961 resultados para clean organic synthesis


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Die Kontrolle der ausgeprägten Aggregationsfähigkeit von alkylsubstituierten Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenen (HBC) wurde durch die Reduktion der intermolekularen Wechselwirkungen erreicht. Sterisch anspruchsvolle, verzweigte Alkylketten, mit einem Verzweigungspunkt naher des aromatischen Kerns, wurden in die Corona der aromatischen Scheiben eingebracht und verleihen den Derivaten Schmelzbarkeit ohne thermische Zersetzung. Dies erlaubte eine kostengünstige Verarbeitungstechniken direkt aus der Schmelze wie z.B. Zonenschmelzen, um uniaxial organisierte makroskopische Filme zu erhalten. Abhängig von dem sterischen Anspruch, der durch die Seitenkette erzeugt wird, wurden unterschiedliche molekulare Orientierungen auf Oberflächen erhalten, was eine wichtige Voraussetzung ist, um diskotische Materialien in elektronische Bauteile zu implementieren. Eine weitere Voraussetzung sind hohe Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten und Ladungsträgerlebenszeiten in den Halbleitermaterialien, die mit time-resolved pulse-radiolysis microwave conductivity (TR-PRMC) und time-of-flight (TOF) auch für die synthetisieren Materialien bestimmt wurden. Die neuen Materialien zeigten bereits in organischen Solarzellen gute Leistungen. Den Einfluss des Perimeters auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften der polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAKs) wurde theoretisch vorhergesagt und in dieser Arbeit durch die Synthese einer homologe Serie von PAKs experimentell bestätigt. Geht man von der „arm-chair“ Peripherie des HBC sukzessive zu einer partiellen „zickzack“ Peripherie, so findet man eine Abhängigkeit der elektronischen Banden von Symmetrie und Größe des aromatischen Systems. Die spontan ausgebildete Überstruktur dieser Derivate zeigte eine Abhängigkeit von Substitutionsmuster und der Natur der Alkylketten. Zusammenfassend wurden neben der Synthese von neuartigen Materialien für den Einsatz in der organischen Elektronik Synthesen entwickelt, die eine vereinfachte Funktionalisierung von ausgedehnten PAKs ermöglicht. Diese Konzepte erlauben eine Justierung der molekularen und supramolekularen Eigenschaften, eines der wichtigsten Voraussetzungen für den Einsatz von Materialien in elektronischen Bauelementen.


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Since conjugated polymers, i.e. polymers with spatially extended pi-bonding system have offered unique physical properties, unobtainable for conventional polymers, significant research efforts directed to better understanding of their chemistry, physics and engineering have been undertaken in the past two and half decades. In this thesis we discuss the synthesis, characterisation and investigation of conjugated semiconducting organic materials for electronic applications. Owing to the versatile properties of metal-organic hybrid materials, there is significant promise that these materials can find use in optical or electronic devices in the future. In addressing this issue, the synthesis of bisthiazol-2-yl-amine (BTA) based polymers is attempted and their metallation is investigated. The focus of this work has been to examine whether the introduction of coordinating metal ions onto the polymer backbone can enhance the conductivity of the material. These studies can provide a basis for understanding the photophysical properties of metal-organic polymers based on BTA. In their neutral (undoped) form conjugated polymers are semiconductors and can be used as active components of plastics electronics such as polymer light-emitting diodes, polymer lasers, photovoltaic cells, field-effect transistors, etc. Toward this goal, it is an objective of the study to synthesize and characterize new classes of luminescent polymeric materials based on anthracene and phenanthrene moieties. A series of materials based on polyphenylenes and poly(phenyleneethynylene)s with 9,10-anthrylene subunits are not only presented but the synthesis and characterization of step-ladder and ladder poly(p-phenylene-alt-anthrylene)s containing 9,10-anthrylene building groups within the main chain are also explored. In a separate work, a series of soluble poly-2,7- and 3,6-phenanthrylenes are synthesized. This can enable us to do a systematic investigation into the optical and electronic properties of PPP-like versus PPV-like. Besides, the self-organization of 3,6-linked macrocyclic triphenanthrylene has been investigated by 2D wide-angle X-ray scattering experiments performed on extruded filaments in solution and in the bulk. Additionally, from the concept that donor-acceptor materials can induce efficient electron transfer, the covalent incorporation of perylene tetracarboxydiimide (PDI) into one block of a poly(2,7-carbazole) (PCz)-based diblock copolymer and 2,5-pyrrole based on push-pull type material are achieved respectively.


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The last decade has witnessed an exponential growth of activities in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology worldwide, driven both by the excitement of understanding new science and by the potential hope for applications and economic impacts. The largest activity in this field up to date has been in the synthesis and characterization of new materials consisting of particles with dimensions in the order of a few nanometers, so-called nanocrystalline materials. [1-8] Semiconductor nanomaterials such as III/V or II/VI compound semiconductors exhibit strong quantum confinement behavior in the size range from 1 to 10 nm. Therefore, preparation of high quality semiconductor nanocrystals has been a challenge for synthetic chemists, leading to the recent rapid progress in delivering a wide variety of semiconducting nanomaterials. Semiconductor nanocrystals, also called quantum dots, possess physical properties distinctly different from those of the bulk material. Typically, in the size range from 1 to 10 nm, when the particle size is changed, the band gap between the valence and the conduction band will change, too. In a simple approximation a particle in a box model has been used to describe the phenomenon[9]: at nanoscale dimensions the degenerate energy states of a semiconductor separate into discrete states and the system behaves like one big molecule. The size-dependent transformation of the energy levels of the particles is called “quantum size-effect”. Quantum confinement of both the electron and hole in all three dimensions leads to an increase in the effective bandgap of the material with decreasing crystallite size. Consequently, both the optical absorption and emission of semiconductor nanaocrystals shift to the blue (higher energies) as the size of the particles gets smaller. This color tuning is well documented for CdSe nanocrystals whose absorption and emission covers almost the whole visible spectral range. As particle sizes become smaller the ratio of surface atoms to those in the interior increases, which has a strong impact on particle properties, too. Prominent examples are the low melting point [8] and size/shape dependent pressure resistance [10] of semiconductor nanocrystals. Given the size dependence of particle properties, chemists and material scientists now have the unique opportunity to change the electronic and chemical properties of a material by simply controlling the particle size. In particular, CdSe nanocrystals have been widely investigated. Mainly due to their size-dependent optoelectronic properties [11, 12] and flexible chemical processibility [13], they have played a distinguished role for a number of seminal studies [11, 12, 14, 15]. Potential technical applications have been discussed, too. [8, 16-27] Improvement of the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals is still a prominent research topic. One of the most important approaches is fabricating composite type-I core-shell structures which exhibit improved properties, making them attractive from both a fundamental and a practical point of view. Overcoating of nanocrystallites with higher band gap inorganic materials has been shown to increase the photoluminescence quantum yields by eliminating surface nonradiative recombination sites. [28] Particles passivated with inorganic shells are more robust than nanocrystals covered by organic ligands only and have greater tolerance to processing conditions necessary for incorporation into solid state structures or for other applications. Some examples of core-shell nanocrystals reported earlier include CdS on CdSe [29], CdSe on CdS, [30], ZnS on CdS, [31] ZnS on CdSe[28, 32], ZnSe on CdSe [33] and CdS/HgS/CdS [34]. The characterization and preparation of a new core-shell structure, CdSe nanocrystals overcoated by different shells (CdS, ZnS), is presented in chapter 4. Type-I core-shell structures as mentioned above greatly improve the photoluminescence quantum yield and chemical and photochemical stability of nanocrystals. The emission wavelengths of type-I core/shell nanocrystals typically only shows a small red-shift when compared to the plain core nanocrystals. [30, 31, 35] In contrast to type-I core-shell nanocrystals, only few studies have been conducted on colloidal type-II core/shell structures [36-38] which are characterized by a staggered alignment of conduction and valence bands giving rise to a broad tunability of absorption and emission wavelengths, as was shown for CdTe/CdSe core-shell nanocrystals. [36] The emission of type-II core/shell nanocrystals mainly originates from the radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs across the core-shell interface leading to a long photoluminescence lifetime. Type-II core/shell nanocrystals are promising with respect to photoconduction or photovoltaic applications as has been discussed in the literature.[39] Novel type-II core-shell structures with ZnTe cores are reported in chapter 5. The recent progress in the shape control of semiconductor nanocrystals opens new fields of applications. For instance, rod shaped CdSe nanocrystals can enhance the photo-electro conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells, [40, 41] and also allow for polarized emission in light emitting diodes. [42, 43] Shape control of anisotropic nanocrystals can be achieved by the use of surfactants, [44, 45] regular or inverse micelles as regulating agents, [46, 47] electrochemical processes, [48] template-assisted [49, 50] and solution-liquid-solution (SLS) growth mechnism. [51-53] Recently, formation of various CdSe nanocrystal shapes has been reported by the groups of Alivisatos [54] and Peng, [55] respectively. Furthermore, it has been reported by the group of Prasad [56] that noble metal nanoparticles can induce anisotropic growth of CdSe nanocrystals at lower temperatures than typically used in other methods for preparing anisotropic CdSe structures. Although several approaches for anisotropic crystal growth have been reported by now, developing new synthetic methods for the shape control of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals remains an important goal. Accordingly, we have attempted to utilize a crystal phase control approach for the controllable synthesis of colloidal ZnE/CdSe (E = S, Se, Te) heterostructures in a variety of morphologies. The complex heterostructures obtained are presented in chapter 6. The unique optical properties of nanocrystals make them appealing as in vivo and in vitro fluorophores in a variety of biological and chemical investigations, in which traditional fluorescence labels based on organic molecules fall short of providing long-term stability and simultaneous detection of multiple emission colours [References]. The ability to prepare water soluble nanocrystals with high stability and quantum yield has led to promising applications in cellular labeling, [57, 58] deep-tissue imaging, [59, 60] and assay labeling [61, 62]. Furthermore, appropriately solubilized nanocrystals have been used as donors in fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) couples. [63-65] Despite recent progress, much work still needs to be done to achieve reproducible and robust surface functionalization and develop flexible (bio-) conjugation techniques. Based on multi-shell CdSe nanocrystals, several new solubilization and ligand exchange protocols have been developed which are presented in chapter 7. The organization of this thesis is as follows: A short overview describing synthesis and properties of CdSe nanocrystals is given in chapter 2. Chapter 3 is the experimental part providing some background information about the optical and analytical methods used in this thesis. The following chapters report the results of this work: synthesis and characterization of type-I multi-shell and type-II core/shell nanocrystals are described in chapter 4 and chapter 5, respectively. In chapter 6, a high–yield synthesis of various CdSe architectures by crystal phase control is reported. Experiments about surface modification of nanocrystals are described in chapter 7. At last, a short summary of the results is given in chapter 8.


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Here, we present the adaptation and optimization of (i) the solvothermal and (ii) the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) approach as simple methods for the high-yield synthesis of MQ2 (M=Mo, W, Zr; Q = O, S) nanoparticles. Extensive characterization was carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and transmission electron micros¬copy (SEM/TEM) combined with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDXA), Raman spectroscopy, thermal analyses (DTA/TG), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and BET measurements. After a general introduction to the state of the art, a simple route to nanostructured MoS2 based on the decomposition of the cluster-based precursor (NH4)2Mo3S13∙xH2O under solvothermal conditions (toluene, 653 K) is presented. Solvothermal decomposition results in nanostructured material that is distinct from the material obtained by decomposition of the same precursor in sealed quartz tubes at the same temperature. When carried out in the presence of the surfactant cetyltrimethyl¬ammonium bromide (CTAB), the decomposition product exhibits highly disordered MoS2 lamellae with high surface areas. The synthesis of WS2 onion-like nanoparticles by means of a single-step MOCVD process is discussed. Furthermore, the results of the successful transfer of the two-step MO¬CVD based synthesis of MoQ2 nanoparticles (Q = S, Se), comprising the formation of amorphous precursor particles and followed by the formation of fullerene-like particles in a subsequent annealing step to the W-S system, are presented. Based on a study of the temperature dependence of the reactions a set of conditions for the formation of onion-like structures in a one-step reaction could be derived. The MOCVD approach allows a selective synthesis of open and filled fullerene-like chalcogenide nanoparticles. An in situ heating stage transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study was employed to comparatively investigate the growth mechanism of MoS2 and WS2 nanoparticles obtained from MOCVD upon annealing. Round, mainly amorphous particles in the pristine sample trans¬form to hollow onion-like particles upon annealing. A significant difference between both compounds could be demonstrated in their crystallization conduct. Finally, the results of the in situ hea¬ting experiments are compared to those obtained from an ex situ annealing process under Ar. Eventually, a low temperature synthesis of monodisperse ZrO2 nanoparticles with diameters of ~ 8 nm is introduced. Whereas the solvent could be omitted, the synthesis in an autoclave is crucial for gaining nano-sized (n) ZrO2 by thermal decomposition of Zr(C2O4)2. The n-ZrO2 particles exhibits high specific surface areas (up to 385 m2/g) which make them promising candidates as catalysts and catalyst supports. Co-existence of m- and t-ZrO2 nano-particles of 6-9 nm in diameter, i.e. above the critical particle size of 6 nm, demonstrates that the particle size is not the only factor for stabilization of the t-ZrO2 modification at room temperature. In conclusion, synthesis within an autoclave (with and without solvent) and the MOCVD process could be successfully adapted to the synthesis of MoS2, WS2 and ZrO2 nanoparticles. A comparative in situ heating stage TEM study elucidated the growth mechanism of MoS2 and WS2 fullerene-like particles. As the general processes are similar, a transfer of this synthesis approach to other layered transition metal chalcogenide systems is to be expected. Application of the obtained nanomaterials as lubricants (MoS2, WS2) or as dental filling materials (ZrO2) is currently under investigation.


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Self-assembly relies on the association of pre-programmed building blocks through non-covalent interactions to give complex supramolecular architectures. Previous studies provided evidence for the unique self-assembly properties of semi-synthetic lipophilic guanosine derivatives which can sequestrate ions from an aqueous phase, carry them into an organic phase where they promote the generation of well-defined supramolecular assemblies. In the presence of cations lipophilic guanosines form columnar aggregates while in their absence they generate supramolecular ribbons. The aim of this thesis has been the synthesis of guanine derivatives, in particular N9-alkylated guanines and a guanosine functionalized as a perchlorotriphenylmetil moiety (Gace-a-HPTM) in order to observe their supramolecular behaviour in the absence of sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and in the presence of a bulky and chiral substituent respectively. By using guanine instead of guanosine, while maintaining all the hydrogen bond acceptor and donor groups required for supramolecular aggregation, the steric hindrance to supramolecular aggregation is notably reduced because (i.e. guanines with groups in N9 different from sugar are expected to have a greatest conformational freedom even in presence of bulky groups in C8). Supramolecular self-assembly of these derivatives has been accomplished in solutions by NMR and CD spectroscopy and on surface by STM technique. In analogy with other guanosine derivatives, also N9-substituted guanines and GAceHPTM form either ribbon-like aggregates or cation-templated G-quartet based columnar structures.


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The last decades have witnessed significant and rapid progress in polymer chemistry and molecular biology. The invention of PCR and advances in automated solid phase synthesis of DNA have made this biological entity broadly available to all researchers across biological and chemical sciences. Thanks to the development of a variety of polymerization techniques, macromolecules can be synthesized with predetermined molecular weights and excellent structural control. In recent years these two exciting areas of research converged to generate a new type of nucleic acid hybrid material, consisting of oligodeoxynucleotides and organic polymers. By conjugating these two classes of materials, DNA block copolymers are generated exhibiting engineered material properties that cannot be realized with polymers or nucleic acids alone. Different synthetic strategies based on grafting onto routes in solution or on solid support were developed which afforded DNA block copolymers with hydrophilic, hydrophobic and thermoresponsive organic polymers in good yields. Beside the preparation of DNA block copolymers with a relative short DNA-segment, it was also demonstrated how these bioorganic polymers can be synthesized exhibiting large DNA blocks (>1000 bases) applying the polymerase chain reaction. Amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, which were synthesized fully automated in a DNA synthesizer, self-assemble into well-defined nanoparticles. Hybridization of spherical micelles with long DNA templates that encode several times the sequence of the micelle corona induced a transformation into rod-like micelles. The Watson-Crick motif aligned the hydrophobic polymer segments along the DNA double helix, which resulted in selective dimer formation. Even the length of the resulting nanostructures could be precisely adjusted by the number of nucleotides of the templates. In addition to changing the structural properties of DNA-b-PPO micelles, these materials were applied as 3D nanoscopic scaffolds for organic reactions. The DNA strands of the corona were organized by hydrophobic interactions of the organic polymer segments in such a fashion that several DNA-templated organic reactions proceeded in a sequence specific manner; either at the surface of the micelles or at the interface between the biological and the organic polymer blocks. The yields of reactions employing the micellar template were equivalent or better than existing template architectures. Aside from its physical properties and the morphologies achieved, an important requirement for a new biomaterial is its biocompatibility and interaction with living systems, i.e. human cells. The toxicity of the nanoparticles was analyzed by a cell proliferation assay. Motivated by the non-toxic nature of the amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, these nanoobjects were employed as drug delivery vehicles to target the anticancer drug to a tumor tissue. The micelles obtained from DNA block copolymers were easily functionalized with targeting units by hybridization. This facile route allowed studying the effect of the amount of targeting units on the targeting efficacy. By varying the site of functionalization, i.e. 5’ or 3’, the outcome of having the targeting unit at the periphery of the micelle or in the core of the micelle was studied. Additionally, these micelles were loaded with an anticancer drug, doxorubicin, and then applied to tumor cells. The viability of the cells was calculated in the presence and absence of targeting unit. It was demonstrated that the tumor cells bearing folate receptors showed a high mortality when the targeting unit was attached to the nanocarrier.


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Studies of organic fluorescent dyes are experiencing a renaissance related to the increasing demands posed by new microscopy techniques for high resolution and high sensitivity. While in the last decade single molecule equipment and methodology has significantly advanced and in some cases reached theoretical limits (e.g. detectors approaching unity quantum yields) unstable emission from chromophores and photobleaching become more and more the bottleneck of the advancement and spreading of single-molecule fluorescence studies. The main goal of this work was the synthesis of fluorophores that are water-soluble, highly fluorescent in an aqueous environment, have a reactive group for attachment to a biomolecule and posses exceptional photostability. An approach towards highly fluorescent, water-soluble and monofunctional perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxdiimide and terrylene-3,4:11,12-tetra carboxidiimide chromophores was presented. A new synthetic strategy for the desymmetrization of perylenetetracarboximides was elaborated; water-solubility was accomplished by introducing sulfonyl substituents in the phenoxy ring. Two strategies have been followed relying on either non-specific or site specific labeling. For this purpose a series of new water-soluble monofunctional perylene and terrylene dyes, bearing amine or carboxy group were prepared. The reactivity and photophysical properties of these new chromophores were studied in aqueous medium. The most suitable chromophores were further derivatized with amine or thiol reactive groups, suitable for chemical modification of proteins. The performance of the new fluorescent probes was assessed by single molecule enzyme tracking, in this case phospholipase acting on phospholipid supported layers. Phospholipase-1 (PLA-1) was labeled with N-hydroxysuccinimide ester functionalized perylene and terrylene derivatives. The purification of the conjugates was accomplished by novel convenient procedure for the removal of unreacted dye from labeled enzymes, which involves capturing excess dye with a solid support. This novel strategy for purification of bioconjugates allows convenient and fast separation of labeled proteins without the need for performing time consuming chromatographic or electrophoretic purification steps. The outstanding photostability of the dyes and, associated therewith, the extended survival times under strong illumination conditions allow a complete characterization of enzyme action on its natural substrates and even connecting enzyme mobility to catalytic activity. For site-specific attachment of the rylene dyes to proteins the chromophores were functionalized with thioesters or nitrilotriacetic acid groups. This allowed attachment of the emitters to the N-terminus of proteins by native chemical ligation or complexation with His-tagged polypeptides at the N- or C-termini, respectively. The synthesis of a water-soluble perylenebis (dicarboximide) functionalized with a thioester group was presented. This chromophore exhibits an exceptional photostability and a functional unit for site-specific labeling of proteins. The suitability of the fluorophore as a covalent label was demonstrated via native chemical ligation with protein containing N-terminal cystein residue. We exploited also oligohisitidine sequences as recognition elements for site-selective labeling. The synthesis of a new water-soluble perylene chromophore, containing a nitrilotriacetic acid functional group was demonstrated, using solution-phase and solid-phase approaches. This chromophore combines the exceptional photophysical properties of the rylene dyes and a recognition unit for site-specific labeling of proteins. An important feature of the label is the unchanged emission of the dye upon complexation with nickel ions.


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The post genomic era, set the challenge to develop drugs that target an ever-growing list of proteins associated with diseases. However, an increase in the number of drugs approved every year is nowadays still not observed. To overcome this gap, innovative approaches should be applied in drug discovery for target validation, and at the same time organic synthetic chemistry has to find new fruitful strategies to obtain biologically active small molecules not only as therapeutic agents, but also as diagnostic tools to identify possible cellular targets. In this context, in view of the multifactorial mechanistic nature of cancer, new chimeric molecules, which can be either antitumor lead candidates, or valuable chemical tools to study molecular pathways in cancer cells, were developed using a multitarget-directed drug design strategy. According to this approach, the desired hybrid compounds were obtained by combining in a single chemical entity SAHA analogues, targeting histone deacetylases (HDACs), with substituted stilbene or terphenyl derivatives able to block cell cycle, to induce apoptosis and cell differentiation and with Sorafenib derivative, a multikinase inhibitor. The new chimeric derivatives were characterized with respect to their cytotoxic activity and their effects on cell cycle progression on leukemia Bcr-Abl-expressing K562 cell lines, as well as their HDACs inhibition. Preliminary results confirmed that one of the hybrid compounds has the desired chimeric profile. A distinct project was developed in the laboratory of Dr Spring, regarding the synthesis of a diversity-oriented synthesis (DOS) library of macrocyclic peptidomimetics. From a biological point of view, this class of molecules is extremely interesting but underrepresented in drug discovery due to the poor synthetic accessibility. Therefore it represents a valid challenge for DOS to take on. A build/couple/pair (B/C/P) approach provided, in an efficient manner and in few steps, the structural diversity and complexity required for such compounds.


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Hyperverzweigte Polymere erfuhren in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Beachtung, da sie im Vergleich zu ihren linearen Analoga besondere Eigenschaften besitzen. Im Jahre 2002 wurde die erste enzymkatalysierte Darstellung hyperverzweigter Poly(epsilon-caprolacton)e (hb-PCL) beschrieben. Hier ermöglichte das Konzept der konkurrierenden ringöffnenden Polymerisation und Polykondensation die Kontrolle der Eigenschaften des dargestellten Polymers. Detaillierte Untersuchungen in Hinblick auf Grenzen und Möglichkeiten, aber auch die Synthese im Technikumsmaßstab sind wesentliche Aspekte dieser Arbeit. Außerdem wird ein neues Konzept eingeführt, das Reknitting genannt wurde. Ziel desselben ist das Recycling kommerziellen, linearen PCLs mittels Umesterung zu hb-PCL durch Enzymkatalyse. Diese hb-PCLs zeigen vergleichbare Eigenschaften zu den aus den Comonomeren dargestellten. Ausgehend von hb-PCL sollte eine geeignete Route zu methacrylierten Vernetzerverbindungen entwickelt werden. Aus Mischungen derselben mit 2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylat wurden komplexe Netzwerkarchitekturen durch Copolymerisation erhalten. Diese Netzwerke wurden in Hinblick auf ihre mechanisch physikalischen Eigenschaften untersucht. Zuletzt wurden Screeningexperimente an anderen zyklischen Estern durchgeführt, da ein Transfer des oben vorgestellten Konzepts angestrebt wurde. Zwei neue hyperverzweigte Polymerklassen, hb-Poly(delta-valerolacton) und hb-Polytrimethylencarbonat wurden detaillierter untersucht und in Ihren Eigenschaften mit hb-PCL verglichen.


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Crystallization-induced diastereoisomer transformation (CIDT) was successfully employed in the enantioselective synthesis of 2-alkyl-3-aryl-propan-1-amines. These products are seen as potentially useful building blocks in the field of asymmetric organic chemistry, notably for pharmaceutically relevant compounds. The procedure was based on a recently reported protocol for deracemization of dihydrocinnamic aldehydes in which enantiomerically enriched 1-(amino(phenyl)methyl)naphthalen-2-ol (Betti base) is employed as a resolving agent. Additionally, fenpropimorph, a biologically active substance which contains the 2-alkyl-3-aryl-propan-1-amine moiety was synthetized, as an attempt to assess the usefulness of the enantiomerically enriched amines.


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Die Untersuchung von halbleitenden Materialien auf der Basis von organischen Molekülen stellt ein Gebiet der angewandten Forschung an der Schwelle zur industriellen Nutzung dar. Geringes Gewicht und hohe mechanische Flexibilität ermöglichen völlig neue Produkte, die mit anorganischen Halbleitern nicht zu realisieren sind. Die Herstellung von Bauteilen wie Transistoren, Solarzellen oder Leuchtdioden aus organischen Materialien ist ein komplexes Gebiet, das einer Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Optimierungen bedarf, um eine konkurrenzfähige Leistung zu erreichen. Die synthetische organische Chemie bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten, mit maßgeschneiderten Lösungen zum Optimierungsprozess beizutragen. Zum einen können neue aktive Materialien hergestellt werden mit besserer Leistung und leichterer Verarbeitbarkeit. Zum anderen sind Substanzen zugänglich, die z.B. bei der Ladungsträgerinjektion hilfreich sein können.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde an beiden dieser Fronten gearbeitet. Dabei lag die Entwicklungsstrategie darin, ausgedehnte π-konjugierte Moleküle herzustellen, die entweder besonders elektronenarme Akzeptoren oder elektronenreiche Donoren darstellen. Die genaue Kontrolle der elektronischen Niveaus stellt einen wichtigen Bestandteil dar, um niedrige elektrische Kontaktbarrieren zu Metallen zu erreichen und ausreichend stabile Materialien zu erreichen.rnDer erste Fokus der Arbeiten lag in der Funktionalisierung von Coronen. Dieser PAH stellt einen guten Kompromiss bezüglich seiner Größe dar: Er ist groß genug, um Diffusion in andere Schichten von Bauteilen zu vermeiden, aber nicht zu groß, um Verarbeitung durch Vakuumsublimation zu ermöglichen. Bislang sind praktisch keine Coronen-Derivate in der Literatur beschrieben, weshalb eine neue Synthese entwickelt werden musste, die die Einführung starker Donor- und Akzeptorfunktionalitäten erlaubt. Die photochemische Cyclodehydrierung von substituierten [2.2.2]paracyclophan-trienen stellte sich als hervorragende Möglichkeit heraus, dies zu bewerkstelligen. Es wurde eine Reihe von methoxy-substitutierten Coronenen mit unterschiedlicher Symmetrie hergestellt. Mittels optischer Spektroskopie konnte gezeigt werden, dass Methoxygruppen wenig Einfluss auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften von Coronen haben. Unter Spaltung der Methylether und anschließender Oxidation allerdings sind Coronenketone zugänglich, welche bis zu drei α-Diketongruppen besitzen. Diese Moleküle sind enorm starke Akzeptoren, was durch Cyclovoltammetrie und Vergleich zu anderen Akzeptoren eindrucksvoll gezeigt werden konnte. Die Sublimation dieses Akzeptors auf die Oberfläche von Metallen zeigt einen dramatischen Einfluss auf die Austrittsarbeit dieses Metalls, was zur Herstellung eines ohmschen Kontakts zu organischen Halbleitern von außerordentlichem Nutzen ist. rnDen zweiten Teil der Arbeit bilden Benzodithiophen enthaltende Polymere, die für den Einsatz als aktive Komponente in elektronischen Bauteilen entwickelt wurden. Nach systematischer Strukturoptimierung wurde ein Polymer enthalten, welches in einem Feldeffekt-Transistor auf Standard-Silizium-Substraten Ladungsträger-Mobilitäten über 0,1 cm2/Vs erreicht mit großer Reproduzierbarkeit und ausgezeichneter Transistor-Charakteristik. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durch die Monomergeometrie erzeugte Kurvung des Polymers zu einem optimalen Kompromiss aus Löslichkeit und effektiver Packung darstellt. Auf für industrielle Anwendungen besonders interessanten polymer-basierten Substraten wurde eine noch erheblich bessere Leistung gezeigt. Auf einem PET-Substrat wurden Feldeffekt-Mobilitäten von 0,5 cm2/Vs gemessen mit überzeugenden Reproduzierbarkeit und Stabilität.rnDamit konnte in der Arbeit ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung von Materialien für den Einsatz in elektronischen Bauteilen geleistet werden. Die Substanzen versprechen noch erhebliches Potenzial nach intensiver Optimierung und wurden deshalb zum Patent angemeldet.rn


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Diese Studie verfolgt das Konzept der "Oligomer-Ansatz", die von Müllen angesprochen wurde et.al. vor etwa 10 Jahren. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war die Synthese, Charakterisierung und Anwendung von halbleitenden konjugierten heteroacenes für organische Elektronik.rnZur weiteren Entwicklung der Familie von schwefelhaltigen Pentacene, zwei Moleküle (Benzo [1,2 - b :4,5-b '] bis [b] benzodithiophene und dithieno-[2,3-d: 2', 3'-d ']-benzo-[1,2-b :4,5-b'] dithiophene)rnfacilely wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert durch eine Kombination verschiedener Methoden. Die beiden neue Moleküle weisen hervorragende ökologische Stabilität und angewendet OFETs Geräte als p-Kanal-Material. Die Vorversuche gaben Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten von 0,1 cm2 V-1 s-1 undrn1,6 cm2 V-1 s-1 bzw. aus den beiden Molekülen.rnAusgelöst durch die Frage "je länger desto besser?", Eine Reihe von neuen heteroheptacenes wurden synthetisiert und intensiv im Hinblick auf ihre feste Struktur, Selbst-assenbly auf der studierte Oberfläche, opto-elektro-Eigenschaften und Eigenschaften des Orbits Grenze. Einer derrnheteroheptacene Moleküle wurden als die aktiven Kanäle in OFET Geräten angewendet. Jedoch in Trotz der mehr verlängert Konjugationslänge die Geräte auf der Basis zeigten heptacenes viel schlimmer Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten als die heteropentacenes. Viele Faktoren können Festlegung der endgültigen Leistung der Produkte und der chemischen Struktur ist nur einer von ihnen.rnIn dieser Hinsicht scheint es, dass es auch sinnvoll, den Einfluss der Heteroatome Studie und Alkylsubstitution auf der soliden und elektronischen Strukturen. Daher mehr heteroheptacenes wurden synthetisiert. Abwechslungsreiches in der Anzahl und Art der heteroatomare Brücke,rndiese Oligoazene ausgestellt dramatisch anders feste Struktur und opto-elektronischernEigenschaften. Darüber hinaus wurde eine kombinierte DFT Berechnung der Molekülorbitale dieser heptacenes darauf hingewiesen, dass die Einführung von Stickstoff Brücken wird die π-Orbitale zu destabilisieren, während stabilisieren den Schwefel Brücken sowohl HOMO und LUMO Energien. Dies ist wichtig, wenn man will hoch π verlängert Oligoazene synthetisieren und dabei eine angemessene Stabilität.


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A new class of inorganic-organic hybrid polymers could successfully been prepared by the combination of different polymerization techniques. The access to a broad range of organic polymers incorporated into the hybrid polymer was realized using two independent approaches.rnIn the first approach a functional poly(silsesquioxane) (PSSQ) network was pre-formed, which was capable to initiate a controlled radical polymerization to graft organic vinyl-type monomers from the PSSQ precursor. As controlled radical polymerization techniques atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), as well as reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization could be used after defined tuning of the PSSQ precursor either toward a PSSQ macro-initiator or to a PSSQ macro-chain-transfer-agent. The polymerization pathway, consisting of polycondensation of trialkoxy-silanes followed by grafting-from polymerization of different monomers, allowed synthesis of various functional hybrid polymers. A controlled synthesis of the PSSQ precursors could successfully be performed using a microreactor setup; the molecular weight could be adjusted easily while the polydispersity index could be decreased well below 2.rnThe second approach aimed to incorporate differently derived organic polymers. As examples, polycarbonate and poly(ethylene glycol) were end-group-modified using trialkoxysilanes. After end-group-functionalization these organic polymers could be incorporated into a PSSQ network.rnThese different hybrid polymers showed extraordinary coating abilities. All polymers could be processed from solution by spin-coating or dip-coating. The high amount of reactive silanol moieties in the PSSQ part could be cross-linked after application by annealing at 130° for 1h. Not only cross-linking of the whole film was achieved, which resulted in mechanical interlocking with the substrate, also chemical bonds to metal or metal oxide surfaces were formed. All coating materials showed high stability and adhesion onto various underlying materials, reaching from metals (like steel or gold) and metal oxides (like glass) to plastics (like polycarbonate or polytetrafluoroethylene).rnAs the material and the synthetic pathway were very tolerant toward different functionalities, various functional monomers could be incorporated in the final coating material. The incorporation of N-isopropylacrylamide yielded in temperature-responsive surface coatings, whereas the incorporation of redox-active monomers allowed the preparation of semi-conductive coatings, capable to produce smooth hole-injection layers on transparent conductive electrodes used in optoelectronic devices.rnThe range of possible applications could be increased tremendously by incorporation of reactive monomers, capable to undergo fast and quantitative conversions by polymer-analogous reactions. For example, grafting active esters from a PSSQ precursor yielded a reactive surface coating after application onto numerous substrates. Just by dipping the coated substrate into a solution of a functionalized amine, the desired function could be immobilized at the interface as well as throughout the whole film. The obtained reactive surface coatings could be used as basis for different functional coatings for various applications. The conversion with specifically tuned amines yielded in surfaces with adjustable wetting behaviors, switchable wetting behaviors or as recognition element for surface-oriented bio-analytical devices. The combination of hybrid materials with orthogonal reactivities allowed for the first time the preparation of multi-reactive surfaces which could be functionalized sequentially with defined fractions of different groups at the interface. rnThe introduced concept to synthesis functional hybrid polymers unifies the main requirements on an ideal coating material. Strong adhesion on a wide range of underlying materials was achieved by secondary condensation of the PSSQ part, whereas the organic part allowed incorporation of various functionalities. Thus, a flexible platform to create functional and reactive surface coatings was achieved, which could be applied to different substrates. rn


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An efficient synthesis has been developed toward a novel series of conjugated blue emitting polymers containing triphenylene as repeating unit for polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs). Soluble triphenylene-based co- and homo-polymers have been synthesized by the palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura and the nickel-catalysed Yamamoto polycondensation reactions, respectively. The photophysical properties as well as the application of the polymers in PLED devices are presented here.rnIn addition a simple GNR fabrication method that allows for the production of atomically precise GNRs of different topologies and widths is introduced. This bottom-up approach consists in the surface-assisted coupling of suitably designed molecular triphenylene precursors into linear polyphenylenes and their subsequent cyclodehydrogenation and results in GNRs whose topology, width and edge periphery are defined by the precursor monomers. Various types of atomically precise GNRs thus eventually become available for experimental investigation and exploitation of their many predicted and technologically highly interesting properties. Furthermore, it is anticipated that this bottom-up approach of GNR fabrication will allow the engineering of chemical and electronic properties and the yet elusive realization of theoretically predicted structures such as intraribbon quantum dots, superlattice structures, or magnetic devices based on specific GNR edge states.rn


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During the last fifteen years organocatalysis emerged as a powerful tool for the enantioselective functionalization of the most different organic molecules. Both C-C and C-heteroatom bonds can be formed in an enantioselective fashion using many types of catalyst and the field is always growing. Many kind of chiral catalysts have emerged as privileged, but among them Proline, cinchona alkaloids, BINOL, and their derivatives showed to be particularly useful chiral scaffolds. This thesis, after a short presentation of many organocatalysts and activation modes, focuses mainly on cinchona alkaloid derived primary amines and BINOL derived chiral Brønsted acids, describing their properties and applications. Then, in the experimental part, these compounds are used for the catalysis of new transformations. The enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation of cyclic enones with naphthols using cinchona alkaloid derived primary amines as catalysts is presented and discussed. The results of this work were very good and this resulted also in a publication. The same catalysts are then used to accomplish the enantioselective addition of indoles to cyclic enones. Many catalysts in combination with many acids as co-catalysts were tried and the reaction was fully studied. Selective N-alkylation was obtained in many cases, in combination with quite good to good enantioselectivities. Also other kind of catalysis were tried for this reaction, with interesting results. Another aza-Michael reaction between OH-free hydroxylamines and nitrostyrene using cinchona alkaloid derived thioureas is briefly discussed. Then our attention focused on Brønsted acid catalyzed transformations. With this regard, the Prins cyclization, a reaction never accomplished in an enantioselective fashion until now, is presented and developed. The results obtained are promising. In the last part of this thesis the work carried out abroad is presented. In Prof. Rueping laboratories, an enantioselective Nazarov cyclization using cooperative catalysis and the enantioselective desymmetrization of meso-hydrobenzoin catalyzed by Brønsted acid were studied.