809 resultados para information systems planning
Pode-se afirmar que a evolução tecnológica (desenvolvimento de novos instrumentos de medição como, softwares, satélites e computadores, bem como, o barateamento das mídias de armazenamento) permite às Organizações produzirem e adquirirem grande quantidade de dados em curto espaço de tempo. Devido ao volume de dados, Organizações de pesquisa se tornam potencialmente vulneráveis aos impactos da explosão de informações. Uma solução adotada por algumas Organizações é a utilização de ferramentas de sistemas de informação para auxiliar na documentação, recuperação e análise dos dados. No âmbito científico, essas ferramentas são desenvolvidas para armazenar diferentes padrões de metadados (dados sobre dados). Durante o processo de desenvolvimento destas ferramentas, destaca-se a adoção de padrões como a Linguagem Unificada de Modelagem (UML, do Inglês Unified Modeling Language), cujos diagramas auxiliam na modelagem de diferentes aspectos do software. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma ferramenta de sistemas de informação para auxiliar na documentação dos dados das Organizações por meio de metadados e destacar o processo de modelagem de software, por meio da UML. Será abordado o Padrão de Metadados Digitais Geoespaciais, amplamente utilizado na catalogação de dados por Organizações científicas de todo mundo, e os diagramas dinâmicos e estáticos da UML como casos de uso, sequências e classes. O desenvolvimento das ferramentas de sistemas de informação pode ser uma forma de promover a organização e a divulgação de dados científicos. No entanto, o processo de modelagem requer especial atenção para o desenvolvimento de interfaces que estimularão o uso das ferramentas de sistemas de informação.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão espacial da ocorrência dos casos de hanseníase para identificar áreas com probabilidade de riscos de transmissão da doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico, tendo como unidade de análise os municípios do Estado de São Paulo georreferenciados em seus centróides. A fonte de dados utilizada foi o banco informatizado dos casos de hanseníase notificados do Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1991 a 2002. Utilizou-se de técnicas de geoestatística para a detecção das áreas de probabilidade de risco para hanseníase e quantificação da dependência espacial dos casos. RESULTADOS: Detectou-se o alcance de dependência espacial de 0,55 graus de coordenadas georreferenciadas, correspondendo aproximadamente a 60 km. As principais áreas de probabilidade de risco encontradas foram as regiões nordeste, norte e noroeste do Estado. CONCLUSÕES: A verificação de áreas com probabilidades de riscos de casos de hanseníase, utilizando-se a análise da dependência espacial, pode ser ferramenta útil para avaliar a situação de saúde e planejar alocação de recursos.
Considerando o Diabetes mellitus (DM) como um relevante problema de saúde no Brasil e a importância das estimativas de prevalência para planejamento e estratégias em saúde pública, propôs-se este trabalho com o objetivo de estimar a razão de prevalências do DM nos diferentes estados brasileiros nos períodos de 2002 a 2004 e 2005 a 2007. Trata-se de estudo descritivo, baseado em dados da população brasileira com diagnóstico de DM cadastrada no Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica (SIAB) junto ao Ministério da Saúde. As taxas de prevalência foram calculadas para o período de 2002 a 2004 e para 2005 a 2007, e posteriormente estimou-se a Razão de Prevalências (R) por ponto e por intervalo de 95% de confiança (IC95%). Observou-se alta prevalência de DM nos estados brasileiros com aumento significativo (R>1; IC95%>1) entre os períodos em todos os estados brasileiros, com destaque para o Distrito Federal (R=1,9800; IC95%=1,97241,9876) e o estado do Maranhão (R=1,5217; IC95%=1,51981,5235). Pode-se concluir que houve aumento significativo na prevalência de DM no Brasil de 2002 a 2007, sinalizando para a necessidade de formulação de estratégias de prevenção e controle da doença.
This study discuss the use of the geotechnologies to aid the planners on the terrain aptness definition for highways implantation and on the different trace evaluation to the extention of the Governador Carvalho Pinto highway, between Taubaté-SP and Aparecida do Norte-SP. Fratures on the area were mapping using Landsat ETM+, band Pan. In order to elaborate the phisical aptness chart for highway implantation was used the Analitical Hierarchy Process (AHP) operation, in on geographical information system (GIS). Using GIS were realized a ponderate middle with the soils, rocks, relief, slope, fractures and land use/cover maps. Using this physical aptness chart and joinning it with urban and restrict areas (that was inserted by the Boolean operation), were obtained a viability chart for highway implantation. Based on it were proposed three aleatory traces for the Carvalho Pinto highway. This traces were evaluated with the cross tabulation operation. The integration of the restrict areas, land use and phisical aptness in digital media can offer for the planners the cartography of the viability for the highway implantation. The evaliation of these three traces, based on the viability chart, can subsidyse the decision by the planners.
A methodology for analyzing the solar access and its influence on both air temperature and thermal comfort of the urban environment was here developed by applying the potentiality of GIS tools. Urban canyons in a specific area of a Brazilian medium sized city were studied. First, a computational algorithm was applied in order to allow the determination of sky view factors (SVF) and sun-paths in urban canyons. Then, air temperatures in 40 measurement points were collected within the study area. Solar radiation values of these canyons were determined and subsequently stored in a GIS database. The creation of thermal maps for the whole neighbourhood was possible due to a statistical treatment of the data, by promoting the interpolation of values. All data could then be spatially cross-examined. In addition, thermal comfort maps for summer and winter periods were generated. The methodology allowed the identification of thermal tendencies within the neighbourhood, what can be useful in the conception of guidelines for urban planning purposes.
This paper focuses on Virtual Reality (VR) as a very powerful technology that can be applied to the libraries, aiming at contributing to the activities of accessing, disseminating, and sharing information. The paper presents the VR concept and describes some libraries in virtual reality under utilization in different countries. In the final considerations, it is pointed out the use of virtual reality to develop libraries as collaborative virtual environments.
Forest roads are frequently pointed as source of environmental problems related to erosion and they also influence harvest cost due to maintenance operations. Roads not well designed are sources of hydrological problems on catchments and the current attention to sustainability of forest exploration projects point out to the need of diagnostics tools for guiding the redesign of the road system. At this study, runoff hydrological indicators for forest road segments were assessed in order to identify critical points of erosion and water concentration on soils. A road network of a forest production area was divided into 252 road segments that were used as observations of four variables: mean terrain slope, main segment slope, LS factor and topographic index. The data analysis was based on descriptive statistics for outliers' identification, principal component analysis and for variability study between variables and between observations, and cluster analysis for similar segments groups' identification. The results allowed classifying roads segments into five mains road types: road on the ridge, on the valley, on the slopes, on the slopes but in a contour line and on the steepest slope. The indicators were able to highlight the most critical segments that differ of others and are potential sources of erosion and water accumulation problems on forest roads. The principal component analysis showed two main variability sources related to terrain topographic characteristics and also road design, showing that indicators represent well those elements. The methodology seems to be appropriated for identification of critical road segments that need to be redesigned and also for road network planning at new forest exploration projects.
The present study aimed to show the spatial distribution of the Rochas watershed (Avaré-SP, Brazil) soil use capacity using the Idrisi geographical information system in order to contribute to a better territorial organization and the planning of the appropriate soil occupation. The obtained results using this methodology showed that most of the Rocha watershed areas are from the following groups: dystrophic yellow-red latosol (36.64%), eutroferric and distroferric red latosol (30.30%) with sandy texture. There was a predominance of areas with slope classes of 0-12%, plain to wavy relief (61.37% of the watershed area) showing that these areas are appropriate for annual culture plantations with wide use of machinery. Most of these areas were classified as class IV (73.79%) as to use capacity. In the studied area the following subclasses of land use capacity were found: IIe, s; IIIe; IVe; IVs; IVe,s; VIe and VIIe. Capacity subclasses IVe; IVe,s; IVs and Vie were the most significant because they are areas that can be used for agriculture but subject to severe soil impoverishment if there are no special care mainly for annual cultures. The Idrisi geographical information system was efficient to determine soil use capacity of the Rocha's watershed showing that the use of geoprocessing tools makes data analysis easier and faster, allowing digital data storage for future analysis uses mainly for territorial planning and environmental studies.
The activities and management operations of wood harvesting do not have good computational tools available to help the forest technicians with the task of cost reduction. In many cases, machines of high investment are used in wood harvesting without adequate operation planning; consequently, the cost per hour of these machines, which is high, could be reduced. Using technological resources such as the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integrated with the Global Positioning System (GPS), which are the basis of precision harvesting. In this research, a technological tool capable of calculating and optimizing the average skidding distance of the forwarder was developed. It was used in stands of different sizes and formats through mathematical techniques and available functionalities in the Geographic Information System GRASS. The developed tool, called optimized model, divides the stand in small parts in relation to shorter skidding distances. The main variable considered was the alignment of plantation. The model was tested in eucalypt stands located in the State of São Paulo. Sixteen stands were randomly selected: eight with a rectangular polygon form, and eight with irregular polygon form. The main variables were collected in these stands. Results showed that the optimized model developed, is efficient and flexible. It was possible to divide the stands in small parts resulting in smaller skidding medium distances. The stands with irregular form had shorter skidding medium distances than the rectangular stands.
Cancer is the second main cause of death in Brazil, and according to statistics disclosed by INCA - National Cancer Institute 466,730 new cases of the disease are forecast for 2008. The storage and analysis of tumour tissues of various types and patients' clinical data, genetic profiles, characteristics of diseases and epidemiological data may provide more precise diagnoses, providing more effective treatments with higher chances for the cure of cancer. In this paper we present a Web system with a client-server architecture, which manages a relational database containing all information relating to the tumour tissue and their location in freezers, patients, medical forms, physicians, users, and others. Furthermore, it is also discussed the software engineering used to developing the system.
This study proposes the development of thermal and energy consumption maps to generate useful planning information. A residential neighbourhood in a medium-sized city was selected as the study area. In this area, 40 points were taken as urban reference points where air temperatures at the pedestrian level were collected. At the same time, rural temperatures made available by the city meteorological station were registered. Data of electrical energy consumption of the building units (houses and apartments) were collected through a household survey that was also designed to identify the users' income levels. Then, maps were developed so that the configuration of urban heat islands and electrical energy consumption could be visualised, compared and analysed. The results showed that the income level was the most important variable influencing electrical energy consumption. However, a strong relationship of the consumption with the thermal environment was also observed.
The prenatal assistance is one of the health care pillars. This study aimed to conduct a critical evaluation of the SIS Prenatal in a city of São Paulo State, to compare its data with the local assistance and to verify the registry of pregnant women attended at Health Care Centers. It was analyzed the pregnant women records through consultation at Health Regional Unit and municipal health service. There were inconsistencies between the system and local registry. The failures were related to the inadequate filling of attendance files, besides scarce control of pregnant women files and scheduling on health centers. The results suggest the need for better planning of actions for the improvement of prenatal service quality.
Includes bibliography
Soil and subsoil pollution is not only significant in terms of environmental loss, but also a matter of environmental and public health. Solid, liquid and gaseous residues are the major soil contamination agents. They originate from urban conglomerates and industrial areas in which it is impossible to emphasize the chemical, petrochemical and textile industry; thermoelectric, mining, and ironmaster activities. The contamination process can thus be defined as a compound addition to soil, from what qualitative and or quantitative manners can modify soil's natural characteristics and use, producing baneful and deteriorative effects on human health. Studies have shown that human exposition to high concentration of some heavy metals found on soil can cause serious health problems, such as pulmonary or kidney complications, liver and nervous system harm, allergy, and the chronic exposition that leads to death. The present study searches for the correlation among soil contamination, done through a geochemical baseline survey of an industrial contamination area on the shoreline of Sao Paulo state. The study will be conducted by spatial analysis using Geographical Information Systems for mapping and regression analysis. The used data are 123 soil samples of percentage concentration of heavy metals. They were sampled and spatially distributed by geostatistics methods. To verify if there is a relation between heavy metals soil pollution and morbidity an executed correlation and regression analysis will be done using the pollution registers as the independent variables and morbidity as dependable variables. It is expected, by the end of the study, to identify the areas relation between heavy metals soil pollution and morbidity, moreover to be able to provide assistance in terms of new methodologies that could facilitate soil pollution control programs and public health planning. © 2010 WIT Press.