916 resultados para World-health-organization


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La Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Asociación de Psiquiatría Americana catalogan la transexualidad como una patología bajo el nombre de ‘trastorno de identidad de género’ y ‘disforia de género’, respectivamente. En el contexto español, la Ley 3/2007 establece que para poder modificarse la mención de sexo hace falta presentar, entre otros, un certificado de dicho diagnóstico. Las Unidades de Trastornos de Identidad de Género, ubicadas en las unidades de psiquiatría de diferentes hospitales públicos, son las encargadas de expedir este tipo de certificados una vez pasado un proceso que puede durar dos años. En este artículo, tras analizar la construcción del género que subyace en el discurso médico oficial sobre la transexualidad se concluye que se establece una visión patologizadora, binarista, biologista y que fomenta, en el caso de los trans masculinos, los estereotipos de la masculinidad hegemónica.


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L'organització mundial de la salut, assenyala que la major part de les agressions sexuals tenen com a víctimes a dones i nenes, i són perpetrades per homes i nens. En alguns països, gairebé una de cada quatre dones ha estat víctima de violència sexual per part de la seva parella i fins a una tercera part de les adolescents han sofert una iniciació sexual forçada. Estudis especialitzats fan referència al percentatge de dones que han sofert alguna forma d'abús sexual abans dels 18 anys. En el mateix sentit, enquestes mundials assenyalen que entre el 10% i el 69% de les dones diuen haver estat agredides físicament per una parella masculina en algun moment de la seva vida. La violència sexual infantil provoca a les seves víctimes una sèrie de repercussions i seqüeles, psicològiques, emocionals, socials; compromet el desenvolupament integral de l'individu, i provoca l'aparició d'una sèrie de patologies a l'edat adulta. La present investigació fa una revisió teòrica de la violència sexual, de la violència de gènere, i de les aportacions del procés de recuperació a través de la dansa moviment teràpia d'aquesta població. També es mostra el recorregut del marc d'actuació dels organismes d'ordre públic de la ciutat de Barcelona per a l'atenció i detecció en casos d'abús sexual


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Background. The “Cooking and Active Leisure” Tu y Alícia por la Salud (CAL-TAS) Program is a schoolbased pilot that addresses healthy lifestyle needs of Spanish secondary school students with initiatives that research has proven to improve dietary and physical activity behaviors. Objective. The objectives were to perform a Program Impact Pathways (PIP) analysis to describe key activities and processes of the CAL-TAS Program, identify Critical Quality Control Points (CCPs), and identify a suite of common indicators of healthy lifestyles to be applied across participant schools. Methods. The CAL-TAS Program designers and implementation team developed this PIP analysis through an iterative process and presented the results for feedback at the seven-country Healthy Lifestyles Program Evaluation Workshop held in Granada, Spain, 13–14 September 2013, under the auspices of the Mondelēz International Foundation. Results. The team identified three PIP CCPs: teachers’ motivation and training, changes in students’ knowledge of healthy lifestyles, and changes in students’ healthy lifestyle behavior. The selected indicators of the program’s impact on healthy lifestyles are adequacy of food intake, level of knowledge of healthy lifestyles gained, and adequacy of physical activity level according to World Health Organization recommendations. A clear definition of impact indicators, as well as collection of accurate data on healthy lifestyle behaviors and knowledge, is essential to understanding the effectiveness of this program before it can be scaled up. Conclusions. CAL-TAS is an effective secondary school-based program encouraging healthy lifestyles. The PIP analysis was instrumental in identifying CCPs to sustain and improve the quality of the program. The team hopes to sustain and improve the program through these program evaluation recommendations.


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The European Cancer Registry-based project on hematologic malignancies (HAEMACARE), setup to improve the availability and standardization of data on hematologic malignancies in Europe, used the European Cancer Registry-based project on survival and care of cancer patients (EUROCARE-4) database to produce a new grouping of hematologic neoplasma(defined by the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition and the 2001/2008 World Health Organization classifications) for epidemiological and public healthpurposes. We analyzed survival for lymphoid neoplasms in Europe by disease group, comparing survival between different European regions by age and sex. Design and Methods Incident neoplasms recorded between 1995 to 2002 in 48 population-based cancer registries in 20 countries participating in EUROCARE-4 were analyzed. The period approach was used to estimate 5-year relative survival rates for patients diagnosed in 2000-2002, who did not have 5years of follow up. Results: The 5-year relative survival rate was 57% overall but varied markedly between the definedgroups. Variation in survival within the groups was relatively limited across European regions and less than in previous years. Survival differences between men and women were small. The relative survival for patients with all lymphoid neoplasms decreased substantially after the age of 50. The proportion of ‘not otherwise specified’ diagnoses increased with advancing age.Conclusions: This is the first study to analyze survival of patients with lymphoid neoplasms, divided into groups characterized by similar epidemiological and clinical characteristics, providing a benchmarkfor more detailed analyses. This Europe-wide study suggests that previously noted differences in survival between regions have tended to decrease. The survival of patients with all neoplasms decreased markedly with age, while the proportion of ‘not otherwise specified’ diagnoses increased with advancing age. Thus the quality of diagnostic work-up and care decreased with age, suggesting that older patients may not be receiving optimal treatment


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BACKGROUND: The association between obesity and back pain has mainly been studied in high-income settings with inconclusive results, and data from older populations and developing countries are scarce. The aim of this study was to assess this association in nine countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America among older adults using nationally-representative data. METHODS: Data on 42116 individuals ≥50 years who participated in the Collaborative Research on Ageing in Europe (COURAGE) study conducted in Finland, Poland, and Spain in 2011-2012, and the World Health Organization's Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE) conducted in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa in 2007-2010 were analysed. Information on measured height and weight available in the two datasets was used to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI). Self-reported back pain occurring in the past 30 days was the outcome. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between BMI and back pain. RESULTS: The prevalence of back pain ranged from 21.5% (China) to 57.5% (Poland). In the multivariable analysis, compared to BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m(2), significantly higher odds for back pain were observed for BMI ≥35 kg/m(2) in Finland (OR 3.33), Russia (OR 2.20), Poland (OR 2.03), Spain (OR 1.56), and South Africa (OR 1.48); BMI 30.0-34.0 kg/m(2) in Russia (OR 2.76), South Africa (OR 1.51), and Poland (OR 1.47); and BMI 25.0-29.9 kg/m(2) in Russia (OR 1.51) and Poland (OR 1.40). No significant associations were found in the other countries. CONCLUSIONS: The strength of the association between obesity and back pain may vary by country. Future studies are needed to determine the factors contributing to differences in the associations observed.


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Infusions of yerba mate obtained at different stages of industrialization were evaluated to determine the bioavailable fraction of Al. Adsorptive Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry using DASA (complexing agent) was applied to determine the labile fraction of Al at pH 5.0 and pH 8.0 for the total fraction of dissolved Al. The results indicate that on average 60% of Al is complexed with organic compounds, minimizing their bioavailability; however, the labile fraction exceeds by up to 4 times the maximum weekly intake recommended by the World Health Organization.


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The goal of this work was to develop a simple and rapid preparation method for patulin analysis in apple juice without previous clean-up. This method combined sonication and liquid extraction techniques and was used for determination of patulin in 37 commercial apple juices available on the market in the South of Brazil. The method performance characteristics were determined using a sample obtained in a local market fortified at five concentration levels of patulin and done in triplicates. The coefficient of variation for repeatability at the fortification level of 20.70µg.L-1 was 3.53 % and the recovery 94.63 %, respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.9996 and agrees with the requirements for a linear analytical method value. The detection limit was 0.21µg.L-1 and the quantification limit 0.70 µg.L-1. Only three of the analyzed samples were upper the allowed level of 50.00 µg.L-1 recommended for the World Health Organization.


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Background: Celiac disease is a lifelong, gluten-sensitive, autoimmune-mediated chronic enteropathy, tightly associated with risk alleles at the HLA class II genes. Aims: This study was carried out as a part of the population-based Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention (DIPP) Project. The first aim was to study the natural history of celiac disease-associated antibodies before the diagnosis of celiac disease was made. The second aim was to describe when and in which order celiac disease-associated and type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies appeared in children with genetic risk for both diseases. Subjects and Methods: Antibodies against tissue transglutaminase (TGA) and other celiac disease-associated antibodies were measured in serum samples collected at 3- to 12-month intervals of children at genetic risk for celiac disease who participated in the DIPP project. Celiac disease was confirmed by duodenal biopsy. Type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies were measured in all samples that had been collected. Overt disease was diagnosed according to World Health Organization criteria. Follow-up continued until a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes or until the end of a defined follow-up period. Results: TGA appeared in children at genetic risk for celiac disease only after the first year of life, but anti-gliadin antibodies often emerged significantly earlier, at age 6 months. The data show that spontaneous disappearance of celiac disease-associated antibodies, transient or persisting, is a common phenomenon, at least in prepubertal children. In children with genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes and celiac disease, celiac disease-associated antibodies usually develop earlier than the type 1 diabetes-associated antibodies. Conclusions: The transient nature of celiac disease-associated antibodies emphasizes the significance of establishing seropositivity repeatedly in screening detected celiac disease before gastroscopy and duodenal biopsy are considered and emphasized the importance of duodenal biopsy for diagnosing celiac disease.


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OBJETIVO: analisar a associação entre o estado nutricional pré-gestacional materno e os desfechos maternos - síndromes hipertensivas da gravidez, diabetes gestacional, deficiência de vitamina A e anemia - e do concepto - baixo peso ao nascer. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, com 433 puérperas adultas (>20 anos), atendidas na Maternidade Escola da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e seus respectivos recém-nascidos. As informações foram coletadas em consulta a prontuários e entrevistas. O estado nutricional pré-gestacional materno foi definido por meio do índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional, segundo os pontos de corte para mulheres adultas da World Health Organization (WHO), em 1995. Estimou-se a associação entre os desfechos gestacionais e o estado nutricional pré-gestacional, por meio da odds ratio (OR) e intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. RESULTADOS: a freqüência de desvio ponderal pré-gestacional (baixo peso, sobrepeso e obesidade) foi de 31,6%. Considerando-se o estado nutricional pré-gestacional, aquelas com sobrepeso e obesidade apresentaram menor ganho ponderal do que as eutróficas e as com baixo peso (p<0,05). As mulheres com obesidade pré-gestacional apresentaram risco aumentado de desenvolver síndromes hipertensivas da gravidez (OR=6,3; IC95%=1,90-20,5) e aquelas com baixo peso pré-gestacional, maior chance de ter recém-nascidos com baixo peso ao nascer (OR=7,1; IC95%=1,9-27,5). Não foi evidenciada a associação entre estado nutricional pré-gestacional e o desenvolvimento de anemia, deficiência de vitamina A e diabetes gestacional. A média de ganho de peso entre as gestantes com sobrepeso e obesas foi significativamente menor, quando comparadas às eutróficas e às com baixo peso (p=0,002, p=0,049, p=0,002, p=0,009). CONCLUSÕES: a expressiva quantidade de mulheres com desvio ponderal pré-gestacional reforça a importância da orientação nutricional que favoreça o estado nutricional adequado e minimize os riscos de intercorrências maternas e do recém-nascido.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar prospectivamente os efeitos da reconstrução mamária imediata sobre a qualidade de vida de mulheres mastectomizadas. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas 76 mulheres submetidas à mastectomia no Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, entre Agosto de 2007 a Dezembro de 2008. Dois grupos foram formados, 41 mulheres no grupo de mulheres submetidas à mastectomia associada à reconstrução imediata da mama (M+RI) e 35 no grupo de mulheres submetidas à mastectomia exclusiva (M). A avaliação da qualidade de vida foi feita com o uso do questionário World Health Organization - Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100). O questionário foi aplicado em três momentos: na data da internação, após um mês e novamente seis meses após a cirurgia. Os escores do WHOQOL-100 foram calculados conforme roteiro de análise fornecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Para análise comparativa dos escores entre grupos, foram utilizados os testes t de Student, exato de Fisher, χ2 e Mann-Whitney, quando os dados eram paramétricos. Para análise das medidas repetidas, ao longo do tempo, foi utilizada a ANOVA e ANOVA para medidas repetidas. RESULTADOS: em todos os momentos, desde o pré-operatório, a pontuação média do Grupo M+RI foi maior que o Grupo M, principalmente nos domínios físico, psicológico, nível de independência e relações sociais. Dos seis domínios abrangidos no questionário, em três (físico, relações sociais, meio ambiente) não foram encontradas diferenças significativas. Houve melhor pontuação para o Grupo M+RI (15,5 a 14,9 no M+RI e 14,3 a 14,2 no M; p=0,04) no domínio psicológico. Observou-se redução significativa do nível de independência no primeiro mês pós-operatório em ambos os grupos, com recuperação significativa após seis meses. CONCLUSÕES: os presentes resultados sugerem que a reconstrução mamária imediata é benéfica para aspectos psicológicos da qualidade de vida, sem afetar a funcionalidade física da mulher.


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OBJETIVOS: analisar a força de propulsão na marcha e relacionar com as alterações nas dimensões dos pés e a influência sobre a qualidade de vida da gestante. MÉTODOS: dois grupos, um Controle (C), com 20 mulheres voluntárias não grávidas, e outro com 13 gestantes voluntárias que foram avaliadas nos três trimestres gestacionais (Gpri, Gseg, Gter). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma avaliação inicial; a uma avaliação da força de propulsão da marcha por meio da plataforma de força (Bertec); avaliação do comprimento e largura dos pés feita por técnicas de metragem; avaliação da perimetria realizada pelo método "figura em oito"; e avaliação da qualidade de vida obtida pelo Questionário World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument Bref (Whoqol-bref). Foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney para avaliar as diferenças entre o grupo C e Gpri; entre Gpri, Gseg e Gter utilizou-se o teste de Friedman e nos casos significativos aplicou-se o teste de Wilcoxon. Foi considerado um nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: aumento da massa corporal (10,5 kg) e do edema dos tornozelos (2,4 cm) ao longo da gestação; observa-se diminuição da força de propulsão da marcha (10% da massa corporal) e maior oscilação mediolateral (10% da massa corporal) comparadas ao Grupo Controle; queda na qualidade de vida da gestante, principalmente no domínio físico. CONCLUSÃO: ocorrem alterações na marcha durante a gestação, levando a um risco maior de quedas e desconfortos musculoesqueléticos que pode influenciar na qualidade de vida da gestante.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a importância do teste de tolerância à glicose oral (TTGO) no diagnóstico da intolerância à glicose (IG) e diabetes mellitus do tipo 2 (DM-2) em mulheres com SOP. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo em que foram incluídas 247 pacientes portadoras de SOP, selecionadas de forma aleatória. O diagnóstico de IG foi obtido por meio do TTGO de duas horas com 75 gramas de glicose de acordo com os critérios do World Health Organization (WHO) (IG: glicemia plasmática aos 120 minutos >140 mg/dL e <200 mg/dL); e o de DM-2 tanto pelo TTGO (DM: glicemia plasmática aos 120 minutos >200 mg/dL) quanto pela glicemia de jejum segundo os critérios da American Diabetes Association (glicemia de jejum alterada: glicemia plasmática >100 e <126 mg/dL; DM: glicemia de jejum >126 mg/dL). Para comparar o TTGO com a glicemia de jejum foi aplicado o modelo de regressão logística para medidas repetidas. Para a análise das características clínicas e bioquímicas das pacientes com e sem IG e/ou DM-2 foi utilizada a ANOVA seguida do teste de Tukey. O valor p<0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significante. RESULTADOS: As pacientes com SOP apresentaram média etária de 24,8±6,3 e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) entre 18,3 e 54,9 kg/m² (32,5±7,6). O percentual de pacientes obesas foi de 64%, de sobrepeso 18,6%, e peso saudável 17,4%. O TTGO identificou 14 casos de DM-2 (5,7%), enquanto a glicemia de jejum detectou somente três casos (1,2%), sendo que a frequência destes distúrbios foi maior com o aumento da idade e IMC. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram a superioridade do TTGO em relação à glicemia de jejum em diagnosticar DM-2 em mulheres jovens com SOP e deve ser realizado neste grupo de pacientes.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a qualidade de vida em mulheres sobreviventes de câncer de mama e comparar com mulheres saudáveis pareadas por idade. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com uma amostra de 199 pacientes sobreviventes de câncer de mama, incluídas consecutivamente um ano ou mais após o diagnóstico. As pacientes haviam sido tratadas em dois grandes hospitais. Essas pacientes foram comparadas com um grupo de mulheres saudáveis, pareadas por idade com as pacientes, composto por funcionárias e voluntárias dos dois hospitais. A avaliação da qualidade de vida foi realizada através do World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire, version bref (WHOQOL-bref), e foram obtidos dados socioeconômicos, clínicos e do tratamento. Os testes estatísticos utilizados foram do χ² e modelo linear generalizado. Foi adotado o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: As sobreviventes de câncer de mama tinham média de idade de 54,4 anos (DP=10,4) e tempo médio de diagnóstico de 5,0 anos (DP=4,6). As pacientes sobreviventes relataram piores avaliações de qualidade de vida geral (p<0,001) e para os domínios físico (p<0,05), psicológico (p=0,002) e meio ambiente (p=0,02) em relação às mulheres saudáveis, após controle para potenciais variáveis de confusão. Não houve diferença significativa para o domínio relações sociais (p=0,9). CONCLUSÕES: Muitas pacientes sobreviventes de câncer de mama experimentaram piores avaliações na qualidade de vida quando comparadas às mulheres saudáveis. Esses resultados podem ser úteis para estabelecer estratégias para melhorar a qualidade de vida de mulheres com câncer de mama.


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PURPOSE: To assess quality of life and climacteric symptoms in women with and without liver transplants. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 52 women undergoing follow-up at a university hospital in southeastern Brazil from February 4th, 2009 to January 5th, 2011. Twenty-four of these women were 35 years old or older and had undergone liver transplantation at least one year before study entry. The remaining 28 women had no liver disease and were matched by age and menstrual patterns to the patients with transplants. The abbreviated version of the World Health Organization (WHOQOL-BREF) questionnaire was used to assess quality of life. Menopausal symptoms were assessed using the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS). Statistical analysis was carried out by Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test and analysis of variance. Correlations between MRS and the WHOQOL-BREF were established by correlation coefficients. RESULTS: The mean age of the women included in the study was 52.2 (±10.4) years and the mean time since transplantation was 6.1 (±3.3) years. Women with liver transplants had better quality of life scores in the environment domain (p=0.01). No difference was noted between the two groups in any domain of the MRS. For women in the comparison group, there was a strongly negative correlation between somatic symptoms in the MRS and the physical domain of the WHOQOL-BREF (p<0.01; r=-0.8). In contrast, there was only a moderate association for women with liver transplants (p<0.01; r=-0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Women with liver transplants had better quality of life scores in the domain related to environment and did not exhibit more intense climacteric symptoms than did those with no liver disease. Climacteric symptoms negatively influenced quality of life in liver transplant recipients, although less intensely than in women without a history of liver disease.


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PURPOSE: To assess fatigue and quality of life in disease-free breast cancer survivors in relation to a sample of age-matched women with no cancer history and to explore the relationship between fatigue and quality of life.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 202 consecutive disease-free Brazilian breast cancer survivors, all of whom had completed treatment, treated at 2 large hospitals. The patients were compared to age-matched women with no cancer history attending a primary health care center. The Piper Fatigue Scale-Revised and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument (WHOQOL-BREF) were used to measure the fatigue and quality of life, respectively. Socio-demographic and clinical variables were also obtained. The χ2 test, generalized linear model, and Spearman correlation coefficient were used for statistical purposes. The adopted level of significance was 5%.RESULTS: Breast cancer survivors experienced significantly greater total and subscale fatigue scores than comparison group (all p-values<0.05). In addition, survivors reported a poorer quality of life in physical (p=0.002), psychological (p=0.03), and social relationships (p=0.03) domains than comparison group. No difference was found for the environmental domain (p=0.08) for both groups. For survivors of breast cancer and for comparison group, the total and subscale fatigue scores were related to lower quality of life (all p-values<0.01).CONCLUSION: The findings of this study highlight the importance of assessing fatigue and quality of life in breast cancer survivors.