1000 resultados para investigació digital
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical performance of glass-ceramic/zirconia crowns fabricated using intraoral digital impressions - a retrospective study with a three-year follow-up. METHODS: 70 consecutive patients with a total of 86 glass-ceramic/zirconia crowns were treated by a single clinician using standardized clinical and laboratory protocols. A complete digital workflow was adopted for the purpose except for the veneering procedure for the glass-ceramic crowns. Occlusal adjustments were made before the ceramic glazing procedure. Before cementation, all abutments where carefully cleaned with a 70% alcoholic solution and air dried. Cementation was performed using dual-curing, self-adhesive resin cement. Patients were re-examined after 12, 24 and 36 months, to assess crown chipping/fractures. RESULTS: After the three-year follow-up, none of the zirconia-based restoration was lost ("apparent" survival rate 100%) otherwise, the chipping rate of the veneering material increased from 9.3% after 12 months, to 14% after 24 months to 30.2% after 36 months. As a consequence, the "real" success rate after 3 years was 69.8%. CONCLUSIONS: After 3 years the success rate of zirconia-based crowns was 69.8%, while the incidence of the chipping was 30.2%. Assuming an exponential increase in chipping rate between 12 and 36 months it can be argued that, among others, the fatigue-mechanism could be advocated as the main factor for the failure of glass-ceramic veneered zirconia especially after 24 months.
Bibliografia internacional anotada sobre as principais fontes de informação lançadas a partir de 2000, relacionadas à biblioteca digital. Os tópicos cobertos são as bibliografias mais recentes, os livros e manuais, os periódicos especializados, os eventos específicos, as listas de discussão, os grupos e centros de pesquisa, os cursos e treinamentos e as principais organizações.
The determination of line crossing sequences between rollerball pens and laser printers presents difficulties that may not be overcome using traditional techniques. This research aimed to study the potential of digital microscopy and 3-D laser profilometry to determine line crossing sequences between a toner and an aqueous ink line. Different paper types, rollerball pens, and writing pressure were tested. Correct opinions of the sequence were given for all case scenarios, using both techniques. When the toner was printed before the ink, a light reflection was observed in all crossing specimens, while this was never observed in the other sequence types. The 3-D laser profilometry, more time-consuming, presented the main advantage of providing quantitative results. The findings confirm the potential of the 3-D laser profilometry and demonstrate the efficiency of digital microscopy as a new technique for determining the sequence of line crossings involving rollerball pen ink and toner. With the mass marketing of laser printers and the popularity of rollerball pens, the determination of line crossing sequences between such instruments is encountered by forensic document examiners. This type of crossing presents difficulties with optical microscopic line crossing techniques involving ballpoint pens or gel pens and toner (1-4). Indeed, the rollerball's aqueous ink penetrates through the toner and is absorbed by the fibers of the paper, leaving the examiner with the impression that the toner is above the ink even when it is not (5). Novotny and Westwood (3) investigated the possibility of determining aqueous ink and toner crossing sequences by microscopic observation of the intersection before and after toner removal. A major disadvantage of their study resides in destruction of the sample by scraping off the toner line to see what was underneath. The aim of this research was to investigate the ways to overcome these difficulties through digital microscopy and three-dimensional (3-D) laser profilometry. The former was used as a technique for the determination of sequences between gel pen and toner printing strokes, but provided less conclusive results than that of an optical stereomicroscope (4). 3-D laser profilometry, which allows one to observe and measure the topography of a surface, has been the subject of a number of recent studies in this area. Berx and De Kinder (6) and Schirripa Spagnolo (7,8) have tested the application of laser profilometry to determine the sequence of intersections of several lines. The results obtained in these studies overcome disadvantages of other methods applied in this area, such as scanning electron microscope or the atomic force microscope. The main advantages of 3-D laser profilometry include the ease of implementation of the technique and its nondestructive nature, which does not require sample preparation (8-10). Moreover, the technique is reproducible and presents a high degree of freedom in the vertical axes (up to 1000 μm). However, when the paper surface presents a given roughness, if the pen impressions alter the paper with a depth similar to the roughness of medium, the results are not always conclusive (8). It becomes difficult in this case to distinguish which characteristics can be imputed to the pen impressions or the quality of the paper surface. This important limitation is assessed by testing different types of paper of variable quality (of different grammage and finishing) and the writing pressure. The authors will therefore assess the limits of 3-D laser profilometry technique and determine whether the method can overcome such constraints. Second, the authors will investigate the use of digital microscopy because it presents a number of advantages: it is efficient, user-friendly, and provides an objective evaluation and interpretation.
L'estudi que seguidament descriurem va sorgir en el context del curs de doctorat "Models d'investigació a l'aula" dirigit per la Dra. J.M. Sancho del Departament de Didactica i Organització Escolar de la Universitat de Barcelona, la finalitat principal d'aquest era donar a coneixer la perspectiva de recerca qualitativa, naturalista o interpretativa mitjançant la planificació i la realització d'un treball de recerca. Els components de l'equip investigador, la majoria llicenciats en pedagogia i amb experiencia professional en el món de l'educació, actualment ens trobem en procés de realització de la tesi doctoral. Fruit de les nostres preocupacions i inquietuds del moment com a estudiants de tercer cicle, va sorgir la proposta d'investigar el fet mateix de realitzar una tesi doctoral, específicament des de Ciencies de l'Educació, tasca que tots, un dia o altre hauríem de finalitzar, en cas de voler aconseguir el desitjat grau de doctor.
L'article presenta el desenvolupament i les aportacions d'una investigació cooperativa a l'àrea del procés de preparació-educació de les famílies candidates a l'adopció. Aquesta investigació sorgeix com una necessitat que manifesten els tècnics de les diverses comunitats autònomes en relació a les dificultats que troben per a la selecció de famílies per a l'adopció. Els resultats del treball cooperatiu han permès la introducció de canvis en els serveis d'adopció a nivell dels instruments de recollida d'informació, dels criteris d'idoneïtat i de la preparació de les famílies. concretament, aquí presentam el procés de creació i d'elaboració d'un programa emmarcat segons el model de preparació-educació dirigit als tècnics per orientar a les famílies que volen adoptar.
En aquest article es plantegen noves formes d'abordar les dues grans crisis generades a causa de l'escisió metodològica que va tenir lloc en els anys seixanta: la de legitimació i la de representació, crisis que són la base de les actuals controvèrsies metodològiques. Superar la dicotomía subjecte-objecte, transformar el concepte de validesa pel de fidelitat, entendre que la investigació es impensable desvinculada del context social i acceptar que la naturalesa més íntima del coneixement es troba en la multiperspectivitat d'aquest, constitueixen els elements clau proposts per a reduïr i tractar de superar la crisi. Per assolir-lo, aquest treball postula la necessitat de no continuar desvinculant la ciència de la filosofia, i de crear espais interactius entre ciència, tecnologia i societat.
Abstract We introduce a label-free technology based on digital holographic microscopy (DHM) with applicability for screening by imaging, and we demonstrate its capability for cytotoxicity assessment using mammalian living cells. For this first high content screening compatible application, we automatized a digital holographic microscope for image acquisition of cells using commercially available 96-well plates. Data generated through both label-free DHM imaging and fluorescence-based methods were in good agreement for cell viability identification and a Z'-factor close to 0.9 was determined, validating the robustness of DHM assay for phenotypic screening. Further, an excellent correlation was obtained between experimental cytotoxicity dose-response curves and known IC values for different toxic compounds. For comparable results, DHM has the major advantages of being label free and close to an order of magnitude faster than automated standard fluorescence microscopy.
Resumen: El artículo analiza los problemas de accesibilidad que actualmente presentan los artículos científicos en soporte digital. El estudio se centra en los aspectos de facilidad de uso del contenido de los documentos digitales según la forma en que se publiquen, sin entrar en el estudio de los distintos sistemas de recuperación. Se analizan los dos formatos más utilizados para la publicación de artículos científicos en soporte digital: HTML y PDF, estudiando el desempeño lector en relación a la presencia de sumarios o de tablas internas o vinculadas. El estudio se ha realizado con dos colectivos: 30 sujetos ciegos, usuarios de Jaws, contactados gracias a la mediación de la Fundación ONCE, y 30 sujetos no ciegos, profesores del Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Barcelona. El estudio muestra que la localización de los datos contenidos en tablas se ve facilitada en documentos HTML por la inclusión de un sumario que vincule con la tabla, así como la inclusión de tablas completas en el cuerpo del documento HTML facilita la actividad lectora por parte de los usuarios ciegos. A nivel metodológico la presente investigación aporta dos novedades relevantes respecto a la literatura existente en los estudios de usabilidad con ciegos: estudia la usabilidad del formato PDF y es un test de usabilidad cuantitativo; este último hecho dificulta su comparación con la mayoría de artículos publicados. Abstract: This paper analyses the problems of accessibility posed by scientific articles published in digital format, focusing on the ease of use of their content with respect to the form in which they are published (irrespective of the recovery system). The two most widely used formats for the publication of scientific articles in digital format, HTML and PDF, are analysed, examining reader performance in relation to the presence of contents lists or internal or linked tables. The study involved two groups: 30 blind subjects, all JAWS users, contacted through the ONCE Foundation, and 30 sighted subjects, lecturers in the Department of Librarianship and Documentation of the University of Barcelona. The results shows the location of data in tables is easier in HTML documents through the inclusion of a contents list linked to these tables. Further, the inclusion of complete tables in the body of HTML document facilitates the reading activity of blind users. At the methodological level, this work reports two novelties with respect to the existing literature on usability by blind people: it examines the usability of the PDF format, and discusses a quantitative usability test. The latter hinders comparison with the majority of published articles.
Els articles reunits en aquest monogràfic, que és una iniciativa conjunta de la revista Temps d"Educació i de la revista en línia Interactive Educational Multimedia, reflexionen sobre les conseqüències educatives de la societat digital.1 És veritat que se n"ha escrit molt, i que és només el principi dels canvis que s"estan produint: comparats a vegades amb la impremta i altres vegades amb la pròpia escriptura, molts autors acostumen a situar la revolució digital per damunt de totes les altres revolucions tecnològiques. Al costat d"aquestes tecnofilies, en determinats moments completament acrítiques, la reflexió que qüestiona els canvis ha anat minvant progressivament davant l"avenç generalitzat de les telecomunicacions i de la informàtica, potser com a resultat d"un sentiment d"inevitabilitat. Afortunadament no és el cas dels articles reunits per a aquest monogràfic que incorpora diferents treballs d"un alt contingut.
Postprint (published version)
Postprint (published version)