912 resultados para independent locking
The Iowa Department for the Blind is the state agency that serves Iowans with vision loss. Services are free, confidential and available statewide. "There are no limitations to what you can do with training and a positive attitude." (All quotes in this newsletter are from former training participants). At the Iowa Department for the Blind, we believe in a positive approach to blindness. Vision loss alone should not prevent anyone from being independent. For this reason, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to obtain the skills necessary for independence.
Audit report on the Jackson County Sanitary Disposal Agency for the year ended June 30, 2007
Independent accountant's report on applying agreed upon procedures of the Ames Community School District for the period October 15, 2003 to November 14, 2006
Audit report on the Wireless E911 Emergency Communication Fund of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division of the Iowa Department of Public Defense for the year ended June 30, 2007
In the primitively eusocial wasps, especially Polistini and Mischocyttarini tribes, the physiological condition of each individual is strongly associated with its dominance status in the colonial hierarchy. As a rule, in independent-founding wasps, female wasps are all morphologically alike, and their role is apparently quite flexible even as adults. However, some studies have shown that differences in body size can exist between reproductive and non-reproductive females. Thus, the present study aimed at detecting differences between reproductive (inseminated) and non-reproductive (uninseminated) individuals based on morphological and physiological parameters. We tape-recorded the daily behavioural repertory of six colonies of Mischocyttarus cassununga for determining the hierarchical dominance in the field, and then collected these colonies (in different cycle stages) for measuring 13 set characters, and assessing the physiological condition of each individual by inspecting their fat bodies and ovaries. Our results revealed that inseminated and uninseminated females are not significantly different in relation to body size, in spite of first group shows higher average than second in almost all measured parts. The physiological evaluation of each individual demonstrated more than one inseminated female per colony during all stages of the colony cycle, suggesting a strategic condition of this species against difficulties (predation and parasitism of the colony) in nature.
The analysis of conservation between the human and mouse genomes resulted in the identification of a large number of conserved nongenic sequences (CNGs). The functional significance of this nongenic conservation remains unknown, however. The availability of the sequence of a third mammalian genome, the dog, allows for a large-scale analysis of evolutionary attributes of CNGs in mammals. We have aligned 1638 previously identified CNGs and 976 conserved exons (CODs) from human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) with their orthologous sequences in mouse and dog. Attributes of selective constraint, such as sequence conservation, clustering, and direction of substitutions were compared between CNGs and CODs, showing a clear distinction between the two classes. We subsequently performed a chromosome-wide analysis of CNGs by correlating selective constraint metrics with their position on the chromosome and relative to their distance from genes. We found that CNGs appear to be randomly arranged in intergenic regions, with no bias to be closer or farther from genes. Moreover, conservation and clustering of substitutions of CNGs appear to be completely independent of their distance from genes. These results suggest that the majority of CNGs are not typical of previously described regulatory elements in terms of their location. We propose models for a global role of CNGs in genome function and regulation, through long-distance cis or trans chromosomal interactions.
Audit report on the Jackson County Sanitary Disposal Agency for the year ended June 30, 2008
Two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis, psoralen cross-linking, and electron microscopy were used to study the effects of positive supercoiling on fork reversal in isolated replication intermediates of bacterial DNA plasmids. The results obtained demonstrate that the formation of Holliday-like junctions at both forks of a replication bubble creates a topological constraint that prevents further regression of the forks. We propose that this topological locking of replication intermediates provides a biological safety mechanism that protects DNA molecules against extensive fork reversals.
The Iowa Department for the Blind is the state agency that serves Iowans with vision loss. Services are free, confidential and available statewide. "There are no limitations to what you can do with training and a positive attitude." (All quotes in this newsletter are from former training participants). At the Iowa Department for the Blind, we believe in a positive approach to blindness. Vision loss alone should not prevent anyone from being independent. For this reason, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to obtain the skills necessary for independence.
The Iowa Department for the Blind is the state agency that serves Iowans with vision loss. Services are free, confidential and available statewide. "There are no limitations to what you can do with training and a positive attitude." (All quotes in this newsletter are from former training participants). At the Iowa Department for the Blind, we believe in a positive approach to blindness. Vision loss alone should not prevent anyone from being independent. For this reason, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to obtain the skills necessary for independence.
The Iowa Department for the Blind is the state agency that serves Iowans with vision loss. Services are free, confidential and available statewide. "There are no limitations to what you can do with training and a positive attitude." (All quotes in this newsletter are from former training participants). At the Iowa Department for the Blind, we believe in a positive approach to blindness. Vision loss alone should not prevent anyone from being independent. For this reason, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to obtain the skills necessary for independence.
Audit report on the Wireless E911 Emergency Communication Fund of the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division of the Iowa Department of Public Defense for the year ended June 30, 2008
En els darrers mesos el sentiment sobiranista entre la població catalana ha experimentat un gran creixement. Actualment, és un dels temes centrals en l'actualitat política a la premsa catalana i espanyola. És per aquest motiu que en aquest treball analitzarem la viabilitat econòmica d'un hipotètic Estat català. Comencem comparant les dades macroeconòmiques de Catalunya amb la resta de països de la Unió Europea, on veurem com alguns països amb característiques similars a les de Catalunya són els països europeus amb un nivell més alt de desenvolupament. L'eix central del debat sobiranista en l'aspecte econòmic es fonamenta en la balança fiscal, d'una banda, i en la balança comercial, d'una altra banda. La balança fiscal de Catalunya amb l'Estat espanyol presenta un dèficit crònic des de fa bastants anys. Pel que fa a la balança comercial, les exportacions catalanes a l'estranger estan guanyant cada cop més pes vers les exportacions catalanes a la resta de l'Estat espanyol, per la qual cosa la dependència de l'Estat espanyol per part de les empreses catalanes cada cop va minvant més. La darrera polèmica la trobem en la inversió pública de l'Estat espanyol a Catalunya. Els catalans i catalanes aporten una sèrie d'impostos a l'Estat però no reben la part que els pertoca en inversions en infraestructures i en despesa pública, fet que posa en perill el futur de Catalunya.
In this study we have characterized intra-patient length polymorphism in V4 by cloning and sequencing a C2-C4 fragment from HIV plasma RNA in patients at different stages of HIV disease. Clonal analysis of clade B, G, and CRF02 isolates during early infection shows extensive intra-patient V4 variability, due to the presence of indel-associated polymorphism. Indels, coupled to amino acid substitution events, affect the number and distribution of potential N-glycosylation sites, resulting in the coexistence, within the same patient, of V4 subsets, each characterized by different sizes, amino acid sequences, and potential N-glycosylation patterns. In contrast, V3 appears to be relatively homogeneous, with similar V3 associated to significantly different V4 within the same clinical specimen. Based on these data, we propose that during early chronic infection V4 is present as a highly divergent quasispecies, enabling the virus to adopt different conformational structures according to immune constrains and other selective pressures
PURPOSE: Recently, a 76-gene prognostic signature able to predict distant metastases in lymph node-negative (N(-)) breast cancer patients was reported. The aims of this study conducted by TRANSBIG were to independently validate these results and to compare the outcome with clinical risk assessment. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Gene expression profiling of frozen samples from 198 N(-) systemically untreated patients was done at the Bordet Institute, blinded to clinical data and independent of Veridex. Genomic risk was defined by Veridex, blinded to clinical data. Survival analyses, done by an independent statistician, were done with the genomic risk and adjusted for the clinical risk, defined by Adjuvant! Online. RESULTS: The actual 5- and 10-year time to distant metastasis were 98% (88-100%) and 94% (83-98%), respectively, for the good profile group and 76% (68-82%) and 73% (65-79%), respectively, for the poor profile group. The actual 5- and 10-year overall survival were 98% (88-100%) and 87% (73-94%), respectively, for the good profile group and 84% (77-89%) and 72% (63-78%), respectively, for the poor profile group. We observed a strong time dependence of this signature, leading to an adjusted hazard ratio of 13.58 (1.85-99.63) and 8.20 (1.10-60.90) at 5 years and 5.11 (1.57-16.67) and 2.55 (1.07-6.10) at 10 years for time to distant metastasis and overall survival, respectively. CONCLUSION: This independent validation confirmed the performance of the 76-gene signature and adds to the growing evidence that gene expression signatures are of clinical relevance, especially for identifying patients at high risk of early distant metastases.