994 resultados para functionally graded components


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Following ideas of Quillen we prove that the graded K-theory of a Z-multi-graded ring with support contained in a pointed cone is entirely determined by the K-theory of the sub-ring of elements of degree 0.


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Guanine-rich DNA repeat sequences located at the terminal ends of chromosomal DNA can fold in a sequence-dependent manner into G-quadruplex structures, notably the terminal 150–200 nucleotides at the 3' end, which occur as a single-stranded DNA overhang. The crystal structures of quadruplexes with two and four human telomeric repeats show an all-parallel-stranded topology that is readily capable of forming extended stacks of such quadruplex structures, with external TTA loops positioned to potentially interact with other macromolecules. This study reports on possible arrangements for these quadruplex dimers and tetramers, which can be formed from 8 or 16 telomeric DNA repeats, and on a methodology for modeling their interactions with small molecules. A series of computational methods including molecular dynamics, free energy calculations, and principal components analysis have been used to characterize the properties of these higher-order G-quadruplex dimers and tetramers with parallel-stranded topology. The results confirm the stability of the central G-tetrads, the individual quadruplexes, and the resulting multimers. Principal components analysis has been carried out to highlight the dominant motions in these G-quadruplex dimer and multimer structures. The TTA loop is the most flexible part of the model and the overall multimer quadruplex becoming more stable with the addition of further G-tetrads. The addition of a ligand to the model confirms the hypothesis that flat planar chromophores stabilize G-quadruplex structures by making them less flexible.


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Advances in surgical procedure, prosthesis design, and biomaterials performance have considerably increased the longevity of total joint replacements. Preoperative planning is another step in joint replacement that may have the potential to improve clinical outcome for the individual patient, but has remained relatively consistent for a longtime. One means of advancing this aspect of joint replacement surgery may be to include predictive computer simulation into the planning process. In this article, the potential of patient-specific finite element analysis in preoperative assessment is investigated. Seventeen patient-specific finite element models of cemented Charnley reconstructions were created, of which six were early (


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Functionally unique species contribute to the functional diversity of natural systems, often enhancing ecosystem functioning. An abundance of weakly interacting species increases stability in natural systems, suggesting that loss of weakly linked species may reduce stability. Any link between the functional uniqueness of a species and the strength of its interactions in a food web could therefore have simultaneous effects on ecosystem functioning and stability. Here, we analyse patterns in 213 real food webs and show that highly unique species consistently tend to have the weakest mean interaction strength per unit biomass in the system. This relationship is not a simple consequence of the interdependence of both measures on body size and appears to be driven by the empirical pattern of size structuring in aquatic systems and the trophic position of each species in the web. Food web resolution also has an important effect, with aggregation of species into higher taxonomic groups producing a much weaker relationship. Food webs with fewer unique and less weakly interacting species also show significantly greater variability in their levels of primary production. Thus, the loss of highly unique, weakly interacting species may eventually lead to dramatic state changes and unpredictable levels of ecosystem functioning.


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Background Recent studies have emphasised the multidimensional nature of the social capital concept, but it is not known whether the health effects of social capital vary by dimension. The objective of this study was to examine the vertical component (ie, respectful and trusting relationships across power differentials at work) and the horizontal component of workplace social capital (trust and reciprocity between employees at the same hierarchical level) as risk factors for subsequent depression.


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An intelligent ink, previously shown to be capable of rapidly assessing photocatalytic activity, was simply applied via a felt-pen onto a commercially available piece of Activ (TM) self-cleaning glass. The ink, comprising of redox dye resazurin and the sacrificial electron donor glycerol within an aqueous hydroxy ethyl cellulose (HEC) polymer media, was photocatalytically degraded in a two-step process. The key initial stage was the photo-reductive conversion of resazurin to resorufin, whereby a colour change from blue to pink occurred. The latter stage was the subsequent photo-reduction of the resorufin, where a slower change from pink to colourless was seen. Red and green components of red-green-blue colour extracted from flat-bed scanner digital images of resazurin ink coated photocatalytic films at intervals during the photocatalysis reaction were inversely proportional to the changes seen via UV-visible absorption spectroscopy and indicative of reaction kinetics. A 3 x 3 grid of intelligent ink was drawn onto a piece of Activ (TM) and a glass blank. The photocatalysis reaction was monitored solely by flat-bed digital scanning. Red-green-blue values of respective positions on the grid were extracted using a custom-built program entitled RGB Extractor (c). The program was capable of extracting a number of 5 x 5 pixel averages of red-green-blue components simultaneously. Allocation of merely three coordinates allowed for the automatic generation of a grid, with scroll-bars controlling the number of positions to be extracted on the grid formed. No significant change in red and green components for any position on the glass blank was observed; however, the Activ (TM) film displayed a homogenous photo-reduction of the dye, reaching maxima in red and minima in green components in 23 +/- 3 and 14 +/- 2 min, respectively. A compositionally graded N-doped titania film synthesised in house via a combinatorial APCVD reaction was also photocatalytically tested by this method where 247 positions on a 13 x 19 grid were simultaneously analysed. The dramatic variation in photocatalysis observed was rapidly quantified for all positions (2-3 hours) allowing for correlations to be made between thicknesses and N : Ti% compositions attained from Swanepoel and WDX analysis, respectively. N incorporation within this system was found to be detrimental to film activity for the photocatalysis reaction of intelligent ink under 365 nm light.


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Under inflammatory conditions, macrophages can differentiate into different functional subtypes. We show that bone marrow-derived macrophages constitutively express different levels of various complement-related genes. The relative expression levels are C1qb > Crry > CFH > C3 > C1r > CFB > DAF1 > CD59a > C2 > C1INH > C1s > C4. Upon activation, the expression of C1r, C1s, C3, C2, CFB, and C1INH was up-regulated, and CFH, CD59a, and DAF1, down-regulated in M1 (induced by interferon-? + lipopolysaccharides (LPS)) and M2b (induced by immune complex + LPS) macrophages. The expression of C4 and CFH was slightly up-regulated in interleukin (IL)-10-induced M2c macrophages. Complement gene expression in IL-4-induced M2a macrophages was weakly down-regulated as compared to resting M0 macrophages. Higher levels of C3, C1INH, and CFB but lower levels of CFH expression in M1 and M2b macrophage suggests that they may be involved in the alternative pathway of complement activation during inflammation.


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This study reports the use of texture profile analysis (TPA) to mechanically characterize polymeric, pharmaceutical semisolids containing at least one bioadhesive polymer and to determine interactions between formulation components. The hardness, adhesiveness, force per unit time required for compression (compressibility), and elasticity of polymeric, pharmaceutical semisolids containing polycarbophil (1 or 5% w/w), polyvinylpyrrolidone (3 or 5% w/w), and hydroxyethylcellulose (3, 5, or 10% w/w) in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) were determined using a texture analyzer in the TPA mode (compression depth 15 mm, compression rate 8 mm s(-1) 15 s delay period). Increasing concentrations of polycarbophil, poly vinylpyrrolidone, and hydroxyethylcellulose significantly increased product hardness, adhesiveness, and compressibility but decreased product elasticity. Statistically, interactions between polymeric formulation components were observed within the experimental design and were probably due to relative differences in the physical states of polyvinylpyrrolidone and polycarbophil in the formulations, i.e., dispersed/dissolved and unswollen/swollen, respectively. Increased product hardness and compressibility were possibly due to the effects of hydroxyethylcellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and polycarbophil on the viscosity of the formulations. Increased adhesiveness was related to the concentration and, more importantly, to the physical state of polycarbophil. Decreased product elasticity was due to the increased semisolid nature of the product. TPA is a rapid, straightforward analytical technique that may be applied to the mechanical characterization of polymeric, pharmaceutical semisolids. It provides a convenient means to rapidly identify physicochemical interactions between formulation components. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The localization and distribution of neuropeptides and an indoleamine (serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine) in the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the pig roundworm, Ascaris suum, have been determined by the application of an indirect immunofluorescence technique in conjunction with confocal scanning laser microscopy. Whole-mount preparations of pharyngeal, intestinal and rectal regions were screened with antisera to 23 vertebrate peptides, 2 invertebrate peptides and serotonin(= 5-HT). Positive immunoreactivity (IR) was obtained with antisera to pancreatic polypeptide (PP), peptide YY (PYY), FMRFamide, gastrin and serotonin. The only IR observed in the ENS was that evident in the nerve supply to the pharynx and rectal region; no IR was associated with any region of the intestine. The most extensive patterns of IR occurred with antisera to PW, FMRFamide and serotonin. In the pharyngeal component of the ENS, IR was evident in the lateral and dorsal longitudinal pharyngeal nerves, pharyngeal commissures, nerve plexus, and associated nerve cells and fibres. In contrast, the distribution of IR to the PP and gastrin antisera was more restricted and displayed a lower intensity of immunostaining. The other component of the ENS, the rectal enteric system, only yielded immunostaining to FMRFamide. The possible role of neuropeptides and serotonin in the nutritional biology of nematodes is discussed.