762 resultados para isothermal CSTR
A 160 m mostly turbiditic late Pleistocene sediment sequence (IODP Expedition 308, Hole U1319A) from the Brazos-Trinity intraslope basin system off Texas was investigated with paleo- and rock magnetic methods. Numerous layers depleted in iron oxides and enriched by the ferrimagnetic iron-sulfide mineral greigite (Fe3S4) were detected by diagnostic magnetic properties. From the distribution of these layers, their stratigraphic context and the present geochemical zonation, we develop two conceptual reaction models of greigite formation in non-steady depositional environments. The "sulfidization model" predicts single or twin greigite layers by incomplete transformation of iron monosulfides with polysulfides around the sulfate methane transition (SMT). The "oxidation model" explains greigite formation by partial oxidation of iron monosulfides near the iron redox boundary during periods of downward shifting oxidation fronts. The stratigraphic record provides evidence that both these greigite formation processes act here at typical depths of about 12-14 mbsf and 3-4 mbsf. Numerous "fossil" greigite layers most likely preserved by rapid upward shifts of the redox zonation denote past SMT and sea floor positions characterized by stagnant hemipelagic sedimentation conditions. Six diagenetic stages from a pristine magnetite-dominated to a fully greigite-dominated magnetic mineralogy were differentiated by combination of various hysteresis and remanence parameters.
This paper reports the results of a preliminary palaeomagnetic investigation of the Admiralty Intrusives complex of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. The samples were collected at Mt. Supernal and Inferno Peak, two pinions mainly formed of granodiorite and minor tonalite and emplaced at ab. 350 Ma at a high crustal level, as shown by amphibole geobarometric data and occurrence of miarolitic cavities. Microprobe and isothermal remanence analyses showed that magnetite. characterized by low coercivity and Curic point in the range 550-570 °C is the only primary ferromagnetic mineral. Stepwise thermaldemagnetization succeeded in isolatingamagnetization component. stable up to 530 °C. The virtual geomagnetic poles (VGPs) of the two plutons are different. That of Inferno Peak is consistent with the Australian palaeopoles of late Devonian-early Carboniferous age, whereas the location of the Mt. Supernal VGP probably results from the tectonic activity which affected the Ross Sea region during the Cenozoic.
This study presents soil temperature and moisture regimes from March 2008 to January 2009 for two active layer monitoring (CALM-S) sites at King George Island, Maritime Antarctica. The monitoring sites were installed during the summer of 2008 and consist of thermistors (accuracy of ±0.2 °C), arranged vertically with probes at different depths and one soil moisture probe placed at the bottommost layer at each site (accuracy of ± 2.5%), recording data at hourly intervals in a high capacity datalogger. The active layer thermal regime in the studied period for both soils was typical of periglacial environments, with extreme variation in surface temperature during summer resulting in frequent freeze and thaw cycles. The great majority of the soil temperature readings during the eleven month period was close to 0 °C, resulting in low values of freezing and thawing degree days. Both soils have poor thermal apparent diffusivity but values were higher for the soil from Fildes Peninsula. The different moisture regimes for the studied soils were attributed to soil texture, with the coarser soil presenting much lower water content during all seasons. Differences in water and ice contents may explain the contrasting patterns of freezing of the studied soils, being two-sided for the coarser soil and one-sided for the loamy soil. The temperature profile of the studied soils during the eleven month period indicates that the active layer reached a maximum depth of approximately 92 cm at Potter and 89 cm at Fildes. Longer data sets are needed for more conclusive analysis on active layer behaviour in this part of Antarctica.
The basalts in Holes 519A, 522B, and 524 were studied for intensity of natural remanent magnetization, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic susceptibility, stability of isothermal remanence, and thermomagnetic behavior. Some of these properties are sensitive to both the composition and the microstructure of the magnetic minerals, others to composition only. Thus it is possible to separate the two effects and to trace the variation of effective magnetic grain size and degree of alteration within a lithologic unit or over a yet larger distance or time interval. The flow in Hole 519A is highly maghemitized at the top, the degree of maghemitization decreasing with depth in the flow. Effective grain size increases with increasing depth. Electron microprobe analysis of the titanomaghemite grains in these samples provides no support for the leaching out of iron during alteration. The pillows and flows in Hole 522B are distributed among a number of cooling units, and no systematic downhole variations are apparent. The inferred magneto-petrology is consistent with the cooling and alteration history that might be expected within the units. The upper and lower sills in Hole 524 are more uniform and have a larger concentration of well-developed magnetic mineral grains than the pillows and flows in Holes 519A and 522B. Maghemitization appears to have developed from the boundaries of the sills that are in contact with the sediments between the sills.
Samples were collected at Sites 1225 and 1227 to investigate the occurrence of fine-grained, biogenic magnetic particles (magnetosomes). Several magnetic methods, including anhysteretic remanent magnetization and isothermal remanent magnetization, were used to characterize the main magnetic carriers in the samples. Extracts were made to isolate the fine-grained fraction, which was then examined under a transmission electron microscope. Grains with the unique characteristics of magnetosomes were found in samples from regions in the core with both high and low concentrations of magnetic minerals. This suggests they have the potential to be a persistent proxy of paleoredox conditions.
At ODP Site 983, relative geomagnetic paleointensity and planktic and benthic delta18O records have been acquired for the last 350 kyr. The mean sedimentation rate in this interval is 11.3 cm/kyr. Magnetic properties and hysteresis ratios indicate that pseudo-single domain magnetite is the remanence carrier. Volume susceptibility (kappa), anhysteretic (ARM) and isothermal (IRM) remanence values vary by a factor of 3-4, well within the criteria usually cited for paleointensity studies. Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) is normalized by ARM and IRM to acquire the paleointensity proxy. Arithmetic means of NRM/ARM and NRM/IRM, calculated for five demagnetization steps in the 25-45 mT range, constitute the relative paleointensity estimates. Some paleointensity lows (particularly those at ~40, ~120 and ~188 ka) are associated with directional excursions of the field, especially the event at ~188 ka (referred to here as the Iceland Basin Event) that constitutes a short-lived polarity reversal. For the last 200 kyr, the records can be correlated with other high-resolution paleointensity records such as those from the Labrador Sea, Mediterranean/Somali Basin and Sulu Sea, implying that the millennial scale features are globally synchronous. A labeling system for paleointensity features is proposed that ties prominent highs and lows to oxygen isotope stages.
Four boreholes, drilled a few tens of meters into igneous basement on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge during ODP Leg 168, were sealed and instrumented for long-term monitoring to observe the hydrologic state of young sediment-sealed oceanic crust. The thermal regime is dominated by the effects of rapid fluid circulation in uppermost igneous basement driven by very small non-hydrostatic pressure gradients. Upper basement temperatures are uniform laterally between pairs of holes over distances of hundreds of meters to kilometers. In the case of two holes drilled into a sediment-buried basement ridge and adjacent valley, basement temperatures differ by less than 2 K despite the 2.2 km lateral separation of the sites and the 2.5:1 contrast in sediment cover thickness. Under conductive conditions, upper basement temperatures would differ by roughly 50 K. By comparison with modeling results, the observed degree of isothermality suggests a fluid flux of at least 10**-6 m/s (30 m/yr), and an effective permeability in the range of 10**-10 to 10**-9 m**2 in the uppermost igneous crust. The pressure difference available to drive this rapid flux between the ridge and valley, estimated by comparing the observed pressures via the isothermal upper basement hydrostat that is inferred to connect the two sites, is small (~2 kPa) and also suggests high permeability. Relative to the hydrostats defined by the local conductive sediment geotherms, substantial super-hydrostatic pressure (+18 kPa) is present within the buried basement ridge, and sub-hydrostatic pressure is present in the adjacent valley (-26 kPa). Such pressure differentials are the direct consequence of the advection-dominated thermal regime and small pressure losses in high-permeability basement, and are available to drive fluid seepage through sediment sections vertically up above and horizontally away from buried ridges, and down above valleys. No constraints are provided by any of the observations on the depth in the crust to which thermally or chemically significant flow might extend, although just as in the overlying sediments, the pattern of deep flow may be affected by the near-isothermal and near-hydrostatic conditions present in the permeable uppermost crustal section.
Rock magnetic/paleoclimatic/diagenetic relationships of sediments spanning the last 0.78 Ma have been investigated using samples collected from light and dark layers recovered at ODP Sites 794 (Yamato Basin) and 795 (Japan Basin). Rock-magnetic parameters (K, Kfd, ARM, SIRM, S-ratio) are shown to reflect diagenetic processes and climate-related variations in the concentration, mineralogy and grain-size of the magnetic minerals contained within the sediments. The magnetic mineralogy is dominated by ferrimagnetic (magnetite-type) minerals with a small contribution made by hematite and iron sulphides such as pyrrhotite and/or greigite. Magnetic mineral concentration and grain size vary between light and dark layers with the former characterized by a higher magnetic content and a finer magnetic grain size. Magnetite dissolution, related to sulfate reduction due to bacterial degradation of organic matter, is the process responsible for the magnetic characteristics observed in the dark layers, testifying to the reducing conditions in the basin. Variations in the rock magnetic properties of the sediments are strongly correlated with global oxygen isotope fluctuations, with glacial stages characterized by a lower magnetic mineral content and a coarser magnetic grain size relative to interglacial stages. Major downcore changes in the magnetic properties observed at Site 794 can be related to changes in the oceanographic conditions of the basin associated with the flow of the warm Tsushima Current into the Japan Sea at about 0.35-0.40 Ma ago.
We present a suite of new high-resolution records (0-135 ka) representing pulses of aeolian, fluvial, and biogenic sedimentation along the Senegalese continental margin. A multiproxy approach based on rock magnetic, element, and color data was applied on three cores enclosing the present-day northern limit of the ITCZ. A strong episodic aeolian contribution driven by stronger winds and dry conditions and characterized by high hematite and goethite input was revealed north of 13°N. These millennial-scale dust fluxes are synchronous with North Atlantic Heinrich stadials. Fluvial clay input driven by the West African monsoon predominates at 12°N and varies at Dansgaard-Oeschger time scales while marine productivity is strongly enhanced during the African humid periods and marine isotope stage 5. From latitudinal signal variations, we deduce that the last glacial ITCZ summer position was located between core positions at 12°26' and 13°40'N. Furthermore, this work also shows that submillennial periods of aridity over northwest Africa occurred more frequently and farther south than previously thought.
During Leg 125, scientists drilled two serpentinite seamounts: Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc and Torishima Forearc Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc. Grain densities of the serpentinized peridotites range from 2.44 to 3.02 g/cm**3. The NRM intensity of the serpentinized peridotites ranges from 0.01 to 0.59 A/m and that of serpentine sediments ranges from 0.01 to 0.43 A/m. Volume susceptibilities of serpentinized peridotites range from 0.05 * 10**-3 SI to 9.78 * 10**-3 SI and from 0.12 * 10**-3 to 4.34 * 10**-3 SI in the sediments. Koenigsberger ratios, a measure of the relative contributions of remanent vs. induced magnetization to the magnetic anomaly, vary from 0.09 to 80.93 in the serpentinites and from 0.06 to 4.74 in the sediments. The AF demagnetization behavior of the serpentinized peridotites shows that a single component of remanence (probably a chemical remanence carried by secondary magnetite) can be isolated in many samples that have a median destructive field less than 9.5 mT. Multiple remanence components are observed in other samples. Serpentine sediments exhibit similar behavior. Comparison of the AF demagnetization of saturation isothermal remanence and NRM suggests that the serpentinized peridotites contain both single-domain and multidomain magnetite particles. The variability of the magnetic properties of serpentinized peridotites reflects the complexity of magnetization acquired during serpentinization. Serpentinized peridotites may contribute to magnetic anomalies in forearc regions.