998 resultados para conhecimento a priori
This article provides some aspects that allow making a current reading of the situation of the Brazilian Chemistry that permit us considerate it as a strategic area. They are still presented some initial proposals related to the organization of the research as well as to win the challenges of the relationship with the other areas of the knowledge.
Technological innovation connects competitiveness and knowledge. In Brazil, knowledge is mainly concentrated in the universities which undertake R&D. This article aims to show the importance of Brazilian university extension activities, which transfer knowledge to society, contributing, in the case of the chemical sector, to a reduction in the country's total trade deficit of around US$8.5 billion, which is result of the importation of innumerable products. On the other hand, developed countries are resorting to technical barriers, which impose documentation and regulations based on testing products for conformity with standards. This demands a technical and scientific infrastructure, concentrated in the universities.
In this work, we describe a pedagogical experiment using work projects in chemistry undergraduate programs in general chemistry and inorganic chemistry courses making learning more dynamic and consolidating the link between students and the external community. We highlight as fundamental outcomes the improvement in the learning process and, above all, the active participation of the students in investigation and problem-solving activities.
This paper discusses the Brazilian academic production on Chemical Education. The main source of information is the annual meeting of the Brazilian Chemical Society (RASBQ) covering the period 1999-2006. All the papers presented by the Division of Chemical Education of the RASBQ were reviewed to permit a discussion about the development of the area in Brazil. This bibliographical revision comprises the following aspects: year of presentation, Brazilian region and institution of production, scholastic level encompassed by the study, the kind of academic work (or research type) and thematic focus of the study.
A brief comment about general characteristics of polysaccharide was presented. Brazilian trade of polysaccharides was obtained from the "Ministério de Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior" - Brazil. A list of these products was prepared and their price and amount analyzed in the period of 1998-2007. Some chemical properties and application of polysaccharides from our biodiversity was described. In this review they were classified by origin, in vegetal (exudate, seed, fruit, seaweed), animal and bacteria source. There is a trade deficit that can be reverted if part of the accumulated scientific knowledge was used to promote the national economic development in the field.
Invocatio: Q.F.F.S.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, A-B4 C2.
This article evaluates the technologies adopted for recycling and reuse of automobile components, through the analysis of patents documents. The automobile batteries recycling is the main topic, followed by the automatic disassembly of vehicles, tires recycling and polyurethane recycling. None document approached recycling of steel and aluminum or ceramics products. The reduced number of technologies for the recycling of the polymeric compounds (including polyurethane) indicates that a bigger number of research and inventions must be elaborated in the next years, aiming at to the reduction of costs of processes and adequacy to the more restricted environmental legislation.
This work describes the software Quiptabela, suggests a teaching activity, and analyses responses of general chemistry students from the Biological Sciences distance course at the Federal University of Tocantins. The software was described according to its educational potential, featuring the creation of dozens of charts or tables correlating physicochemical properties of the elements, being Brazilian, and free distribution. The teaching activities suggested analyzed students' ability to create and analyze tables and charts correlating the properties of chemical elements. Some 41% of students tested could define the term "periodic", but failed to use the concept to explain and differentiate changes in mass or atomic radius with the atomic number of elements.
The Química Nova Interativa (QNInt) portal was launched in 2009 by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) to offer free quality content for broad audiences. QNInt provides peer-reviewed articles from SBQ journals on science & society, chemical concepts, classroom activities and educational research. With 3,000,000 visits, QNInt also offers a unique library of interactive molecules. In the International Year of Chemistry QNInt served for distributing pH kits and registering data from IUPAC's Global Water Experiment, yielding Brazil the largest share of the global pH data set. The portal performance makes QNInt a valuable resource for connecting science to education.
This paper presents results of a content analysis of the formative professional profile of undergraduates within the context of Brazil's expansion of its federal education system and implementing of teacher training policies. The analysis focuses on the conceptions of undergraduates regarding elements of their initial training and professional perspectives, as recorded in narratives, interviews, and questionnaires. Based on the relationships identified between the recorded content and the Educational Course Project, we identified three categories of analysis that point to tensions generated during the professional development of chemistry teachers: 1) The relationship between pedagogical knowledge and chemical knowledge; 2) the conceptual aspects of science education, as represented by the different ways that students understand the "ionization process"; and 3) teaching identity, including the elements indicative of the identity construction of future teachers. The results indicate that the educational and professional profile of undergraduates is marked by a particular tension between chemical content knowledge and pedagogical content, as well as a lack of objectivity and focus on the course's original intent. This situation has produced a multifaceted training context in which there is confusion regarding aspects relating to the licensing, teaching modalities, and preparation of the chemistry education professional.
This study aims to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of Higher Education Chemistry teachers. From the perspective of qualitative research, questionnaires were given, there was documentary analysis and were interviewed twenty-six teachers of the Institute of Chemistry of an institution of state public higher education of São Paulo. Discussed the relevance of pedagogic disciplines in Postgraduate courses and participation in monitoring programs and teacher training in higher education teacher formation. It was found that most teachers lack pedagogical training and some do not show interest in the subject, but look for ways to overcome the difficulties encountered. The results obtained demonstrate the urgency to rethink and reorganize the PostGraduate courses before the real need for training of teachers for higher education.
Esta nota é a primeira contribuição para a distribuição especial das algas marinhas do litoral paranaense (Caiobá). São considerados três tipos de litoral: a) Litoral rochoso sujeito à ação de arrebentação. b) Litoral rochoso mais ou menos abrigado. c) Manguesais. Dentro do esquema proposto, o primeiro tipo é subdividido em 2 zonas: 1.º) Zona dos borrifos, situada acima do limite médio da maré alta (fig. 2 n.º 1), correspondente à "Splash zone" ou à "Sprit zone" dos autores estrangeiros. 2.º) Zona de arrebentação (Ressaca), situada entre os níveis médios das marés baixa e alta, correspondendo à "Interdital zone" ou à "Gezeitenzone" dos autores estrangeiros, (fig. 2 n.º 2). A primeira zona só conta com uma alga, Lyngbya confervoides e pelo menos mais duas espécies de moluscos do gênero Littorina. A segunda zona, a mais rica tanto em algas como em animais, é essencialmente caracterizada em Caiobá pelas algas seguintes: Levringia sp. Chaetomorpha media e Centroceras clavulatum na parte mais alta, associadas a balanoides (craca) e a Mytilus perna (marisco). Mais abaixo domina Pterosiphonia pennata, Hypnea musciformis e Bryocladia thyrsigera. São apresentados também mais três tipos secundários dependendo das condições locais dos rochedos. Esta sucessão de Littorina, Balanus e Mytilus é a mesma existente no sul da África, segundo se depreende dos trabalhos de Stephenson (11,12) e de vários de seus colaboradores. O segundo tipo apresenta também duas zonas, sendo a segunda a mais rica e variada, aparecendo aqui como dominante, uma associação na qual, Callithamnion, Laurencia papulosa, Gigartina Teedii e Sargassum cymosum são as mais abundantes. É sugerida a existência de uma zona abaixo do limite inferior das marés baixas, zona essa representada por Rhodymenia Palmetta, Plocamium brasiliensis e Spatoglossum Schroederi pelo menos. É feita uma rápida enumeração das algas dos manguesais.
The oceanographic work realized during 10 days in the surroundings of the eruptive island of Trindade, 20º30'36" lat. S - 29º19'26" long. W, had as principal aim the determination of the insular plateau, whose knowledge was very insufficient. Thus were established some oceanographic stations and sounding lines were realized by means of an echobathymeter whose responses were initially verified with mechanical soundings obtaneid by means of a Thomson sounder. The insular plateau is very narrow and exhibits a sudden fall between the 100 and 120 m. depth line at 740 m. - 2950 m. from the coast. Its greatest depth is of 108,30 m. and its mean inclination is of 8,12%. The plateau of the island of Trindade is separated from that of the neighbouring group of Martim Yaz by great depths. The bottoms are rocky near the coast, the blocks having been produced by the rupture of the magmatic mass of the island. Further away from the coast, the size of the rocks gradually diminishes up to the fine sand thickness. In the litoral zone there are abundant tufts of living Lithothamnion with a rich associated flora and fauna, which partly covers the rocks themselves. Further off at sea, the spheres of the dead alga with its commensals are cimented together by sedimentation. The spheres are further broken up and become an integrating part of the sand. The results of the physical and chemical analyses of the sand bottoms are shown in tables 2 and 3. The coast is either of abrupt rocky walls falling down to sea level, or of shores, made of pebbles or of sand. Anyhow, there are frequently Lithothamnion terraces slightly inclinated towards the bottom (chemical analysis table 1).
In May 1950 a trip was undertaken by the ships "Baependi" and "Vega" to the Trindade Island - 20º30'S and 29º20'W - Approximately 1200 km off the coast of Espirito Santo State. This scientific expedition was realized by the iniciative of the Minister J. A. Lins de Barros. In this expedition the supervisor of the oceanographic works was Prof. W. Besnard, the director of the São Paulo Oceanographic Institute. He brougth home 42 samples of water for study, collected upon the insular terrace of the island, referring to the 15 established stations - see table I - with depths varying between 0 m and 115 m. The physical and chemical properties of them are to be seen on table II. The results obtained were compared with those of the German Expedition to the South Atlantic, 1925/27 ("Meteor"), observed at the stations 157-158-159-163 of profile VI and 168-169-170 of profile VII. The mean results obtaneid by the boats "Baependi" and "Vega" are represented on table IV. We constructed vertical sections - I to VI - of each group of Stations, showing the slope of the insular shelves and, in a general manner, the distribution of salinity. We made also longitudinal section - E, M, I - involving the island and corresponding, respectively, to the groups of stations, the farthest, nearest and intermediary ones. As the number of samples received is reduced and consequently the data obtained are few, no conclusions could be deduced. We made only a commentary supposing that the predominating waters surrounding the island are the same as those coming from the mentioned stations on Profile VI, marked by the "Meteor". No indication authorizes the supposition that waters of the Brazil Current or those of Profile VII of the "Meteor" reach the Trindade Island. On the contrary, its waters must be warm and salted to which Albert Defant (Die Troposphaere, Wiss. Erg. D. Atl. Exp. "Meteor" Band VI, 1 Tel Lief. 3, Berlin, 1936) has referred, as the island is located very near to the limits of the perspective diagram of warm water circulation pointed out. (Kieler Meeresforschungen, Inst. Meereskunde, Universit. Kiel, Band VII, Heft 1, S 24, 1950).