971 resultados para artistic lesson, to experiment, sensibility, imaginative joy, uncommon
We extend the earlier model of condensate growth of Davis et at (Davis M J, Gardiner C W and Ballagh R J 2000 Phys. Rev. A 62 063608) to include the effect of gravity in a magnetic trap. We carry out calculations to model the experiment reported by Kohl et al (Kohl M, Davis M J, Gardiner C W, Hansch T and Esslinger T 2001 Preprint cond-mat/0106642) who study the formation of a rubidium Bose-Einstein condensate for a range of evaporative cooling parameters. We find that, in the regime where our model is valid, the theoretical curves agree with all the experimental data with no fitting parameters. However, for the slowest cooling of the gas the theoretical curve deviates significantly from the experimental curves. It is possible that this discrepancy may be related to the formation of a quasicondensate.
Shoaling with familiar individuals may have many benefits including enhanced escape responses or increased foraging efficiency. This study describes the results of two complimentary experiments. The first utilised a simple binary choice experiment to determine if rainbowfish (Melanotaenia spp.) preferred to shoal with familiar individuals or with strangers. The second experiment used a free range situation where familiar and unfamiliar individuals were free to intermingle and were then exposed to a predator threat. Like many other small species of fish, rainbowfish were capable of identifying and distinguishing between individuals and choose to preferentially associate with familiar individuals as opposed to strangers. Contrary to expectations. however. rainbowrish did not significantly increase their preference for familiar individuals in the presence of a stationary predator model. Griffiths [J Fish Biol (1997) 51:489-4951 conducted similar studies under semi-natural conditions examining, the shoaling preferences of European minnows and showed similar results. Both the current study and that of Griffiths were conducted using predator wary populations of fish. It is suggested that, in predator sympatric populations, the benefits of shoaling with familiar individuals are such that it always pays to stay close to familiar individuals even when the probability If predator attack is remote.
Given the importance of syllables in the development of reading, spelling, and phonological awareness, information is needed about how children syllabify spoken words. To what extent is syllabification affected by knowledge of spelling, to what extent by phonology, and which phonological factors are influential? In Experiment 1, six- and seven-year-old children did not show effects of spelling on oral syllabification, performing similarly on words such as habit and rabbit. Spelling influenced the syllabification of older children and adults, with the results suggesting that knowledge of spelling must be well entrenched before it begins to affect oral syllabification. Experiment 2 revealed influences of phonological factors on syllabification that were similar across age groups. Young children, like older children and adults, showed differences between words with short and long vowels (e.g., lemon vs. demon) and words with sonorant and obstruent intervocalic consonants (e.g., melon vs. wagon). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Most sugarcane breeding programs in Australia use large unreplicated trials to evaluate clones in the early stages of selection. Commercial varieties that are replicated provide a method of local control of soil fertility. Although such methods may be useful in detecting broad trends in the field, variation often occurs on a much smaller scale. Methods such as spatial analysis adjust a plot for variability by using information from immediate neighbours. These techniques are routinely used to analyse cereal data in Australia and have resulted in increased accuracy and precision in the estimates of variety effects. In this paper, spatial analyses in which the variability is decomposed into local, natural, and extraneous components are applied to early selection trials in sugarcane. Interplot competition in cane yield and trend in sugar content were substantial in many of the trials and there were often large differences in the selections between the spatial and current method used by the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations. A joint modelling approach for tonnes sugar per hectare in response to fertility trends and interplot competition is recommended.
The fungi Sclerotinia minor and S. sclerotiorum are the causal agents of two similar diseases of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Both diseases cause significant losses in the Australian peanut industry. Development of cultivars with resistance to Sclerotinia will be an important component of integrated control. The aims of this project are to generate information that will assist in breeding for Sclerotinia resistance in peanut: to identify Sclerotinia-resistant peanut germplasm, to understand the inheritance and estimate heritability of resistance, and to test the effectiveness of identified sources of resistance against both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum. This study has clearly established that material that shows resistance to S. minor in the USA is resistant to S. minor and likely to be resistant to S. sclerotiorum in Australia. The high level of resistance to both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum in germplasm from Texas, particularly TxAG-4, was confirmed. VA 93B showed good resistance in the field, which is primarily due to the open bush type rather than physiological resistance. Physiological resistance to S. minor was also identified in a cultivar and a landrace from Indonesia and a rust-resistant line from Queensland. All germplasm found to have high physiological resistance to S. minor belonged to the Spanish type. Inheritance of physiological resistance to S. minor was studied using a Generation Means Analysis (GMA) of the cross TxAG-4/VA 93B and its reciprocal. The broad-sense heritability of physiological resistance on a single plant basis was estimated at 47%, much higher than earlier estimates obtained in field studies. The average gene action of Sclerotinia resistance genes from TxAG-4 was found to be additive. No dominance effects were detected in the GMA. A small but significant reciprocal effect between TxAG-4 and VA 93B indicated that VA 93B passed on some physiological resistance maternally. An experiment was conducted to confirm the value of resistance against both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum. TxAG-4 was found to have physiological resistance to both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum. This resistance was expressed against both Sclerotinia species by progeny that were selected for resistance to S. minor. On the basis of the information obtained, the comparative advantages of 3 strategies for Sclerotinia-resistant cultivar development are discussed: (1) introduction of germplasm; (2) recurrent backcrossing with screening and crossing in the BCnF1 generation; and (3) pedigree selection. At present, introduction and backcrossing are recommended as the preferred strategies.
Three experiments were conducted examining group members' responses to criticism from ingroup and outgroup members. In Experiment I a, Australians read scripts of a person making either negative or positive comments about Australia. The speaker was identified as coming from either Australia (ingroup member) or another country (outgroup member). Responses indicated an intergroup sensitivity effect; that is, while ingroup criticisms were tolerated surprisingly well, outgroup criticisms were met with sensitivity and defensiveness. This pattern was replicated using the identity of,university student' (Experiment 1b). Experiment 2 demonstrated that the intergroup sensitivity effect is driven by perceptions that ingroup criticisms are seen to be more legitimate and more constructive than are outgroup criticisms. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for intragroup and intergroup relations. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
Two experiments were conducted to test predictions derived from social identity/self-categorization theory concerning the role of group norms in attitude-behavior consistency. In Experiment 1, 160 students who could be classified as having a more or less certain target attitude were exposed to attitude congruent versus incongruent normative support from a relevant reference group (own university) under conditions of low versus high group salience. Experiment 2 was very similar in design and methodology (N=180), but a different correlate of attitude accessibility was used (an experimental manipulation of repeated expression), the target attitude was changed, and the reference group was gender. Across the 2 experiments there was consistent support for the hypothesis that participants would behave more in accordance with their attitudes when they received normative support for, rather than opposition to, their original attitude from a relevant reference group (i.e., their ingroup, not an outgroup). There was slightly weaker support for the second hypothesis that this effect would be stronger under high-than low-salience conditions. The third hypothesis (see Fazio, 1986), that attitude certainty and repeated expression of the attitude would strengthen attitude-behavior consistency, was well supported, as was the expectation that accessibility effects would be independent of reference group norm effects on attitude-behavior consistency.
Objective. A pilot investigation of the influence of different force levels on a treatment technique's hypoalgesic effect. Design. Randomised single blind repeated measures. Background. Optimisation of such biomechanical treatment variables as the point of force application, direction of force application and the level of applied manual force is classically regarded as the basis of best practice manipulative therapy. Manipulative therapy is frequently used to alleviate pain, a treatment effect that is often studied directly in the neurophysiological, paradigm and seldom in biomechanical research. The relationship between the level of force applied by a technique (e.g. biomechanics) and its hypoalgesic effect was the focus of this study. Method. The experiment involved the application of a lateral glide mobilisation with movement treatment technique to the symptomatic elbow of six subjects with lateral epicondylalgia. Four different levels of force, which were measured with a flexible pressure-sensing mat, were randomly applied while the subject performed a pain free grip strength test. Results. Standardised manual force data varied from 0.76 to 4.54 N/cm, lower-upper limits 95 Cl, respectively. Pain free grip strength expressed as a percentage change from pre-treatment values was significantly greater with manual forces beyond 1.9 N/cm (P = 0.014). Conclusions. This study, albeit a pilot, provides preliminary evidence that in terms of the hypoalgesic effect of a mobilisation with movement treatment technique, there may be an optimal level of applied manual force.
The present study investigated students' behavior across academic departments to establish how personality, demographic, educational, attitudinal, and climate (both psychological and departmental) predicted self-reported cheating behavior at a university, Participants were 107 students from a variety of academic disciplines, The results explain 50.5% of the variability in self-reported cheating behavior in terms of demographic (male, school education qualifications), departmental climate, and individual differences (Lie and Neuroticism scales), We concluded that an expanded theoretical perspective (utilizing a wide range of person and situation variables) explained more variability than would otherwise be explained from any single perspective, and that findings from the literature of integrity at work generalize to educational settings. Finally, we discuss the limitations and implications of this research.
Drought frequently reduces grain yield of rainfed lowland rice. A series of experiments were conducted in drought-prone northeast Thailand to study the magnitude and consistency of yield responses of diverse, rainfed lowland rice genotypes to drought stress environments and to examine ways to identify genotypes that confer drought resistance. One hundred and twenty-eight genotypes were grown under non-stress and four different types of drought stress conditions. The relationship of genotypic variation in yield under drought conditions to genetic yield potential, flowering time and flowering delay, and to a drought response index (DRI) that removed the effect of potential yield and flowering time on yield under stress was examined. Drought stress that developed prior to flowering generally delayed the time of flowering of genotypes, and the delay in flowering was negatively associated with grain yield, fertile panicle percentage and filled grain percentage. Genotypes with a longer delay in flowering time had extracted more water during the early drought period, and as a consequence, had higher water deficits. They were consistently associated with a larger yield reduction under drought and in one experiment with a smaller DRI. Genotypes, however, responded differently to the different drought stress conditions and there was no consistency in the DRI estimates for the different genotypes across the drought stress experiments. The results indicate that with the use of irrigated-control and drought test environments, genotypes with drought resistance can be identified by using DRI or delay in flowering. However, selections will differ depending on the type of drought condition. The inconsistency of the estimates in DRI and flowering delay across different drought conditions reflects the nature of the large genotype-by-environment interactions observed for grain yield under various types of drought in rainfed lowland conditions. (C), 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Fish occupy a range of hydrological habitats that exert different demands on locomotor performance. We examined replicate natural populations of the rainbow fishes Melanotaenia eachamensis and M. duboulayi to determine if colonization of low-velocity (lake) habitats by fish from high-velocity (stream) habitats resulted in adaptation of locomotor morphology and performance. Relative to stream conspecifics, lake fish had more posteriorly positioned first dorsal and pelvic fins, and shorter second dorsal fin bases. Habitat dimorphism observed between wild-caught fish was determined to be heritable as it was retained in M. eachamensis offspring raised in a common garden. Repeated evolution of the same heritable phenotype in independently derived populations indicated body shape divergence was a consequence of natural selection. Morphological divergence between hydrological habitats did not support a priori expectations of deeper bodies and caudal peduncles in lake fish. However, observed divergence in fin positioning was consistent with a family-wide association between habitat and morphology, and with empirical studies on other fish species. As predicted, decreased demand for sustained swimming in takes resulted in a reduction in caudal red muscle area of lake fish relative to their stream counterparts. Melanotaenia duboulayi lake fish also had slower sustained swimming speeds (U-crit) than stream conspecifics. In M. eachamensis, habitat affected U-crit of males and females differently. Specifically, females exhibited the pattern observed in M. duboulayi (lake fish had faster U-crit than stream fish), but the opposite association was observed in males (stream males had slower Ucrit than lake males). Stream M. eachamensis also exhibited a reversed pattern of sexual dimorphism in U-crit (males slower than females) relative to all other groups (males faster than females). We suggest that M. eachamensis males from streams responded to factors other than water velocity. Although replication of muscle and U,,it phenotypes across same habitat populations within and/or among species was suggestive of adaptation, the common garden experiment did not confirm a genetic basis to these associations. Kinematic studies should consider the effect of the position and base length of dorsal fins.
Quantification of calcium in the cuticle of the fly larva Exeretonevra angustifrons was undertaken at the micron scale using wavelength dispersive X-ray microanalysis, analytical standards, and a full matrix correction. Calcium and phosphorus were found to be present in the exoskeleton in a ratio that indicates amorphous calcium phosphate. This was confirmed through electron diffraction of the calcium-containing tissue. Due to the pragmatic difficulties of measuring light elements, it is not uncommon in the field of entomology to neglect the use of matrix corrections when performing microanalysis of bulk insect specimens. To determine, firstly, whether such a strategy affects the outcome and secondly, which matrix correction is preferable, phi-rho (z) and ZAF matrix corrections were contrasted with each other and without matrix correction. The best estimate of the mineral phase was found to be given by using the phi-rho (z) correction. When no correction was made, the ratio of Ca to P fell outside the range for amorphous calcium phosphate, possibly leading to flawed interpretation of the mineral form when used on its own.
Patients with severe forms of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) require intensive care. Specific treatment, catheterization, and devices may increase morbidity in the intensive care unit (ICU). To understand the spectrum of morbidity associated with ICU care, the authors studied 114 patients with GBS. Major morbidity occurred in 60% of patients. Complications were uncommon if ICU stay was less than 3 weeks. Respiratory complications such as pneumonia and tracheobronchitis occurred in half of the patients and were linked to mechanical ventilation. Systemic infection occurred in one-fifth of patients and was more frequent with increasing duration of ICU admission. Direct complications of treatment and invasive procedures occurred infrequently. Life-threatening complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding and pulmonary embolism were very uncommon. Pulmonary morbidity predominates in patients with severe GBS admitted to the ICU. Attention to management of mechanical ventilation and weaning is important to minimize this complication of GBS. Other causes of morbidity in a tertiary center ICU are uncommon.
Predictions of flow patterns in a 600-mm scale model SAG mill made using four classes of discrete element method (DEM) models are compared to experimental photographs. The accuracy of the various models is assessed using quantitative data on shoulder, toe and vortex center positions taken from ensembles of both experimental and simulation results. These detailed comparisons reveal the strengths and weaknesses of the various models for simulating mills and allow the effect of different modelling assumptions to be quantitatively evaluated. In particular, very close agreement is demonstrated between the full 3D model (including the end wall effects) and the experiments. It is also demonstrated that the traditional two-dimensional circular particle DEM model under-predicts the shoulder, toe and vortex center positions and the power draw by around 10 degrees. The effect of particle shape and the dimensionality of the model are also assessed, with particle shape predominantly affecting the shoulder position while the dimensionality of the model affects mainly the toe position. Crown Copyright (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.