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In general, insurance is a form of risk management used to hedge against a contingent loss. The conventional definition is the equitable transfer of a risk of loss from one entity to another in exchange for a premium or a guaranteed and quantifiable small loss to prevent a large and possibly devastating loss being agricultural insurance a special line of property insurance. Agriculture insurance, as actually are designed in the Spanish scenario, were established in 1978. At the macroeconomic insurance studies scale, it is necessary to know a basic element for the insurance actuarial components: sum insured. When a new risk assessment has to be evaluated in the insurance framework, it is essential to determinate venture capital in the total Spanish agriculture. In this study, three different crops (cereal, citrus and vineyards) cases are showed to determinate sum insured as they are representative of the cases found in the Spanish agriculture. Crop sum insured is calculated by the product of crop surface, unit surface production and crop price insured. In the cereal case, winter as spring cereal sowing, represents the highest Spanish crop surface, above to 6 millions of hectares (ha). Meanwhile, the four citrus species (oranges, mandarins, lemons and grapefruits) occupied an extension just over 275.000 ha. On the other hand, vineyard target to wine process shows almost one million of ha in Spain.
Many studies investigating the aging brain or disease-induced brain alterations rely on accurate and reproducible brain tissue segmentation. Being a preliminary processing step prior to the segmentation, reliableskull-stripping the removal ofnon-brain tissue is also crucial for all later image assessment. Typically, segmentation algorithms rely on an atlas i.e. pre-segmented template data. Brain morphology, however, differs considerably depending on age, sex and race. In addition, diseased brains may deviate significantly from the atlas information typically gained from healthy volunteers. The imposed prior atlas information can thus lead to degradation of segmentation results. The recently introduced MP2RAGE sequence provides a bias-free T1 contrast with heavily reduced T2*- and PD-weighting compared to the standard MP-RAGE [1]. To this end, it acquires two image volumes at different inversion times in one acquisition, combining them to a uniform, i.e. homogenous image. In this work, we exploit the advantageous contrast properties of the MP2RAGE and combine it with a Dixon (i.e. fat-water separation) approach. The information gained by the additional fat image of the head considerably improves the skull-stripping outcome [2]. In conjunction with the pure T1 contrast of the MP2RAGE uniform image, we achieve robust skull-stripping and brain tissue segmentation without the use of an atlas
Territory or zone design processes entail partitioning a geographic space, organized as a set of areal units, into different regions or zones according to a specific set of criteria that are dependent on the application context. In most cases, the aim is to create zones of approximately equal sizes (zones with equal numbers of inhabitants, same average sales, etc.). However, some of the new applications that have emerged, particularly in the context of sustainable development policies, are aimed at defining zones of a predetermined, though not necessarily similar, size. In addition, the zones should be built around a given set of seeds. This type of partitioning has not been sufficiently researched; therefore, there are no known approaches for automated zone delimitation. This study proposes a new method based on a discrete version of the adaptive additively weighted Voronoi diagram that makes it possible to partition a two-dimensional space into zones of specific sizes, taking both the position and the weight of each seed into account. The method consists of repeatedly solving a traditional additively weighted Voronoi diagram, so that each seed?s weight is updated at every iteration. The zones are geographically connected using a metric based on the shortest path. Tests conducted on the extensive farming system of three municipalities in Castile-La Mancha (Spain) have established that the proposed heuristic procedure is valid for solving this type of partitioning problem. Nevertheless, these tests confirmed that the given seed position determines the spatial configuration the method must solve and this may have a great impact on the resulting partition.
Introduction Diffusion weighted Imaging (DWI) techniques are able to measure, in vivo and non-invasively, the diffusivity of water molecules inside the human brain. DWI has been applied on cerebral ischemia, brain maturation, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc. [1]. Nowadays, there is a very high availability of these images. DWI allows the identification of brain tissues, so its accurate segmentation is a common initial step for the referred applications. Materials and Methods We present a validation study on automated segmentation of DWI based on the Gaussian mixture and hidden Markov random field models. This methodology is widely solved with iterative conditional modes algorithm, but some studies suggest [2] that graph-cuts (GC) algorithms improve the results when initialization is not close to the final solution. We implemented a segmentation tool integrating ITK with a GC algorithm [3], and a validation software using fuzzy overlap measures [4]. Results Segmentation accuracy of each tool is tested against a gold-standard segmentation obtained from a T1 MPRAGE magnetic resonance image of the same subject, registered to the DWI space. The proposed software shows meaningful improvements by using the GC energy minimization approach on DTI and DSI (Diffusion Spectrum Imaging) data. Conclusions The brain tissues segmentation on DWI is a fundamental step on many applications. Accuracy and robustness improvements are achieved with the proposed software, with high impact on the application’s final result.
In this work, an improvement of the results presented by [1] Abellanas et al. (Weak Equilibrium in a Spatial Model. International Journal of Game Theory, 40(3), 449-459) is discussed. Concretely, this paper investigates an abstract game of competition between two players that want to earn the maximum number of points from a finite set of points in the plane. It is assumed that the distribution of these points is not uniform, so an appropriate weight to each position is assigned. A definition of equilibrium which is weaker than the classical one is included in order to avoid the uniqueness of the equilibrium position typical of the Nash equilibrium in these kinds of games. The existence of this approximated equilibrium in the game is analyzed by means of computational geometry techniques.
Contiene : Carta de Arturo Piera (1904 ag. 12, Valencia)
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En el presente estudio se propone una metodología para la evaluación de proyectos de implantación de cultivos energéticos, integrando una serie de factores de interés en un modelo de decisión, basado en un enfoque multicriterio. Mediante este modelo se pretende evaluar tanto los territorios más adecuados para la introducción un cultivo energético, como la especie más apropiada a los condicionantes que presenta el lugar elegido. Para este estudio se ha realizado una selección previa de cuatro especies forestales, cuyas características de crecimiento y producción las hace adecuadas para su aplicación en un proyecto de este tipo. Las cuatro especies escogidas han sido chopo, sauce, eucalipto y paulonia. La metodología propuesta ha consistido primero en un estudio ecológico en el ámbito de la Península Ibérica y Baleares, con el fin de identificar aquellas regiones óptimas para cada una de las cuatro especies estudiadas. En este proceso se han seleccionado una serie de factores climáticos, que vendrán definidos a partir de los condicionantes ecológicos de dichas especies. Posteriormente se ha propuesto un modelo multicriterio, basado en técnicas conocidas y de aplicación sencilla, donde se integran aspectos ambientales, económicos y sociales, que vendrán a completar la información ecológica trabajada previamente. Este modelo incluye la técnica de comparación por pares propuesta por el Dr. Saaty en el año 1980, para la ponderación de los factores o criterios seleccionados. Posteriormente, y tras su valoración, se utiliza la suma lineal ponderada como técnica de decisión final. Una vez definido el modelo, se ha aplicado a una comarca en particular, la comarca agraria de Navalmoral de la Mata. A partir de la información recopilada referente a todos los criterios seleccionados previamente en el modelo, se ha procedido a valorar cada uno de ellos. Con estos valores y tras la ponderación de criterios, se ha aplicado el modelo, para obtener finalmente los territorios dentro de la comarca, y las especies forestales con mayor aptitud para el desarrollo de un proyecto de implantación de cultivos energéticos. ABSTRACT A methodology has been proposed for the evaluation of projects to implement energy crops; this includes a number of factors of interest in a decision model based on a multi-criteria approach. This model is to evaluate both the most suitable territories for introducing an energy crop, as the most appropriate species to the conditions presented by the place chosen For this study has made a preliminary selection of four species, with characteristics of growth and production, what making them suitable for use in a project of this type. The four species selected were poplar, willow, eucalyptus and paulownia. The proposed methodology consists first in an ecological study in the context of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, in order to identify those best regions for each of the four species studied. In this process has selected a series of climatic factors, which will be defined from the ecological conditions of these species. Then we have proposed a multi-criteria model based on known techniques and simple application where are integrated environmental, economic and social aspects, which will complement the ecological information previous. This model includes the technique proposed by Dr. Saaty in 1980, the weighting by pairs of factors or criteria selected. Then, after valuation, the weighted linear sum as final decision technique is used. After defining the model has been applied to a particular region, the agrarian region of Navalmoral de la Mata. From the information collected concerning to the criteria previously selected in the model, we proceeded to value each. With these values and assigned weights, the model has been applied to finally get the territories and forest species with greater aptitude for the development of a project to implement energy crops.
From a set of gonioapparent automotive samples from different manufacturers we selected 28 low-chroma color pairs with relatively small color differences predominantly in lightness. These color pairs were visually assessed with a gray scale at six different viewing angles by a panel of 10 observers. Using the Standardized Residual Sum of Squares (STRESS) index, the results of our visual experiment were tested against predictions made by 12 modern color-difference formulas. From a weighted STRESS index accounting for the uncertainty in visual assessments, the best prediction of our whole experiment was achieved using AUDI2000, CAM02-SCD, CAM02-UCS and OSA-GP-Euclidean color-difference formulas, which were no statistically significant different among them. A two-step optimization of the original AUDI2000 color-difference formula resulted in a modified AUDI2000 formula which performed both, significantly better than the original formula and below the experimental inter-observer variability. Nevertheless the proposal of a new revised AUDI2000 color-difference formula requires additional experimental data.
Let vv be a weight sequence on ZZ and let ψ,φψ,φ be complex-valued functions on ZZ such that φ(Z)⊂Zφ(Z)⊂Z. In this paper we study the boundedness, compactness and weak compactness of weighted composition operators Cψ,φCψ,φ on predual Banach spaces c0(Z,1/v)c0(Z,1/v) and dual Banach spaces ℓ∞(Z,1/v)ℓ∞(Z,1/v) of Beurling algebras ℓ1(Z,v)ℓ1(Z,v).