymers in the extracellular matrix or target phospholipids and related compounds in membranes. The overall structure of these compounds is given and the function, as far as it is known, is described. Since several of these component groups are presented in one average spider venom, we discuss the known interactions and synergisms and give reasons for such a functional redundancy. We also discuss main evolutionary pathways for spider venom compounds such as high variability among components of one group, synergistic interactions between cysteine-knotted mini-proteins and other components (low molecular mass compounds and linear peptides), change of function from ion-channel acting mini-proteins to cytolytic effects and replacement of mini-proteins by linear peptides, acylpolyamines, large proteins or enzymes. We also add first phylogenetic considerations.


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Cupiennin 1a, a cytolytic peptide isolated from the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei, exhibits broad membranolytic activity towards bacteria, trypanosomes, and plasmodia, as well as human blood and cancer cells. In analysing the cytolytic activity of synthesised all-d- and all-l-cupiennin 1a towards pro- and eukaryotic cells, a stereospecific mode of membrane destruction could be excluded. The importance of negatively charged sialic acids on the outer leaflet of erythrocytes for the binding and haemolytic activity of l-cupiennin 1a was demonstrated. Reducing the overall negative charges of erythrocytes by partially removing their sialic acids or by protecting them with tri- or pentalysine results in reduced haemolytic activity of the peptide.


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Vibration serviceability is a widely recognized design criterion for assembly-type structures, such as stadiums, that are likely subjected to rhythmic human-induced excitation. Human-induced excitation of a structure occurs from the movement of the occupants such as walking, running, jumping, or dancing. Vibration serviceability is based on the level of comfort that people have with the vibrations of a structure. Current design guidance uses the natural frequency of the structure to assess vibration serviceability. However, a phenomenon known as human-structure interaction suggests that there is a dynamic interaction between the structure and passive occupants, altering the natural frequency of the system. Human-structure interaction is dependent on many factors, including the dynamic properties of the structure, posture of the occupants, and relative size of the crowd. It is unknown if the shift in natural frequency due to humanstructure interaction is significant enough to warrant consideration in the design process. This study explores the interface of both structural and crowd characteristics through experimental testing to determine if human-structure interaction should be considered because of its potential impact on serviceability assessment. An experimental test structure that represents the dynamic properties of a cantilevered stadium structure was designed and constructed. Experimental modal analysis was implemented to determine the dynamic properties of the empty test structure and when occupied with up to seven people arranged in different locations and postures. Comparisons of the dynamic properties were made between the empty and occupied testing configurations and analytical results from the use of a dynamic crowd model recommended from the Joint Working Group of Europe. Data trends lead to the development of a refined dynamic crowd model. This dynamic model can be used in conjunction with a finite element model of the test structure to estimate the dynamic influence due to human-structure interaction due to occupants standing with straight knees. In the future, the crowd model will be refined and can aid in assessing the dynamic properties of in-service stadium structures.


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Background Backyard trampolines are immensely popular among children, but are associated with an increase of trampoline-related injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate radiographs of children with trampoline related injuries and to determine the risk factors. Methods Between 2003 and 2009, 286 children under the age of 16 with backyard trampoline injuries were included in the study. The number of injuries increased from 13 patients in 2003 to 86 in 2009. The median age of the 286 patients was 7 years (range: 1–15 years). Totally 140 (49%) patients were males, and 146 (51%) females. Medical records and all available diagnostic imaging were reviewed. A questionnaire was sent to the parents to evaluate the circumstances of each injury, the type of trampoline, the protection equipment and the experience of the children using the trampoline. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Bern. Results The questionnaires and radiographs of the 104 patients were available for evaluation. A fracture was sustained in 51 of the 104 patients. More than 75% of all patients sustaining injuries and in 90% of patients with fractures were jumping on the trampoline with other children at the time of the accident. The most common fractures were supracondylar humeral fractures (29%) and forearm fractures (25%). Fractures of the proximal tibia occurred especially in younger children between 2–5 years of age. Conclusions Children younger than 5 years old are at risk for specific proximal tibia fractures (“Trampoline Fracture”). A child jumping simultaneously with other children has a higher risk of suffering from a fracture.


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Phobias are characterized by excessive fear, cued by the presence or anticipation of a fearful situation. Whereas it is well established that glucocorticoids are released in fearful situations, it is not known whether these hormones, in turn, modulate perceived fear. As extensive evidence indicates that elevated glucocorticoid levels impair the retrieval of emotionally arousing information, they might also inhibit retrieval of fear memory associated with phobia and, thereby, reduce phobic fear. Here, we investigated whether acutely administrated glucocorticoids reduced phobic fear in two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies in 40 subjects with social phobia and 20 subjects with spider phobia. In the social phobia study, cortisone (25 mg) administered orally 1 h before a socio-evaluative stressor significantly reduced self-reported fear during the anticipation, exposure, and recovery phase of the stressor. Moreover, the stress-induced release of cortisol in placebo-treated subjects correlated negatively with fear ratings, suggesting that endogenously released cortisol in the context of a phobic situation buffers fear symptoms. In the spider phobia study, repeated oral administration of cortisol (10 mg), but not placebo, 1 h before exposure to a spider photograph induced a progressive reduction of stimulus-induced fear. This effect was maintained when subjects were exposed to the stimulus again 2 days after the last cortisol administration, suggesting that cortisol may also have facilitated the extinction of phobic fear. Cortisol treatment did not reduce general, phobia-unrelated anxiety. In conclusion, the present findings in two distinct types of phobias indicate that glucocorticoid administration reduces phobic fear.


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The muscle has a wide range of possibilities to adapt its phenotype. Repetitive submaximal concentric exercise (i.e., shortening contractions) mainly leads to adaptations of muscle oxidative metabolism and endurance while eccentric exercise (i.e., lengthening contractions) results in muscle growth and gain of muscle strength. Modified gene expression is believed to mediate these exercise-specific muscle adjustments. In the present study, early alterations of the gene expression signature were monitored by a muscle-specific microarray. Transcript profiling was performed on muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis obtained from six male subjects before and in a 24-h time course after a single bout of mild eccentric ergometer exercise. The eccentric exercise consisted of 15 min of eccentric cycling at 50% of the individual maximal concentric power output leading to muscle soreness (5.9 on a 0-10 visual analogue scale) and limited muscle damage (1.7-fold elevated creatine kinase activity). Muscle impairment was highlighted by a transient reduction in jumping height after the eccentric exercise. On the gene expression level, we observed a general early downregulation of detected transcripts, followed by a slow recovery close to the control values within the first 24 h post exercise. Only very few regulatory factors were increased. This expression signature is different from the signature of a previously published metabolic response after an intensive endurance-type concentric exercise as well as after maximal eccentric exercise. This is the first description of the time course of changes in gene expression as a consequence of a mild eccentric stimulus.


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The water spider Argyroneta aquatica (Clerck) is the only spider that spends its whole life under water. Water spiders keep an air bubble around their body for breathing and build under-water air bells, which they use for shelter and raising offspring, digesting and consuming prey, moulting, depositing eggs and sperm, and copulating. It is unclear whether these bells are an important oxygen reservoir for breathing under water, or whether they serve mainly to create water-free space for feeding and reproduction. In this study, we manipulated the composition of the gas inside the bell of female water spiders to test whether they monitor the quality of this gas, and replenish oxygen if required. We exchanged the entire gas in the bell either with pure O(2), pure CO(2), or with ambient air as control, and monitored behavioural responses. The test spiders surfaced and replenished air more often in the CO(2) treatment than in the O(2) treatment, and they increased bell building behaviour. In addition to active oxygen regulation, they monitored and adjusted the bells by adding silk. These results show that water spiders use the air bell as an oxygen reservoir, and that it functions as an external lung, which renders it essential for living under water permanently. A. aquatica is the only animal that collects, transports, and stores air, and monitors its property for breathing, which is an adaptive response of a terrestrial animal to the colonization of an aquatic habitat. J. Exp. Zool. 307A:549-555, 2007. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the impact of filter design on blood flow impairment in the internal carotid artery (ICA) among patients undergoing carotid artery stenting (CAS) using filter-type emboli protection devices (EPD). METHODS: Between July 2003 and March 2007, 115 filter-protected CAS procedures were performed at an academic institution in 107 consecutive patients (78 men; mean age 68 years, range 38-87). The Angioguard, FilterWire EZ, and Spider filters were used in 68 (59%), 32 (28%), and 15 (13%) of cases, respectively. Patient characteristics, procedural and angiographic data, and outcomes were prospectively entered into an electronic database and reviewed retrospectively along with all angiograms. RESULTS: Flow impairment while the filter was in place was observed in 25 (22%) cases. The presumptive reason of flow impairment was filter obstruction in 21 (18%) instances and flow-limiting spasm at the level of the filter in 4 (4%). In all cases, flow was restored after retrieval of the filter. Flow obstruction in the ICA occurred more frequently with Angioguard (22/68; 32.3%) than with FilterWire EZ (2/32; 6.2%) or Spider (1/15; 6.7%; p = 0.004). No flow occurred in 13 (19%) procedures, all of them protected with Angioguard; no patient treated with other devices experienced this event (p = 0.007). Two (8.0%) strokes occurred in procedures associated with flow impairment, while 1 (1.1%) event was observed in the presence of preserved flow throughout the intervention (p = 0.11). CONCLUSION: Flow impairment in the ICA during filter-based CAS is common and related to the type of filter used.


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Fuzzy community detection is to identify fuzzy communities in a network, which are groups of vertices in the network such that the membership of a vertex in one community is in [0,1] and that the sum of memberships of vertices in all communities equals to 1. Fuzzy communities are pervasive in social networks, but only a few works have been done for fuzzy community detection. Recently, a one-step forward extension of Newman’s Modularity, the most popular quality function for disjoint community detection, results into the Generalized Modularity (GM) that demonstrates good performance in finding well-known fuzzy communities. Thus, GMis chosen as the quality function in our research. We first propose a generalized fuzzy t-norm modularity to investigate the effect of different fuzzy intersection operators on fuzzy community detection, since the introduction of a fuzzy intersection operation is made feasible by GM. The experimental results show that the Yager operator with a proper parameter value performs better than the product operator in revealing community structure. Then, we focus on how to find optimal fuzzy communities in a network by directly maximizing GM, which we call it Fuzzy Modularity Maximization (FMM) problem. The effort on FMM problem results into the major contribution of this thesis, an efficient and effective GM-based fuzzy community detection method that could automatically discover a fuzzy partition of a network when it is appropriate, which is much better than fuzzy partitions found by existing fuzzy community detection methods, and a crisp partition of a network when appropriate, which is competitive with partitions resulted from the best disjoint community detections up to now. We address FMM problem by iteratively solving a sub-problem called One-Step Modularity Maximization (OSMM). We present two approaches for solving this iterative procedure: a tree-based global optimizer called Find Best Leaf Node (FBLN) and a heuristic-based local optimizer. The OSMM problem is based on a simplified quadratic knapsack problem that can be solved in linear time; thus, a solution of OSMM can be found in linear time. Since the OSMM algorithm is called within FBLN recursively and the structure of the search tree is non-deterministic, we can see that the FMM/FBLN algorithm runs in a time complexity of at least O (n2). So, we also propose several highly efficient and very effective heuristic algorithms namely FMM/H algorithms. We compared our proposed FMM/H algorithms with two state-of-the-art community detection methods, modified MULTICUT Spectral Fuzzy c-Means (MSFCM) and Genetic Algorithm with a Local Search strategy (GALS), on 10 real-world data sets. The experimental results suggest that the H2 variant of FMM/H is the best performing version. The H2 algorithm is very competitive with GALS in producing maximum modularity partitions and performs much better than MSFCM. On all the 10 data sets, H2 is also 2-3 orders of magnitude faster than GALS. Furthermore, by adopting a simply modified version of the H2 algorithm as a mutation operator, we designed a genetic algorithm for fuzzy community detection, namely GAFCD, where elite selection and early termination are applied. The crossover operator is designed to make GAFCD converge fast and to enhance GAFCD’s ability of jumping out of local minimums. Experimental results on all the data sets show that GAFCD uncovers better community structure than GALS.