964 resultados para chromatic variants
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) commonly involves extranodal sites, usually as a manifestation of disseminated disease. In rare cases, MCLs may arise as a primary tumor in the skin. Blastoid mantle cell lymphoma (BV-MCL) is a rare variant and has a more aggressive clinical course. The phenotype of BV-MCL is characterized as CD20(+), CD5(+), cyclin D1(+), CD23(-), and CD10(-). Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization shows a characteristic t(11; 14) fusion pattern. We report a case of a BV-MCL arising in skin as primary cutaneous MCL with the characteristic immunophenotype and translocation.
The molecular prevalence of human parvovirus B19V (B19V) in bone marrow (BM) samples from 120 cases with cytopenias of unknown etiology was compared with that in samples from 45 BM donors (control group 1) and 120 oncohematological patients (control group 2) to determine the role that B19V genotypes may play in unexplained cytopenias. Of the 285 participants, the BM samples of 39 (13.7%) contained B19V DNA (21 with genotype 1, 5 with genotype 2, and 13 with genotype 3). The prevalences of B19V were similar between case and control subjects (15.0% versus 12.7%, respectively). Genotypes 2 and 3 were associated with older age and were detected in similar proportions between case and control group 2 subjects. The results of this study do not support a role for B19V genotype variants in the etiology of unexplained cytopenias.
Aims: The incidence of head and neck cancer (HNC) in Brazil has increased substantially in recent years. This increase is likely to be strongly associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption, but genetic susceptibility also should be investigated in this population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of polymorphisms in genes of alcohol metabolism enzymes and the risk of HNC. Methods: A hospital-based case-control study was conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We here investigated ADH1C Ile(350)Val, ADH1B Arg(48)His, ADH1B Arg(370)Cys and CYP2E1*5A PstI polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism in 207 histopathologically confirmed HNC cases (184 males and 23 females) and 244 cancer-free controls (225 males and 19 females) admitted as in-patients in the same hospital. Results: Chronic alcohol intake increased approximately four times the risk of HNC. The mutant genotype ADH1B Arg(48)His was more frequent in controls (12.7%) than HNC patients (5.8%) conferring protection for the disease (odds ratio (OR) = 0.42; 95% confidence interval (CI ), 0.21-0.85). Similar results were observed for individuals with ADH1B*2 (OR = 0.41; 95% CI , 0.20-0.82) or ADH1B*2/ADH1C*1 (OR = 0.32; 95% CI , 0.13-0.79) mutated haplotypes. Multiple regression analyses showed that individuals with the mutant genotype ADH1B Arg(48)His who consume alcohol > 30 g/L/day have more than four times the risk for HNC (OR = 4.42; 95% CI, 1.21-16.11). Conclusions: The fast alcohol metabolizing genotypes may prevent HNC when the amount of alcohol intake is < 30.655 g/L/day.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) population data for forensic purposes are still scarce for some populations, which may limit the evaluation of forensic evidence especially when the rarity of a haplotype needs to be determined in a database search. In order to improve the collection of mtDNA lineages from the Iberian and South American subcontinents, we here report the results of a collaborative study involving nine laboratories from the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG) and EMPOP. The individual laboratories contributed population data that were generated throughout the past 10 years, but in the majority of cases have not been made available to the scientific community. A total of 1019 haplotypes from Iberia (Basque Country, 2 general Spanish populations, 2 North and 1 Central Portugal populations), and Latin America (3 populations from Sao Paulo) were collected, reviewed and harmonized according to defined EMPOP criteria. The majority of data ambiguities that were found during the reviewing process (41 in total) were transcription errors confirming that the documentation process is still the most error-prone stage in reporting mtDNA population data, especially when performed manually. This GHEP-EMPOP collaboration has significantly improved the quality of the individual mtDNA datasets and adds mtDNA population data as valuable resource to the EMPOP database (www.empop.org). (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most frequent cause of dementia in Western countries. Putative genetic risk factors for AD are polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene and in the low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) gene. Our objective was to investigate the role of the APOE coding region polymorphisms epsilon 2, epsilon 3, and epsilon 4 and APOE promoter variants A/T at position -491 and G/T at -219, as well as LRP polymorphism C/T, as risk factors for AD in Brazilian individuals. One hundred and twenty patients with probable AD, along with 120 controls were analyzed. A significant difference between patients and controls for 64 alleles was observed: frequency of this allele in AD was 0.31, and 0.10 in controls. Individuals with 2 FA alleles had a higher risk for AD than subjects with only 1 such allele; presence of 1 epsilon 2 allele proved protective. The presence of the T allele of the -219 polymorphism was also associated with an increased risk of AD, but this polymorphism is in linkage disequilibrium with APOE F polymorphisms. No significant differences between patients and controls were observed for -491 APOE or LRP polymorphisms. In this Brazilian population, both the epsilon 4 allele and T -219 polymorphism were associated with an increased risk for AD.
Methods We performed a detailed analysis of one 15q single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (rs16969968) with smoking behaviour and cancer risk in a total of 17 300 subjects from five LC studies and four upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancer studies. Results Subjects with one minor allele smoked on average 0.3 cigarettes per day (CPD) more, whereas subjects with the homozygous minor AA genotype smoked on average 1.2 CPD more than subjects with a GG genotype (P < 0.001). The variant was associated with heavy smoking (> 20 CPD) [odds ratio (OR) = 1.13, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.96-1.34, P = 0.13 for heterozygotes and 1.81, 95% CI 1.39-2.35 for homozygotes, P < 0.0001]. The strong association between the variant and LC risk (OR = 1.30, 95% CI 1.23-1.38, P = 1 x 10(-18)), was virtually unchanged after adjusting for this smoking association (smoking adjusted OR = 1.27, 95% CI 1.19-1.35, P = 5 x 10(-13)). Furthermore, we found an association between the variant allele and an earlier age of LC onset (P = 0.02). The association was also noted in UADT cancers (OR = 1.08, 95% CI 1.01-1.15, P = 0.02). Genome wide association (GWA) analysis of over 300 000 SNPs on 11 219 subjects did not identify any additional variants related to smoking behaviour. Conclusions This study confirms the strong association between 15q gene variants and LC and shows an independent association with smoking quantity, as well as an association with UADT cancers.
Alcohol is an important risk factor for upper aerodigestive cancers and is principally metabolized by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) enzymes. We have investigated six ADH genetic variants in over 3,800 aerodigestive cancer cases and 5,200 controls from three individual studies. Gene variants rs1229984 (ADH1B) and rs1573496 (ADH7) were significantly protective against aerodigestive cancer in each individual study and overall (P = 10(-10) and 10(-9), respectively). These effects became more apparent with increasing alcohol consumption (P for trend = 0.0002 and 0.065, respectively). Both gene effects were independent of each other, implying that multiple ADH genes may be involved in upper aerodigestive cancer etiology.
Background: Sequence variants located at 15q25 have been associated with lung cancer and propensity to smoke. We recently reported an association between rs16969968 and risk of upper aerodigestive tract (UADT) cancers (oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, and esophagus) in women (OR = 1.24, P = 0.003) with little effect in men (OR = 1.04, P = 0.35). Methods: In a coordinated genotyping study within the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium, we have sought to replicate these findings in an additional 4,604 cases and 6,239 controls from 10 independent UADT cancer case-control studies. Results: rs16969968 was again associated with UADT cancers in women (OR = 1.21, 95% CI = 1.08-1.36, P = 0.001) and a similar lack of observed effect in men [OR = 1.02, 95% CI = 0.95-1.09, P = 0.66; P-heterogeneity (P(het)) = 0.01]. In a pooled analysis of the original and current studies, totaling 8,572 UADT cancer cases and 11,558 controls, the association was observed among females (OR = 1.22, 95% CI = 1.12-1.34, P = 7 x 10(-6)) but not males (OR = 1.02, 95% CI = 0.97-1.08, P = 0.35; P(het) = 6 x 10(-4)). There was little evidence for a sex difference in the association between this variant and cigarettes smoked per day, with male and female rs16969968 variant carriers smoking approximately the same amount more in the 11,991 ever smokers in the pooled analysis of the 14 studies (P(het) = 0.86). Conclusions: This study has confirmed a sex difference in the association between the 15q25 variant rs16969968 and UADT cancers. Impact: Further research is warranted to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these observations. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 20(4); 658-64. (C) 2011 AACR.
Rapid evolution and high intrahost sequence diversity are hallmarks of human and simian immunodeficiency virus (HIV/SIV) infection. Minor viral variants have important implications for drug resistance, receptor tropism, and immune evasion. Here, we used ultradeep pyrosequencing to sequence complete HIV/SIV genomes, detecting variants present at a frequency as low as 1%. This approach provides a more complete characterization of the viral population than is possible with conventional methods, revealing low-level drug resistance and detecting previously hidden changes in the viral population. While this work applies pyrosequencing to immunodeficiency viruses, this approach could be applied to virtually any viral pathogen.
Angiomatoid ""malignant"" fibrous histiocytoma is a rare sarcoma of low malignant potential that occurs most commonly in the extremities of children and young adults. Herein, we present a case of angiomatoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma with unusual histologic features arising in the mediastinum of an 80-year-old man. The tumor exhibited a reticular growth pattern and myxoid stroma. The tumor cells expressed epithelial membrane antigen and desmin. Cytogenetic analysis revealed the translocation t(2;22)(q33;q12). Molecular genetic analysis confirmed the rearrangement of the EWSR1 locus and the presence of the EWSR1/CREB1 fusion. This report expands the clinicopathologic spectrum of angiomatoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma and underscores the value of integrating morphologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular findings in the identification of its unusual morphologic variants. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Conventional karyotyping detects anomalies in 3-15% of patients with multiple congenital anomalies and mental retardation (MCA/MR). Whole-genome array screening (WGAS) has been consistently suggested as the first choice diagnostic test for this group of patients, but it is very costly for large-scale use in developing countries. We evaluated the use of a combination of Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) kits to increase the detection rate of chromosomal abnormalities in MCA/MR patients. We screened 261 MCA/MR patients with two subtelomeric and one microdeletion kits. This would theoretically detect up to 70% of all submicroscopic abnormalities. Additionally we scored the de Vries score for 209 patients in an effort to find a suitable cut-off for MLPA screening. Our results reveal that chromosomal abnormalities were present in 87 (33.3%) patients, but only 57 (21.8%) were considered causative. Karyotyping detected 15 abnormalities (6.9%), while MLPA identified 54 (20.7%). Our combined MLPA screening raised the total detection number of pathogenic imbalances more than three times when compared to conventional karyotyping. We also show that using the de Vries score as a cutoff for this screening would only be suitable under financial restrictions. A decision analytic model was constructed with three possible strategies: karyotype, karyotype + MLPA and karyotype + WGAS. Karyotype + MLPA strategy detected anomalies in 19.8% of cases which account for 76.45% of the expected yield for karyotype + WGAS. Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio (ICER) of MLPA is three times lower than that of WGAS, which means that, for the same costs, we have three additional diagnoses with MLPA but only one with WGAS. We list all causative alterations found, including rare findings, such as reciprocal duplications of regions deleted in Sotos and Williams-Beuren syndromes. We also describe imbalances that were considered polymorphisms or rare variants, such as the new SNP that confounded the analysis of the 22q13.3 deletion syndrome. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Purpose: Prostate cancer is the most common tumor in males in Brazil. Single nucleotide polymorphisms have been demonstrated to exist in the promoter regions of matrix metalloproteinase genes and they are associated with the development and progression of some cancers. We investigated the correlation between MMP1, 2, 7 and 9 polymorphisms with susceptibility to prostate cancer, and classic prognostic parameters of prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted using conventional protocols. The DNA sequence containing the polymorphic site was amplified by realtime polymerase chain reaction using TaqMan (R) fluorescent probes. Results: For the MMP1 gene the polymorphic allele was more common in the control group than in the prostate cancer group (p <0.001). For the MMP9 gene the incidence of the polymorphic homozygote genotype was higher in the prostate cancer group (p <0.001). For higher stage tumors (pT3) a polymorphic allele in the MMP2 gene was more common (p = 0.026). When considering Gleason score, the polymorphic homozygote genotype of MMP9 was more common in Gleason 6 or less tumors (p = 0.003), while a polymorphic allele in the MMP2 gene was more common in Gleason 7 or greater tumors (p = 0.042). Conclusions: MMP1 and MMP2 may protect against prostate cancer development and MMP9 may be related to higher risk. In contrast, MMP9 polymorphism was associated with a lower Gleason score and MMP2 polymorphism was associated with nonorgan confined disease.
There are some unusual histologic variants of prostate carcinoma, including mucinous, signet-ring cells, and ductal carcinomas that can metastasize in a problematic way and simulate lung, colorectal, or bladder primaries. Currently, antibodies that are organ-specific have been used in the routine surgical pathology practice. Our aim is to study the profile of expression of Cdx2, thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF1), and cytokeratin 20 (CK20) in prostate cancer with unusual histologic finding. Twenty-nine prostate adenocarcinomas with unusual histologic findings were submitted to immunohistochemistry with prostate-specific antigen (PSA), CK20, Cdx2, and TTF1 antibodies. There were 7 mucinous, 5 ductal, 2 signet-ring cells, and 15 usual acinar adenocarcinomas with focal mucinous differentiation. To compare the results with usual acinar adenocarcinomas, we studied 10 primary and their respective lymph node metastases in a tissue microarray, 2 unusual metastatic adenocarcinomas, and 6 usual acinar high-grade carcinomas. For tumors with special histologic finding, Cdx2 was expressed by 9 (31.0%) mucinous, signet-cell, or with focal mucinous differentiation. Thyroid transcription factor I was moderately positive in mucinous differentiation areas of 2 (6.9%) adenocarcinomas. Cytokeratin 20 was expressed by 9 (31.0%) tumors, among them, 3 ductal adenocarcinomas. Prostate-specific antigen was positive in 28 (96.6%) cases and negative in I ductal adenocarcinoma. There was only I worrisome ductal adenocarcinoma that was strongly CK20 positive and PSA negative. Almost one third of mucinous prostate carcinomas express Cdx2. Cytokeratin 20 can be positive also in one third of prostate carcinomas, especially the ductal type. Pathologist should be alert when evaluating immumohistochemical profiles of unusual histologic findings of prostate cancer, mostly in distant sites. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most common type of malignant tumor in Brazilian males. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been demonstrated to be present in the promoter region of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) genes and have been associated with the development and progression of some cancers. In this study, our aim was to investigate the association between the polymorphisms of MMP1, 2, 7, and 9 and susceptibility, and their correlation with the classic prognostic parameters of PCa. For genes MMP1, 2 and 9, the frequencies of the polymorphic homozygote genotypes were higher in the control group than in the PCa group (P<0.0001). We conclude that the MMP1, 2 and 9 polymorphisms are more common in the control group than in patients with PCa, and may have a protective effect in the development of this neoplasia.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent, disabling anxiety disorder marked by behavioral and physiologic alterations which commonly follows a chronic course. Exposure to a traumatic event constitutes a necessary, but not sufficient, factor. There is evidence from twin studies supporting a significant genetic predisposition to PTSD. However, the precise genetic loci still remain unclear. The objective of the present study was to identify, in a case-control study, whether the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) val66met polymorphism (rs6265), the dopamine transporter (DAT1) three prime untranslated region (3`UTR) variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR), and the serotonin transporter (5-HTTPRL) short/long variants are associated with the development of PTSD in a group of victims of urban violence. All polymorphisms were genotyped in 65 PTSD patients as well as in 34 victims of violence without PTSD and in a community control group (n = 335). We did not find a statistical significant difference between the BDNF val66met and 5-HTTPRL polymorphism and the traumatic phenotype. However, a statistical association was found between DAT1 3`UTR VNTR nine repeats and PTSD (OR = 1.82; 95% CI, 1.20-2.76). This preliminary result confirms previous reports supporting a susceptibility role for allele 9 and PTSD.