833 resultados para estiramento crustal


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We present the initial results of a U-Th-Pb zircon ion-microprobe investigation on samples from the Central Belt of Taimyr, in order to constrain its tectono-magmatic evolution. The zircon samples are from a deformed twomica granite (Faddey Massif), deformed metamorphosed gabbroic dike entrained as pods and lenses within metamorphosed tholeiitic basalts of the Kunar-Mod volcanic suite (Klyaz'ma River region), a metamorphosed rhyolite of the same volcanic suite overlying the basic metavolcanic rocks, as well as an undeformed dolerite dike which intrudes the metamorphosed Kunar-Mod basic volcanic rocks. Preliminary results on zircons from the two-mica granite suggest a crystallization age of ~630 Ma for this rock, with inheritance from assimilated crust 840 Ma to 1.1 Ga in age. In the Klyaz'ma River region, zircons from the meta-rhyolite yield a concordant age of -630 Ma. Zircons from the entrained metagabbroic dikes have so far yielded an age of -615 Ma (1 grain), as well as Archean ages (5 grains, concordant at 2.6-2.8 Ga). It seems likely that the Archean grains represent assimilation of older crustal material. Zircons from the post-tectonic dolerite dike have a bimodal age distribution. A well-defined younger age of 281 ±9 Ma is interpreted to represent the crystallization age of the dike, while older, concordant ages of 2.6-2.9 Ga likely represent assimilation of Archean crust (Siberian craton at depth). Several important conclusions can be drawn from the data. (1) The mafic and felsic lithologies of the Kunar-Mod volcanic suite are genetically related and should be the same age. Ages of-630 Ma (meta-rhyolite) and -615 Ma (metagabbroic dikes representing the latest stage of mafic magmatism associated the Kunar-Mod suite) suggest that these lithologies may be the same age, but more data are required to confirm this hypothesis. (2) The 630 Ma two-mica granite is similar in age to the time of high-grade metamorphism, suggesting that syntectonic granite emplacement accompanied obduction of the accretionary Central Belt to the Siberian craton. (3) An Early Permian age is well defined for the undeformed dolerite dike. Dolerite dikes occur across the whole of Taimyr, but are deformed to the south. If related, this single magmatic event pre-dates Permo-Triassic Siberian trap magmatism. Furthermore, it suggests that deformation was localized to southeastern Taimyr.


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New results on the petrochemistry and geochemistry of dolerites from the Schirmacher Oasis shed light on the development of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The basalts and dolerites are petrologically identical to the rocks of western Dronning Maud Land (DML), which were previously studied and interpreted as a manifestation of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The spatial distribution of the dikes suggests eastward spreading of the plume material, up to the Schirmacher Oasis for at least 10 Ma. The geochemical characteristics of magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis reflect the influence of crustal contamination, which accompanied both the ascent and spreading of the plume. The magmas of the initial stage of plume activity (western DML) appeared to be the most contaminated in crustal components. It was found that the geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis are identical to those of enriched tholeiites from the Afanasy Nikitin Rise and the central Kerguelen Plateau (Hole 749), which indicates that their enrichment was related to the ancient material of the Gondwana continent. This was caused by the opening of the Indian Ocean under the influence of the Karoo-Maud plume. This process was peculiar in that it occurred in the presence of nonspreading blocks of varying thickness, for instance, Elan Bank in the central Kerguelen Plateau, and was accompanied by the formation of intraplate volcanic rises, which are documented in the seafloor relief of basins around Antarctica. The geochemical characteristics of igneous rocks from the resulting rises (Afanasy Nikitin, Kerguelen, Naturaliste, and Ninetyeast Ridge) indicate the influence of processes related to crustal assimilation. The magmatism that occurred 40 Ma after the main phase of the Karoo-Maud volcanism at the margins of the adjacent continents of Australia (Bunbury basalts) and India (Rajmahal trapps) could be generated by the Karoo-Maud plume flowing along the developing spreading zone. The plume moved subsequently and was localized at the Kerguelen Plateau, where it occurs at present as an active hotspot.


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Sedimentology, mineralogy, and petrology of the pre-Pliocene sediments drilled at ODP Sites 652 and 654 in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Leg 107) have been studied with emphasis on the lower Messinian to pre-Messinian intervals. Messinian at Site 652 is essentially turbiditic and basinal in character; it was deposited during the syn-rift phase in a strongly subsiding half-graben and is correlatable with emerged coeval sequences; in part with the Laga Formation of the foredeep of Apennines, and in part with the filling of grabens dissecting that chain in the Tyrrhenian portion of Tuscany. The sequence found in Site 654 indicates an upper Tortonian to Messinian transgression accompanying crustal stretching in the western Tyrrhenian Sea and is perfectly correlatable with the so-called "Sahelian cycle" and with "postorogenic" cycles recognized in peninsular Italy and in Sicily.


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Measurements of 87Sr/86Sr on samples of planktonic foraminifers were used to reconstruct changes in the Sr isotopic composition of seawater for the past 8 Ma. The late Neogene was marked by a general, but not regular, increase in 87S/86Sr with two breaks in slope at 5.5 and 2.5 Ma. These times mark the beginning of two periods of steep increase in 87Sr/86Sr values, relative to preceding periods characterized by essentially constant values. During the last 2.5 Ma, 87Sr/86Sr values increased at an average rate of 0.000054/Ma. This steep increase suggests that the modem ocean is not in Sr isotopic equilibrium relative to its major input fluxes. A non-equilibrium model for the modern Sr budget suggests that the residence time of Sr is ~2.5 Ma, which is significantly less than previously accepted estimates of 4-5 Ma. Modelling results suggest that the increase in 87Sr/86Sr over the past 8 Ma could have resulted from a 25% increase in the riverine flux of Sr or an increase in the average 87Sr/86Sr of this flux by 0.0006. The dominant cause of increasing 87Sr/86Sr values of seawater during the late Neogene is believed to be increased rates of uplift and chemical weathering of mountainous regions. Calculations suggest that uplift and weathering of the Himalayan-Tibetan region alone can account for the majority of the observed 87Sr/86Sr increase since the early Late Miocene. Exhumation of Precambrian shield areas by continental ice-sheets may have contributed secondarily to accelerated mechanical and chemical weathering of old crustal silicates with high 87Sr/86Sr values. In fact, the upturn in 87Sr/86Sr at 2.5 Ma coincides with increased glacial activity in the Northern Hemisphere. A variety of geochemical (87Sr/86Sr, Ge/Si, d13C, CCD, etc.) and sedimentologic data (accumulation rates) from the marine sedimentary record are compatible with a progressive increase in the chemical weathering rate of continents and dissolved riverine fluxes during the late Cenozoic. We hypothesize that chemical weathering of the continents and dissolved riverine fluxes to the oceans reached a maximum during the late Pleistocene because of repeated glaciations, increased continental exposure by lowered sea level, and increased continental relief resulting from high rates of tectonism.


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New data are reported on structure of sections, chemical composition, and age of volcano-sedimentary and volcanic rocks from the Sinii Utes Depression in the Southern Primorye region. The Sinii Utes Depression is filled with two sequences: the lower sequence composed of sedimentary-volcanogenic coaliferous rocks (the stratotype of the Sinii Utes Formation) and the upper sequence consisting of tephroid with overlying basalts. This work considers chemical composition and problems of K-Ar dating of basalts. The uppermost basaltic flow has K-Ar age 22.0±1.0 Ma. The dates obtained for the middle and upper parts of lava flows are underestimated. It is explained by their heating due to combustion of brown coals of the Sinii Utes Formation underlying the lava flow. Calculations show that argon could only partly have been removed from the basalts owing to conductive heat transfer and was lost largely due to infiltration of hot gases in heterogeneous fissured medium. Basaltic volcanism on continental margins of the southern Primorye region and the adjacent Korean and Chinese areas at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary preceded Early-Middle Miocene spreading and formation of the Sea of Japan basin. Undifferentiated moderately alkaline basalts of intraplate affinity developed in the Amba Depression and some other structures of the southern Primorye region and intraplate alkali basalts of the Phohang Graben in the Korean Peninsula serve as indicators of incipient spreading regime in the Sea of Japan. Potassic basalt-trachybasalt eruptions occurred locally in riftogenic depressions and shield volcanoes. In some structures this volcanism was terminated by eruptions of intermediate and acid lavas. Such evolution of volcanism is explained by selective contamination of basaltic melts during their interaction with crustal acid material and generation of acid anatectic melts.


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Microthermometric and isotopic analyses of fluid inclusions in primitive olivine gabbros, oxide gabbros, and evolved granitic material recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B at the Southwest Indian Ridge provide new insights into the evolution of C-O-H-NaCl fluids in the plutonic foundation of the oceanic crust. The variably altered and deformed plutonic rocks span a crustal section of over 1500 m and record a remarkably complex magma-hydrothermal history. Magmatic fluids within this suite followed two chemically distinct paths during cooling through the subsolidus regime: the first path included formation of CO2+CH4+H2O+C fluids with up to 43 mole% CH4; the second path produced hypersaline brines that contain up to 50% NaCl equivalent salinities. Subsequent to devolatilization, respeciation of magmatic CO2, attendant graphite precipitation, and cooling from 800°C to 500°C promoted formation of CH4-enriched fluids. These fluids are characterized by average d13C(CH4) values of -27.1+/-4.3 per mil (N=45) with associated d13C(CO2) compositions ranging from -24.9 per mil to -1.9 per mil (N=39), and average dD values of exsolved vapor of -41+/-12 per mil (N=23). In pods, veins, and lenses of highly fractionated residual material, hypersaline brines formed during condensation and by direct exsolution in the absence of a conjugate vapor phase. Entrapped CO2+CH4+H2O-rich fluids within many oxide-bearing rocks and felsic zones are significantly depleted in 13C (with d13C(CO2) values down to about -25 per mil) and contain CO2 concentrations higher than those predicted by equilibrium devolatilization models. We hypothesize that lower effective pressures in high-temperature shear zones promoted infiltration of highly fractionated melts and compositionally evolved volatiles into focused zones of deformation, significantly weakening the rock strength. In felsic-rich zones, volatile build-up may have driven hydraulic fracturing of gabbroic wall rocks resulting in the formation of magmatic breccias. Comparison of isotopic compositions of fluids in plutonic rocks from 735B, the MARK area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the Mid-Cayman Rise indicate (1) that the carbon isotope composition of the lower oceanic crust may be far more heterogeneous than previously believed and (2) that carbon-bearing species in the oceanic crust and their distribution at depth are highly variable.


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Subduction related mafic/ultramafic complexes marking the suture between the Wilson Terrane and the Bowers Terrane in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) are well-suited for evaluating the magmatic and structural evolu- tion at the Palaeo-Pacific continental margin of Gondwana. One of these intru- sions is the "Tiger Gabbro Complex" (TGC), which is located at the southern end of the island-arc type Bowers Terrane. The TGC is an early Palaeozoic island-arc related layered igneous complex characterized by extraordinarly fresh sequences of ultramafic, mafic and evolved lithologies and extensive development of high-temperature high-strain zones. The goal of the present study is to establish the kinematic, petrogenetic and temporal development of the TGC in order to evaluate the magmatic and structural evolution of the deep crustal roots of this Cambrian-aged island-arc. Fieldwork during GANOVEX X was carried out to provide insight into: (i) the spatial relations between the different igneous lithologies of the TGC, (ii) the nature of the contact between the TGC and Bowers Terrane, and (iii) the high-temperature shear zones exposed in parts of the TGC. Here, we report the results of detailed field and petrological observations combined with new geochronological data. Based on these new data, we tentatively propose a petrogenetic-kinematic model for the TGC, which involves a two-phase evolution during the Ross orogeny. These phases can be summarized as: (i) an early phase (maximum age c. 530 Ma) involving tectono-magmatic processes that were active at the deep crustal level represented by the TGC within the Bowers island arc and within a general NE-SW directed contractional regime and (ii) a late phase (maximum age c. 490 Ma) attributed to the late Ross orogenic intrusion of the TGC into the higher-crustal metasedimentary country rocks of the Bowers Terrane under NE-SW directed horizontal maximum stress and subsequent cooling.


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Gabbroic xenoliths and diverse megacrysts (e.g., clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and plagioclases), which correspond to the lithology ranging from gabbro-norite to gabbro, occur in the Pleisto-Holocene alkali basalts from Jeju Island, South Korea. The gabbroic xenoliths consist primarily of moderate-K2O plagioclase, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene and CaO-rich orthopyroxene; additionally, TiO2-rich amphibole (kaersutite) and Ti-Fe oxides might or might not be present. The plagioclase is the most dominant phase (approx. 60-70 vol.%). The xenoliths and megacrysts provide evidence for the modal metasomatism of the lower continental crust by the mafic magmas during the Pleistocene. The coarse grain size (up to 5 mm), moderate Mg# [=100xMg/(Mg+Fe(total)) atomic ratio] of pyroxenes (70-77) and textural features (e.g., poikilitic) indicate that the gabbroic xenoliths are consistent with a cumulus origin. The clinopyroxenes from these xenoliths are enriched in REE with smooth convex-upward MREE patterns, which are expected for cumulus minerals formed from a melt enriched in incompatible trace elements. The strikingly similar major and trace element variations and the patterns of constituent minerals clearly indicate a genetic link between the gabbroic xenoliths (plus megacrysts) and the host basalt, indicating that the xenoliths belong to the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. On the basis of the textural features, the mineral equilibria and the major and trace element variations, the xenoliths appear to have crystallized from basaltic melts at the reservoir-roof environment within the lower crust (4-7 kbars) above the present Moho estimates beneath Jeju Island, where the xenoliths represent wall rocks. Following the consolidation of the xenolith lithologies, volatile- and incompatible element-enriched melt/fluid, as metasomatic agents, infiltrated through the grain boundaries and/or cracks and reacted with the preexisting anhydrous phases, which produced the metasomatic amphiboles. This volatile-enriched melt/fluid could have evolved from the initially anhydrous compositions to the volatile-saturated compositions by the active fractional crystallization in the Jeju Pleisto-Holocene magma system. This process was significant in that it was a relatively young event and played an important role in the formation of the hydrous minerals and the metasomatization of the lower continental crust, which is a plume-impacted area along the Asian continental margin. The major and trace element analyses of the mineral phases from the xenoliths were performed to define the principal geochemical characteristics of the crustal lithosphere segment represented by the studied xenoliths.


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We have measured the 3He/3He and 3He/20 Ne ratios of thirty-nine pore water and gas samples in deep-sea sediments collected at twelve sites on the Pacific Ocean bottom during the cruises of Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 87, 89, 90 and 92. The 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios vary from 0.000000215 to 0.00000165 and from 0.29 to 20, respectively. He in the sample is composed of four components: (1) atmospheric He dissolved in seawater; (2) atmospheric He with mantle-derived He in Pacific bottom water; (3) in situ radiogenic He in the sediment; and (4) crustal He in the basement rock. Assuming that the 20Ne contents are constant with the value of seawater, the depth variations in the 4He/20Ne ratios at five Sites, 583D, 594, 597A, 598A and 504B, may provide useful information on 4He flux at the ocean bottom. The estimated 4He fluxes vary from 2000 to 40000 atoms cm**-2 s**-1 and are one to three orders of magnitude less than those calculated from the excess He in deep ocean water. An overall similarity between the geographical distribution of the 3He/4He ratios and heat flow data is found in the study area, between the East Pacific Rise across the Pacific Ocean and the Japanese Islands. The tendency is well explained by a conventional sea-floor spreading model.


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Subducted sediments play an important role in arc magmatism and crust-mantle recycling. Models of continental growth, continental composition, convergent margin magmatism and mantle heterogeneity all require a better understanding of the mass and chemical fluxes associated with subducting sediments. We have evaluated subducting sediments on a global basis in order to better define their chemical systematics and to determine both regional and global average compositions. We then use these compositions to assess the importance of sediments to arc volcanism and crust-mantle recycling, and to re-evaluate the chemical composition of the continental crust. The large variations in the chemical composition of marine sediments are for the most part linked to the main lithological constituents. The alkali elements (K, Rb and Cs) and high field strength elements (Ti, Nb, Hf, Zr) are closely linked to the detrital phase in marine sediments; Th is largely detrital but may be enriched in the hydrogenous Fe-Mn component of sediments; REE patterns are largely continental, but abundances are closely linked to fish debris phosphate; U is mostly detrital, but also dependent on the supply and burial rate of organic matter; Ba is linked to both biogenic barite and hydrothermal components; Sr is linked to carbonate phases. Thus, the important geochemical tracers follow the lithology of the sediments. Sediment lithologies are controlled in turn by a small number of factors: proximity of detrital sources (volcanic and continental); biological productivity and preservation of carbonate and opal; and sedimentation rate. Because of the link with lithology and the wealth of lithological data routinely collected for ODP and DSDP drill cores, bulk geochemical averages can be calculated to better than 30% for most elements from fewer than ten chemical analyses for a typical drill core (100-1000 m). Combining the geochemical systematics with convergence rate and other parameters permits calculation of regional compositional fluxes for subducting sediment. These regional fluxes can be compared to the compositions of arc volcanics to asses the importance of sediment subduction to arc volcanism. For the 70% of the trenches worldwide where estimates can be made, the regional fluxes also provide the basis for a global subducting sediment (GLOSS) composition and flux. GLOSS is dominated by terrigenous material (76 wt% terrigenous, 7 wt% calcium carbonate, 10 wt% opal, 7 wt% mineral-bound H2O+), and therefore similar to upper continental crust (UCC) in composition. Exceptions include enrichment in Ba, Mn and the middle and heavy REE, and depletions in detrital elements diluted by biogenic material (alkalis, Th, Zr, Hf). Sr and Pb are identical in GLOSS and UCC as a result of a balance between dilution and enrichment by marine phases. GLOSS and the systematics of marine sediments provide an independent approach to the composition of the upper continental crust for detrital elements. Significant discrepancies of up to a factor of two exist between the marine sediment data and current upper crustal estimates for Cs, Nb, Ta and Ti. Suggested revisions to UCC include Cs (7.3 ppm), Nb (13.7 ppm), Ta (0.96 ppm) and TiO2 (0.76 wt%). These revisions affect recent bulk continental crust estimates for La/Nb and U/Nb, and lead to an even greater contrast between the continents and mantle for these important trace element ratios. GLOSS and the regional sediment data also provide new insights into the mantle sources of oceanic basalts. The classical geochemical distinction between 'pelagic' and 'terrigenous' sediment sources is not valid and needs to be replaced by a more comprehensive understanding of the compositional variations in complete sedimentary columns. In addition, isotopic arguments based on surface sediments alone can lead to erroneous conclusions. Specifically, the Nd/Hf ratio of GLOSS relaxes considerably the severe constraints on the amount of sediment recycling into the mantle based on earlier estimates from surface sediment compositions.


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In central Antarctica, drainage today and earlier back to the Paleozoic radiates from the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (GSM). Proximal to the GSM past the Permian-Triassic fluvial sandstones in the Prince Charles Mountains (PCM) are Cretaceous, Eocene, and Pleistocene sediment in Prydz Bay (ODP741, 1166, and 1167) and pre-Holocene sediment in AM04 beneath the Amery Ice Shelf. We analysed detrital zircons for U-Pb ages, Hf-isotope compositions, and trace elements to determine the age, rock type, source of the host magma, and "crustal" model age (T(C)DM). These samples, together with others downslope from the GSM and the Vostok Subglacial Highlands (VSH), define major clusters of detrital zircons interpreted as coming from (1) 700 to 460 Ma mafic granitoids and alkaline rock, epsilon-Hf 9 to -28, signifying derivation 2.5 to 1.3 Ga from fertile and recycled crust, and (2) 1200-900 Ma mafic granitoids and alkaline rock, epsilon-Hf 11 to -28, signifying derivation 1.8 to 1.3 Ga from fertile and recycled crust. Minor clusters extend to 3350 Ma. Similar detrital zircons in Permian-Triassic, Ordovician, Cambrian, and Neoproterozoic sandstones located along the PaleoPacific margin of East Antarctica and southeast Australia further downslope from central Antarctica reflect the upslope GSM-VSH nucleus of the central Antarctic provenance as a complex of 1200-900 Ma (Grenville) mafic granitoids and alkaline rocks and older rocks embedded in 700-460 Ma (Pan-Gondwanaland) fold belts. The wider central Antarctic provenance (CAP) is tentatively divided into a central sector with negative ?Hf in its 1200-900 Ma rocks bounded on either side by positive epsilon-Hf. The high ground of the GSM-VSH in the Permian and later to the present day is attributed to crustal shortening by far-field stress during the 320 Ma mid-Carboniferous collision of Gondwanaland and Laurussia. Earlier uplifts in the ~500 Ma Cambrian possibly followed the 700-500 Ma assembly of Gondwanaland, and in the Neoproterozoic the 1000-900 Ma collisional events in the Eastern Ghats-Rayner Province at the end of the 1300-1000 Ma assembly of Rodinia.


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An isotope-geochemical study of Eocene-Oligocene magmatic rocks from the Western Kamchatka-Koryak volcanogenic belt revealed lateral heterogeneity of mantle magma sources in its segments: Western Kamchatka, Central Koryak, and Northern Koryak ones. In the Western Kamchatka segment magmatic melts were generated from isotopically heterogeneous (depleted and/or insignificantly enriched) mantle sources significantly contaminated by quartz-feldspathic sialic sediments; higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70429-0.70564) and lower 143Nd/144Nd [eNd(T) = 0.06-2.9] ratios in volcanic rocks from the Central Koryak segment presumably reflect contribution of an enriched mantle source; high positive eNd(T) and low 87Sr/86Sr ratios in magmatic rocks from the Northern Koryak segment area indicate their derivation from an isotopically depleted mantle source without significant contamination by sialic or mantle material enriched in radiogenic Sr and Nd. Significantly different contamination histories of Eocene-Oligocene mantle magmas in Kamchatka and Koryakia are related to their different thermal regimes: higher heat flow beneath Kamchatka led to crustal melting and contamination of mantle suprasubduction magmas by crustal melts. Cessation of suprasubduction volcanism in the Western Kamchatka segment of the continental margin belt was possibly related to accretion of the Achaivayam-Valagin terrane 40 Ma ago, whereas suprasubduction activity in the Koryak segment stopped due to closure of the Ukelayat basin in Oligocene.


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The mineralogy and stable (O and C) and Sr isotopic compositions of low-temperature alteration phases were determined in Hole 735B gabbroic rocks in order to understand the processes of low-temperature alteration in this uplifted block of lower oceanic crust. Phyllosilicates include smectite (saponite, Mg montmorillonite, and nontronite), chlorite/smectite, chlorite, talc, and serpentine. Other phases include prehnite, albite, K-feldspar, analcite, natrolite, thompsonite, pyrite, and titanite. The low-grade mineral assemblages mainly represent zeolite facies and lower-temperature "seafloor weathering" processes. Phyllosilicates formed over a range of temperatures but may also reflect variable reaction progress. Alteration temperatures were probably somewhat greater below 1300 meters below seafloor. Mineralogy and isotopic data indicate that conditions were mostly reducing and that seawater solutions were rock dominated. Carbonates formed late from cold and generally oxidizing seawater solution, however, as seawater penetrated downward as the result of fracturing and faulting in the uppermost portion of the uplifted crustal block.


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Phanerozoic granitoids are widespread in the Korean Peninsula and form a part of the East Asian Cordilleran-type granitoid belt extending from southeastern China to Far East Russia. Here we present SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical and Nd isotopic compositions of Late Paleozoic to Early Jurassic granitoid plutons in the northern Gyeongsang basin, southeastern Korea; namely the Jangsari, Yeongdeok, Yeonghae, and Satkatbong plutons. The granite and associated gabbroic rocks from the Jangsari pluton were coeval and respectively dated at 257.3 ± 2.0 Ma and 255.7 ± 1.4 Ma. This result represents the first finding of a Late Paleozoic pluton in South Korea. Three granite samples from the Yeongdeok pluton yielded a slightly younger age span ranging from 252.9 ± 2.5 Ma to 246.7 ± 2.1 Ma. Two diorite samples from the Yeonghae pluton gave much younger ages of 195.1 ± 1.9 Ma and 196.3 ± 1.6 Ma. An Early Jurassic age of 192.4 ± 1.6 Ma was also obtained from a diorite sample from the Satkatbong pluton. The mineral assemblage and Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O) versus Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) relationship indicate that all the analyzed plutons are subduction zone granitoids. Enrichments in large-ion-lithophile-elements and depletions in high-field-strength-elements of these plutons are also concordant with geochemical characteristics typical for the subduction zone magma. The presence of Late Permian to Early Triassic arc system is in contrast with the conventional idea that the arc magmatism along the continental margin of the Korean Peninsula has commenced from Early Jurassic after the termination of Triassic collisional orogenesis. The epsilon-Nd(t) values of the granitoid plutons are consistently positive (2.4-4.6), suggesting that crustal residence time of the basement beneath the Gyeongsang basin is relatively short. Moreover, the reevaluation of previously-published data reveals that geochemical compositions of the Yeongdeok pluton are compatible with those of high-silica adakites; La/Yb = 37.5-114.6, Sr/Y = 138.2-214.0, SiO2 = 62.9-72.0 wt. %, Al2O3 = 15.5-17.0 wt. %, Sr = 562-1173 ppm, MgO = 0.4-1.6 wt. %, Y = 3-6 ppm, Yb = 0.18-0.45 ppm, and Eu/Eu* = 0.92-1.31. The occurrence of adakites in southeastern Korea, and presumably in the Hida belt of central-western Japan, is indicative of a hot subduction regime developing at least partly along the East Asian continental margin during the Permian-Triassic transition period.


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Alpine glacier samples were collected in four contrasting regions to measure supraglacial dust and debris geochemical composition. A total of 70 surface glacier ice, snow and debris samples were collected in 2009 and 2010 in Svalbard, Norway, Nepal and New Zealand. Trace elemental abundances in snow and ice samples were measured via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Supraglacial debris mineral, bulk oxide and trace element composition were determined via X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). A total of 45 elements and 10 oxide compound abundances are reported. The uniform data collection procedure, analytical measurement methods and geochemical comparison techniques are used to evaluate supraglacial dust and debris composition variability in the contrasting glacier study regions. Elemental abundances revealed sea salt aerosol and metal enrichment in Svalbard, low levels of crustal dust and marine influences to southern Norway, high crustal dust and anthropogenic enrichment in the Khumbu Himalayas, and sulfur and metals attributed to quiescent degassing and volcanic activity in northern New Zealand. Rare earth element and Al/Ti elemental ratios demonstrated distinct provenance of particulates in each study region. Ca/S elemental ratio data showed seasonal denudation in Svalbard and Norway. Ablation season atmospheric particulate transport trajectories were mapped in each of the study regions and suggest provenance pathways. The in situ data presented provides first order glacier surface geochemical variability as measured from four diverse alpine glacier regions. This geochemical surface glacier data is relevant to glaciologic ablation rate understanding as well as satellite atmospheric and land-surface mapping techniques currently in development.