995 resultados para child observation


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The child abuse registry is an electronic database use to store data and disposition date relating to a particular case of alleged child abuse which has been determined to be founded.


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OBJECTIVES: Patients with brain tumors and seizures should be treated with non-enzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs (AED). Some of the newer drugs seem particularly suited in these patients. METHODS: Here we describe our experience with pregabalin (PGB); its effectiveness was retrospectively studied in nine consecutive patients with primary brain tumors and seizures. RESULTS: Six subjects had secondarily generalized and three simple partial seizures. Patients mostly suffered from WHO grade IV gliomas. PGB replaced enzyme inducing, inefficacious or bad tolerated AED, as add-on or monotherapy. Median follow-up was 5 (2-19) months; three patients died of their tumor. Daily median dosage was 300 mg. All subjects experienced at least a 50% seizure reduction, six were seizure-free. Side effects were reported in four patients, leading to PGB discontinuation in two. CONCLUSION: PGB appears to have a promising effectiveness in this setting, even as a monotherapy. Based on these results we embarked on a prospective controlled trial.


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Tuberculosis incidence is low in Switzer land. We report here on a Swiss-born toddler. Tuberculosis manifested with a fever of unknown origin, mimicking an inflammatory or autoimmune disorder triggering a high dose of corticosteroid treatment. The disease went unrecognized for several weeks until development of a miliary tuberculosis with advanced central nervous system involvement. This case highlights the difficulties encountered in diagnosing tuberculosis and in identifying the origin of this case. It reminds us that this disease must never be forgotten when facing a child with persistent fever who must be screened for, before starting immunosuppressive therapy.


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OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have shown that premature birth and the immaturity of the child can affect the quality of the parent-child relationship. The present study examines the relationship between maternal and infant interactional behavior over time and infant perinatal risk factors as well as maternal perinatal recollected traumatic experience. Few studies have explored the relationship between maternal stress and the quality of parent-infant interaction. DESIGN: Mother-child interaction was recorded at 6 and 18 months of infant's age, in a population of 47 preterm infants (GA<34 weeks) and 25 full-term infants, born in 1998, during a play interaction. According to the Care Index, sensitivity, control and unresponsiveness have been used to code maternal interactional characteristics, and cooperation, compliance-compulsiveness, difficulty and passivity have been used to code the infant's interactional characteristics. The level of maternal stress was evaluated with the Perinatal Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire (PPQ), and the infant's perinatal risk factors were assessed with the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI). RESULTS: Mothers of high-risk infants, as well as mothers that had experienced traumatic stress in the perinatal period, were less sensitive and more controlling at 6 months. The interactional behavior of the preterm infant was different from that of the full-term infant at 18 months of age, and was correlated with maternal traumatic stress but not with perinatal risk factors. CONCLUSION: These results underline the importance of maternal traumatic experience related to premature birth and its potential long lasting influence on mother-child interactional behavior.


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Interior crises are understood as discontinuous changes of the size of a chaotic attractor that occur when an unstable periodic orbit collides with the chaotic attractor. We present here numerical evidence and theoretical reasoning which prove the existence of a chaos-chaos transition in which the change of the attractor size is sudden but continuous. This occurs in the Hindmarsh¿Rose model of a neuron, at the transition point between the bursting and spiking dynamics, which are two different dynamic behaviors that this system is able to present. Moreover, besides the change in attractor size, other significant properties of the system undergoing the transitions do change in a relevant qualitative way. The mechanism for such transition is understood in terms of a simple one-dimensional map whose dynamics undergoes a crossover between two different universal behaviors


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A male infant showed a humeral diaphysis fracture at 5 months of age and a distal tibial physis fracture at 2 years of age. A specialized consultant ruled out child abuse. This child had the characteristic features of type I osteogenesis imperfecta: blue sclerae, osseous fragility, and presumably autosomal dominant inheritance, as his father suffered from similar disorders. Later on, multiple painful osteochondromas were also found and some of these were surgically treated. The child's mother showed several peripheral osteochondromas. We describe the follow-up of this patient up to the age of 18 years. To our knowledge, the fortuitous association of these two inherited conditions has not been reported in medical literature.


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The paper deals with the stratigraphic and structural setting of the sedimentary sequence cropping out in southeastern Zanskar and adjacent Lahul areas. The Tibetan Zone succession of southeastern Zanskar consists of about 6000 m of sediments, Late Precambrian~ ?Eocene in age, arranged in two superposed slabs (Pugh tal Unit, below, and Zangla Unit, above) tectonically resting upon the High Himalayan Crystalline. The Pughtal sequence, mostly terrigenous with carbonate units in the Cambrian, Silurian and Carboniferous, is about 2500 m thick. It was deposited from ?Late Precambrian to Carboniferous or ?Early Permian. The Permian Panjal Traps constitute the "sole" of the Zangla Unit, whose sedimentary sequence, about 3000 m thick, mainly carbonatic, spans from Late Permian (Kuling Formation) to Middle Jurassic (Kioto Limestone) in eastern Zanskar. In the Zangla area Late Jurassic/Cretaceous formations (Spiti Shales, Giumal Sandstone, Chikkim Limestone) are also present. Towards northwest, the sequence ranges up to Paleocene (Spanboth Formation) and ?Eocene (Chulung La Slates). Au nord de la Haute Chaine, dans la partie septentrionale de I'Himalaya, la marge continentale indienne a vu plus de 6000 m de sediments se deposer depuis I'Infracambrien jusqu'a I'Eocene. Lors de l'orogenese himalayenne, ces sediments ont ete decolles de leur substratum originel, dMormes et metamorphises de maniere differenciee suivant leur position. Ils reposent en contact tectonique sur la nappe cristalline du Haut-Himalaya. L'unite inferieure ou unite de Pughtal consiste, la ou elle est complete, en plus de 2500 m de sediments en partie detritiques terrigenes mais marque par l'edification de plates-formes carbonatees au Cambrien, Silurien et Carbonifere. Dans cette unite on releve deux grandes sequences sedimentaires separees par l'evenement epirogenique et magmatique tardi-Cambrien (500 rna), contrecoup de l'orogenese pan-africaine. Un niveau massif de vo1canites basaltiques permiennes ~ les Panjal Traps ~ forme la base ou sole de I'unite superieure (nappe de Zangla). Cette unite, plissee de maniere disharmonique, recouvre progressivement vers l'ouest des niveaux de plus en plus anciens de l'unite inferieure, niveaux eux-memes replisses en grands plis couches kilometriques a vergence nord. Dans la partie occidentale (Ringdom) l'unite superieure repose directement sur la nappe cristalline. Cette unite montre une serie sedimentaire avec des carbonates de plate-forme bien developpes au Trias superieur et au Lias puis des sediments surtout pelagiques et en partie detritiques terrigenes au Jurassique superieur et au Cretace. Des la fin du Cretace et jusqu'au Paleocene superieur s'edifie a nouveau une plate-forme peu profonde. La serie se termine par des couches continentales attribuees a l'Eocene. L'evolution geodynamique durant Ie Paleozoique et Ie Mesozoique est analysee. II en ressort que la sedimentation, a partir de I'Ordovicien, est regJee plus par des grands cycles eustatiques que par des mouvements tectoniques ou epirogeniques regionaux (les orogeneses caledoniennes, hercyniennes et cretacees des auteurs).


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Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on aloittaa lapsille ja nuorille suunnatun The Child Occupational Self Assessment (COSA, version 2.1) itsearviointimenetelmän suomenkielisen version käännöstyö. COSA on asiakaslähtöinen itsearviointi, jolla kartoitetaan lasten ja nuorten kokemusta toiminnallisesta pätevyydestään ja jokapäiväisten toimintojen tärkeydestä heille. COSA pohjaa Inhimillisen toiminnan malliin ja sen toteutus seuraa asiakaslähtöistä teoriaa. COSA:n avulla voidaan asettaa toimintaterapialle tavoitteet ja tarkastella niiden toteutumista. Työssämme suomennamme arviointimenetelmän nimen muotoon; Lasten toimintamahdollisuuksien itsearviointi COSA. Arviointimenetelmän käännöstyö tehdään Helsingin ammattikorkeakoulu Stadian toimintaterapian koulutusohjelmalle. Opinnäytetyössä esittelemme ensin arviointia ja tavoitteiden asettamista lasten toimintaterapiassa sekä itsearvioinnin käyttämistä arviointimenetelmänä. Esittelemme COSA itsearviointimenetelmän sekä sen taustalla vaikuttavat Inhimillisen toiminnan mallin sisällön ja asiakaslähtöisyyden. Kartoitamme myös The Child Occupational Self Assessment (COSA, version 2.1 )itsearviointimenetelmän kehittymistä, sitä edeltäneitä arviointimenetelmiä ja COSA:sta aiemmin tehtyjä tutkimuksia. Opinnäytetyössä suomennamme COSA:n arviointilomakkeen. Arviointilomakkeessa on 25 lasten ja nuorten toiminnallista pätevyyttä ja jokapäiväisten toimintojen tärkeyttä kartoittava väittämää. Suomentamisprosessissa selvitämme COSA:n arviointilomakkeen väittämien suomennosten ymmärrettävyyden onnistumista kahdeksan käyttökokeiluun ja haastatteluun osallistuvan lapsen avulla. Saimme arviointilomakkeen suomentamisprosessiin apua neljältä lasten kanssa työskentelevältä toimintaterapeutilta sekä koulutusohjelmamme koulutuspäälliköltä. Käyttökokeiluiden sekä toimintaterapeuttien palautteiden avulla viimeistelimme suomennetun arviointilomakkeen väittämät. Opinnäytetyön lopuksi pohdimme arviointilomakkeen suomentamisprosessin vaiheita sekä mahdollisia jatkotutkimusehdotuksia. Luovutimme Lasten toimintamahdollisuuksien itsearviointi COSA:n arviointilomakkeen koulutusohjelmamme käyttöön ja mahdollisten jatkotutkimusten kohteeksi.


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We report on an 11-year-old female with a history of cervicobrachialgia and progressive weakness of the right arm. Cervical spine MRI showed an enhancing heterogeneous intradural mass occupying the right C6-C7 foramen. She underwent a right C6-C7 foraminotomy with a complete macroscopic removal of the lesion. Pathological examination revealed a synovial sarcoma. Treatment was completed by chemotherapy and proton radiotherapy, and the girl remained free of symptoms for 3 years. After appearance of new symptoms, a local recurrence was confirmed, and despite aggressive treatment with salvage chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the disease progressed beyond medical control, and the child died, 6 years after diagnosis. Early recognition of this rare entity compared to its more benign differential diagnosis is crucial, as an aggressive management is needed.


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Compared to synthetic aperture radars (SARs), the angular resolution of microwave radiometers is quite poor. Traditionally, it has been limited by the physical size of the antenna. However, the angular resolution can be improved by means of aperture synthesis interferometric techniques. A narrow beam is synthesized during the image formation processing of the cross-correlations measured at zero-lag between pairs of signals collected by an array of antennas. The angular resolution is then determined by the maximum antenna spacing normalized to the wavelength (baseline). The next step in improving the angular resolution is the Doppler-Radiometer, somehow related to the super-synthesis radiometers and the Radiometer-SAR. This paper presents the concept of a three-antenna Doppler-Radiometer for 2D imaging. The performance of this instrument is evaluated in terms of angular/spatial resolution and radiometric sensitivity, and an L-band illustrative example is presented.


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PURPOSE: To identify clinical risk factors for Dravet syndrome (DS) in a population of children with status epilepticus (SE). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Children aged between 1 month and 16 years with at least one episode of SE were referred from 6 pediatric neurology centers in Switzerland. SE was defined as a clinical seizure lasting for more than 30min without recovery of normal consciousness. The diagnosis of DS was considered likely in previously healthy patients with seizures of multiple types starting before 1 year and developmental delay on follow-up. The presence of a SCN1A mutation was considered confirmatory for the diagnosis. Data such as gender, age at SE, SE clinical presentation and recurrence, additional seizure types and epilepsy diagnosis were collected. SCN1A analyses were performed in all patients, initially with High Resolution Melting Curve Analysis (HRMCA) and then by direct sequencing on selected samples with an abnormal HRMCA. Clinical and genetic findings were compared between children with DS and those with another diagnosis, and statistical methods were applied for significance analysis. RESULTS: 71 children with SE were included. Ten children had DS, and 61 had another diagnosis. SCN1A mutations were found in 12 of the 71 patients (16.9%; ten with DS, and two with seizures in a Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures+(GEFS+) context). The median age at first SE was 8 months in patients with DS, and 41 months in those with another epilepsy syndrome (p<0.001). Nine of the 10 DS patients had their initial SE before 18 months. Among the 26 patients aged 18 months or less at initial SE, the risk of DS was significantly increased for patients with two or more episodes (56.3%), as compared with those who had only one episode (0.0%) (p=0.005). CONCLUSION: In a population of children with SE, patients most likely to have DS are those who present their initial SE episode before 18 months, and who present with recurrent SE episodes.


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Actinobaculum schaalii is a new species that has so far been isolated from human blood, urine and pus. Its importance has probably been underestimated and other Actinobaculum spp. may also have been underdiagnosed. This retrospective study comprises all known cases of A. schaalii infections identified since 2004 in the canton of Neuchâtel (170,000 inhabitants), Switzerland. Strains were cultivated and isolated in the bacteriology laboratory using its routine procedure. Identification included a Rapid ID 32 A strip (bioMérieux) and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Twenty-one positive samples were found in 19 patients (11 male, 8 female) of all ages (range 16-91 years): 10 from urine (50%), six from blood (30%), one from both blood and urine (5%), and three from pus (15%). Thirteen out of 17 (76%) cases with either blood or urine specimens had underlying genitourinary tract pathologies. When urine cultures were positive for A. schaalii, leucocytes were found in all samples (10/10, 100%) but all nitrite tests were negative (10/10, 100%). The onset of appropriate treatment was delayed due to the diminished sensitivity of A. schaalii to the antibiotics commonly used for UTIs (i.e. ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) and to the delay in microbiological diagnosis. A. schaalii should specifically be searched in all cases of leukocyturia with a negative nitrite test but with Gram-positive rods in the Gram stain, in patients with underlying genitourinary tract pathology, instead of dismissing these findings as clinically irrelevant colonization by coryneform bacteria. This infection may be much more common than previously thought.