689 resultados para cross-cultural comparisons


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Fully engaging in a new culture means translating oneself into a different set of cultural values, and many of the values can be foreign to the individual. The individual may face conflicting tensions between the psychological need to be a part of the new society and feelings of guilt or betrayal towards the former society, culture or self. Many international students from Myanmar, most of whom have little international experience, undergo this value and cultural translation during their time in American colleges. It is commonly assumed that something will be lost in the process of translation and that the students become more Westernized or never fit into both Myanmar and US cultures. However, the study of the narratives of the Myanmar students studying in the US reveals a more complex reality. Because individuals have multifaceted identities and many cultures and subcultures are fluctuating and intertwined with one another, the students¿ cross-cultural interactions can also help them acquire new ways of seeing things. Through their struggle to engage in the US college culture, many students display the theory of ¿cosmopolitanism¿ in their transformative identity formation process and thus, define and identify themselves beyond one set of cultural norms.


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Few international comparisons of health services are performed using microlevel data. Using such data, this paper compares the need for and receipt of assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) in comparable samples in the United States and Sweden, a country with a universal system of community-based services.Design and Methods: Data from national surveys of community residents completed at approximately the same time in each nation are used to create comparable measures of need and assistance. Descriptive and logistic regression analyses compare need and assistance patterns across the nations and identify individual factors that explain receipt of assistance and unmet needs.Results:Our results indicate that a simple story of greater use of paid formal services in Sweden and more unpaid informal use in the United States masks a more complex relationship. Assistance with ADLs seems to be more targeted in Sweden; narrow differences in assistance widen considerably when the analysis is limited to those reporting need. Implications:Although these two different health systems result in similar levels of overall ADL assistance, a detailed microlevel comparison reveals key distinctions. Further microlevel comparisons of access, cost, and quality in cross-national data can further aid our understanding of the consequences of health policy.


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This work was devoted to individual child development. Psychogenetic research has emphasised the importance of social factors in children's intellectual development and two social factors are looked at here, family size and birth order. The effect of the formal parameters is, however, very unstable and they should therefore be considered together with certain informal factors. Of these, parental educational style, which is an expression of national traditions at the family level, is of particular interest. Educational style is culture-dependent and only a comparative cross-cultural study can reveal the real mechanisms through which educational style influences children's intellectual and personality development. Dumitrascu carried out an experimental cross-cultural study dedicated to the effects of family environment on child intellectual development. This involved three distinct populations, each of which has a distinct status in their geographical area, namely Romanians, Romanies from Romania, and Russians from the Republic of Moldova. It showed a significant difference between child intelligence in those from large families and in only children, with a huge gap in the case of Romany children. This suggests that the simultaneous action of several negative factors (low socio-economic status, large family size, socio-cultural isolation of the population) may delay a child's development. Subjected to such a precarious environment, Romany children do not seek self-realisation but rather struggle to overcome hardship and the majority remain outside civilisation. Unfortunately, adult Romanies rarely show concern about their children's successful social integration, placing no value on the school as a major socialising tool. This leads to the conclusion that a major effort is needed to help Romanies' social integration.


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This was an interdisciplinary cross-cultural project which subjected Czech citizens to theoretical analysis and empirical examination. In the first, theoretical, part of the work a typology of post-totalitarian citizenship was proposed containing five types of citizens: responsible democratic, social materialistic, passive asocial, hedonistic consuming, and predatory antisocial. While democratic citizenship stems from preserved civic virtues, the deficient types of citizenship are partially caused by the post-totalitarian syndrome. In the concrete empirical studies of the international context the most significant aspects of citizenship were examined. Czech citizens (students) displayed an encouraging level of political civic culture when they loaded more often than six other national samples on the factor of democratic citizenship (based on a questionnaire and Q-sort by Feierabend, Q-factor analysis), but their level of loyalty and low critical rebelliousness can also be seen as reason for concern. The Czech population provided contrasting results in measures of civility; although chronically complaining about interpersonal relations, they passed relatively well in a series of situational field experiments even in the international comparison (Levine's helping measures. Czech nationalism is primarily "cultural nationalism", which is less favourable for democratic citizenship than the "civic nationalism" of Americans.


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PURPOSE: There is a need for valid and reliable short scales that can be used to assess social networks and social supports and to screen for social isolation in older persons. DESIGN AND METHODS: The present study is a cross-national and cross-cultural evaluation of the performance of an abbreviated version of the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6), which was used to screen for social isolation among community-dwelling older adult populations in three European countries. Based on the concept of lack of redundancy of social ties we defined clinical cut-points of the LSNS-6 for identifying persons deemed at risk for social isolation. RESULTS: Among all three samples, the LSNS-6 and two subscales (Family and Friends) demonstrated high levels of internal consistency, stable factor structures, and high correlations with criterion variables. The proposed clinical cut-points showed good convergent validity, and classified 20% of the respondents in Hamburg, 11% of those in Solothurn (Switzerland), and 15% of those in London as at risk for social isolation. IMPLICATIONS: We conclude that abbreviated scales such as the LSNS-6 should be considered for inclusion in practice protocols of gerontological practitioners. Screening older persons based on the LSNS-6 provides quantitative information on their family and friendship ties, and identifies persons at increased risk for social isolation who might benefit from in-depth assessment and targeted interventions.


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In a cross-cultural study perceptions of local people living in the surroundings of biosphere reserves in Switzerland and Ukraine were examined using the method of qualitative interviews. In the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch in Switzerland people stated that they hoped for a better regional economic development due to the existence of the biosphere reserve. However, at the same time people feared further restrictions regarding land-use. In the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve located in Transcarpathia/Ukraine people tended to connect certain conditions – such as the high price for wood – directly to the existence of the biosphere reserve, when in fact these conditions and the biosphere reserve were separate, parallel developments. In both case studies three key-categories influencing local residents’ perceptions and evaluations of biosphere reserves could be identified. These categories are (1) the economic situation, (2) the history of nature protection, and (3) the power balance between the involved stakeholders. Paying close attention to those three categories will help planners and managers of protected areas to better understand the reasoning of local residents for or against a biosphere reserve in their area.


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Der Titel des Bandes - Translation und Transgression - ist zugleich Programm. Er verbindet die Darstellung von Formen und Verfahren, Problemen und Chancen der Übersetzung mit Antworten auf die Frage, wie Übersetzen und Dolmetschen dafür fruchtbar gemacht werden kann, Differenzen zwischen Kulturen zu erkennen, zu verstehen, zu verringern, zu überbrücken. Das Buch versammelt Beiträge namhafter Germanisten aus aller Welt sowohl zur alltags- und berufspraktischen Übersetzung als auch zur fachlichen und literarischen Translation anhand von Beispielen mit Bezug auf zahlreiche Sprachenpaare, jeweils verstanden als Praxis transkulturellen Handelns von Kulturmittlern. Es handelt sich dabei um die translationswissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse eines von der Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik und der Universität Vilnius gemeinsam durchgeführten Kongresses in Litauen.


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Unter dem Eindruck jüngster weltpolitischer Entwicklungen problematisiert der Band kulturelle ';Differenz' als Thema der aktuellen Interkulturalitätsforschung. Die Betonung der ';Unterschiede' als die ';andere Seite' der Globalisierung gilt es in ihren Ursachen zu verstehen und in ihren Ausprägungen zu erforschen. Die Differenzen liegen in eben diesen Ausprägungen, die sie für alle übrigen zu etwas Anderem macht. Aktive Toleranz heißt, dies Andere im Bewußtsein der Unterschiede zu verstehen und sich damit des Eigenen neu zu vergewissern, um von der Diagnose des (potentiellen) kulturellen Konflikts (';cultural clash', ';clash of civilisations') Wege zum Programm des ';interkulturellen Dialogs' (Kofi Annan) zu suchen. In ihm wird interkulturelle Differenz nicht zum Impuls zur Markierung von Grenzen, sondern ';nimmt ihnen das Trennende' (Richard v. Weizsäcker). Sie objektiviert sich in Texten und Zeichenensembles, denen die Aufmerksamkeit der Autoren, international tätiger Germanisten vor allem, im Blick auf die Vielfalt ihrer sprachlichen und ästhetischen Manifestationsformen gilt.


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Unter kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive lassen sich Religionen als gemeinschaftsstiftende Sinndeutungssysteme verstehen, mit deren Hilfe die Verständigung über gemeinsame Glaubens- und Wertvorstellungen geregelt werden kann. Religionen erwachsen aus interkulturellen Prozessen, denn sie speisen aus unterschiedlichen kulturellen Quellen und Bedeutungstraditionen und ‘migrieren’ aus der ursprünglichen ‘Gemeinde’ in andere kulturelle Kontexte. ‘Fremd-Religionen’ werden adaptiv verändert und in die eigene kulturelle Praxis überführt. Solche Veränderungen von Religionen werden durch Literatur begleitet und bewahrt. Sie verleiht Sinnstiftungsprozessen von Kultur sprachliche Gestalt und reflektiert damit auch immer implizit oder explizit religiöse Vorstellungen. Unter interkultureller Perspektive läßt sich Literatur also auch als Speicher religiöser Vorstellungen unter den Bedingungen ihrer epochen- und kulturspezifischen Veränderungen verstehen. Der Band sucht diesen Veränderungen in der Literatur und ihrer Spiegelung in den Medien nachzugehen und zu prüfen, wie dadurch Gemeinsamkeiten, aber auch kulturelle Differenzen bewußt gemacht werden.