888 resultados para high dimensional imagery geometry
Axisymmetric shells are analyzed by means of one-dimensional continuum elements by using the analogy between the bending of shells and the bending of beams on elastic foundation. The mathematical model is formulated in the frequency domain. Because the solution of the governing equations of vibration of beams are exact, the spatial discretization only depends on geometrical or material considerations. For some kind of situations, for example, for high frequency excitations, this approach may be more convenient than other conventional ones such as the finite element method.
The vertical dynamic actions transmitted by railway vehicles to the ballasted track infrastructure is evaluated taking into account models with different degree of detail. In particular, we have studied this matter from a two-dimensional (2D) finite element model to a fully coupled three-dimensional (3D) multi-body finite element model. The vehicle and track are coupled via a non-linear Hertz contact mechanism. The method of Lagrange multipliers is used for the contact constraint enforcement between wheel and rail. Distributed elevation irregularities are generated based on power spectral density (PSD) distributions which are taken into account for the interaction. The numerical simulations are performed in the time domain, using a direct integration method for solving the transient problem due to the contact nonlinearities. The results obtained include contact forces, forces transmitted to the infrastructure (sleeper) by railpads and envelopes of relevant results for several track irregularities and speed ranges. The main contribution of this work is to identify and discuss coincidences and differences between discrete 2D models and continuum 3D models, as wheel as assessing the validity of evaluating the dynamic loading on the track with simplified 2D models
Como en todos los medios de transporte, la seguridad en los viajes en avión es de primordial importancia. Con los aumentos de tráfico aéreo previstos en Europa para la próxima década, es evidente que el riesgo de accidentes necesita ser evaluado y monitorizado cuidadosamente de forma continúa. La Tesis presente tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un modelo de riesgo de colisión exhaustivo como método para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en ruta del espacio aéreo europeo, considerando todos los factores de influencia. La mayor limitación en el desarrollo de metodologías y herramientas de monitorización adecuadas para evaluar el nivel de seguridad en espacios de ruta europeos, donde los controladores aéreos monitorizan el tráfico aéreo mediante la vigilancia radar y proporcionan instrucciones tácticas a las aeronaves, reside en la estimación del riesgo operacional. Hoy en día, la estimación del riesgo operacional está basada normalmente en reportes de incidentes proporcionados por el proveedor de servicios de navegación aérea (ANSP). Esta Tesis propone un nuevo e innovador enfoque para evaluar el nivel de seguridad basado exclusivamente en el procesamiento y análisis trazas radar. La metodología propuesta ha sido diseñada para complementar la información recogida en las bases de datos de accidentes e incidentes, mediante la provisión de información robusta de los factores de tráfico aéreo y métricas de seguridad inferidas del análisis automático en profundidad de todos los eventos de proximidad. La metodología 3-D CRM se ha implementado en un prototipo desarrollado en MATLAB © para analizar automáticamente las trazas radar y planes de vuelo registrados por los Sistemas de Procesamiento de Datos Radar (RDP) e identificar y analizar todos los eventos de proximidad (conflictos, conflictos potenciales y colisiones potenciales) en un periodo de tiempo y volumen del espacio aéreo. Actualmente, el prototipo 3-D CRM está siendo adaptado e integrado en la herramienta de monitorización de prestaciones de Aena (PERSEO) para complementar las bases de accidentes e incidentes ATM y mejorar la monitorización y proporcionar evidencias de los niveles de seguridad. ABSTRACT As with all forms of transport, the safety of air travel is of paramount importance. With the projected increases in European air traffic in the next decade and beyond, it is clear that the risk of accidents needs to be assessed and carefully monitored on a continuing basis. The present thesis is aimed at the development of a comprehensive collision risk model as a method of assessing the European en-route risk, due to all causes and across all dimensions within the airspace. The major constraint in developing appropriate monitoring methodologies and tools to assess the level of safety in en-route airspaces where controllers monitor air traffic by means of radar surveillance and provide aircraft with tactical instructions lies in the estimation of the operational risk. The operational risk estimate normally relies on incident reports provided by the air navigation service providers (ANSPs). This thesis proposes a new and innovative approach to assessing aircraft safety level based exclusively upon the process and analysis of radar tracks. The proposed methodology has been designed to complement the information collected in the accident and incident databases, thereby providing robust information on air traffic factors and safety metrics inferred from the in depth assessment of proximate events. The 3-D CRM methodology is implemented in a prototype tool in MATLAB © in order to automatically analyze recorded aircraft tracks and flight plan data from the Radar Data Processing systems (RDP) and identify and analyze all proximate events (conflicts, potential conflicts and potential collisions) within a time span and a given volume of airspace. Currently, the 3D-CRM prototype is been adapted and integrated in AENA’S Performance Monitoring Tool (PERSEO) to complement the information provided by the ATM accident and incident databases and to enhance monitoring and providing evidence of levels of safety.
High-temperature nanoindentation was used to reveal nano-layer size effects on the hardness of two-dimensional metallic nanocomposites. We report the existence of a critical layer thickness at which strength achieves optimal thermal stability. Transmission electron microscopy and theoretical bicrystal calculations show that this optimum arises due to a transition from thermally activated glide within the layers to dislocation transmission across the layers. We demonstrate experimentally that the atomic-scale properties of the interfaces profoundly affect this critical transition. The strong implications are that interfaces can be tuned to achieve an optimum in high temperature strength in layered nanocomposite structures.
En el campo de la fusión nuclear y desarrollándose en paralelo a ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), el proyecto IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) se enmarca dentro de las actividades complementarias encaminadas a solucionar las barreras tecnológicas que aún plantea la fusión. En concreto IFMIF es una instalación de irradiación cuya misión es caracterizar materiales resistentes a condiciones extremas como las esperadas en los futuros reactores de fusión como DEMO (DEMOnstration power plant). Consiste de dos aceleradores de deuterones que proporcionan un haz de 125 mA y 40 MeV cada uno, que al colisionar con un blanco de litio producen un flujo neutrónico intenso (1017 neutrones/s) con un espectro similar al de los neutrones de fusión [1], [2]. Dicho flujo neutrónico es empleado para irradiar los diferentes materiales candidatos a ser empleados en reactores de fusión, y las muestras son posteriormente examinadas en la llamada instalación de post-irradiación. Como primer paso en tan ambicioso proyecto, una fase de validación y diseño llamada IFMIFEVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) se encuentra actualmente en desarrollo. Una de las actividades contempladas en esta fase es la construcción y operación de una acelarador prototipo llamado LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). Se trata de un acelerador de deuterones de alta intensidad idéntico a la parte de baja energía de los aceleradores de IFMIF. Los componentes del LIPAc, que será instalado en Japón, son suministrados por diferentes países europeos. El acelerador proporcionará un haz continuo de deuterones de 9 MeV con una potencia de 1.125 MW que tras ser caracterizado con diversos instrumentos deberá pararse de forma segura. Para ello se requiere un sistema denominado bloque de parada (Beam Dump en inglés) que absorba la energía del haz y la transfiera a un sumidero de calor. España tiene el compromiso de suministrar este componente y CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) es responsable de dicha tarea. La pieza central del bloque de parada, donde se para el haz de iones, es un cono de cobre con un ángulo de 3.5o, 2.5 m de longitud y 5 mm de espesor. Dicha pieza está refrigerada por agua que fluye en su superficie externa por el canal que se forma entre el cono de cobre y otra pieza concéntrica con éste. Este es el marco en que se desarrolla la presente tesis, cuyo objeto es el diseño del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada del LIPAc. El diseño se ha realizado utilizando un modelo simplificado unidimensional. Se han obtenido los parámetros del agua (presión, caudal, pérdida de carga) y la geometría requerida en el canal de refrigeración (anchura, rugosidad) para garantizar la correcta refrigeración del bloque de parada. Se ha comprobado que el diseño permite variaciones del haz respecto a la situación nominal siendo el flujo crítico calorífico al menos 2 veces superior al nominal. Se han realizado asimismo simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D con ANSYS-CFX en aquellas zonas del canal de refrigeración que lo requieren. El bloque de parada se activará como consecuencia de la interacción del haz de partículas lo que impide cualquier cambio o reparación una vez comenzada la operación del acelerador. Por ello el diseño ha de ser muy robusto y todas las hipótesis utilizadas en la realización de éste deben ser cuidadosamente comprobadas. Gran parte del esfuerzo de la tesis se centra en la estimación del coeficiente de transferencia de calor que es determinante en los resultados obtenidos, y que se emplea además como condición de contorno en los cálculos mecánicos. Para ello por un lado se han buscado correlaciones cuyo rango de aplicabilidad sea adecuado para las condiciones del bloque de parada (canal anular, diferencias de temperatura agua-pared de decenas de grados). En un segundo paso se han comparado los coeficientes de película obtenidos a partir de la correlación seleccionada (Petukhov-Gnielinski) con los que se deducen de simulaciones fluidodinámicas, obteniendo resultados satisfactorios. Por último se ha realizado una validación experimental utilizando un prototipo y un circuito hidráulico que proporciona un flujo de agua con los parámetros requeridos en el bloque de parada. Tras varios intentos y mejoras en el experimento se han obtenido los coeficientes de película para distintos caudales y potencias de calentamiento. Teniendo en cuenta la incertidumbre de las medidas, los valores experimentales concuerdan razonablemente bien (en el rango de 15%) con los deducidos de las correlaciones. Por motivos radiológicos es necesario controlar la calidad del agua de refrigeración y minimizar la corrosión del cobre. Tras un estudio bibliográfico se identificaron los parámetros del agua más adecuados (conductividad, pH y concentración de oxígeno disuelto). Como parte de la tesis se ha realizado asimismo un estudio de la corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada con el doble fin de determinar si puede poner en riesgo la integridad del componente, y de obtener una estimación de la velocidad de corrosión para dimensionar el sistema de purificación del agua. Se ha utilizado el código TRACT (TRansport and ACTivation code) adaptándalo al caso del bloque de parada, para lo cual se trabajó con el responsable (Panos Karditsas) del código en Culham (UKAEA). Los resultados confirman que la corrosión del cobre en las condiciones seleccionadas no supone un problema. La Tesis se encuentra estructurada de la siguiente manera: En el primer capítulo se realiza una introducción de los proyectos IFMIF y LIPAc dentro de los cuales se enmarca esta Tesis. Además se describe el bloque de parada, siendo el diseño del sistema de rerigeración de éste el principal objetivo de la Tesis. En el segundo y tercer capítulo se realiza un resumen de la base teórica así como de las diferentes herramientas empleadas en el diseño del sistema de refrigeración. El capítulo cuarto presenta los resultados del relativos al sistema de refrigeración. Tanto los obtenidos del estudio unidimensional, como los obtenidos de las simulaciones fluidodinámicas 3D mediante el empleo del código ANSYS-CFX. En el quinto capítulo se presentan los resultados referentes al análisis de corrosión del circuito de refrigeración del bloque de parada. El capítulo seis se centra en la descripción del montaje experimental para la obtención de los valores de pérdida de carga y coeficiente de transferencia del calor. Asimismo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en dichos experimentos. Finalmente encontramos un capítulo de apéndices en el que se describen una serie de experimentos llevados a cabo como pasos intermedios en la obtención del resultado experimental del coeficiente de película. También se presenta el código informático empleado para el análisis unidimensional del sistema de refrigeración del bloque de parada llamado CHICA (Cooling and Heating Interaction and Corrosion Analysis). ABSTRACT In the nuclear fusion field running in parallel to ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) as one of the complementary activities headed towards solving the technological barriers, IFMIF (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility) project aims to provide an irradiation facility to qualify advanced materials resistant to extreme conditions like the ones expected in future fusion reactors like DEMO (DEMOnstration Power Plant). IFMIF consists of two constant wave deuteron accelerators delivering a 125 mA and 40 MeV beam each that will collide on a lithium target producing an intense neutron fluence (1017 neutrons/s) with a similar spectra to that of fusion neutrons [1], [2]. This neutron flux is employed to irradiate the different material candidates to be employed in the future fusion reactors, and the samples examined after irradiation at the so called post-irradiative facilities. As a first step in such an ambitious project, an engineering validation and engineering design activity phase called IFMIF-EVEDA (Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities) is presently going on. One of the activities consists on the construction and operation of an accelerator prototype named LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator). It is a high intensity deuteron accelerator identical to the low energy part of the IFMIF accelerators. The LIPAc components, which will be installed in Japan, are delivered by different european countries. The accelerator supplies a 9 MeV constant wave beam of deuterons with a power of 1.125 MW, which after being characterized by different instruments has to be stopped safely. For such task a beam dump to absorb the beam energy and take it to a heat sink is needed. Spain has the compromise of delivering such device and CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) is responsible for such task. The central piece of the beam dump, where the ion beam is stopped, is a copper cone with an angle of 3.5o, 2.5 m long and 5 mm width. This part is cooled by water flowing on its external surface through the channel formed between the copper cone and a concentric piece with the latter. The thesis is developed in this realm, and its objective is designing the LIPAc beam dump cooling system. The design has been performed employing a simplified one dimensional model. The water parameters (pressure, flow, pressure loss) and the required annular channel geometry (width, rugoisty) have been obtained guaranteeing the correct cooling of the beam dump. It has been checked that the cooling design allows variations of the the beam with respect to the nominal position, being the CHF (Critical Heat Flux) at least twice times higher than the nominal deposited heat flux. 3D fluid dynamic simulations employing ANSYS-CFX code in the beam dump cooling channel sections which require a more thorough study have also been performed. The beam dump will activateasaconsequenceofthe deuteron beam interaction, making impossible any change or maintenance task once the accelerator operation has started. Hence the design has to be very robust and all the hypotheses employed in the design mustbecarefully checked. Most of the work in the thesis is concentrated in estimating the heat transfer coefficient which is decisive in the obtained results, and is also employed as boundary condition in the mechanical analysis. For such task, correlations which applicability range is the adequate for the beam dump conditions (annular channel, water-surface temperature differences of tens of degrees) have been compiled. In a second step the heat transfer coefficients obtained from the selected correlation (Petukhov- Gnielinski) have been compared with the ones deduced from the 3D fluid dynamic simulations, obtaining satisfactory results. Finally an experimental validation has been performed employing a prototype and a hydraulic circuit that supplies a flow with the requested parameters in the beam dump. After several tries and improvements in the experiment, the heat transfer coefficients for different flows and heating powers have been obtained. Considering the uncertainty in the measurements the experimental values agree reasonably well (in the order of 15%) with the ones obtained from the correlations. Due to radiological reasons the quality of the cooling water must be controlled, hence minimizing the copper corrosion. After performing a bibligraphic study the most adequate water parameters were identified (conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen concentration). As part of this thesis a corrosion study of the beam dump cooling circuit has been performed with the double aim of determining if corrosion can pose a risk for the copper beam dump , and obtaining an estimation of the corrosion velocitytodimension the water purification system. TRACT code(TRansport and ACTivation) has been employed for such study adapting the code for the beam dump case. For such study a collaboration with the code responsible (Panos Karditsas) at Culham (UKAEA) was established. The work developed in this thesis has supposed the publication of three articles in JCR journals (”Journal of Nuclear Materials” y ”Fusion Engineering and Design”), as well as presentations in more than four conferences and relevant meetings.
The three-dimensional wall-bounded open cavity may be considered as a simplified geometry found in industrial applications such as leading gear or slotted flats on the airplane. Understanding the three-dimensional complex flow structure that surrounds this particular geometry is therefore of major industrial interest. At the light of the remarkable former investigations in this kind of flows, enough evidences suggest that the lateral walls have a great influence on the flow features and hence on their instability modes. Nevertheless, even though there is a large body of literature on cavity flows, most of them are based on the assumption that the flow is two-dimensional and spanwise-periodic. The flow over realistic open cavity should be considered. This thesis presents an investigation of three-dimensional wall-bounded open cavity with geometric ratio 6:2:1. To this aim, three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and global linear instability have been performed. Linear instability analysis reveals that the onset of the first instability in this open cavity is around Recr 1080. The three-dimensional shear layer mode with a complex structure is shown to be the most unstable mode. I t is noteworthy that the flow pattern of this high-frequency shear layer mode is similar to the observed unstable oscillations in supercritical unstable case. DNS of the cavity flow carried out at different Reynolds number from steady state until a nonlinear saturated state is obtained. The comparison of time histories of kinetic energy presents a clearly dominant energetic mode which shifts between low-frequency and highfrequency oscillation. A complete flow patterns from subcritical cases to supercritical case has been put in evidence. The flow structure at the supercritical case Re=1100 resembles typical wake-shedding instability oscillations with a lateral motion existed in the subcritical cases. Also, This flow pattern is similar to the observations in experiments. In order to validate the linear instability analysis results, the topology of the composite flow fields reconstructed by linear superposition of a three-dimensional base flow and its leading three-dimensional global eigenmodes has been studied. The instantaneous wall streamlines of those composited flows display distinguish influence region of each eigenmode. Attention has been focused on the leading high-frequency shear layer mode; the composite flow fields have been fully recognized with respect to the downstream wave shedding. The three-dimensional shear layer mode is shown to give rise to a typical wake-shedding instability with a lateral motions occurring downstream which is in good agreement with the experiment results. Moreover, the spanwise-periodic, open cavity with the same length to depth ratio has been also studied. The most unstable linear mode is different from the real three-dimensional cavity flow, because of the existence of the side walls. Structure sensitivity of the unstable global mode is analyzed in the flow control context. The adjoint-based sensitivity analysis has been employed to localized the receptivity region, where the flow is more sensible to momentum forcing and mass injection. Because of the non-normality of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations, the direct and adjoint field has a large spatial separation. The strongest sensitivity region is locate in the upstream lip of the three-dimensional cavity. This numerical finding is in agreement with experimental observations. Finally, a prototype of passive flow control strategy is applied.
Las estructuras que trabajan por forma se caracterizan por la íntima e indisociable relación entre geometría y comportamiento estructural. Por consiguiente, la elección de una apropiada geometría es el paso previo indispensable en el diseño conceptual de dichas estructuras. En esa tarea, la selección de las posibles geometrías antifuniculares para las distribuciones de cargas permanentes más habituales son más bien limitadas y, muchas veces, son criterios no estructurales (adaptabilidad funcional, estética, proceso constructivo, etc.) los que no permiten la utilización de dichas geometrías que garantizarían el máximo aprovechamiento del material. En este contexto, esta tesis estudia la posibilidad de obtener una estructura sin momentos flectores incluso si la geometría no es antifunicular para sus cargas permanentes. En efecto, esta tesis presenta un procedimiento, basado en la estática gráfica, que demuestra cómo un conjunto de cargas adicionales, introducidas a través de un sistema de pretensado exterior con elementos post-tesos, puede eliminar los momentos flectores debidos a cargas permanentes en cualquier geometría plana. Esto se traduce en una estructura antifunicular que proporciona respuestas innovadoras a demandas conjuntas de versatilidad arquitectónica y optimización del material. Dicha metodología gráfica ha sido implementada en un software distribuido libremente (EXOEQUILIBRIUM), donde el análisis estructural y la variación geométrica están incluidos en el mismo entorno interactivo y paramétrico. La utilización de estas herramientas permite más versatilidad en la búsqueda de nuevas formas eficientes, lo cual tiene gran importancia en el diseño conceptual de estructuras, liberando al ingeniero de la limitación del propio cálculo y de la incomprensión del comportamiento estructural, facilitando extraordinariamente el hecho creativo a la luz de una metodología de este estilo. Esta tesis incluye la aplicación de estos procedimientos a estructuras de cualquier geometría y distribución inicial de cargas, así como el estudio de diferentes posibles criterios de diseño para optimizar la posición del sistema de post-tesado. Además, la metodología ha sido empleada en el proyecto de maquetas a escala reducida y en la construcción de un pabellón hecho enteramente de cartón, lo que ha permitido obtener una validación física del procedimiento desarrollado. En definitiva, esta tesis expande de manera relevante el rango de posibles geometrías antifuniculares y abre enormes posibilidades para el diseño de estructuras que combinan eficiencia estructural y flexibilidad arquitectónica.Curved structures are characterized by the critical relationship between their geometry and structural behaviour, and selecting an appropriate shape in the conceptual design of such structures is important for achieving materialefficiency. However, the set of bending-free geometries are limited and, often, non-structural design criteria (e.g., usability, architectural needs, aesthetics) prohibit the selection of purely funicular or antifunicular shapes. In response to this issue, this thesis studies the possibility of achieving an axial-only behaviour even if the geometry departs from the ideally bending-free shape. This dissertation presents a new design approach, based on graphic statics that shows how bending moments in a two-dimensional geometry can be eliminated by adding forces through an external post-tensioning system. This results in bending-free structures that provide innovative answers to combined demands on versatility and material optimization. The graphical procedure has been implemented in a free-downloadable design-driven software (EXOEQUILIBRIUM) where structural performance evaluations and geometric variation are embedded within an interactive and parametric working environment. This provides greater versatility in finding new efficient structural configurations during the first design stages, bridging the gap between architectural shaping and structural analysis. The thesis includes the application of the developed graphical procedure to shapes with random curvature and distribution of loads. Furthermore, the effect of different design criteria on the internal force distribution has been analyzed. Finally, the construction of reduced- and large-scale models provides further physical validation of the method and insights about the structural behaviour of these structures. In summary, this work strongly expands the range of possible forms that exhibit a bending-free behaviour and, de facto, opens up new possibilities for designs that combine high-performing solutions with architectural freedom.
At head of title: "Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation Research Program."
Bibliography: p. 32-34.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the combined utility of field survey and remote sensing for mapping and monitoring indicators of riparian zone health. The objective of this work was to determine if the structural attributes of savanna riparian zones in northern Australia can be detected from commercially available remotely sensed image data. Two QuickBird images and coincident field data covering sections of the Daly River and the South Alligator River - Barramundie Creek in the Northern Territory were used. Semi-variograms were calculated to determine the characteristic spatial scales of riparian zone features, both vegetative and landform. Interpretation of semi-variograms showed that structural dimensions of riparian environments could be detected and estimated from the QuickBird image data. The results also show that selecting the correct spatial resolution and spectral bands is essential to maximize the accuracy of mapping spatial characteristics of savanna riparian features. The distribution of foliage projective cover of riparian vegetation affected spectral reflectance variations in individual spectral bands differently. Pan-sharpened image data enabled small-scale information extraction (< 6 m) on riparian zone structural parameters. The semi-variogram analysis results provide the basis for an inversion approach using high spatial resolution satellite image data to map indicators of savanna riparian zone health.
Mapping olive varieties and within-field spatial variability using high resolution quickbird imagery
Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the combined utility of field survey and remote sensing for mapping and monitoring indicators of riparian zone condition. The objective of this work was to compare the Tropical Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition (TRARC) method to a satellite image based approach. TRARC was developed for rapid assessment of the environmental condition of savanna riparian zones. The comparison assessed mapping accuracy, representativeness of TRARC assessment, cost-effectiveness, and suitability for multi-temporal analysis. Two multi-spectral QuickBird images captured in 2004 and 2005 and coincident field data covering sections of the Daly River in the Northern Territory, Australia were used in this work. Both field and image data were processed to map riparian health indicators (RHIs) including percentage canopy cover, organic litter, canopy continuity, stream bank stability, and extent of tree clearing. Spectral vegetation indices, image segmentation and supervised classification were used to produce RHI maps. QuickBird image data were used to examine if the spatial distribution of TRARC transects provided a representative sample of ground based RHI measurements. Results showed that TRARC transects were required to cover at least 3% of the study area to obtain a representative sample. The mapping accuracy and costs of the image based approach were compared to those of the ground based TRARC approach. Results proved that TRARC was more cost-effective at smaller scales (1-100km), while image based assessment becomes more feasible at regional scales (100-1000km). Finally, the ability to use both the image and field based approaches for multi-temporal analysis of RHIs was assessed. Change detection analysis demonstrated that image data can provide detailed information on gradual change, while the TRARC method was only able to identify more gross scale changes. In conclusion, results from both methods were considered to complement each other if used at appropriate spatial scales.
The main aim of this thesis is to investigate the application of methods of differential geometry to the constraint analysis of relativistic high spin field theories. As a starting point the coordinate dependent descriptions of the Lagrangian and Dirac-Bergmann constraint algorithms are reviewed for general second order systems. These two algorithms are then respectively employed to analyse the constraint structure of the massive spin-1 Proca field from the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian viewpoints. As an example of a coupled field theoretic system the constraint analysis of the massive Rarita-Schwinger spin-3/2 field coupled to an external electromagnetic field is then reviewed in terms of the coordinate dependent Dirac-Bergmann algorithm for first order systems. The standard Velo-Zwanziger and Johnson-Sudarshan inconsistencies that this coupled system seemingly suffers from are then discussed in light of this full constraint analysis and it is found that both these pathologies degenerate to a field-induced loss of degrees of freedom. A description of the geometrical version of the Dirac-Bergmann algorithm developed by Gotay, Nester and Hinds begins the geometrical examination of high spin field theories. This geometric constraint algorithm is then applied to the free Proca field and to two Proca field couplings; the first of which is the minimal coupling to an external electromagnetic field whilst the second is the coupling to an external symmetric tensor field. The onset of acausality in this latter coupled case is then considered in relation to the geometric constraint algorithm.