982 resultados para cyclic K48-linked di-ubiquitin


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Essa é a segunda edição de uma obra clássica sobre a restauração da monarquia portuguesa, com referências sobre o Brasil e adesão a D.João IV. O Séc. XVII foi, para Portugal, um tempo de lutas, tanto na Europa como no Brasil e na África. Foi, ainda, um período de reorganização jurídica e econômica da sociedade.


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This is a copy of an article published in the Human gene therapy © 2012 copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; Human gene therapy is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.com.


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This paper studies the macroeconomic effects of a permanent increase in foreign aid in a model that takes into account environmental quality. We develop a dynamic equilibrium model in which both public investment in infrastructure and environmental protection can be financed using domestic resources and international aid programs. The framework considers four scenarios for international aid: untied aid,aid fully tied to infrastructure, aid fully tied to abatement, and aid equally tied to both types of expenditures. We find that the effects of the transfers may depend on (i) the structural characteristics of the recipient country (the elasticity of substitution in production and its dependence on environment and natural resources) and on (ii) how recipient countries distribute their public expenditure. These results underscore the importance of these factors when deciding how and to what extent to tie aid to infrastructure and/or pollution abatement.


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Background: The diagnosis of invasive candidiasis is difficult because there are no specific clinical manifestations of the disease and colonization and infection are difficult to distinguish. In the last decade, much effort has been made to develop reliable tests for rapid diagnosis of invasive candidiasis, but none of them have found widespread clinical use. Results: Antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the Candida albicans germ tube-specific antigen hyphal wall protein 1 (Hwp1) generated in Escherichia coli were detected by both immunoblotting and ELISA tests in a group of 36 hematological or Intensive Care Unit patients with invasive candidiasis and in a group of 45 control patients at high risk for the mycosis who did not have clinical or microbiological data to document invasive candidiasis. Results were compared with an immunofluorescence test to detect antibodies to C. albicans germ tubes (CAGT). The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of a diagnostic test based on the detection of antibodies against the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by immunoblotting were 27.8 %, 95.6 %, 83.3 % and 62.3 %, respectively. Detection of antibodies to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA increased the sensitivity (88.9 %) and the negative predictive value (90.2 %) but slightly decreased the specificity (82.6 %) and positive predictive values (80 %). The kinetics of antibody response to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA was very similar to that observed by detecting antibodies to CAGT. Conclusion: An ELISA test to detect antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the C. albicans germ tube cell wall antigen Hwp1 allows the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis with similar results to those obtained by detecting antibodies to CAGT but without the need of treating the sera to adsorb the antibodies against the cell wall surface of the blastospore.


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The cyclic deformation behavior Of ultrafine-grained (UFG) Ni samples synthesized by the electrodeposition method was studied. Different from those made by severely plastic deformation, the UFG samples used in this study are characterized by large-angle grain boundaries. Behaviors from nanocrystalline Ni and coarse-grained Ni samples were compared with that Of Ultrafine-grained Ni. With in situ neutron diffraction. unusual evolutions of residual lattice strains as well as cyclic hardening and softening behavior were demonstrated during the cyclic deformation. The microstructural changes investigated by TEM are discussed with respect to the unusual lattice strain and cyclic hardening/softening. (C) 2008 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) play key roles in genebior 6.8 wavelet expression and regulation. They are short sequence segments with de¯nite structure and can be recognized by the corresponding transcription factors correctly. From the viewpoint of statistics, the candidates of TFBS should be quite di®erent from the segments that are randomly combined together by nucleotide. This paper proposes a combined statistical model for ¯nding over- represented short sequence segments in di®erent kinds of data set. While the over-represented short sequence segment is described by position weight matrix, the nucleotide distribution at most sites of the segment should be far from the background nucleotide distribution. The central idea of this approach is to search for such kind of signals. This algorithm is tested on 3 data sets, including binding sites data set of cyclic AMP receptor protein in E.coli, PlantProm DB which is a non-redundant collection of proximal promoter sequences from di®erent species, collection of the intergenic sequences of the whole genome of E.Coli. Even though the complexity of these three data sets is quite di®erent, the results show that this model is rather general and sensible.


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The capacity degradation of bucket foundation in liquefied sand layer under cyclic loads such as equivalent dynamic ice-induced loads is studied. A simplified numerical model of liquefied sand layer has been presented based on the dynamic centrifuge experiment results. The ice-induced dynamic loads are modeled as equivalent sine cyclic loads, the liquefaction degree in different position of sand layer and effects of main factors are investigated. Subsequently, the sand resistance is represented by uncoupled, non-linear sand springs which describe the sub-failure behavior of the local sand resistance as well as the peak capacity of bucket foundation under some failure criterion. The capacity of bucket foundation is determined in liquefied sand layer and the rule of capacity degradation is analyzed. The capacity degradation in liquefied sand layer is analyzed comparing with that in non-liquefied sand layer. The results show that the liquefaction degree is 0.9 at the top and is only 0.06 at the bottom of liquefied sand layer. The numerical results are agreement well with the centrifugal experimental results. The value of the degradation of bucket capacity is 12% in numerical simulating whereas it is 17% in centrifugal experiments.


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In studying a proposed carbon monoxide reduction scheme an attempt has been made to synthesize bifunctional group 8 transition metal carbonyl complexes containing intramolecular nucleophiles. The incorporation of alkoxide nucleophiles through cyclopentadienyl ligands was hoped to encourage attack on carbonyl ligands thereby forming cyclic metallaesters. The attempts to synthesize these substituted cyclopentadienyl group 8 transition metal complexes have thus far been unsuccessful.


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Cdc48/p97 is an essential, highly abundant hexameric member of the AAA (ATPase associated with various cellular activities) family. It has been linked to a variety of processes throughout the cell but it is best known for its role in the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. In this system it is believed that Cdc48 behaves as a segregase, transducing the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis into mechanical force to separate ubiquitin-conjugated proteins from their tightly-bound partners.

Current models posit that Cdc48 is linked to its substrates through a variety of adaptor proteins, including a family of seven proteins (13 in humans) that contain a Cdc48-binding UBX domain. As such, due to the complexity of the network of adaptor proteins for which it serves as the hub, Cdc48/p97 has the potential to exert a profound influence on the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. However, the number of known substrates of Cdc48/p97 remains relatively small, and smaller still is the number of substrates that have been linked to a specific UBX domain protein. As such, the goal of this dissertation research has been to discover new substrates and better understand the functions of the Cdc48 network. With this objective in mind, we established a proteomic screen to assemble a catalog of candidate substrate/targets of the Ubx adaptor system.

Here we describe the implementation and optimization of a cutting-edge quantitative mass spectrometry method to measure relative changes in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome. Utilizing this technology, and in order to better understand the breadth of function of Cdc48 and its adaptors, we then performed a global screen to identify accumulating ubiquitin conjugates in cdc48-3 and ubxΔ mutants. In this screen different ubx mutants exhibited reproducible patterns of conjugate accumulation that differed greatly from each other, pointing to various unexpected functional specializations of the individual Ubx proteins.

As validation of our mass spectrometry findings, we then examined in detail the endoplasmic-reticulum bound transcription factor Spt23, which we identified as a putative Ubx2 substrate. In these studies ubx2Δ cells were deficient in processing of Spt23 to its active p90 form, and in localizing p90 to the nucleus. Additionally, consistent with reduced processing of Spt23, ubx2Δ cells demonstrated a defect in expression of their target gene OLE1, a fatty acid desaturase. Overall, this work demonstrates the power of proteomics as a tool to identify new targets of various pathways and reveals Ubx2 as a key regulator lipid membrane biosynthesis.


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The SCF ubiquitin ligase complex of budding yeast triggers DNA replication by cata lyzi ng ubiquitination of the S phase CDK inhibitor SIC1. SCF is composed of several evolutionarily conserved proteins, including ySKP1, CDC53 (Cullin), and the F-box protein CDC4. We isolated hSKP1 in a two-hybrid screen with hCUL1, the human homologue of CDC53. We showed that hCUL1 associates with hSKP1 in vivo and directly interacts with hSKP1 and the human F-box protein SKP2 in vitro, forming an SCF-Iike particle. Moreover, hCUL1 complements the growth defect of yeast CDC53^(ts) mutants, associates with ubiquitination-promoting activity in human cell extracts, and can assemble into functional, chimeric ubiquitin ligase complexes with yeast SCF components. These data demonstrated that hCUL1 functions as part of an SCF ubiquitin ligase complex in human cells. However, purified human SCF complexes consisting of CUL1, SKP1, and SKP2 are inactive in vitro, suggesting that additional factors are required.

Subsequently, mammalian SCF ubiquitin ligases were shown to regulate various physiological processes by targeting important cellular regulators, like lĸBα, β-catenin, and p27, for ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis by the 26S proteasome. Little, however, is known about the regulation of various SCF complexes. By using sequential immunoaffinity purification and mass spectrometry, we identified proteins that interact with human SCF components SKP2 and CUL1 in vivo. Among them we identified two additional SCF subunits: HRT1, present in all SCF complexes, and CKS1, that binds to SKP2 and is likely to be a subunit of SCF5^(SKP2) complexes. Subsequent work by others demonstrated that these proteins are essential for SCF activity. We also discovered that COP9 Signalosome (CSN), previously described in plants as a suppressor of photomorphogenesis, associates with CUL1 and other SCF subunits in vivo. This interaction is evolutionarily conserved and is also observed with other Cullins, suggesting that all Cullin based ubiquitin ligases are regulated by CSN. CSN regulates Cullin Neddylation presumably through CSNS/JAB1, a stochiometric Signalosome subunit and a putative deneddylating enzyme. This work sheds light onto an intricate connection that exists between signal transduction pathways and protein degradation machinery inside the cell and sets stage for gaining further insights into regulation of protein degradation.