967 resultados para Wolf-Rüdiger Eisentraut
Management of musculoskeletal tumours usually begins with the appearance of a lump or bump, or the onset of unspecific symptoms. A poor initial work-up, a faulty biopsy or an inadequate resection may have a severe impact on the prognosis, including re-interventions, amputation, local recurrence or systemic spread of the disease. The patient with a suspicious lesion should be referred to a "sarcoma centers" where a planned and well-performed diagnostic work-up will allow a precise diagnosis in terms of histology and staging. After a multidisciplinary discussion of the case, an accurate treatment plan is established. Such an approach allows an adequate patient management, often with a positive impact on the survival and functional outcome.
Aquest estudi analitza diferents variables ecològiques i socials amb l’objectiu de determinar la viabilitat de l’espècie Canis lupus en el territori que compren la Vall d’Alinyà, i definir unes pautes per extrapolar aquest tipus d’anàlisis a altres àrees d’estudi. El llop va desaparèixer de Catalunya a causa de la forta pressió antròpica exercida sobre l’espècie en el passat. En l’última dècada, s’han donat indicis d’una possible reaparició del súper depredador en el territori català. Com a mètode per a la cerca del llop s’ha experimentat amb l’ús de gossos de rastreig per a la cerca i diferenciació de rastres de llop, aquesta és una tècnica innovadora no utilitzada anteriorment per a aquest tipus d’objectiu. L’exploració de les inquietuds dels ramaders i caçadors de la zona, mostra una bona predisposició a la reaparició de l’animal. Malgrat no s’ha detectat llop amb els mètodes emprats, es demostra que li és viable d’establir-se a la zona.
Compiled biennially as Official opinions of the Attorney General in the Report of the Attorney General. Report year ends December 31. Slip opinions of the Attorney General.
Myeloid cell leukemia-1 (MCL1) is an anti-apoptotic member of the BCL2 family that is deregulated in various solid and hematological malignancies. However, its role in the molecular pathogenesis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is unclear. We analyzed gene expression profiling data from 350 DLBCL patient samples and detected that activated B-cell-like (ABC) DLBCLs express MCL1 at significantly higher levels compared with germinal center B-cell-like DLBCL patient samples (P=2.7 × 10(-10)). Immunohistochemistry confirmed high MCL1 protein expression predominantly in ABC DLBCL in an independent patient cohort (n=249; P=0.001). To elucidate molecular mechanisms leading to aberrant MCL1 expression, we analyzed array comparative genomic hybridization data of 203 DLBCL samples and identified recurrent chromosomal gains/amplifications of the MCL1 locus that occurred in 26% of ABC DLBCLs. In addition, aberrant STAT3 signaling contributed to high MCL1 expression in this subtype. Knockdown of MCL1 as well as treatment with the BH3-mimetic obatoclax induced apoptotic cell death in MCL1-positive DLBCL cell lines. In summary, MCL1 is deregulated in a significant fraction of ABC DLBCLs and contributes to therapy resistance. These data suggest that specific inhibition of MCL1 might be utilized therapeutically in a subset of DLBCLs.
Die heute im Archiv der katholischen Kirchengemeinde Frauenfeld, Schweiz, verwahrten ältesten Fragmente von ,Flore und Blanscheflur' gehören zu den bedeutendsten Zeugen der frühen mittelhochdeutschen Überlieferung. Der Aufsatz bietet eine detaillierte kodikologische, paläographische und dialektologische Untersuchung der in der neueren Forschung vernachlässigten Bruchstücke. Anhand einer genauen Autopsie der erhaltenen Reste können die materiale Struktur der ursprünglichen Vollhandschrift und auch der gestufte Prozess ihrer Makulierung rekonstruiert werden. Als ihr Besitzer im 14. Jahrhundert wird ein Frauenfelder Priester und Pfründstifter, Nikolaus Rüdiger von Messkirch, vermutet. Anlässlich der jeweils nicht eindeutigen Datierung und Lokalisierung der Fragmente werden grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu methodischen Problemen der mediävistischen Handschriftenkunde angestellt. Die Ergebnisse betreffen vor allem zwei Punkte: (1) Layoutmerkmale - im vorliegenden Fall: abgesetzt notierte Verse - sollten bei post quem-Datierungen nicht als Ausschlusskriterium, sondern nur als Indiz herangezogen werden; dabei sollte die Möglichkeit einer direkten Beeinflussung durch französische Vorbilder in Betracht gezogen werden, deren Layoute sich im deutschen Raum im Regelfall erst zeitlich versetzt etablieren. Exemplarisch wird ein bestimmtes Layoutmerkmal der Frauenfelder Fragmente - abgesetzte Verse mit an den rechten Rand gezogenen Reimpunkten - in seiner Belegdichte in der französischen und auch lateinischen Überlieferung seit dem 12. Jahrhundert aufgearbeitet. (2) Bei der Kriterienbildung zur Schriftsprachenbestimmung im Gefolge besonders des ,Historischen südwestdeutschen Sprachatlas' und der auf dem ,Corpus der altdeutschen Originalurkunden' beruhenden Systematisierungen ist für das 13. Jahrhundert zu wenig berücksichtigt worden, dass mit der deutschsprachigen Urkundenüberlieferung das gesamte Belegmaterial erst im letzten Viertel dieses Jahrhunderts einsetzt. Für die erste Hälfte des 13. Jahrhunderts, das die Entwicklung einer neuen literarischen Buchproduktion erlebte und das entsprechende graphematische Wandelerscheinungen erwarten lässt, bilden die daraus gewonnenen Sprachmerkmale keine zuverlässigen Abgrenzungskriterien. Sie sind im Einzelfall zu prüfen, wobei insbesondere im südwestdeutschen Raum aus Gründen des begrenzten Corpus Systematisierungen nur eingeschränkt möglich sind. Exemplarisch werden die Belege eines bestimmten Dialektmerkmals, des sog. ,,ch-Konsonantismus", anhand der gesamten Überlieferung aus dem südwestdeutschen Raum der ersten Jahrhunderthälfte erhoben. Es erweist sich, dass dieses als spezifisch bairisch (ostoberdeutsch) geltende Merkmal auch im alemannischen (westoberdeutschen) Raum für den fraglichen Zeitraum keine Ausnahme bildet. Dabei zeichnen sich Unterschiede in den Schreibungen weltlicher und geistlicher Texte ab.
Aim: Complete or subtotal absence of one cerebellar hemisphere is exceptional; only single cases have been described. We aimed to assess the long-term outcome in children with severe unilateral cerebellar hypoplasia (UCH). Method: As part of a retrospective study we describe neuroimaging features, clinical findings, and cognitive outcomes of seven children with UCH (five males, two females; age at first magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]: median 1y 3mo, range 9d-8y 10mo; age at latest follow-up: median 6y 6mo, range 2y 3mo-14y 11mo). Results: One child had abnormalities on prenatal MRI at 21 weeks' gestation. The left cerebellar hemisphere was affected in five children, and the right hemisphere in two children. The vermis was involved in five children. The volume of the posterior fossa was variable. At the latest follow-up, neurological findings included truncal ataxia and muscular hypotonia in five children, limb ataxia in three patients, and head nodding in two patients. Three children had learning disability*, five had speech and language disorders, and one had a severe behavioural disorder. Interpretation: Severe UCH is a residual change after a disruptive prenatal cerebellar insult, most likely haemorrhagic. The outcome is variable, ranging from almost normal development to marked developmental impairment. Ataxia is a frequent but not a leading sign. It seems that involvement of the cerebellar vermis is often, but not consistently, associated with a poorer cognitive outcome, whereas an intact vermis is associated with normal outcome and no truncal ataxia.
There is increasing evidence that modular neck stems are prone to corrosion-related complications. Recent studies showed elevated metal ions levels and occasional pseudotumor formation in patients with such implants. The purpose of this study was to compare systemic metal-ion levels in patients after primary THA with modular neck stems to those of patients after non-modular implants. To our knowledge, this is the first cohort study including a control group, THA without CoCr heads and dry-assembled neck-stem connections. Methods: 50 patients after THA at a minimum follow-up of 1 year have been selected for the study. Patients with multiple prosthesis or other implants have been deselected. All received a cementless SPS stem from Symbios (Ti6Al4V). 40 patients have the modular neck (CoCr) version and 10 a monobloc version. All bearings were either ceramic-ceramic or ceramic-polyethylene to minimize other sources of CoCr ion release. In the modular group, the neck was chosen pre-operatively based on a 3D planning, allowing for a dry assembly of the stem and neck on the back table before implantation. A plasma system coupled to mass spectrometry was used for a complete elementary quantification in blood and serum separately. Clinical outcome was measured using the Oxford Hip Score. Results : Complete data sets of 29 patients (24 in the modular neck-group (10male, mean age 63y, 35-84y) and 5 in the monobloc-group (3 male, 69 y, 51-83y) are available to date. Mean Co blood levels were .95 ug/L (.14-12.4) in the modular group vs .27 ug/L (.10-.73) in the monobloc group (p=.2). Respective values for Cr were significantly higher in the modular group (.99 g/L; range .75-1.21) compared to those in the monobloc group (.74 g/L ;.62-.86; p=.001). No significant difference was found when comparing serum levels. 5/24 patients had Co levels above 1 g/L (12/24 for Cr), which is by some considered as a relevant elevation. The maximum Co level was measured in an asymptomatic patient. The Oxford Hip Scores were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Cr levels were significantly elevated in the modular neck group compared to those in the monobloc group. 1/24 patients with a modular prosthesis exhibited Co levels, which are beyond the threshold accepted even for metal-on-metal bearing couples. These results have contributed to our decision to abandon the use of modular neck stems. Routine follow-up including annual measurements of systemic CoCr concentrations should be considered.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effect of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) on mortality among HIV-infected individuals after appropriate adjustment for time-varying confounding by indication. DESIGN: A collaboration of 12 prospective cohort studies from Europe and the United States (the HIV-CAUSAL Collaboration) that includes 62 760 HIV-infected, therapy-naive individuals followed for an average of 3.3 years. Inverse probability weighting of marginal structural models was used to adjust for measured confounding by indication. RESULTS: Two thousand and thirty-nine individuals died during the follow-up. The mortality hazard ratio was 0.48 (95% confidence interval 0.41-0.57) for cART initiation versus no initiation. In analyses stratified by CD4 cell count at baseline, the corresponding hazard ratios were 0.29 (0.22-0.37) for less than 100 cells/microl, 0.33 (0.25-0.44) for 100 to less than 200 cells/microl, 0.38 (0.28-0.52) for 200 to less than 350 cells/microl, 0.55 (0.41-0.74) for 350 to less than 500 cells/microl, and 0.77 (0.58-1.01) for 500 cells/microl or more. The estimated hazard ratio varied with years since initiation of cART from 0.57 (0.49-0.67) for less than 1 year since initiation to 0.21 (0.14-0.31) for 5 years or more (P value for trend <0.001). CONCLUSION: We estimated that cART halved the average mortality rate in HIV-infected individuals. The mortality reduction was greater in those with worse prognosis at the start of follow-up.
Among the metastasis patterns of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), intracranial spread is a rare but dreaded event. To date only very few cases have been reported and clinical and molecular data are sparse. We screened our archives for HNSCC patients from 1992 to 2005 who were diagnosed with brain metastases (BM). For retrospective analysis, all clinico-pathological data including disease-free survival (DFS), local progression-free survival (LPFS), and overall survival (OS) were compiled. Additionally, we assessed the mutational status of the TP53 gene and the prevalence of HPV serotypes by PCR and Sanger sequencing. Immunohistochemistry was applied to detect p16INK4A expression levels as surrogate marker for HPV infection. The prevalence rate of BM in our cohort comprising 193 patients with advanced HNSCC was 5.7 %. Of 11 patients with BM, 3 were female and 9 were male. Seven of the primary tumors were of oropharyngeal origin (OPSCC). LPFS of the cohort was 11.8 months, DFS was 12.1 months and OS was 36.0 months. After the diagnosis of BM, survival was 10.5 months. Five tumors showed a mutation in the TP53 gene, while five of the seven OPSCC tumors had a positive HPV status displaying infection with serotype 16 in all cases. Compared with patients who harbored TP53wt/HPV-positive tumors, patients with TP53 mutations showed a poor prognosis. Compared with the whole cohort, the interval between diagnosis of the primary and the detection of BM was prolonged in the HPV-infected OPSCC subgroup (26.4 vs. 45.6 months). The prognosis of HNSCC patients with BM is poor. In our cohort, most tumors were OPSCC with the majority being HPV positive. Our study points toward a putatively unusual metastatic behavior of HPV-positive OPSCC.