969 resultados para Whole life
O crescimento do mercado electrónico e o aumento das comunicações além-fronteiras, resultante sobretudo da difusão da Internet, repercutiu-se, de modo intenso, na indústria de tradução, particularmente, na exigência crescente da tradução de websites, e, sobretudo, na localização de software. Para melhor perceber esta realidade e, de modo a contribuir para uma maior sistematização do conhecimento nesta área, o presente artigo inicia-se com uma breve análise sobre a evolução dos conceitos e dos mercados da tradução e da localização. Procura distinguir entre os diferentes prestadores de serviços de tradução, nomeadamente, empresas e agências e descreve o processo seguido na elaboração de projectos de localização, reconhecendo a tradução como elemento integrante do projecto de localização. Com base na interpretação dos conceitos de projecto e de gestão de projectos descreve-se o processo de gestão de projectos de tradução. Sendo o gestor de projectos o elemento essencial deste processo, analisam-se as funções e competências do mesmo e descrevem-se as tarefas e processos usados por este profissional, tendo em conta o ciclo de vida e os elementos que compõem o processo de gestão de projectos. A partir desta análise propõe-se um modelo de gestão de projectos de tradução/localização baseado na conjugação dos diferentes elementos afectos à gestão e ao gestor de projectos e que procura sintetizar todo o processo inerente à gestão de projectos de tradução/localização. O modelo resulta de dois pontos de vista que se interligam: o da análise e reflexão sobre o estado-da-arte e o da análise empírica dos dados recolhidos no dia-a-dia no universo de trabalho de uma empresa de tradução. Com este modelo, que retrata um processo cíclico e dinâmico, pretende-se, por um lado, ilustrar a complexidade do processo da gestão de projectos e demonstrar a importância das funções do gestor de projectos no vasto universo que é o da tradução e, por outro, desenvolver e propor um modelo de gestão de projectos aplicável a empresas de tradução e de localização.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate working conditions associated with health-related quality of life (HRQL) among nursing providers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, during 2004-2005. The study sample comprised 696 registered nurses, nurse technicians and nurse assistants, predominantly females (87.8%), who worked day and/or night shifts. Data on sociodemographic information, working and living conditions, lifestyles, and health symptoms were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The following questionnaires were also used: Job Stress Scale, Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Ordinal logistic regression analysis using proportional odds model was performed to evaluate each dimension of the SF-36. RESULTS: Around 22% of the sample was found to be have high strain and 8% showed an effort-reward imbalance at work. The dimensions with the lowest mean scores in the SF-36 were vitality, bodily pain and mental health. High-strain job, effort-reward imbalance (ERI>1.01), and being a registered nurse were independently associated with low scores on the role emotional dimension. Those dimensions associated to mental health were the ones most affected by psychosocial factors at work. CONCLUSIONS: Effort-reward imbalance was more associated with health than high-strain (high demand and low control). The study results suggest that the joint analysis of psychosocial factors at work such as effort-reward imbalance and demand-control can provide more insight to the discussion of professional roles, working conditions and HRQL of nursing providers.
Objetivo: o otimismo tem sido demonstrado como uma variável importante no ajustamento da qualidade de vida de pessoas com doenças crônicas. O estudo tem como objetivo verificar se o otimismo exerce um efeito moderador ou mediador entre os traços de personalidade e a qualidade de vida, em portugueses com doenças crônicas. Métodos: os modelos de regressão linear múltipla foram usados para avaliar o efeito de moderação e mediação do otimismo na qualidade de vida. A amostra, constituída por 729 doentes, recrutados nos principais hospitais de Portugal responderam a questionários de autorresposta avaliando questões sócio-demográficas e clínicas, personalidade, otimismo disposicional, qualidade de vida e bem-estar subjetivo. Resultados: os resultados encontrados mostraram que o otimismo disposicional não exerce um papel moderador entre os traços de personalidade e a qualidade de vida. Controlando por idade, sexo, nível de escolaridade e percepção da severidade da doença, o efeito dos traços de personalidade na qualidade de vida e no bem-estar subjetivo foi mediado pelo otimismo (parcial e total), expecto para as associações, neuroticismo/abertura à experiência e à saúde física. Conclusão: o otimismo disposicional exerce apenas um papel mediador entre os traços de personalidade e qualidade de vida, em pessoas com doenças crônicas, sugerindo que 'a expectativa de que coisas boas vão acontecer' contribui para uma melhor qualidade de vida e melhor bem-estar subjetivo.
Biodieselhas attracted considerable attention as a renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic fuel and can contribute to solving the energy problems, significantly reducing the emission of gases which cause global warming. The first stage of this work was to simulate different alternative processes for producing biodiesel. The method used for the production of biodiesel is the transesterification of vegetable oilswith an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst. The raw materials used were palm oils and waste cooking oil. The second stage was a life cycle analysis for all alternatives under study, followed by an economic analysis for the alternatives that present minor impacts and which are more promising from an economic point of view. Finally,we proceeded to compare the different alternatives fromboth the point of view of life cycle and economic analysis. The feasibility of all processes was proven and the biodiesel obtained had good specifications. From the standpoint of life cycle analysis, the best alternative was the process of alkaline catalysiswith acid pretreatment for waste cooking oil. The economic analysis was done to the previous mentioned process and to the process that uses raw virgin oils, methanol, and sodium hydroxide. This process has lower investment costs but the process of alkaline catalysis with acid pre-treatment, whose main raw material is waste oil, is much more profitable and has less environmental impacts.
Analisar: níveis de fadiga, força de preensão, HRQoL, níveis de actividade física. Será que se alteram em doentes PAF após o transplante de fígado? Dado que os níveis de actividade física se encontram abaixo dos valores mínimos recomendados deveria ser encontrada uma estratégia de aumento do tempo dispendido na actividade física leve a moderada idealmente no PRÉ TRANSPLANTE.
This study uses the process simulator ASPEN Plus and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to compare three process design alternatives for biodiesel production from waste vegetable oils that are: the conventional alkali-catalyzed process including a free fatty acids (FFAs) pre-treatment, the acid-catalyzed process, and the supercritical methanol process using propane as co-solvent. Results show that the supercritical methanol process using propane as co-solvent is the most environmentally favorable alternative. Its smaller steam consumption in comparison with the other process design alternatives leads to a lower contribution to the potential environmental impacts (PEI’s). The acid-catalyzed process generally shows the highest PEI’s, in particular due to the high energy requirements associated with methanol recovery operations.
This work shows the influence of using different allocation approaches when modelling the inventory analysis in a soybean biodiesel life cycle assessment (LCA). Results obtained using mass, energy and economic based allocations are compared, focusing on the following aspects: normalised potential environmental impact (PEI) categories, total PEI and relative contributions to the total PEI from each life cycle stage and environmental impact category. Similar results are obtained either using economic and energy based allocations. However, different results are obtained when mass based allocation is used when compared with the other two. This study also illustrates that using different allocation approaches in biodiesel LCA may influence the final conclusions, especially in comparative assertions, emphasising the need to perform a sensitivity analysis in the LCA interpretation step.
A sociedade moderna encontra-se numa evolução progressiva e constante no que respeita às novas tecnologias. Independentemente da área de conhecimento, é de senso comum, que cada vez mais é necessária formação sólida, sendo fundamental a preparação e a consolidação das futuras gerações na utilização das novas tecnologias. As plataformas de e-learning são hoje em dia uma realidade mais que afirmada, e com aplicação em todos os sectores de actividade. A área da saúde não foge à regra, verificando-se que os seus profissionais evidenciam falta de disponibilidade para participação nas formações presenciais, fundamentais para o seu processo de formação contínua (LLL – Long Liffe Learning). Estes profissionais necessitam de estar continuamente actualizados, de forma a melhor poderem contribuir para o desempenho das suas funções, como o aconselhamento dos utentes, acompanhamento de doentes crónicos, uso correcto dos medicamentos, entre outros. O presente trabalho pretende implementar em ambiente hospitalar o modelo de formação à distância em regime de e-learning ou b-learning, identificando potenciais vantagens e constrangimentos inerentes ao processo. Para o efeito, será utilizada a plataforma MEDUCA criada pelo GILT-ISEP e baseada em Moodle, como uma plataforma destinada á formação para profissionais da área da Saúde. Esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação sobre a implementação da dita plataforma em ambiente hospitalar. Esta dissertação apresenta todo o estudo/trabalho desenvolvido para a implementação da plataforma MEDUCA nalgumas entidades contactadas da área da saúde. Espera-se que esta ferramenta ofereça uma alternativa interactiva de educação e aprendizagem, visando melhorar constantemente o nível formativo de cada profissional de saúde.
Na atual conjuntura, em que as organizações enfrentam múltiplos desafios pela natureza complexa, incerta e volátil da própria envolvente, torna-se imprescindível conhecer e compreender quais as ferramentas que auxiliam a um maior aproveitamento e desenvolvimento do capital humano (Pina e Cunha et al., 2010). Pelas constantes mudanças tecnológicas, de mercados, políticas e sociais as pessoas têm que se ir adaptando, e o Coaching pode ser uma resposta para as presentes contingências. A importância do Coaching é revelada em diversos estudos pela sua eficácia e respetivos benefícios. Deste modo, faz todo o sentido querer estudar a ferramenta, tendo como objetivo principal querer perceber se as caraterísticas do coach interferem com os benefícios do respetivo cliente. A investigação é apoiada por uma metodologia quantitativa, que testa as hipóteses criadas, de encontro aos objetivos gerais. Em suma, o trabalho é valioso para o crescimento e maturação do Coaching, ao fornecer novos dados.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between health-related behaviors and quality of life among the elderly. METHODS: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out including 1,958 elderly living in four areas in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, 2001/2002. Quality of life was assessed using the Medical Outcomes Study SF-36-Item Short Form Health Survey instrument. This instrument's eight subscales and two components were the dependent variables. Independent variables were physical activity, weekly frequency of alcohol consumption and smoking. Multiple linear regression models were used to control for the effect of gender, age, schooling, work, area of residence and number of chronic conditions. RESULTS: Physical activity was positively associated with the eight SF-36 subscales. The stronger associations were found for role-physical (β=11.9), physical functioning (β=11.3) and physical component. Elderly individuals who consumed alcohol at least once a week showed a better quality of life than those did not consume alcohol. Compared to non-smokers, smokers had a poorer quality of life for the mental component (β=-2.4). CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that physical activity, moderate alcohol consumption and no smoking are positively associated with a better quality of life in the elderly.
Pesticide exposure during brain development could represent an important risk factor for the onset of neurodegenerative diseases. Previous studies investigated the effect of permethrin (PERM) administered at 34 mg/kg, a dose close to the no observable adverse effect level (NOAEL) from post natal day (PND) 6 to PND 21 in rats. Despite the PERM dose did not elicited overt signs of toxicity (i.e. normal body weight gain curve), it was able to induce striatal neurodegeneration (dopamine and Nurr1 reduction, and lipid peroxidation increase). The present study was designed to characterize the cognitive deficits in the current animal model. When during late adulthood PERM treated rats were tested for spatial working memory performances in a T-maze-rewarded alternation task they took longer to choose for the correct arm in comparison to age matched controls. No differences between groups were found in anxiety-like state, locomotor activity, feeding behavior and spatial orientation task. Our findings showing a selective effect of PERM treatment on the T-maze task point to an involvement of frontal cortico-striatal circuitry rather than to a role for the hippocampus. The predominant disturbances concern the dopamine (DA) depletion in the striatum and, the serotonin (5-HT) and noradrenaline (NE) unbalance together with a hypometabolic state in the medial prefrontal cortex area. In the hippocampus, an increase of NE and a decrease of DA were observed in PERM treated rats as compared to controls. The concentration of the most representative marker for pyrethroid exposure (3-phenoxybenzoic acid) measured in the urine of rodents 12 h after the last treatment was 41.50 µ/L and it was completely eliminated after 96 h.
The higher education system in Europe is currently under stress and the debates over its reform and future are gaining momentum. Now that, for most countries, we are in a time for change, in the overall society and the whole education system, the legal and political dimensions have gained prominence, which has not been followed by a more integrative approach of the problem of order, its reform and the issue of regulation, beyond the typical static and classical cost-benefit analyses. The two classical approaches for studying (and for designing the policy measures of) the problem of the reform of the higher education system - the cost-benefit analysis and the legal scholarship description - have to be integrated. This is the argument of our paper that the very integration of economic and legal approaches, what Warren Samuels called the legal-economic nexus, is meaningful and necessary, especially if we want to address the problem of order (as formulated by Joseph Spengler) and the overall regulation of the system. On the one hand, and without neglecting the interest and insights gained from the cost-benefit analysis, or other approaches of value for money assessment, we will focus our study on the legal, social and political aspects of the regulation of the higher education system and its reform in Portugal. On the other hand, the economic and financial problems have to be taken into account, but in a more inclusive way with regard to the indirect and other socio-economic costs not contemplated in traditional or standard assessments of policies for the tertiary education sector. In the first section of the paper, we will discuss the theoretical and conceptual underpinning of our analysis, focusing on the evolutionary approach, the role of critical institutions, the legal-economic nexus and the problem of order. All these elements are related to the institutional tradition, from Veblen and Commons to Spengler and Samuels. The second section states the problem of regulation in the higher education system and the issue of policy formulation for tackling the problem. The current situation is clearly one of crisis with the expansion of the cohorts of young students coming to an end and the recurrent scandals in private institutions. In the last decade, after a protracted period of extension or expansion of the system, i. e., the continuous growth of students, universities and other institutions are competing harder to gain students and have seen their financial situation at risk. It seems that we are entering a period of radical uncertainty, higher competition and a new configuration that is slowly building up is the growth in intensity, which means upgrading the quality of the higher learning and getting more involvement in vocational training and life-long learning. With this change, and along with other deep ones in the Portuguese society and economy, the current regulation has shown signs of maladjustment. The third section consists of our conclusions on the current issue of regulation and policy challenge. First, we underline the importance of an evolutionary approach to a process of change that is essentially dynamic. A special attention will be given to the issues related to an evolutionary construe of policy analysis and formulation. Second, the integration of law and economics, through the notion of legal economic nexus, allows us to better define the issues of regulation and the concrete problems that the universities are facing. One aspect is the instability of the political measures regarding the public administration and on which the higher education system depends financially, legally and institutionally, to say the least. A corollary is the lack of clear strategy in the policy reforms. Third, our research criticizes several studies, such as the one made by the OECD in late 2006 for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, for being too static and neglecting fundamental aspects of regulation such as the logic of actors, groups and organizations who are major players in the system. Finally, simply changing the legal rules will not necessary per se change the behaviors that the authorities want to change. By this, we mean that it is not only remiss of the policy maker to ignore some of the critical issues of regulation, namely the continuous non-respect by academic management and administrative bodies of universities of the legal rules that were once promulgated. Changing the rules does not change the problem, especially without the necessary debates form the different relevant quarters that make up the higher education system. The issues of social interaction remain as intact. Our treatment of the matter will be organized in the following way. In the first section, the theoretical principles are developed in order to be able to study more adequately the higher education transformation with a modest evolutionary theory and a legal and economic nexus of the interactions of the system and the policy challenges. After describing, in the second section, the recent evolution and current working of the higher education in Portugal, we will analyze the legal framework and the current regulatory practices and problems in light of the theoretical framework adopted. We will end with some conclusions on the current problems of regulation and the policy measures that are discusses in recent years.
Power law distributions, also known as heavy tail distributions, model distinct real life phenomena in the areas of biology, demography, computer science, economics, information theory, language, and astronomy, amongst others. In this paper, it is presented a review of the literature having in mind applications and possible explanations for the use of power laws in real phenomena. We also unravel some controversies around power laws.
Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system that affects more often young adults in the prime of his career and personal development, with no cure and unknown causes. The most common signs and symptoms are fatigue, muscle weakness, changes in sensation, ataxia, changes in balance, gait difficulties, memory difficulties, cognitive impairment and difficulties in problem solving MS is a relatively common neurological disorder in which various impairments and disabilities impact strongly on function and daily life activities. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the implications of an Intervention Program of Physical Activity (IPPA) in quality of life in MS patients, six months after the intervention.
OBJECTIVE To propose a cut-off for the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHOQOL-bref) as a predictor of quality of life in older adults. METHODS Cross-sectional study with 391 older adults registered in the Northwest Health District in Belo Horizonte, MG, Southeastern Brazil, between October 8, 2010 and May 23, 2011. The older adults’ quality of life was measured using the WHOQOL-bref. The analysis was rationalized by outlining two extreme and simultaneous groups according to perceived quality of life and satisfaction with health (quality of life good/satisfactory – good or very good self-reported quality of life and being satisfied or very satisfied with health – G5; and poor/very poor quality of life – poor or very poor self-reported quality of life and feeling dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with health – G6). A Receiver-Operating Characteristic curve (ROC) was created to assess the diagnostic ability of different cut-off points of the WHOQOL-bref. RESULTS ROC curve analysis indicated a critical value 60 as the optimal cut-off point for assessing perceived quality of life and satisfaction with health. The area under the curve was 0.758, with a sensitivity of 76.8% and specificity of 63.8% for a cut-off of ≥ 60 for overall quality of life (G5) and sensitivity 95.0% and specificity of 54.4% for a cut-off of < 60 for overall quality of life (G6). CONCLUSIONS Diagnostic interpretation of the ROC curve revealed that cut-off < 60 for overall quality of life obtained excellent sensitivity and negative predictive value for tracking older adults with probable worse quality of life and dissatisfied with health.