965 resultados para evaluative conditioning
The consumption of mineral waters is increasing in industrialised countries. High intakes of Ca and other alkalising cations as well as a low acid intake are beneficial to bone. We examined which components of mineral waters are conditioning their Ca content and their alkalinising power, in order to define the optimal profile. European mineral waters were randomly selected on the Internet: 100 waters with less than 200 mg Ca/l (9.98 mEq/l) and fifty with more than 200 mg/l, all with complete data for SO4, P, Cl, Na, K, Mg and Ca, and most also for HCO3. For comparison, forty North American mineral waters were randomly chosen. The potential renal acid load (PRAL) was calculated for each mineral water. North American waters did not reveal significant results because of their low mineralisation. We performed correlations between all eight components in order to explore the properties of the mineral waters. In the European waters, twenty-six out of twenty-eight correlations showed a P value of <or= 0.01. In waters with PRAL >0 (acidifying waters), PRAL was positively correlated with SO4, Ca, K and Mg (P < 0.001). In those with PRAL < 0 (alkalinising waters), PRAL was negatively correlated with HCO3, Na, Mg, Ca, K, Cl and SO4 (P < 0.001). SO4 and HCO3 were not found together in high quantities in the same water for geochemical reasons. A high Ca content is associated with either a high SO4 or a high HCO3 content. SO4 theoretically increases Ca excretion, while HCO3 and low PRAL values are associated with positive effects on bone. Therefore, the best waters for bone health are rich in both HCO3 and Ca, and by consequence low in SO4.
En aquest projecte discutirem i aprovarem la viabilitat d'implementar una automatització integral d'un habitatge utilitzant les tecnologies domòtiques existents a l'actualitat. La idea inicial és substituir tots els elements que integren la construcció (il·luminació, climatització, parts mòbils,...) per dispositius domòtics i implementar un software de visualització sobre aparells mòbils (smartphones, tablets) que ens permeti un control total sobre l'habitacle. S’avaluarà quina és la solució de mercat que millor s’adapta al projecte i s’implementarà integrant-la posteriorment als sistemes de visualització i control.
In fear conditioning, an animal learns to associate an unconditioned stimulus (US), such as a shock, and a conditioned stimulus (CS), such as a tone, so that the presentation of the CS alone can trigger conditioned responses. Recent research on the lateral amygdala has shown that following cued fear conditioning, only a subset of higher-excitable neurons are recruited in the memory trace. Their selective deletion after fear conditioning results in a selective erasure of the fearful memory. I hypothesize that the recruitment of highly excitable neurons depends on responsiveness to stimuli, intrinsic excitability and local connectivity. In addition, I hypothesize that neurons recruited for an initial memory also participate in subsequent memories, and that changes in neuronal excitability affect secondary fear learning. To address these hypotheses, I will show that A) a rat can learn to associate two successive short-term fearful memories; B) neuronal populations in the LA are competitively recruited in the memory traces depending on individual neuronal advantages, as well as advantages granted by the local network. By performing two successive cued fear conditioning experiments, I found that rats were able to learn and extinguish the two successive short-term memories, when tested 1 hour after learning for each memory. These rats were equipped with a system of stable extracellular recordings that I developed, which allowed to monitor neuronal activity during fear learning. 233 individual putative pyramidal neurons could modulate their firing rate in response to the conditioned tone (conditioned neurons) and/or non- conditioned tones (generalizing neurons). Out of these recorded putative pyramidal neurons 86 (37%) neurons were conditioned to one or both tones. More precisely, one population of neurons encoded for a shared memory while another group of neurons likely encoded the memories' new features. Notably, in spite of a successful behavioral extinction, the firing rate of those conditioned neurons in response to the conditioned tone remained unchanged throughout memory testing. Furthermore, by analyzing the pre-conditioning characteristics of the conditioned neurons, I determined that it was possible to predict neuronal recruitment based on three factors: 1) initial sensitivity to auditory inputs, with tone-sensitive neurons being more easily recruited than tone- insensitive neurons; 2) baseline excitability levels, with more highly excitable neurons being more likely to become conditioned; and 3) the number of afferent connections received from local neurons, with neurons destined to become conditioned receiving more connections than non-conditioned neurons. - En conditionnement de la peur, un animal apprend à associer un stimulus inconditionnel (SI), tel un choc électrique, et un stimulus conditionné (SC), comme un son, de sorte que la présentation du SC seul suffit pour déclencher des réflexes conditionnés. Des recherches récentes sur l'amygdale latérale (AL) ont montré que, suite au conditionnement à la peur, seul un sous-ensemble de neurones plus excitables sont recrutés pour constituer la trace mnésique. Pour apprendre à associer deux sons au même SI, je fais l'hypothèse que les neurones entrent en compétition afin d'être sélectionnés lors du recrutement pour coder la trace mnésique. Ce recrutement dépendrait d'un part à une activation facilité des neurones ainsi qu'une activation facilité de réseaux de neurones locaux. En outre, je fais l'hypothèse que l'activation de ces réseaux de l'AL, en soi, est suffisante pour induire une mémoire effrayante. Pour répondre à ces hypothèses, je vais montrer que A) selon un processus de mémoire à court terme, un rat peut apprendre à associer deux mémoires effrayantes apprises successivement; B) des populations neuronales dans l'AL sont compétitivement recrutées dans les traces mnésiques en fonction des avantages neuronaux individuels, ainsi que les avantages consentis par le réseau local. En effectuant deux expériences successives de conditionnement à la peur, des rats étaient capables d'apprendre, ainsi que de subir un processus d'extinction, pour les deux souvenirs effrayants. La mesure de l'efficacité du conditionnement à la peur a été effectuée 1 heure après l'apprentissage pour chaque souvenir. Ces rats ont été équipés d'un système d'enregistrements extracellulaires stables que j'ai développé, ce qui a permis de suivre l'activité neuronale pendant l'apprentissage de la peur. 233 neurones pyramidaux individuels pouvaient moduler leur taux d'activité en réponse au son conditionné (neurones conditionnés) et/ou au son non conditionné (neurones généralisant). Sur les 233 neurones pyramidaux putatifs enregistrés 86 (37%) d'entre eux ont été conditionnés à un ou deux tons. Plus précisément, une population de neurones code conjointement pour un souvenir partagé, alors qu'un groupe de neurones différent code pour de nouvelles caractéristiques de nouveaux souvenirs. En particulier, en dépit d'une extinction du comportement réussie, le taux de décharge de ces neurones conditionné en réponse à la tonalité conditionnée est resté inchangée tout au long de la mesure d'apprentissage. En outre, en analysant les caractéristiques de pré-conditionnement des neurones conditionnés, j'ai déterminé qu'il était possible de prévoir le recrutement neuronal basé sur trois facteurs : 1) la sensibilité initiale aux entrées auditives, avec les neurones sensibles aux sons étant plus facilement recrutés que les neurones ne répondant pas aux stimuli auditifs; 2) les niveaux d'excitabilité des neurones, avec les neurones plus facilement excitables étant plus susceptibles d'être conditionnés au son ; et 3) le nombre de connexions reçues, puisque les neurones conditionné reçoivent plus de connexions que les neurones non-conditionnés. Enfin, nous avons constaté qu'il était possible de remplacer de façon satisfaisante le SI lors d'un conditionnement à la peur par des injections bilatérales de bicuculline, un antagoniste des récepteurs de l'acide y-Aminobutirique.
The role of T regulatory cells (Treg) in the induction and maintenance of allograft tolerance is being studied to a great extent. In contrast, little is known on their potential to prevent graft rejection in the field of xenotransplantation, where acute vascular rejection mediated by cellular and humoral mechanisms and thrombotic microangiopathy still prevents long-term graft survival. In this regard, the induction of donor-specific tolerance through isolation and expansion of xenoantigen-specific recipient Treg is currently becoming a focus of interest. This review will summarize the present knowledge concerning Treg and their potential use in xenotransplantation describing in particular CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells, CD8(+)CD28(-) Treg, double negative CD4(-)CD8(-) T cells, and natural killer Treg. Although only studied in vitro so far, human CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg is currently the best characterized subpopulation of regulatory cells in xenotransplantation. CD8(+)CD28(-) Treg and double negative CD4(-)CD8(-) Treg also seem to be implicated in tolerance maintenance of xenografts. Finally, one study revealing a role for natural killer CD4(+)Valpha14(+) Treg in the prolongation of xenograft survival needs further confirmation. To our opinion, CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg are a promising candidate to protect xenografts. In contrast to cadaveric allotransplantation, the donor is known prior to xenotransplantation. This advantage allows the expansion of recipient Treg in a xenoantigen specific manner before transplantation.
Chronic administration of recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) can generate serious cardiovascular side effects such as arterial hypertension (HTA) in clinical and sport fields. It is hypothesized that nitric oxide (NO) can protect from noxious cardiovascular effects induced by chronic administration of rHuEPO. On this base, we studied the cardiovascular effects of chronic administration of rHuEPO in exercise-trained rats treated with an inhibitor of NO synthesis (L-NAME). Rats were treated or not with rHuEPO and/or L-NAME during 6 weeks. During the same period, rats were subjected to treadmill exercise. The blood pressure was measured weekly. Endothelial function of isolated aorta and small mesenteric arteries were studied and the morphology of the latter was investigated. L-NAME induced hypertension (197 ± 6 mmHg, at the end of the protocol). Exercise prevented the rise in blood pressure induced by L-NAME (170 ± 5 mmHg). However, exercise-trained rats treated with both rHuEPO and L-NAME developed severe hypertension (228 ± 9 mmHg). Furthermore, in these exercise-trained rats treated with rHuEPO/L-NAME, the acetylcholine-induced relaxation was markedly impaired in isolated aorta (60% of maximal relaxation) and small mesenteric arteries (53%). L-NAME hypertension induced an internal remodeling of small mesenteric arteries that was not modified by exercise, rHuEPO or both. Vascular ET-1 production was not increased in rHuEPO/L-NAME/training hypertensive rats. Furthermore, we observed that rHuEPO/L-NAME/training hypertensive rats died during the exercise or the recovery period (mortality 51%). Our findings suggest that the use of rHuEPO in sport, in order to improve physical performance, represents a high and fatal risk factor, especially with pre-existing cardiovascular risk.
BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma, the most common adult primary malignant brain tumor, confers poor prognosis (median survival of 15 months) notwithstanding aggressive treatment. Combination chemotherapy including carmustine (BCNU) or temozolomide (TMZ) with the MGMT inhibitor O6-benzylguanine (O6BG) has been used, but has been associated with dose-limiting hematopoietic toxicity. OBJECTIVE: To assess safety and efficacy of a retroviral vector encoding the O6BG-resistant MGMTP140K gene for transduction and autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in MGMT unmethylated, newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients in an attempt to chemoprotect bone marrowduring combination O6BG/TMZ therapy. METHODS: Three patients have been enrolled in the first cohort. Patients underwent standard radiation therapy without TMZ followed by G-CSF mobilization, apheresis, and conditioning with 600 mg/m2 BCNU prior to infusion of gene-modified cells. Posttransplant, patients were treated with 28-day cycles of single doseTMZ (472 mg/m2) with 48-hour intravenous O6BG (120 mg/m2 bolus, then 30 mg/m2/d). RESULTS: The BCNU dose was nonmyeloablative with ANC ,500/mL for ≤3 d and nadir thrombocytopenia of 28,000/mL. Gene marking in pre-infusion colony forming units (CFUs) was 70.6%, 79.0%, and 74.0% in Patients 1, 2, and 3, respectively, by CFU-PCR. Following engraftment, gene marking in white blood cells and sorted granulocytes ranged between 0.37-0.84 and 0.33-0.83 provirus copies, respectively, by real-time PCR. Posttransplant gene marking in CFUs from CD34-selected cells ranged from 28.5% to 47.4%. Patients have received 4, 3, and 2 cycles of O6BG/TMZ, respectively, with evidence for selection of gene-modified cells. One patient has received a single dose-escalated cycle at 590 mg/m2 TMZ. No additional extra-hematopoietic toxicity has been observed thus far and all three patients exhibit stable disease at 7-8 months since diagnosis CONCLUSIONS: We believe that these data demonstrate the feasibility of achieving significant engraftment of MGMTP140K-modified cells with a well-tolerated dose of BCNU. Further follow-up will determine whether this approach will allow for further dose escalation of TMZ and improved survival.
Debris flow hazard modelling at medium (regional) scale has been subject of various studies in recent years. In this study, hazard zonation was carried out, incorporating information about debris flow initiation probability (spatial and temporal), and the delimitation of the potential runout areas. Debris flow hazard zonation was carried out in the area of the Consortium of Mountain Municipalities of Valtellina di Tirano (Central Alps, Italy). The complexity of the phenomenon, the scale of the study, the variability of local conditioning factors, and the lacking data limited the use of process-based models for the runout zone delimitation. Firstly, a map of hazard initiation probabilities was prepared for the study area, based on the available susceptibility zoning information, and the analysis of two sets of aerial photographs for the temporal probability estimation. Afterwards, the hazard initiation map was used as one of the inputs for an empirical GIS-based model (Flow-R), developed at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). An estimation of the debris flow magnitude was neglected as the main aim of the analysis was to prepare a debris flow hazard map at medium scale. A digital elevation model, with a 10 m resolution, was used together with landuse, geology and debris flow hazard initiation maps as inputs of the Flow-R model to restrict potential areas within each hazard initiation probability class to locations where debris flows are most likely to initiate. Afterwards, runout areas were calculated using multiple flow direction and energy based algorithms. Maximum probable runout zones were calibrated using documented past events and aerial photographs. Finally, two debris flow hazard maps were prepared. The first simply delimits five hazard zones, while the second incorporates the information about debris flow spreading direction probabilities, showing areas more likely to be affected by future debris flows. Limitations of the modelling arise mainly from the models applied and analysis scale, which are neglecting local controlling factors of debris flow hazard. The presented approach of debris flow hazard analysis, associating automatic detection of the source areas and a simple assessment of the debris flow spreading, provided results for consequent hazard and risk studies. However, for the validation and transferability of the parameters and results to other study areas, more testing is needed.
On 19 May 2013, Ruairi Quinn T.D, Minister for Education and Skills, announced a review of apprenticeship training in Ireland. The terms of reference of the review were “to determine whether the current model of apprenticeship should be retained, adapted or replaced by an alternative model of vocational education and training for apprentices –taking into account the needs of learners, the needs of employers, the needs of the economy and the need for cost effectiveness into the future.” The Review Group was asked to complete its work before the end of 2013. A Technical Group was also established to provide background evaluative data for the review. To provide a context for the review, a Background Issues Paper 1 was prepared by the Department of Education and Skills and published at www.education.ie in May 2013 .
In this paper we face the problem of positioning a camera attached to the end-effector of a robotic manipulator so that it gets parallel to a planar object. Such problem has been treated for a long time in visual servoing. Our approach is based on linking to the camera several laser pointers so that its configuration is aimed to produce a suitable set of visual features. The aim of using structured light is not only for easing the image processing and to allow low-textured objects to be treated, but also for producing a control scheme with nice properties like decoupling, stability, well conditioning and good camera trajectory
In recent years it has been shown that emotional stress induced by immobilization may change the balance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant factors inducing oxidative damage. On the other hand, contradictory views exist concerning the role of physical activity on redox metabolism. Consequently, the present work was designed to assess the influence of an 8-week moderate swimming training program in emotionally stressed rats. Sixty 1-month-old male albino Wistar rats weighing 125-135 g were used in this experimental study. They were divided into three groups, as Control (lot A; n=20), Stressed (lot B; n=20) and Stressed & Exercised (lot C; n=20). Rats were stressed by placing the animals in a 25 x 7 cm plastic bottle 1 h/day, 5 days a week for 8 weeks. Protein carbonyl content values in liver homogenates were significantly increased in stressed animals (0.58+/-0.02 vs 0.86+/-0.03; p=0.018) which clearly indicated that emotional stress was associated with oxidative stress. Ultrastructural alterations, predominantly mitochondrial swelling and the decrease of cristae number observed by electron microscopy represented direct evidence of membrane injury. The most striking feature of our study was that we also found differences between stressed rats and stressed rats that performed our 8 week training program. Consequently our results highlight the potential benefit of a moderate training program to reduce oxidative damage induced by emotional stress since it attenuated protein oxidation and mitochondrial alterations.
A condition needed for testing nested hypotheses from a Bayesianviewpoint is that the prior for the alternative model concentratesmass around the small, or null, model. For testing independencein contingency tables, the intrinsic priors satisfy this requirement.Further, the degree of concentration of the priors is controlled bya discrete parameter m, the training sample size, which plays animportant role in the resulting answer regardless of the samplesize.In this paper we study robustness of the tests of independencein contingency tables with respect to the intrinsic priors withdifferent degree of concentration around the null, and comparewith other “robust” results by Good and Crook. Consistency ofthe intrinsic Bayesian tests is established.We also discuss conditioning issues and sampling schemes,and argue that conditioning should be on either one margin orthe table total, but not on both margins.Examples using real are simulated data are given
L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és realitzar el projecte d’una instal·lació per superfícies radiants i la respectiva comparació, tant d’implantació com energètica, amb sistemes de climatització convencionals
El objetivo primordial de este proyecto es establecer y documentar las condiciones deconfort climático y desarrollar un modelo dummy capaz de interpretar la sensación térmica teniendo en cuenta factores internos como; temperatura, velocidad, y dirección del aire.La simulación numérica se realizará con el código Star CCM + de CD- ADAPCO
Background: One characteristic of post traumatic stress disorder is an inability to adapt to a safe environment i.e. to change behavior when predictions of adverse outcomes are not met. Recent studies have also indicated that PTSD patients have altered pain processing, with hyperactivation of the putamen and insula to aversive stimuli (Geuze et al, 2007). The present study examined neuronal responses to aversive and predicted aversive events. Methods: Twenty-four trauma exposed non-PTSD controls and nineteen subjects with PTSD underwent fMRI imaging during a partial reinforcement fear conditioning paradigm, with a mild electric shock as the unconditioned stimuli (UCS). Three conditions were analyzed: actual presentations of the UCS, events when a UCS was expected, but omitted (CS+), and events when the UCS was neither expected nor delivered (CS-). Results: The UCS evoked significant alterations in the pain matrix consisting of the brainstem, the midbrain, the thalamus, the insula, the anterior and middle cingulate and the contralateral somatosensory cortex. PTSD subjects displayed bilaterally elevated putamen activity to the electric shock, as compared to controls. In trials when USC was expected, but omitted, significant activations were observed in the brainstem, the midbrain, the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate. PTSD subjects displayed similar activations, but also elevated activations in the amygdala and the posterior insula. Conclusions: These results indicate altered fear and safety learning in PTSD, and neuronal activations are further explored in terms of functional connectivity using psychophysiological interaction analyses.
Estudi de tres sistemes declimatització destinats a un edifici d’ oficines de lloguer, per tal de determinar quinaseria l’ opció més adient des del punt de vista d’ una promotora que vol explotar unedifici de nova construcció destinat a oficines de lloguer