969 resultados para contemporary perspectives
Chronic intake of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is associated with a reduced risk of developing gastrointestinal tumors, in particular colon cancer. Increasing evidence indicates that NSAID exert tumor-suppressive activity on pre-malignant lesions (polyps) in humans and on established experimental tumors in mice. Some of the tumor-suppressive effects of NSAIDs depend on the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a key enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxane, which is highly expressed in inflammation and cancer. Recent findings indicate that NSAIDs exert their anti-tumor effects by suppressing tumor angiogenesis. The availability of COX-2-specific NSAIDs opens the possibility of using this drug class as anti-angiogenic agents in combination with chemotheapy or radiotherapy for the treatment of human cancer. Here we will briefly review recent advances in the understanding of the mechanism by which NSAIDs suppress tumor angiogenesis and discuss their potential clinical application as anti-cancer agents.
At the beginning of the 1990s, the concept of "European integration" could still be said to be fairly unambiguous. Nowadays, it has become plural and complex almost to the point of unintelligibility. This is due, of course, to the internal differentiation of EU membership, with several Member States pulling out of key integrative projects such as establishing an area without frontiers, the "Schengen" area, and a common currency. But this is also due to the differentiated extension of key integrative projects to European non-EU countries - Schengen is again a case in point. Such processes of "integration without membership", the focus of the present publication, are acquiring an ever-growing topicality both in the political arena and in academia. International relations between the EU and its neighbouring countries are crucial for both, and their development through new agreements features prominently on the continent's political agenda. Over and above this aspect, the dissemination of EU values and standards beyond the Union's borders raises a whole host of theoretical and methodological questions, unsettling in some cases traditional conceptions of the autonomy and separation of national legal orders. This publication brings together the papers presented at the Integration without EU Membership workshop held in May 2008 at the EUI (Max Weber Programme and Department of Law). It aims to compare different models and experiences of integration between the EU, on the one hand, and those European countries that do not currently have an accession perspective on the other hand. In delimiting the geographical scope of the inquiry, so as to scale it down to manageable proportions, the guiding principles have been to include both the "Eastern" and "Western" neighbours of the EU, and to examine both structured frameworks of cooperation, such as the European Neighbourhood Policy and the European Economic Area, and bilateral relations developing on a more ad hoc basis. These principles are reflected in the arrangement of the papers, which consider in turn the positions of Ukraine, Russia, Norway, and Switzerland in European integration - current standing, perspectives for evolution, consequences in terms of the EU-ization of their respective legal orders1. These subjects are examined from several perspectives. We had the privilege of receiving contributions from leading practitioners and scholars from the countries concerned, from EU highranking officials, from prominent specialists in EU external relations law, and from young and talented researchers. We wish to thank them all here for their invaluable insights. We are moreover deeply indebted to Marise Cremona (EUI, Law Department, EUI) for her inspiring advice and encouragement, as well as to Ramon Marimon, Karin Tilmans, Lotte Holm, Alyson Price and Susan Garvin (Max Weber Programme, EUI) for their unflinching support throughout this project. A word is perhaps needed on the propriety and usefulness of the research concept embodied in this publication. Does it make sense to compare the integration models and experiences of countries as different as Norway, Russia, Switzerland, and Ukraine? Needless to say, this list of four evokes a staggering diversity of political, social, cultural, and economic conditions, and at least as great a diversity of approaches to European integration. Still, we would argue that such diversity only makes comparisons more meaningful. Indeed, while the particularities and idiosyncratic elements of each "model" of integration are fully displayed in the present volume, common themes and preoccupations run through the pages of every contribution: the difficulty in conceptualizing the finalité and essence of integration, which is evident in the EU today but which is greatly amplified for non-EU countries; the asymmetries and tradeoffs between integration and autonomy that are inherent in any attempt to participate in European integration from outside; the alteration of deeply seated legal concepts, and concepts about the law, that are already observable in the most integrated of the non-EU countries concerned. These issues are not transient or coincidental: they are inextricably bound up with the integration of non-EU countries in the EU project. By publishing this collection, we make no claim to have dealt with them in an exhaustive, still less in a definitive manner. Our ambition is more modest: to highlight the relevance of these themes, to place them more firmly on the scientific agenda, and to provide a stimulating basis for future research and reflection.
Recent advances have allowed the development of new physical techniques in neurology and psychiatry, such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS), and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). These techniques are already recognized as therapeutic approaches in several late stage refractory neurological disorders (Parkinson's disease, tremor, epilepsy), and currently investigated in psychiatric conditions, refractory to medical treatment (obsessive-compulsive disorder, resistant major depression). In Paralell, these new techniques offer a new window to understand the neurobiology of human behavior.
En aquest article es porta a terme una aproximació avaluativa i crítica sobre el desenvolupament de l’antropologia de l’esport a Espanya dibuixant, al mateix temps, el potencial científi c d’aquesta disciplina acadèmica en vies de consolidació. Així, en primer lloc, es repassa succintament l’evolució de l’antropologia de l’esport a nivell internacional per assenyalar les infl uències més destacades a Espanya. En segon lloc, s’observa la producció d’estudis antropològics sobre l’esport a Espanya, destacant la transició que va d’una etnografi a del joc i de l’esport descriptiva, gairebé folklòrica, dels primers estudis, a una antropologia sociocultural de l’esport, més teòrica i amb major voluntat comprensiva, de l’última etapa. Finalment, s’assenyala el seu grau d’institucionalització acadèmica actual i es perfi la la seva orientació futura.tigació desplegades per aquest grup de recerca, en concret aquella que fa referència a “Cultura, esport i patrimoni”.
En aquest estudi, explicaré i analitzaré aquests processos innovadors de conceptualització dels aspectes lingüístics del turisme. L'objectiu últim és explorar les possibilitats i perspectives que aquesta nova línia de treball pot obrir dins el context de l'oferta turística barcelonina, cosa que també afecta la projecció turística de Catalunya i dels Països Catalans. En termes generals, s'ha de constatar que l'ús de les llengües en activitats turístiques s'emmarca dins una política genèrica de projecció de la pròpia identitat i de promoció del patrimoni cultural. És per això que aquest treball també conté reflexions i propostes per a l'articulació del turisme cultural a Barcelona i Catalunya en base a la identitat i la cultura catalanes, amb el benentès que els termes "identitat" i "cultura" s'usen en un sentit ampli que incorpora la pròpia diversitat cultural i la producció artística contemporània al costat dels referents històrics, lingüístics i culturals que singularitzen la societat catalana.Aquest text està organitzat en tres blocs. El primer bloc tracta diverses qüestions prèvies, que ajuden a entendre els principis i conceptes que fonamenten aquest estudi, com són a) la justificació d'aquest estudi i, en definitiva, de la necessitat d'invertir en llengua i cultura en l'àmbit del turisme barceloní, que actualment lidera l'oferta de turisme cultural a Catalunya; b) el procediment que s'ha seguit per a fer l'estudi i la definició dels conceptes més importants; c) una explicació general de les connexions molt estretes que hi ha entre processos econòmics i processos sociolingüístics i que determinen la forma com les persones valoren les llengües pròpies i les dels altres en diversos àmbits socials, incloent-hi el món econòmic; i finalment, d) unes consideracions sobre el turisme cultural, això és, allò que fa que tingui sentit com a experiència d'interacció entre persones i cultures. En el segon bloc es presentaran experiències de marketització de llengües i identitats en diversos països. Em centraré bàsicament en els sectors de la publicitat i del turisme i, específicament, en les activitats que comporten l'ús de llengües no conegudes o poc conegudes pels clients. La secció sobre turisme està organitzada segons les llengües i, per al cas de les llengües cèltiques de les Illes Britàniques i per al Canadà, es subdivideix en diverses regions. Tot i que faré alguns comentaris sobre els processos de marketització de les grans llengües, em centraré en experiències associades a llengües minoritàries o políticament minoritzades. Això es justifica pel fet que les destinacions associades a grans llengües dominants dins el propi territori fins ara no s'han plantejat el rol de la llengua dins la pròpia oferta turística, excepte en allò que afecta al mercat d'ensenyament d'idiomes, aspecte sobre el qual parlaré també breument.El tercer bloc conté una valoració de conjunt sobre la trajectòria històrica de les polítiques turístiques a Barcelona i a Catalunya, amb els condicionants que poden facilitar l'articulació d'una oferta sòlida en matèria de turisme cultural. S'hi valora també la posició que ha tingut tradicionalment la llengua catalana en el món del turisme i s'elaboren propostes i línies de treball en base a les experiències analitzades al bloc 2. Veurem com, des del punt de vista sociolingüístic, les activitats turístiques plantegen reptes i oportunitats d'índole molt diversa: a) l'accés a espais o manifestacions culturals per part dels turistes i el seu impacte, b) el valor semiòtic de les llengües en la caracterització i diferenciació de productes i c) l'encaix entre les polítiques culturals i les turístiques, que pot implicar de formes complexes els diversos actors dels sectors econòmic, polític i cultural. L'estudi acaba amb un catàleg de propostes de desplegament d'una política turística basada en el patrimoni lingüístic, cultural, artístic i històric català, que ajudi a complementar i a reforçar l'oferta actual catalana, que gira principalment a l'entorn del clima i la platja.Versió en anglès del document: http://uoc.academia.edu/JoanPujolar/Papers/889133/Language_Culture_and_Tourism_Perspectives_in_Barcelona_and_Catalonia
This study was conducted at colleges in three countries (United States, Venezuela, and Spain) and across three academic disciplines (engineering, education, and business), to examine how experienced faculty define competencies for their discipline, and design instructional interaction for online courses. A qualitative research design employing in-depth interviews was selected. Results show that disciplinary knowledge takes precedence when faculty members select competencies to be developed in online courses for their respective professions. In all three disciplines, the design of interaction to correspond with disciplinary competencies was often influenced by contextual factors that modify faculty intention. Therefore, instructional design will vary across countries in the same discipline to address the local context, such as the needs and expectations of the learners, faculty perspectives, beliefs and values, and the needs of the institution, the community, and country. The three disciplines from the three countries agreed on the importance of the following competencies: knowledge of the field, higher order cognitive processes such as critical thinking, analysis, problem solving, transfer of knowledge, oral and written communication skills, team work, decision making, leadership and management skills, indicating far more similarities in competencies than differences between the three different applied disciplines. We found a lack of correspondence between faculty¿s intent to develop collaborative learning skills and the actual development of them. Contextual factors such as faculty prior experience in design, student reluctance to engage in collaborative learning, and institutional assessment systems that focus on individual performance were some of these reasons.
In a medieval Barcelonan side-street, urine, rubbish, and a bewildering array of graphic imagery splatters the narrowing walls between two major thoroughfares. A contemporary conflict between residents, unknown artists and others is played out using banners, bottles, stickers, posters, stencils, spray paint, and bodily substances. In this shadowed liminality, local and global debates are superimposed upon substructures constructed from disease, prostitution, and the Saint of the Plague. The continuing urban struggle constitutes temporal statements of dirt and purity, violence and humour, dominance and resistance, death and salvation. Like the renovated facades masking the crumbling remains of structures long neglected, the government’s literal whitewashing of the art is a temporal cover-up of a discursive symptom stretching from deeply embedded preconditions. However, from his niche in the angular bend of the alley bearing his name, the statue of St. Rock remains unblinkingly staring, raised above the contestations expressed below.