918 resultados para Work related musculoskeletal disorder


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Acknowledgements. Cetacean samples were collected under the auspices of stranding monitoring programs run by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem, the Coordinadora para o Estudio dos Mamíferos Mariños (supported by the regional government Xunta de Galicia), the UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme and the Scottish Agriculture College Veterinary Science Division (jointly funded by Defra and the Devolved Governments of Scotland and Wales), the Marine Mammals Research Group of the Institute of Marine Research (Norway), the Museum of Natural History of the Faroe Islands and the International Fund for Animal Welfare Marine Mammal Rescue and Research Program (USA). The authors thank all the members of these institutions and organizations for their assistance with data and sample collection. S.S.M., P.M.F. and M.F. were supported by PhD grants from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (POPH/FSE ref SFRH/BD/ 38735/ 2007, SFRH/BD/36766/2007 and SFRH/BD/30240/ 2006, respectively). A.L. was supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (ref SFRH/BPD/82407/2011). The work related to strandings and tissue collection in Portugal was partially supported by the SafeSea project EEAGrants PT 0039 (supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism), the MarPro project Life09 NAT/PT/000038 (funded by the European Union program LIFE+) and the project CetSenti FCT RECI/AAG-GLO/0470/2012 (FCOMP- 01-0124-FEDER-027472) (funded by the program COMPETE and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). G.J.P. thanks the University of Aveiro and Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal) for financial support. The authors acknowledge the assistance of the chemical analysts at Marine Scotland Science with the fatty acid analysis.


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Funding Silvia S. Monteiro and Marisa Ferreira were supported by a Ph.D. grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (ref SFRH/BD/38735/2007 and SFRH/BD/30240/2006, respectively). Alfredo López was supported by a postdoctoral grant from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (ref SFRH/BPD/82407/2011). Catarina Eira is supported by CESAM (UID/AMB/50017), from FCT/MEC through national funds and FEDER (PT2020, Compete 2020). The work related with strandings and tissue collection in Portugal was partially supported by the SafeSea Project EEAGrants PT 0039 (supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism), by the Project MarPro–Life09 NAT/PT/000038 (funded by the European Union–Program Life+) and by the project CetSenti FCT RECI/AAG-GLO/0470/2012; FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027472 (Funded by the Program COMPETE and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia).


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Acknowledgements. Cetacean samples were collected under the auspices of stranding monitoring programs run by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Vida Selvagem, the Coordinadora para o Estudio dos Mamíferos Mariños (supported by the regional government Xunta de Galicia), the UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme and the Scottish Agriculture College Veterinary Science Division (jointly funded by Defra and the Devolved Governments of Scotland and Wales), the Marine Mammals Research Group of the Institute of Marine Research (Norway), the Museum of Natural History of the Faroe Islands and the International Fund for Animal Welfare Marine Mammal Rescue and Research Program (USA). The authors thank all the members of these institutions and organizations for their assistance with data and sample collection. S.S.M., P.M.F. and M.F. were supported by PhD grants from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (POPH/FSE ref SFRH/BD/ 38735/ 2007, SFRH/BD/36766/2007 and SFRH/BD/30240/ 2006, respectively). A.L. was supported by a postdoctoral grant from the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (ref SFRH/BPD/82407/2011). The work related to strandings and tissue collection in Portugal was partially supported by the SafeSea project EEAGrants PT 0039 (supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism), the MarPro project Life09 NAT/PT/000038 (funded by the European Union program LIFE+) and the project CetSenti FCT RECI/AAG-GLO/0470/2012 (FCOMP- 01-0124-FEDER-027472) (funded by the program COMPETE and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). G.J.P. thanks the University of Aveiro and Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal) for financial support. The authors acknowledge the assistance of the chemical analysts at Marine Scotland Science with the fatty acid analysis.


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The aim of this thesis is to identify the relationship between subjective well-being and economic insecurity for public and private sector workers in Ireland using the European Social Survey 2010-2012. Life satisfaction and job satisfaction are the indicators used to measure subjective well-being. Economic insecurity is approximated by regional unemployment rates and self-perceived job insecurity. Potential sample selection bias and endogeneity bias are accounted for. It is traditionally believed that public sector workers are relatively more protected against insecurity due to very institution of public sector employment. The institution of public sector employment is made up of stricter dismissal practices (Luechinger et al., 2010a) and less volatile employment (Freeman, 1987) where workers are subsequently less likely to be affected by business cycle downturns (Clark and Postal-Vinay, 2009). It is found in the literature that economic insecurity depresses the well-being of public sector workers to a lesser degree than private sector workers (Luechinger et al., 2010a; Artz and Kaya, 2014). These studies provide the rationale for this thesis in testing for similar relationships in an Irish context. Sample selection bias arises when a selection into a particular category is not random (Heckman, 1979). An example of this is non-random selection into public sector employment based on personal characteristics (Heckman, 1979; Luechinger et al., 2010b). If selection into public sector employment is not corrected for this can lead to biased and inconsistent estimators (Gujarati, 2009). Selection bias of public sector employment is corrected for by using a standard Two-Step Heckman Probit OLS estimation method. Following Luechinger et al. (2010b), the propensity for individuals to select into public sector employment is estimated by a binomial probit model with the inclusion of the additional regressor Irish citizenship. Job satisfaction is then estimated by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) with the inclusion of a sample correction term similar as is done in Clark (1997). Endogeneity is where an independent variable included in the model is determined within in the context of the model (Chenhall and Moers, 2007). The econometric definition states that an endogenous independent variable is one that is correlated with the error term (Wooldridge, 2010). Endogeneity is expected to be present due to a simultaneous relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction whereby both variables are jointly determined (Theodossiou and Vasileiou, 2007). Simultaneity, as an instigator of endogeneity, is corrected for using Instrumental Variables (IV) techniques. Limited Information Methods and Full Information Methods of estimation of simultaneous equations models are assed and compared. The general results show that job insecurity depresses the subjective well-being of all workers in both the public and private sectors in Ireland. The magnitude of this effect differs among sectoral workers. The subjective well-being of private sector workers is more adversely affected by job insecurity than the subjective well-being of public sector workers. This is observed in basic ordered probit estimations of both a life satisfaction equation and a job satisfaction equation. The marginal effects from the ordered probit estimation of a basic job satisfaction equation show that as job insecurity increases the probability of reporting a 9 on a 10-point job satisfaction scale significantly decreases by 3.4% for the whole sample of workers, 2.8% for public sector workers and 4.0% for private sector workers. Artz and Kaya (2014) explain that as a result of many austerity policies implemented to reduce government expenditure during the economic recession, workers in the public sector may for the first time face worsening perceptions of job security which can have significant implications for their well-being (Artz and Kaya, 2014). This can be observed in the marginal effects where job insecurity negatively impacts the well-being of public sector workers in Ireland. However, in accordance with Luechinger et al. (2010a) the results show that private sector workers are more adversely impacted by economic insecurity than public sector workers. This suggests that in a time of high economic volatility, the institution of public sector employment held and was able to protect workers against some of the well-being consequences of rising insecurity. In estimating the relationship between subjective well-being and economic insecurity advanced econometric issues arise. The results show that when selection bias is corrected for, any statistically significant relationship between job insecurity and job satisfaction disappears for public sector workers. Additionally, in order to correct for endogeneity bias the simultaneous equations model for job satisfaction and job insecurity is estimated by Limited Information and Full Information Methods. The results from two different estimators classified as Limited Information Methods support the general findings of this research. Moreover, the magnitude of the endogeneity-corrected estimates are twice as large as those not corrected for endogeneity bias which is similarly found in Geishecker (2010, 2012). As part of the analysis into the effect of economic insecurity on subjective well-being, the effects of other socioeconomic variables and work-related variables are examined for public and private sector workers in Ireland.


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Het doel van dit onderzoek is inzicht geven in het effect van preventieve angstinterventies op verschillende stijlen (algeheel, functioneel, disfunctioneel) van het gezinsfunctioneren bij hoogangstige kinderen en hun ouders. De proefpersonen (N = 2494) werden gerekruteerd op basisscholen. Uiteindelijk bleven 150 respondenten over. Deze respondenten bestaan uit 70 (46.7%) jongens en 80 (53.3%) meisjes. De respondenten zijn kinderen van 8 tot 13 jaar. De gemiddelde leeftijd van de respondenten is 9.83 jaar (SD = 1.14), de jongste is 8 en de oudste is 13 jaar. De screeningsprocedure is uitgevoerd met de kindversie van de zelfrapportage vragenlijst Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders. Na screening werden de hoogangstige kinderen en hun ouders gerandomiseerd over de drie onderzoekscondities. Daarnaast werd aan de deelnemers gevraagd de Family Functioning Scale in te vullen. Maximaal 3 maanden na de screening vond de voormeting plaats bij kinderen en ouders, hierna vond na maximaal 6 weken de interventie plaats. Na de voormeting volgden de follow-up metingen na respectievelijk 1 en 2 jaar. Om de variabele angst te meten is gebruik gemaakt van de Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorder (SCARED-71; Bodden, Bögels, & Muris, 2009). Om de variabele gezinsfunctioneren te meten is gebruik gemaakt van de Family Functioning Scale (FFS; Bloom, 1985). De resultaten lieten zien dat het gezinsfunctioneren bij hoogangstige kinderen en hun ouders niet verbetert na het volgen van een interventie of geen interventie. Daarnaast is geen verschil in effectiviteit gevonden tussen de kind- of oudergerichte interventie op de verschillende aspecten van het gezinsfunctioneren.


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Doordat kanker vaker in een vroeg stadium wordt ontdekt en de behandelingen effectiever zijn, is de kans om te overleven toegenomen. Om ex-kankerpatiënten te kunnen begeleiden na hun ziekte is de Kanker Nazorg Wijzer (KNW) ontwikkeld: een online interventie voor ex-kankerpatiënten ter ondersteuning van ervaren problemen op diverse gebieden waaronder werkhervatting. De KNW bestaat uit modules met informatie, advies, training en feedback-op-maat voor die betreffende probleemgebieden. In het huidige onderzoek stond het effect van de KNW op werkgerelateerde problematiek bij werkende ex-kankerpatiënten centraal en werd ook het effect op kwaliteit van leven gemeten. Verwacht werd dat na zes maanden gebruik van de KNW het aantal werkzame uren (werkhervatting), de werktevredenheid en kwaliteit van leven bij de gebruikers (interventiegroep) meer is toegenomen dan bij de niet-gebruikers (controlegroep) en dat de problemen op het werk en de onvervulde behoefte aan werkgerelateerde informatie meer is afgenomen. Additief werd verondersteld dat, binnen de interventiegroep, de respondenten die specifiek de werkmodule hadden gebruikt een groter verschil laten zien tussen de voor- en nameting met betrekking tot de werkgerelateerde problematiek. Op basis van voorgaand onderzoek zijn sekse, leeftijd, opleiding en actieve coping meegenomen als confounders evenals de voormetingscores van de afhankelijke variabelen. Het betreft een gerandomiseerd experiment naar de effecten van de KNW. Respondenten zijn geworven bij 22 Nederlandse ziekenhuizen en werden random toegewezen aan de interventiegroep of controlegroep. Voor de effectmeting is alleen de data van werkende ex-kankerpatiënten gebruikt. Effecten werden getoetst met multiple regressie analyses waarbij werd gecorrigeerd voor de genoemde confouders. In de interventiegroep (N = 245) waren 156 werkende ex-kankerpatiënten (85.3% vrouw, leeftijd M = 50.7) en in de controlegroep (N = 236) waren dit er 134 (85.1% vrouw, leeftijd M = 51.2). De MRA gaf na correctie van de voormetingscores en confounders aan dat het gebruik van de KNW zorgde voor een significante verbetering van kwaliteit van leven op de subschalen fysiek functioneren (p = 0.005), emotioneel functioneren (p = 0.026), sociaal functioneren (p = 0.002) en vermoeidheid (p = 0.021). De MRA gaf geen significant effect van het gebruik van de KNW op de werkgerelateerde problematiek. Additief gaf een vergelijking binnen de interventiegroep tussen de gebruikers van de werkmodule (N = 25) en de niet gebruikers (N = 131) aan dat het aantal gewerkte uren significant meer was toegenomen onder de gebruikers (t (68) = 1.680, p = 0.049).


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Setting: Psychological stress is increasingly recognised within emergency medicine, given the environmental and clinical stressors associated with the specialism. The current study assessed whether psychological distress is experienced by emergency medical staff and if so, what is the expressed need within this population? Participants: Participants included ambulance personnel, nursing staff, doctors and ancillary support staff within two Accident and Emergency (A&E) departments and twelve ambulance bases within one Trust locality in NI (N = 107). Primary and secondary outcome measures: The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12, Goldberg, 1972, 1978), Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale (STSS, Bride, 2004) and an assessment of need questionnaire were completed and explored using mixed method analysis. Results: Results showed elevated levels of psychological distress within each profession except ambulance service clinical support officers (CSOs). Elevated levels of secondary trauma symptomatology were also found; the highest were within some nursing grades and junior doctors. Decreased enjoyment in job over time was significantly associated with higher scores. Analysis of qualitative data identified sources of stress to include low morale. A total of 65% of participants thought that work related stressors had negatively affected their mental health. Participants explored what they felt could decrease psychological distress including improved resources and psychoeducation. Conclusion: There were elevated levels of distress and secondary traumatic stress within this population as well as an expressed level of need, on both systemic and support levels.


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This master thesis aims to identify work-related factors making Belgian nurses consider leaving their job voluntary and to compare the work-related factors across different generations. The purpose of this master thesis has a descriptive nature of research. The research approach chosen is a deductive approach and the research design chosen is a quantitative research design. Cluster sampling in combination with simple random sampling was used as sampling technique. 128 nurses were surveyed from April to May 2016. Nurses who reported to leave the organization due to retirement reasons, temporary employment contract or maternity leave were excluded from the study as this study investigates the voluntary turnover intention. A total of 68 nurses were included in the study which indicates an overall response rate of 53 %. Numerous of the findings in this master thesis are consistent with previous studies on turnover intention of different generations in other western-countries than Belgium. The work-related factor workload was most often reported by Belgian nurses with no intention to leave their job. Belgian nurses with an intention to leave their job indicated most often the work-related factor (non-)financial benefits. The generation-specific findings indicated both similarities and differences between the work-related factors selected. It was observed that Baby Boomers with an intention to leave their job selected most often variables related to the work-related factors (non-)financial benefits, supportive organization and workload. The variable lack of recognition appeared among Baby Boomers with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Surprisingly was the often selected variables lack of direct and/clear feedback on performances and unsupportive supervisor among Baby Boomers with professional turnover intention. Further, it was observed that Generation Xers with an intention to leave their job selected most often variables related to the work-related factors supportive organization, communication, (non-)financial benefits, work content and workload. The variables inadequate opportunity for advancement/professional growth and imbalance work-life appeared among Generation Xers with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Generation Yers with an intention to leave their job selected most frequently variables related to the work-related factors (non-)financial benefits, workload and commitment. The variables inadequate salary and opportunities elsewhere appeared among nurses with an intention and no intention to leave their job. Surprisingly was the often selected variable inadequate salary among Generation Yers with professional turnover intention.


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Using modern devices like smartphones and tablets offers a wide variety of advantages; this has made them very popular as consumer devices in private life. Using them in the workplace is also popular. However, who wants to carry around and handle two devices; one for personal use, and one for work-related tasks? That is why “dual use”, using one single device for private and business applications, may represent a proper solution. The result is “Bring Your Own Device,” or BYOD, which describes the circumstance in which users make their own personal devices available for company use. For companies, this brings some opportunities and risks. We describe and discuss organizational issues, technical approaches, and solutions.


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O marketing interno (MI) surge como uma ferramenta de gestão que tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma organização focada no cliente, motivando e capacitando os seus colaboradores a alcançarem os objetivos organizacionais. Esta ferramenta pode contribuir para um maior e melhor desempenho e comprometimento organizacional, desde que usada de forma estratégica e adequada. Esta dissertação procura verificar se a existência de práticas de MI podem influenciar, de alguma forma, a motivação dos colaboradores contribuindo, igualmente, na retenção e fidelização dos mesmos, num contexto industrial, ao contrário do que é habitual nos estudos feitos até então, focados mais nos serviços pelas suas caraterísticas de maior contacto entre clientes e colaboradores. Aplicando a metodologia de estudo de caso na empresa Oliveira & Irmão, S.A., analisou-se um programa de marketing interno iniciado e desenvolvido durante o ano 2014 e que a empresa pretende manter, não esquecendo de uma forma geral de outras práticas de MI que a empresa faz questão de continuar a assinalar. Em termos globais, os resultados deste estudo mostram que a existência de práticas de marketing, aplicadas internamente, têm efeito no desenvolvimento de comportamentos e atitudes relacionadas com o trabalho por parte dos colaboradores e, que mesmo não sendo os principais fatores motivacionais, são complementares.


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A Medicina Dentária é considerada uma das profissões mais insalubres, com base nesta afirmação é de suma importância observar princípios que deem condições de conforto, segurança e eficiência para o profissional. Faz parte de potenciais riscos ocupacionais de um consultório médico dentário uma grande variedade de agentes químicos, físicos, biológicos, ergonômicos, sociais e ambientais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar os riscos ocupacionais e os problemas relacionados com a saúde do trabalhador no que diz respeito ao seu ambiente de trabalho. Com base na revisão da literatura, observou-se que é importante a atualização profissional, a rigorosa observância de regras de ergonomia e biossegurança, o trabalho com pessoal auxiliar e a Medicina Dentária como profissão multidisciplinar.


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Relatório final apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e Ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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Purpose: as exposure to psychosocial hazard at work represents a substantial risk factor for employee health in many modern occupations, being able to accurately assess how employees cope with their working environment is crucial. As the workplace is generally accepted as being a dynamic environment consideration should be given to the interaction between employees and the acute environmental characteristics of their workplace. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of both acute demand and chronic work-related psychosocial hazard upon employees through ambulatory assessment of heart rate variability and blood pressure. Design: a within-subjects repeated measures design was used to investigate the relationship between exposure to work-related psychosocial hazard and ambulatory heart rate variability and blood pressure in a cohort of higher education employees. Additionally the effect of acute variation in perceived work-related demand was investigated. Results: two dimensions of the Management Standards were found to demonstrate an association with heart rate variability; more hazardous levels of “demand” and “relationships” were associated with decreased SDNN. Significant changes in blood pressure and indices of heart rate variability were observed with increased acute demand.


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This thesis examines the regulatory and legislative approach taken in the United Kingdom to deal with deaths arising from work related activities and, in particular, deaths that can be directly attributed to the behaviour of corporations and other organisations. Workplace health and safety has traditionally been seen in the United Kingdom as a regulatory function which can be traced to the very earliest days of the Industrial Revolution. With an emphasis on preventing workplace accidents and ill-health through guidance, advice and support, the health and safety legislation and enforcement regime which had evolved over the best part of two centuries was considered inadequate to effectively punish corporations considered responsible for deaths caused by their activities following a series of disasters in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. To address this apparent inadequacy, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 was introduced creating the offence of corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide. Based on a gross breach of a relevant duty of care resulting in the death of a person, the Act effectively changed what had previously considered a matter of regulation, an approach that had obvious weaknesses and shortcomings, to one of crime and criminal law. Whether this is the best approach to dealing with deaths caused by an organisation is challenged in this thesis and the apparent distinction between ‘criminal’ and ‘regulatory’ offences is also examined. It was found that an amended Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to include a specific offence of corporate killing, in conjunction with the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008 would almost certainly have resulted in a more effective approach to dealing with organisations responsible for causing deaths as consequence of their activities. It was also found that there was no substantive difference between ‘regulatory’ and ‘criminal’ law other than the stigma associated with the latter, and that distinction would almost certainly disappear, at least in the context of worker safety, as a consequence of the penalties available following the introduction of the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008.