939 resultados para YEAST BIOCHEMICAL CARD
A homemade place card with an illustration of a pig with a wig and formal attire, holding a wine glass. The illustration is titled "The Host".
A handmade place card with a pig dressed up like a clown in high heels. The card is labelled "The Hostess".
A place card that has an illustration of a baby/toddler with their feet up.
A place card with an illustration of the back of a girl in a purple dress and bonnet.
A place card with an illustration of a girl in a blue coat and bonnet.
A place card with an illustration of a girl in a blue dress and red flowers.
A place card with an illustration of a girl in a green dress and red flowers.
A place card with an illustration of a girl in a blue dress sitting on a yellow chest.
A place card with an illustration of a girl in a red dress sitting on a yellow chest.
A place card with an illustration of the back of a girl as she carries two hat boxes.
A coloured card of a lady wearing a bonnet and cloak. On the back it says C.D. Fredericks & Co., 587 Broadway, New York; 108 Calle de Habana, Habana, and 31 Passage du Havre, Paris.
A marriage certificate card stating that Percy Carruthers Band and Margaret Julia Woodruff were married in St. Catharines with envelope which has the return address: James Carruthers and Company, Ltd., Grain Exporters, Produce Exchange Building, New York, November 25, 1919.
Chemical, biochemical, and molecular characterization of a low vindoline Catharanthus roseus mutant.
The Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) is the sole source of the anticancer drug vinblastine, which is formed via the coupling of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIAs) catharanthine and vindoline. A mutant line of C. roseus (M2-1865) with an altered MIA profile was identified in a screen of 4000 M2 lines generated by ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) chemical mutagenesis. While this line did not accumulate vinblastine due to reduced levels of vindoline within the leaves, significant levels of 2,3-epoxide derivatives of tabersonine accumulated on the leaf surface. Detailed nucleotide, amino acid, and enzyme activity analyses of tabersonine 3-reductase in the M2-1865 line showed that a single amino acid substitution (H189Y) diminished the biochemical activity of T3R by 95%. Genetic crosses showed the phenotype to be recessive, exhibiting standard Mendelian single-gene inheritance. The usefulness of EMS mutagenesis in elucidating MIA biosynthesis is highlighted by the results of this study.
The wrestler's name is Dan O'Connor and the number stamped on the reverse is 230.
The wrestler's name is Joe Corbett and the number stamped on the reverse is 139.