947 resultados para chois modal


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In this work investigation of the QDs formation and the fabrication of QD based semiconductor lasers for telecom applications are presented. InAs QDs grown on AlGaInAs lattice matched to InP substrates are used to fabricate lasers operating at 1.55 µm, which is the central wavelength for far distance data transmission. This wavelength is used due to its minimum attenuation in standard glass fibers. The incorporation of QDs in this material system is more complicated in comparison to InAs QDs in the GaAs system. Due to smaller lattice mismatch the formation of circular QDs, elongated QDs and quantum wires is possible. The influence of the different growth conditions, such as the growth temperature, beam equivalent pressure, amount of deposited material on the formation of the QDs is investigated. It was already demonstrated that the formation process of QDs can be changed by the arsenic species. The formation of more round shaped QDs was observed during the growth of QDs with As2, while for As4 dash-like QDs. In this work only As2 was used for the QD growth. Different growth parameters were investigated to optimize the optical properties, like photoluminescence linewidth, and to implement those QD ensembles into laser structures as active medium. By the implementation of those QDs into laser structures a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 30 meV was achieved. Another part of the research includes the investigation of the influence of the layer design of lasers on its lasing properties. QD lasers were demonstrated with a modal gain of more than 10 cm-1 per QD layer. Another achievement is the large signal modulation with a maximum data rate of 15 Gbit/s. The implementation of optimized QDs in the laser structure allows to increase the modal gain up to 12 cm-1 per QD layer. A reduction of the waveguide layer thickness leads to a shorter transport time of the carriers into the active region and as a result a data rate up to 22 Gbit/s was achieved, which is so far the highest digital modulation rate obtained with any 1.55 µm QD laser. The implementation of etch stop layers into the laser structure provide the possibility to fabricate feedback gratings with well defined geometries for the realization of DFB lasers. These DFB lasers were fabricated by using a combination of dry and wet etching. Single mode operation at 1.55 µm with a high side mode suppression ratio of 50 dB was achieved.


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This thesis addresses the problem of categorizing natural objects. To provide a criteria for categorization we propose that the purpose of a categorization is to support the inference of unobserved properties of objects from the observed properties. Because no such set of categories can be constructed in an arbitrary world, we present the Principle of Natural Modes as a claim about the structure of the world. We first define an evaluation function that measures how well a set of categories supports the inference goals of the observer. Entropy measures for property uncertainty and category uncertainty are combined through a free parameter that reflects the goals of the observer. Natural categorizations are shown to be those that are stable with respect to this free parameter. The evaluation function is tested in the domain of leaves and is found to be sensitive to the structure of the natural categories corresponding to the different species. We next develop a categorization paradigm that utilizes the categorization evaluation function in recovering natural categories. A statistical hypothesis generation algorithm is presented that is shown to be an effective categorization procedure. Examples drawn from several natural domains are presented, including data known to be a difficult test case for numerical categorization techniques. We next extend the categorization paradigm such that multiple levels of natural categories are recovered; by means of recursively invoking the categorization procedure both the genera and species are recovered in a population of anaerobic bacteria. Finally, a method is presented for evaluating the utility of features in recovering natural categories. This method also provides a mechanism for determining which features are constrained by the different processes present in a multiple modal world.


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Methods are developed for predicting vibration response characteristics of systems which change configuration during operation. A cartesian robot, an example of such a position-dependent system, served as a test case for these methods and was studied in detail. The chosen system model was formulated using the technique of Component Mode Synthesis (CMS). The model assumes that he system is slowly varying, and connects the carriages to each other and to the robot structure at the slowly varying connection points. The modal data required for each component is obtained experimentally in order to get a realistic model. The analysis results in prediction of vibrations that are produced by the inertia forces as well as gravity and friction forces which arise when the robot carriages move with some prescribed motion. Computer simulations and experimental determinations are conducted in order to calculate the vibrations at the robot end-effector. Comparisons are shown to validate the model in two ways: for fixed configuration the mode shapes and natural frequencies are examined, and then for changing configuration the residual vibration at the end of the mode is evaluated. A preliminary study was done on a geometrically nonlinear system which also has position-dependency. The system consisted of a flexible four-bar linkage with elastic input and output shafts. The behavior of the rocker-beam is analyzed for different boundary conditions to show how some limiting cases are obtained. A dimensional analysis leads to an evaluation of the consequences of dynamic similarity on the resulting vibration.


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Pretende identificar en una muestra determinada de poblaci??n escolar, los siguientes aspectos supuestamente existentes: identificaci??n de tipolog??as de personalidad modales multidimensionales; incidencia positiva y negativa de las mismas en el rendimiento acad??mico. 965 sujetos clasificados por edades (8-10 a??os), zonas y sexo. Todos alumnos de tercero y quinto de EGB de colegios asturianos. La parte te??rica abarca el concepto de tipo modal multidimensional, paradigma, modelos y teor??as; el concepto de rendimiento acad??mico, m??todos de evaluaci??n, fracaso escolar y medici??n del rendimiento y variables que inciden en el rendimiento. Se efect??a una revisi??n de las investigaciones realizadas en torno a tipolog??as. Variables relacionales: variables de personalidad y rendimiento acad??mico. Variables moduladoras: edad y sexo. Variable controlada: variables aptitudinales. Bases de datos de documentaci??n bibliogr??fica internacionales. Cuestionario de personalidad para ni??os de R.B. Porter y R.B. Cattell. Tests de aptitudes escolares de L.L. Thurstone y T.G. Thurstone. Resultados acad??micos referidos a la evaluaci??n inmediata tras la aplicaci??n de las pruebas. An??lisis de estad??sticos b??sicos para verificar la homogeneidad de la muestra y, a trav??s de los an??lisis correlacional y factorial, obtener la procedencia de los posteriores an??lisis de Cluster y discriminante. An??lisis de conglomerados que permitieron la obtenci??n de las tipolog??as una vez dividida la muestra en 4 subgrupos en funci??n del sexo y la edad. An??lisis discriminante para observar la incidencia de las variables de personalidad y aptitud sobre el rendimiento acad??mico. Tres son las variables que conforman el tipo dentro de cada una de las 4 submuestras, cada una de ellas repartida en 6 tipolog??as: en el grupo de ni??as de tercero de EGB las variables de personalidad que m??s discriminan entre los tipos son m??s o menos integrado, seguro-dubitativo, emocionalmente afectado-estable; en el grupo de ni??as de quinto de EGB las variables de personalidad que m??s discriminan son reservado-abierto, emocionalmente afectado-estable, sereno-aprensivo; en el grupo de ni??os de tercero de EGB son inteligencia baja-alta, relajado-tenso y sereno-aprensivo; en el grupo de ni??os de quinto de EGB son inteligencia baja-alta, menos-m??s integrado y sencillo-astuto. Se observan algunas coincidencias entre los diferentes grupos. Las variables que predicen buenos rendimientos en cada una de las asignaturas son las siguientes. En Lenguaje: inteligente, abierto, integrado, sobrio y sencilo; en Matem??ticas: inteligente, abierto, palabra diferente, integrado y sencillo; en Naturales: inteligente, palabra diferente, abierto, consciente y sencillo; y en Sociales: inteligente, abierto, sencillo, integrado y consciente.


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Els pàncrees artificials són un horitzó pròxim que ha de millorar de manera sensible la qualitat de vida dels diabètics. El grup de recerca MICE (Modal Intervals and Control Engineering) de la Universitat de Girona intervé en la investigació d'aquests nous sistemes assistits de dosificació d'insulina, perfeccionant algoritmes que els governen


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L’objectiu d’aquest treball és desenvolupar una metodologia per realitzar l’anàlisi paramètrica de l’assaig de compressió d’un panell de material compost rigiditzat amb tres nervis. En primer lloc és necessari desenvolupar un sistema automatitzat per generar i avaluar el conjunt de parametritzacions. A continuació, s’estudiaran quines variables d’estat són les més adequades per representar el vinclament local, la flexió global, la càrrega crítica de desestabilització i l’índex de fallada en l’anàlisi paramètrica. La modelització amb el mètode dels elements finits serveix per simular l’assaig a compressió del panell. La simulació es realitza mitjançant un càlcul no lineal, per estudiar la desestabilització i els fenòmens no lineals que pateix el panell. L’estudi es complementa amb una anàlisi modal i una anàlisi lineal


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La finalidad de este libro es doble: por un lado, intenta elaborar una teoría histórica y jurídica de la planificación y el control urbanístico con un nivel de complejidad mayor que el desarrollado actualmente y, por otro lado, extrae elementos que pueden servir para un desarrollo teórico del derecho administrativo. Es decir, que desde una perspectiva histórica se puedan descubrir nuevos aportes para el derecho urbanístico que contribuyan a la interpretación, aplicación y creación de normas sobre la planificación y el control urbano que realiza o debe realizar la administración. De esta forma, en esta obra se podrá ver que la participación del Derecho en el urbanismo bogotano comienza en su fundación, reaparece esporádicamente durante 468 años de existencia y adquiere alguna consolidación con las leyes 9ª de 1989 y 388 de 1997, sobre las cuales se hace un estudio sistemático. La lectura de este trabajo resulta necesaria para que la comunidad, los servidores públicos y los estudiosos del derecho comprendan la complejidad e importancia de la planificación, la gestión y el control urbanístico.


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Often practical performance of analytical redundancy for fault detection and diagnosis is decreased by uncertainties prevailing not only in the system model, but also in the measurements. In this paper, the problem of fault detection is stated as a constraint satisfaction problem over continuous domains with a big number of variables and constraints. This problem can be solved using modal interval analysis and consistency techniques. Consistency techniques are then shown to be particularly efficient to check the consistency of the analytical redundancy relations (ARRs), dealing with uncertain measurements and parameters. Through the work presented in this paper, it can be observed that consistency techniques can be used to increase the performance of a robust fault detection tool, which is based on interval arithmetic. The proposed method is illustrated using a nonlinear dynamic model of a hydraulic system


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L’estudi que es realitza en aquest projecte/treball final de carrera queda englobat dins del grup de recerca MICE (Modal Intervals Control and Engeneering), el qual realitza investigacions entorn al control de glucèmia. Aquest grup de recerca vinculat a la Universitat de Girona col•labora amb l’Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta de Girona. La temàtica principal tractarà de realitzar el control de glucèmia en pacients crítics, que es troben ingressats en la unitat de cures intensives de qualsevol hospital. Com a conseqüència d’aquesta problemàtica, s’ha implementat en un entorn virtual, un pacient el qual simula la situació d’un pacient real en la unitat de cures intensives. El model emprat per a la obtenció del model de pacient virtual és el desenvolupat per Chase et al. (2005), el qual mitjançant variables com l’alimentació enteral i la sensibilitat insulínica, es podien realitzar assajos reals per a validar protocols de control ‘in silico’ per posteriorment realitzar assajos amb població real


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One of the techniques used to detect faults in dynamic systems is analytical redundancy. An important difficulty in applying this technique to real systems is dealing with the uncertainties associated with the system itself and with the measurements. In this paper, this uncertainty is taken into account by the use of intervals for the parameters of the model and for the measurements. The method that is proposed in this paper checks the consistency between the system's behavior, obtained from the measurements, and the model's behavior; if they are inconsistent, then there is a fault. The problem of detecting faults is stated as a quantified real constraint satisfaction problem, which can be solved using the modal interval analysis (MIA). MIA is used because it provides powerful tools to extend the calculations over real functions to intervals. To improve the results of the detection of the faults, the simultaneous use of several sliding time windows is proposed. The result of implementing this method is semiqualitative tracking (SQualTrack), a fault-detection tool that is robust in the sense that it does not generate false alarms, i.e., if there are false alarms, they indicate either that the interval model does not represent the system adequately or that the interval measurements do not represent the true values of the variables adequately. SQualTrack is currently being used to detect faults in real processes. Some of these applications using real data have been developed within the European project advanced decision support system for chemical/petrochemical manufacturing processes and are also described in this paper


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Considering the difficulty in the insulin dosage selection and the problem of hyper- and hypoglycaemia episodes in type 1 diabetes, dosage-aid systems appear as tremendously helpful for these patients. A model-based approach to this problem must unavoidably consider uncertainty sources such as the large intra-patient variability and food intake. This work addresses the prediction of glycaemia for a given insulin therapy face to parametric and input uncertainty, by means of modal interval analysis. As result, a band containing all possible glucose excursions suffered by the patient for the given uncertainty is obtained. From it, a safer prediction of possible hyper- and hypoglycaemia episodes can be calculated


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This paper describes a new reliable method, based on modal interval analysis (MIA) and set inversion (SI) techniques, for the characterization of solution sets defined by quantified constraints satisfaction problems (QCSP) over continuous domains. The presented methodology, called quantified set inversion (QSI), can be used over a wide range of engineering problems involving uncertain nonlinear models. Finally, an application on parameter identification is presented


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Not considered in the analytical model of the plant, uncertainties always dramatically decrease the performance of the fault detection task in the practice. To cope better with this prevalent problem, in this paper we develop a methodology using Modal Interval Analysis which takes into account those uncertainties in the plant model. A fault detection method is developed based on this model which is quite robust to uncertainty and results in no false alarm. As soon as a fault is detected, an ANFIS model is trained in online to capture the major behavior of the occurred fault which can be used for fault accommodation. The simulation results understandably demonstrate the capability of the proposed method for accomplishing both tasks appropriately


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La creación del Laboratorio de Modelamiento y Simulación (LMyS) se lleva a cabo con el objeto de adelantar investigación original y apoyar los proyectos en desarrollo dentro de la Facultad de Administración, mediante el modelamiento desde las ciencias de la complejidad y la matemática no clásica. Este desarrollo obedece a la necesidad de dar respuestas a la realidad cambiante y dinámica en la que los modelos tradicionales no han dado una respuesta satisfactoria o suficiente. Gracias al LMyS se materializan los avances y desarrollos de los grupos de investigación de la Facultad a través del modelamiento y simulación con lógicas no-clásicas (modal, difusa, paraconsistente y lógica cuántica, entre otras), que permitan posteriormente producir a nivel computacional implementaciones de estos modelos. De este modo, mediante las contribuciones del LMyS se busca que, por un lado, exista innovación en el conocimiento con el rigor apropiado y a niveles mundiales en el estudio de los sistemas dinámicos modelados a partir de las organizaciones, y, por otro, se erija como una herramienta para el sector empresarial y productivo en los procesos de toma de decisión. Al mismo tiempo que adelanta investigaciones que conducen a, y se condensan en, registros y patentes, el LMyS quiere contribuir al apoyo a la investigación en la disciplina de la administración. Así, el LMyS hace parte del gran proyecto de la Facultad de Administración de la Universidad del Rosario que le permitirá abordar problemáticas actuales y futuras, en torno a la dinámica económica y social, pero con enfoques igualmente políticos, financieros y otros en el marco de un mundo caracterizado por una enorme complejidad (creciente). El desarrollo de la investigación de la Facultad de Administración tiene como una gran influencia las ciencias de la complejidad, tratando de entregar a la comunidad empresarial herramientas, modelos o perspectivas diferentes que le permitan enfrentar la incertidumbre y disminuir los niveles de riesgo.