993 resultados para hormone substitution


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This paper estimates the elasticity of substitution of an aggregate production function. The estimating equation is derived from the steady state of a neoclassical growth model. The data comes from the PWT in which different countries face different relative prices of the investment good and exhibit different investment-output ratios. Then, using this variation we estimate the elasticity of substitution. The novelty of our approach is that we use dynamic panel data techniques, which allow us to distinguish between the short and the long run elasticity and handle a host of econometric and substantive issues. In particular we accommodate the possibility that different countries have different total factor productivities and other country specific effects and that such effects are correlated with the regressors. We also accommodate the possibility that the regressors are correlated with the error terms and that shocks to regressors are manifested in future periods. Taking all this into account our estimation resuIts suggest that the Iong run eIasticity of substitution is 0.7, which is Iower than the eIasticity that had been used in previous macro-deveIopment exercises. We show that this lower eIasticity reinforces the power of the neoclassical mo deI to expIain income differences across countries as coming from differential distortions.


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In spite of Latin America s dismal economic performance between the 1950s and 1980s, the region experienced strong capital deepening. Furthermore, pro- ductivity (measured as TFP) grew at low rates in comparison with the U.S. In this paper, we suggest that all these facts can be explained as a consequence of the restrictive trade regime adopted at that time. Our analytical framework is based on a dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin model, with scale economies in the capital- intensive sector. We assume an economy that is initially open and specialized in the production of labor-intensive goods. The trade regime is modeled as a move to a closed economy. The model produces results consistent with the Latin American experience. Speci cally, for a su¢ ciently small country, there will be no long-run growth in income per capita, but capital per capita will increase. As a result, measured TFP will fall.


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The study proposed to describe sexual development in pelagic stage loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta and compare this to hatchlings and adults. It is meant as an ontogenic approach, in order to understand reproductive development and population composition and their dynamics in the pelagic environment. The study focused on the pelagic loggerheads that are found in the waters offshore Madeira Island (Portugal) in the North-eastern Atlantic and use it as a developmental habitat. The innovating character of this work relied on the lack of any description regarding the gonad ontogenesis and reproductive development for the pelagic stage in any of the 7 existing sea turtle species, all of them in danger of extinction. Three methods were used to diagnose the sex of each juvenile individual and asses the level of reproductive development: (1) laparoscopy, (2) gonad biopsy and (3) the assessment of two sex steroids circulating levels, namely testosterone and estradiol. In order to cover all life stages and compare data obtained for the juvenile stage, hatchlings and nesting female adults were sampled at the nearest nesting rookery at Boa Vista Island in the Cape Verde Archipelago. Gonads from dead hatchlings were collected for gonad histology and blood was collected from nesting females for sex steroids assessment. Laparoscopies revealed to be a valid sexing method for the juvenile stage, since gonads are morphologically differentiated at these size classes. Moreover, laparoscopy was validated using gonad histology. Gonad histology of juveniles showed that gonads are already completely differentiated into ovaries or testes at the size classes examined, but development seems to be quiescent. Males present already developed seminiferous tubules with spermatogonia lining the interior of the seminiferous tubule. Female gonads present oocytes at different development stages, but only oocytes up to stage III were observed. The maximum oocyte diameter in each individual correlated with body size, suggesting that reproductive development is an on-going process in juvenile females. The circulating levels of both testosterone and estradiol in juveniles of both sexes were very low and consistently lower than the ones observed in the nesting females from Boa Vista Island. No bimodal distribution was found for any of the sex steroids analysed and thus circulating hormone levels were not a reliable tool for sexing juvenile individuals with a non-invasive technique. The ratio testosterone:estradiol did not show a bimodal distribution either. The levels of testosterone correlated with sea surface temperature. The fact that temperatures observed during this study were below 24ºC might have hindered a differential testosterone pattern between juvenile males and females. Sex ratios for this population were generated according to laparoscopy results and compared among years and size classes. An overall sex ratio of 2 females for each male was found, but they varied among size classes but not among years. Possible causes for the sex ratios observed are discussed. This study is a contribution to our knowledge on the pelagic stage of loggerhead turtles, namely on the population structure regarding sex ratio, which is a vital tool for implementing conservation strategies.


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A comparison was done between the F. Paulino jejunal pouch (FP) and a jejunal pouch (JP) as esophagusduodenum interpositional graft, for replacing the stomach after total gastrectomy. It was investigated the effect of the two procedures on esophagus histology, nutritional state and serum gastrin in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats weighing 282±17g were randomly submitted to sham operation (S), FP and JP after total gastrectomy. After eight weeks the rats were killed with overdose of anesthetic and tissue was taken from the distal esophagus for histology. Serum levels of total proteins, albumin, iron, transferring, folate, cobalamine, calcium, as well as serum gastrin were determined. Survival was considered. Results: Fourty six rats were operated and thirty survived for eight weeks. Five (33.3%) died after FP and 11 (52.3%) after JP (p<0.05). Postoperative esophagitis occurred in 6 JP rats. At 8th week, no difference was observed on body weight when compared FP and JP rats (p>0.05). The JP rats had a significant decrease in serum albumin, glucose, transferrin, iron, folate and calcium, compared to sham (p<0.05). Serum gastrin, iron and calcium were significantly higher in JP rats than in FP rats (p<0.05). In FP rats, transferrin and cobalamine showed significant decrease comparing the preoperative with 8th week levels (p<0.05). Conclusion: F. Paulino pouch in rats had lower mortality than JP, and esophagitis was not detected in it. JP rats had serum gastrin, iron and calcium unaffected, possibly because of preservation of duodenal passage


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This work was carried out to verify the effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on Jundia hormones (cortisol, 17 beta-estradiol and testosterone), oocyte and swim-up fry production. Earthen ponds containing Jundia females were contaminated with glyphosate (3.6 mg/L); blood samples were collected from eight females from each treatment immediately before, or at 1, 10, 20 30 and 40 days following contamination. A typical post-stress rise in cortisol levels was observed at the 20th and 40th days following exposure to glyphosate. At the 40th day, 17 beta-estradiol was decreased in the exposed females. A similar number of oocytes were stripped out from females from both groups, however, a lower number of viable swim-up fry were obtained from the herbicide exposed females, which also had a higher liver-somatic index (LSI). The results indicate that the presence of glyphosate in water was deleterious to Rhamdia quelen reproduction, altering steroid profiles and egg viability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Obesity is rampant in modern society and growth hormone (GH) could be useful as adjunct therapy to reduce the obesity-induced cardiovascular damage. To investigate GH effects on obesity, initially 32 male Wistar rats were divided into two groups (n = 16): control (C) was fed standard-chow and water and hyper-caloric (H) was fed hypercaloric chow and 30% sucrose in its drinking water. After 45 days, both C and H groups were divided into two subgroups (n = 8): C + PL was fed standard-chow, water and received saline subcutaneously; C + GH was fed standard-chow, water, and received 2 mg/kg/day GH subcutaneously; H + PL was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received saline subcutaneously; and H + GH was fed hypercaloric diet, 30% sucrose in its drinking water, and received GH subcutaneously. After 75 days of total experimental period, H + PL rats were considered obese, having higher body weight, body mass index, Lee-index, and atherogenic index (AI) compared to C + PL. Obesity was accompanied by enhanced myocardial lipid hydroperoxide (LH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well of depressed energy expenditure (RMR) and oxygen consumption(VO(2))/body weight. H + GH rats had higher fasting RMR, as well as lower AI and myocardial LH than H + PL. Comparing C + GH with C + PL, despite no effects on morphometric parameters, lipid profile, myocardial LH, and LDH activity, GH enhanced fed RMR and myocardial pyruvate dehydrogenase. In conclusion, the present study brought new insights into the GH effects on obesity related cardiovascular damage demonstrating, for the first time, that GH regulated cardiac metabolic pathways, enhanced energy expenditure and improved the lipid profile in obesity condition. Growth hormone in standard fed condition also offered promising therapeutic value enhancing pyruvate-dehydrogenase activity and glucose oxidation in cardiac tissue, thus optimizing myocardial energy metabolism.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar, em cadáveres de cães, uma técnica para remoção do esôfago torácico sem toracotomia e dois métodos de substituição do esôfago torácico. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 27 cadáveres de cães. Estes foram aleatoriamente divididos em três grupos de nove animais, em que se estudou: G1 - esofagectomia torácica total pelo método de invaginação retrógrada; G2 - esofagectomia torácica total com substituição esofágica pelo estômago inteiro; G3 - esofagectomia torácica total com substituição esofágica por um gastrotubo confeccionado de acordo com a técnica de Büchler de gastroplastia por rotação do fundo. Após a ressecção esofágica no grupo 1, a integridade da rota intratorácica foi avaliada por endoscopia e solução de azul de metileno a 1%. RESULTADOS: A ruptura da pleura visceral ocorreu em todos os animais, especialmente no terço caudal. Entretanto, a rota transtorácica mediastinal permitiu a elevação de ambos os substitutos esofágicos (G2 e G3) para a realização da anastomose com a extremidade caudal do esôfago cervical. CONCLUSÕES: A substituição por estômago inteiro apresentou menor tensão na anastomose, maior facilidade e rapidez comparada à técnica de gastroplastia por rotação do fundo. Os resultados em cadáveres suportam a realização de estudos clínicos para validação da técnica.


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OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os genes PROP1 e HESX1 em um grupo de pacientes com displasia septo-óptica (DSO) e deficiência hormonal hipofisária (combinada - DHHC; ou deficiência isolada de GH - DGH). Onze pacientes com apresentação clínica e bioquímica consistente com DHHC, DGH ou DSO foram avaliados. SUBJECTS and METHODS: em todos os pacientes, o gene HESX1 foi analisado pelo sequenciamento direto e, nos casos de DHHC, o gene PROP1 foi também sequenciado. RESULTADOS: Um polimorfismo no gene HESX1 (1772 A > G; N125S) foi identificado em um paciente com DSO. Foram encontrados três pacientes portadores da variação alélica 27 T > C; A9A e 59 A > G; N20S no éxon 1 do gene PROP1. Mutações no gene PROP1 e HESX1 não foram identificadas nesses pacientes com DGH, DHHC e DSO esporádicos. CONCLUSÃO: Alterações genéticas em um ou diversos outros genes ou mecanismos não genéticos devem estar implicados nesse processo patogênico.


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Purpose: to compare the efficacy of recombinant LH supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in recombinant FSH and GnRH-agonist protocol.Methods: Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases. The fixed effects model was used for odds ratio and effect size (weighted mean difference). Four trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria.Results: a fewer days of stimulation (p < 0.0001), a fewer total amount of r-FSH administered (p < 0.0001) and a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration (p < 0.0001) were observed for the r-LH supplementation protocol. However, differences were not observed in number of oocyte retrieved, number of mature oocytes, clinical pregnancy per oocyte retrieval, implantation and miscarriage rates.Conclusions: more randomized controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations regarding exogenous LH supplementation in ovarian stimulation protocols with FSH and GnRH-agonist for assisted reproduction treatment can be provided.


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Infertility represents one of the main long-term consequences of the chemotherapy used for the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Approximately 60-65% of breast cancers express the nuclear hormone receptor in premenopausal women. Adjuvant endocrine therapy is an integral component of care for patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+) tumours. The GnRH agonist (GnRHa) alone or in combination with tamoxifen produces results at least similar to those obtained with the different chemotherapy protocols in patients with HR+ breast cancer with respect to recurrence-free survival and overall survival. It is time to indicate adjuvant therapy with GnRHa associated with tamoxifen for patients with breast cancer (HR+ tumours) if they want to preserve their reproductive function. The evaluation of ovarian reserve tests: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), inhibin B, antral follicle count (AFC) and ovarian volume 6 months, and 1 year after the end of therapy with GnRHa/tamoxifen must be realised. The recurrence-free survival and overall survival should be analysed. The major implication of this hypothesis will be to avoid adjuvant chemotherapy for patients with breast cancer (HR+ tumours) that request fertility preservation. It is expected that ovarian function should not be altered in almost all cases and subsequent pregnancy a real possibility. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)