968 resultados para capitalist accumulation
Sedimentation in the central Pacific during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous was dominated by abundant biogenic silica. A synthesis of the stratigraphy, lithology, petrology, and geochemistry of the radiolarites in Sites 801 and 800 documents the sedimentation processes and trends in the equatorial central Pacific from the Middle Jurassic through the Early Cretaceous. Paleolatitude and paleodepth reconstructions enable comparisons with previous DSDP sites and identification of the general patterns of sedimentation over a wide region of the Pacific. Clayey radiolarites dominated sedimentation on Pacific oceanic crust within tropical paleolatitudes from at least the latest Bathonian through Tithonian. Radiolarian productivity rose to a peak within 5° of the paleoequator, where accumulation rates of biogenic silica exceeded 1000 g/cm**2/m.y. Wavy-bedded radiolarian cherts developed in the upper Tithonian at Site 801 coinciding with the proximity of this site to the paleoequator. Ribbon-bedding of some radiolarian cherts exposed on Pacific margins may have formed from silicification of radiolarite deposited near the equatorial high-productivity zone where radiolarian/clay ratios were high. Silicification processes in sediments extensively mixed by bioturbation or enriched in clay or carbonate generally resulted in discontinuous bands or nodules of porcellanite or chert, e.g., a "knobby" radiolarite. Ribbon-bedded cherts require primary alternations of radiolarian-rich and clay-rich layers as an initial structural template, coupled with abundant biogenic silica in both layers. During diagenesis, migration of silica from clay-rich layers leaves radiolarian "ghosts" or voids, and the precipitation in adjacent radiolarite layers results in silicification of the inter-radiolarian matrix and infilling of radiolarian tests. Alternations of claystone and clay-rich radiolarian grainstone were deposited during the Callovian at Site 801 and during the Berriasian-Valanginian at Site 800, but did not silicify to form bedded chert. Carbonate was not preserved on the Pacific oceanic floor or spreading ridges during the Jurassic, perhaps due to an elevated level of dissolved carbon dioxide. During the Berriasian through Hauterivian, the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) descended to approximately 3500 m, permitting the accumulation of siliceous limestones at near-ridge sites. Carbonate accumulation rates exceeded 1500 g/cm**2/m.y. at sites above the CCD, yet there is no evidence of an equatorial carbonate bulge during the Early Cretaceous. In the Barremian and Aptian, the CCD rose, coincident with the onset of mid-plate volcanic activity. Abundance of Fe and Mn and the associated formation of authigenic Fe-smectite clays was a function of proximity to the spreading ridges, with secondary enrichments occurring during episodes of spreading-center reorganizations. Callovian radiolarite at Site 801 is anomalously depleted in Mn, which resulted either from inhibited precipitation of Mn-oxides by lower pH of interstitial waters induced by high dissolved oceanic CO2 levels or from diagenetic mobilization of Mn. Influx of terrigenous (eolian) clay apparently changed with paleolatitude and geological age. Cyclic variations in productivity of radiolarians and of nannofossils and in the influx of terrigenous clay are attributed to Milankovitch climatic cycles of precession (20,000 yr) and eccentricity (100,000 yr). Diagenetic redistribution of biogenic silica and carbonate enhanced the expression of this cyclic sedimentation. Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments were deposited under oxygenated bottom-water conditions at all depths, accompanied by bioturbation and pervasive oxidation of organic carbon and metals. Despite the more "equable" climate conditions of the Mesozoic, the super-ocean of the Pacific experienced adequate deep-water circulation to prevent stagnation. Efficient nutrient recycling may have been a factor in the abundance of radiolarians in this ocean basin.
Led to become a national productive Center, the Great Dourados Region, which consists of 40 cities located in the south of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, emerged as a grain productive region from the middle of the 1970s in the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Using modern agricultural techniques, the land organization in this region was ruled by a development policy which was not concerned with the socio environmental aspects of the area. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the development process of the Great Dourados region, through soybean production and its relation to the confinement of the indigenous people present in the Area. This integration happened due to the money and for it, inserting this Region into a national productive pattern which guided the farmers to modern crops, mainly soybean. The land cultivation was not the only productive activity that granted the Region an economic integration, to both the national and international market. From the end of the Paraguay War (1870) to the middle of the 70s, there were at least two other ways to the regional economic integration. One of them happened with the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea (maté/ Yerba Mate) from 1870 to 1937, which divided the regional territory into large farmlands focused on the external market. The other way happened with the need to create a market for the agricultural production and for the demand for manufactured goods, which reorganized the regional territory into small farmlands, as a result of colonization projects from 1943 to 1956. Since 1976, with the creation of the Special Program for the Development of the Great Dourados Region (Prodegran), the capitalist relations of production, which were consolidated in the area, were not ruled almost exclusively by the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea, in order to create a new accumulation center connected to the modern crops. As this new accumulation center was created, the Region was led to a selective and dependent integration process, in which many farmers changed their accumulation centers to modern grain crops, causing environmental degradation, productive exclusion and ethnical-cultural conflicts with the indigenous community
The late Cenozoic history of eolian sedimentation in the eastern Indian Ocean was developed from samples recovered during drilling of Sites 752, 754, and 756. Temporal changes in the mass accumulation rate of eolian material reflect major climatic shifts in the southern African source region. A significant drop in dust mass flux values occurs near the end of the lower Oligocene. Younger sediments are characterized by a gradual reduction in dust accumulation rates until the middle Miocene after which values remain consistently low throughout the late Cenozoic, although a slight increase in eolian accumulation rate occurs near 2.5 Ma. This pattern of dust mass flux appears related to the supply of dust-sized particles in the source region and represents a shift in the climatic regime of southern Africa to increasingly more arid conditions throughout the late Cenozoic.
Un rasgo fundamental del nuevo modelo productivo que se consolidó en las últimas dos décadas es la centralidad que adquieren las capas empresariales. Este hecho encierra una serie de interrogantes en los que conviene detenerse, en tanto aluden al análisis de los procesos de constitución de estas capas, que involucran tanto la identificación de los rasgos que les dan unidad, como su grado de diversidad. En este trabajo, interesa fundamentalmente explorar la importancia y el papel que la propiedad de la tierra retiene en estos sectores, tanto en términos de la configuración de su capital y patrimonio como en las estrategias técnico-productivas, y de inversión que definen. El tema es un punto controversial que remite al interrogante sobre el tipo de actores que sostienen la expansión sojera, debate que vuelve a poner en juego la importancia de la renta de la tierra en la acumulación del sector, vis a vis la tecnología, el conocimiento científico, y las lógicas de puesta en red de los espacios agrícolas, a través de de asociaciones y contratos entre diferentes actores. El trabajo aborda estas cuestiones a partir del análisis de información cuantitativa y cualitativa de un conjunto de empresarios de la región pampeana
Sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 138 in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean were analyzed for variations in eolian accumulation rate and mean grain-size. Latitudinal and temporal patterns of these parameters showed important changes in the intensity of atmospheric circulation and eolian flux associated with the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and suggested that eolian input parameters could be used to define its paleoposition through time. Modern atmospheric circulation in the equatorial region is weakest in the intertropical convergence zone and increases as the trade winds are approached to the north and south. Thus, the expected spatial pattern of eolian grain size would have the finest material deposited beneath the ITCZ and a coarsening of material in both directions away from this zone. Sediments from ODP Leg 138 show this pattern for much of the Pleistocene and Pliocene but, prior to about 4 Ma, begin to lose the northern coarse component suggesting that the ITCZ was located north of its present position during the late Miocene. Eolian flux records also show a latitudinal pattern of deposition associated with the position of the ITCZ that, similar to eolian grain-size variability, suggests a more northerly position of the ITCZ during the late Miocene. Overall, the regional input of eolian material to the equatorial Pacific has decreased throughout the late Neogene. This reduction in eolian input reflects climatic changes to relatively wetter conditions in the continental eolian source regions beginning during the late Pliocene.
Led to become a national productive Center, the Great Dourados Region, which consists of 40 cities located in the south of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil, emerged as a grain productive region from the middle of the 1970s in the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Using modern agricultural techniques, the land organization in this region was ruled by a development policy which was not concerned with the socio environmental aspects of the area. In this context, the present work aims to analyze the development process of the Great Dourados region, through soybean production and its relation to the confinement of the indigenous people present in the Area. This integration happened due to the money and for it, inserting this Region into a national productive pattern which guided the farmers to modern crops, mainly soybean. The land cultivation was not the only productive activity that granted the Region an economic integration, to both the national and international market. From the end of the Paraguay War (1870) to the middle of the 70s, there were at least two other ways to the regional economic integration. One of them happened with the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea (maté/ Yerba Mate) from 1870 to 1937, which divided the regional territory into large farmlands focused on the external market. The other way happened with the need to create a market for the agricultural production and for the demand for manufactured goods, which reorganized the regional territory into small farmlands, as a result of colonization projects from 1943 to 1956. Since 1976, with the creation of the Special Program for the Development of the Great Dourados Region (Prodegran), the capitalist relations of production, which were consolidated in the area, were not ruled almost exclusively by the traditional activities of cattle raising and the extraction of the Paraguay tea, in order to create a new accumulation center connected to the modern crops. As this new accumulation center was created, the Region was led to a selective and dependent integration process, in which many farmers changed their accumulation centers to modern grain crops, causing environmental degradation, productive exclusion and ethnical-cultural conflicts with the indigenous community
Piston cores from fiords, shelf troughs, and the deep-sea off eastern Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada, have been sampled for texture and detrital carbonate in the <2 mm fraction. The sediments consist primarily of silty clays usually containing <5% sand. Estimates are made for sediment accumulation (kg/m**2/ka) over the last ca. 10 ka. Three sets, of two cores each, lie on a fiord-shelf transect and thus define variations in sediment accumulation gradients. These continental margin data are compared with cruder estimates of Holocene sediment accumulation at three sites farther offshore in Baffin Bay, Davis Strait and the northern Labrador Sea. Minimum accumulation in a 2 ka interval was 200 kg/m2 with a maximum estimate of 8,800 kg/m2. Detrital carbonate accumulation varies between 0 and 1,300 kg/m**2. Median accumulation for a typical fiord-shelf-deep-sea transect over the last 10 ka have been 10,340, 3493 and 820 kg/m**2. At DSDP Leg, site 645 in central Baffin Bay, the sedimentation rate ranged between 40 and 130 m/Ma (ca. 400 and 1200 kg/m**2/2ka); that is, comparable with the Late Quaternary input into Baffin Bay.
Since 1979/80, glaciological studies have been carried out at Ekströmisen, Antarctica, including accumulation-stake measurements, snow-pit and shallow-firn-core studies. Snowstratigraphy, chemical properties and stable-isotope ratios (d18O) were investigated. This study focuses on three cores taken between 1982 and 1998. The 1998 core was dated using dielectric profiling, d18O profiles and stake measurements. Accumulation rates showhigh interannual and spatial variability due to the extreme wind influence. No significant trend was found for the last 50 years; during the first half of the 20th century, accumulation decreased. The high spatial and interannual variability, however, means that trends must be interpreted with care. In spite of the highly irregular accumulation distribution, stable-isotope ratios show little spatial variability. The mean annual d18O values of cores B04 and FB0198 agree fairly well for the time period 1955-82 covered by both cores. d18O values have increased during most of the 20th century; since the late 1980s a decrease is observed. This change is not related to air temperature, since mean annual air temperatures at Neumayer show no significant trend over the last two decades.
El estado de situación del agro pampeano desde la implantación del modelo económico neoliberal en la década del '70 hasta nuestros días, plantea el desafío de repensar las categorías de análisis que nos permitan abordar el estudio de la vulnerabilidad socio-territorial de los actores sociales implicados en el agro. Los supuestos neoliberales que han conducido el modelo de producción agropecuario de acumulación y rápida rotación de capital, especulación financiera, externalización de costos sociales y ambientales, entre otros generan situaciones de profundas desigualdades socio-territoriales, que incrementan los grados de vulnerabilidad. Resulta ineludible entonces teorizar sobre indicadores que, bajo otros supuestos, nos permitan valorar los niveles de vulnerabilidad para proponer alternativas que respondan al principio de justicia socio-territorial. Para la consecución de dicho objetivo, se parte de un análisis del estado de situación del agro en el sur cordobés; se analizan luego los supuestos neoliberales que han orientado la producción agropecuaria, para pensar caminos alternativos al modelo de capitalismo agrario, a fin de realizar nuestro aporte a la discusión sobre la construcción de indicadores de vulnerabilidad socio-territorial.
El trabajo analiza la expansión del monocultivo extractivista en Costa Rica y la Argentina en detrimento del capital natural y las poblaciones campesinas. La metodología incluyó entrevistas realizadas a campo en ambos países y consultas a fuentes documentales, periodísticas y bibliográficas. Se concluye que los conflictos ecosociales son provocados por la ausencia de un ordenamiento territorial, la escasa fiscalización estatal en materia ambiental y la alianza de los gobiernos con el capital concentrado. En este contexto, también se evidencian estrategias de resistencia de los campesinos que luchan por la justicia ambiental y la concreción de una institucionalidad socioambiental acorde con sus intereses
To understand the late Cenozoic glacial history of the Northern Hemisphere, continuous long-term proxy records from climatically sensitive regions must be examined. Ice-rafted debris (IRD) from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 918, located in the Irminger Basin, is one such record. IRD in marine sediments is a direct indicator of the presence of glacial ice extending to sea level on adjacent landmasses, and, therefore, is an important paleoclimatic signal from the mid- to high latitudes. The IRD record at Site 918 is the first long-term ice-rafting record available for southeast Greenland, a region that may have been a key nucleation area for widespread glaciation during the late Cenozoic (Larsen et al, 1994, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.152.1994). This data report presents the results of coarse sand-size IRD mass accumulation rate (MAR) analyses for Site 918 from the late Miocene through the Pleistocene. In addition, a preliminary analysis of IRD compositions is included. Detailed discussions of the local, regional, and global paleoclimatic implications of this data, and of the companion Site 919 Pleistocene IRD MAR data (Krissek, 1999, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.163.118.1999), are in preparation. Such future work will include comparisons of these IRD MAR data sets to the Site 919 oxygen isotope stratigraphy developed by Flower (1998, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.152.219.1998).