997 resultados para Vs. Phosphorus Limitation
PURPOSE: We investigated the changes in physiological and performance parameters after a Live High-Train Low (LHTL) altitude camp in normobaric (NH) or hypobaric hypoxia (HH) to reproduce the actual training practices of endurance athletes using a crossover-designed study. METHODS: Well-trained triathletes (n = 16) were split into two groups and completed two 18-day LTHL camps during which they trained at 1100-1200 m and lived at 2250 m (P i O2 = 111.9 ± 0.6 vs. 111.6 ± 0.6 mmHg) under NH (hypoxic chamber; FiO2 18.05 ± 0.03%) or HH (real altitude; barometric pressure 580.2 ± 2.9 mmHg) conditions. The subjects completed the NH and HH camps with a 1-year washout period. Measurements and protocol were identical for both phases of the crossover study. Oxygen saturation (S p O2) was constantly recorded nightly. P i O2 and training loads were matched daily. Blood samples and VO2max were measured before (Pre-) and 1 day after (Post-1) LHTL. A 3-km running-test was performed near sea level before and 1, 7, and 21 days after training camps. RESULTS: Total hypoxic exposure was lower for NH than for HH during LHTL (230 vs. 310 h; P < 0.001). Nocturnal S p O2 was higher in NH than in HH (92.4 ± 1.2 vs. 91.3 ± 1.0%, P < 0.001). VO2max increased to the same extent for NH and HH (4.9 ± 5.6 vs. 3.2 ± 5.1%). No difference was found in hematological parameters. The 3-km run time was significantly faster in both conditions 21 days after LHTL (4.5 ± 5.0 vs. 6.2 ± 6.4% for NH and HH), and no difference between conditions was found at any time. CONCLUSION: Increases in VO2max and performance enhancement were similar between NH and HH conditions.
This paper reviews the history of Hg contamination in Brazil by characterizing and quantifying two major sources of Hg emissions to the environment: industrial sources and gold mining. Industry was responsible for nearly 100% of total Hg emissions from the late 1940's to the early 1970's, when efficient control policies were enforced, leading to a decrease in emissions. Gold mining, on the other hand was nearly insignificant as a Hg source up to the late 1970's, but presently is responsible for over 80% of total emissions. Presently, over 115 tons of Hg are released into the atmosphere in Brazil annually. Nearly 78 tons come from gold mining operations, 12 tons come from chlor-alkali industry and 25 tons come from all other industrial uses. Inputs to soils and waters however, are still unknown, due to lack of detailed data base. However, emissions from diffuse sources rather than well studied classical industrial sources are probably responsible for the major inputs of mercury to these compartments.
The chemistry of cyclopentadiene rings has been widely studied. This review article deals with a similar chemistry of new compounds containing from 1 to 5 phosphorus atoms on the ring substituting the carbon atoms. The neutral rings containing one, two and three phosphorus atoms can be used as building blocks for the synthesis of new organic compounds containing phosphorus. These rings plus the anionic ones also show great potential as ligands in coordination chemistry. The aim of this article is to show how important this new area is and how diverse the chemistry related to a single type of ring can be.
The spatial distribution of economic activity has often been analysed for wide geographical areas such as regions or metropolitan areas, but it has rarely been subject to microanalysis, especially outside the U.S. In this paper we focus on what happens within a large European city (Par is), and analyse how the industrial composition of its districts differs and how these districts evolve. We also analyse suburbanization process for both residents and the workforce and provide empirical evidence about the changing roles of the core and intramuros periphery. Keywords: agglomeration, suburbanization, Paris, micropolitan analysis
Recent theoretical developments on concession contracts for long term infrastructure projects under uncertain demand show the benefits of allowing for flexible term contracts rather than fixing a rigid term. This study presents a simulation to compare both alternatives by using real data from the oldest Spanish toll motorway. For this purpose, we analyze how well the flexible term would have performed instead of the fixed length actually established. Our results show a huge reduction of the term of concession that would have dramatically decreased the firm’s benefits and the user’s overpayment due to the internalization of an unexpected traffic increase.
In recent years, we have seen how the quality of work life has been focused and defined by the European Commission (EC). In our study we compare the EC definition with the academic one and try to see how close they are. We also analyse the possibility of applying the institutional definition to the Spanish case through the development of specific indicators. Our main conclusions are that QWL is increasingly important for policy makers. In addition, it is essential to have objective indicators and to conduct surveys in order to reliably measure QWL.
Human activities have resulted in increased nutrient levels in many rivers all over Europe. Sustainable management of river basins demands an assessment of the causes and consequences of human alteration of nutrient flows, together with an evaluation of management options. In the context of an integrated and interdisciplinary environmental assessment (IEA) of nutrient flows, we present and discuss the application of the nutrient emission model MONERIS (MOdelling Nutrient Emissions into River Systems) to the Catalan river basin, La Tordera (north-east Spain), for the period 1996–2002. After a successful calibration and verification process (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies E=0.85 for phosphorus and E=0.86 for nitrogen), the application of the model MONERIS proved to be useful in estimating nutrient loads. Crucial for model calibration, in-stream retention was estimated to be about 50 % of nutrient emissions on an annual basis. Through this process, we identified the importance of point sources for phosphorus emissions (about 94% for 1996–2002), and diffuse sources, especially inputs via groundwater, for nitrogen emissions (about 31% for 1996–2002). Despite hurdles related to model structure, observed loads, and input data encountered during the modelling process, MONERIS provided a good representation of the major interannual and spatial patterns in nutrient emissions. An analysis of the model uncertainty and sensitivity to input data indicates that the model MONERIS, even in data-starved Mediterranean catchments, may be profitably used by water managers for evaluating quantitative nutrient emission scenarios for the purpose of managing river basins. As an example of scenario modelling, an analysis of the changes in nutrient emissions through two different future scenarios allowed the identification of a set of relevant measures to reduce nutrient loads.
Two methods of trapping Argentine ants in natural habitats are compared. both methods are used on the boundaries of an invaded area with the goal of assessing the spread of the invasion front. Pitfall surveys take longer to obtain results than bait surveys, but bait surveys are only a “snapshot” of the moment, with less chance of detecting Argentine ant workers. significant differences are found between the methods in terms of the number of traps occupied by Argentine ants, native ants or a combination of both. Differences in the richness of native ant species are found as well, showing that pitfall surveys are necessary to assess such richness. Despite this, no differences in the assessment of spread are found between the methods. bait surveys are an easier and faster method to assess the spread of Argentine ants, spread being one of the most important characteristics of biological invasions
This study is focused on the dominance exerted by the invasive Argentine ant over native ants in a coastal Mediterranean area. Theimpact of this invasive ant on native ant assemblages and its consequences on total ant biomass and on the intensity of habitat explorationwere evaluated. Foraging ants were observed and their trajectories recorded during 5-minute periods in two study zones, one invaded andthe other non-invaded. Ant species detected, ant worker abundance, ant biomass and the intensity of soil surface searching done by antswere compared between the two zones. The Argentine ant invasion provoked a drastic reduction of the ant species richness. Apparentlyonly one native ant species is able to coexist with the Argentine ant, the cryptic Plagiolepis pygmaea. Ant worker abundance was also modified after the invasion: the number of Argentine ant workers detected, which represented 92% of the invaded zone, was two times higher than the number of native ant workers detected in the non-invaded zone. The total ant biomass was inversely affected, becoming four times lower in the invaded zone highly dominated by Linepithema humile. The higher number of Argentine ant workers and their fast tempo of activity implied an alteration of the intensity of soil surface searching: scanning by the Argentine ants in the invaded zone was higher than that done by the native ants in the non-invaded zone, and the estimated time for a complete soil surface scan was 64 minutes in the invaded zone and 108 minutes in the non-invaded zone. Consequently, resources will be discovered faster by ants in the invaded zone than in the non-invaded zone. The increase of the mean temperature and the decrease of the relative humidity from May to August reduced the ant activity in the two study zones but this reduction was greater in the invaded zone
Total sediment and water organic carbon and nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations of different environment types of a Mediterranean coastal wetland (temporary and brackish, temporary and freshwater, semi-permanent and brackish, and permanent and brackish basins) were analysed during two hydroperiods. A nitrogen limitation was found for both sediment and water. The total organic carbon concentration of the water was significantly related to the water level, which varies throughout the hydroperiods. In contrast, the total organic carbon concentration of the sediment was not related to water level. However, significant differences in total organic carbon of the sediment were found between hydroperiods. On the other hand, total organic carbon of the sediment varied spatially, being higher in temporary brackish basins with lower sand content, and lower in permanent and semi-permanent brackish basins with higher sand content
PURPOSE: To assess baseline predictors and consequences of medication non-adherence in the treatment of pediatric patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from Central Europe and East Asia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data for this post-hoc analysis were taken from a 1-year prospective, observational study that included a total of 1,068 newly-diagnosed pediatric patients with ADHD symptoms from Central Europe and East Asia. Medication adherence during the week prior to each visit was assessed by treating physicians using a 5-point Likert scale, and then dichotomized into either adherent or non-adherent. Clinical severity was measured by the Clinical Global Impressions-ADHD-Severity (CGI-ADHD) scale and the Child Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4) Checklist. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) was measured using the Child Health and Illness Profile-Child Edition (CHIP-CE). Regression analyses were used to assess baseline predictors of overall adherence during follow-up, and the impact of time-varying adherence on subsequent outcomes: response (defined as a decrease of at least 1 point in CGI), changes in CGI-ADHD, CSI-4, and the five dimensions of CHIP-CE. RESULTS: Of the 860 patients analyzed, 64.5% (71.6% in Central Europe and 55.5% in East Asia) were rated as adherent and 35.5% as non-adherent during follow-up. Being from East Asia was found to be a strong predictor of non-adherence. In East Asia, a family history of ADHD and parental emotional distress were associated with non-adherence, while having no other children living at home was associated with non-adherence in Central Europe as well as in the overall sample. Non-adherence was associated with poorer response and less improvement on CGI-ADHD and CSI-4, but not on CHIP-CE. CONCLUSION: Non-adherence to medication is common in the treatment of ADHD, particularly in East Asia. Non-adherence was associated with poorer response and less improvement in clinical severity. A limitation of this study is that medication adherence was assessed by the treating clinician using a single item question.
Current evidences show that tacrolimus could be a good therapeutic option in patients non-responsive to first-line treatments and even it could become one of the first-line drugs for treating MG. Our study will try to determine the effectivity and safety of tacrolimus in 190 myasthenia gravis patients with suboptimal response to azathioprine: after 12 months of treatment they will be randomized to continue with azathioprine or they will be switched to tacrolimus. Patients will follow the allocated treatment during 14 months and the response will be assessed as well as adverse effectsPURPOSE: To compare azathioprine vs. tacrolimus effectivity and safety in MG patients with suboptimal response to azathioprine at 12 monthsDESIGN: A 14 months multicenter, prospective, randomized, double blind, head to head clinical trial
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram negative bacteria that represents a considerable global burden in the world and is related to many gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcer, gastric MALT lymphoma or gastric cancer). Currently the triple standard therapy is less used as there is an increase of the clarithromycin resistance. Therefore patients have to receive several lines of treatment with the consequence of adverse events and the possibility to interrupt the treatment. This is why the main objective is to determine if making a culture and antibiogram to do a targeted treatment cause less adverse events with the same eradication than making an empirical treatment to eradicate H. pylori. The secondary objective is to determine the prevalence of resistance to clarithromycin in the province of GironaThis is a multicentre clinical trial without blinding; patients are selected by non-probabilistic sampling, with a total sample of 868 patients randomized in two equal groups of 434 patients in each group. The study will last 2 years. The endpoints will be to evaluate the adverse events and eradication of each group of patients. Also it will be evaluated the resistance to clarithromycin
Children with sickle cell anemia (SCA) are at increased risk of stroke. Elevated blood-flow velocities in the middle cerebral artery detected by Transcranial Doppler (TCD) are a good predictor of stroke risk in these children. Velocities obtained by TCD are measured by using a specific parameter, the time-averaged mean of the maximum velocity (TAMM). Children with TAMM velocities ≥200 cm/sec are at high risk of stroke, and transfusions as primary prevention might be done. Transcranial Doppler-imaging (TCDI) is now widely available and it allows the visualization of intracranial vessels.Few studies have compared the TAMM in TCD and TCDI, and no studies have established a cutoff point for TAMM in TCDI equivalent to the STOP criteria of “normal”, “conditional” and “abnormal”, which could predict a high risk of stroke in children with SCAObjectives: To compare the TAMM velocity obtained by TCDI with the TAMM velocity obtained with TCD in the middle cerebral artery, and to determine a cutoff point for TAMM in TCDI that could predict a high risk of stroke in children with SCAMethods: This study is a cross-sectional study of a diagnostic test. 78 children with sickle cell anemia between 2 to 16 years will be evaluated with both TCD and TCDI in order to determinate the TAMM with the two devices. Velocities obtained with both Doppler techniques will be compared using an intraclass correlation coefficient
La oferta del microcrédito por parte de las instituciones microfinancieras distingue dos enfoques, el llamado 'alivio de la pobreza' y el de 'autosostenibilidad financiera'. En este trabajo se hace una comparativa mundial de cuatro regiones de países en vías de desarrollo con el fin de identificar bajo qué enfoque la población accede al microcrédito y a su vez verificar si existe un trade off entre ambos enfoques. Para su contrastación se han utilizado diez indicadores financieros y sociales clasificados en dos categorías, la sostenibilidad financiera y el alcance (nivel de pobreza). Los resultados obtenidos concluyen que el modelo financiero se presenta con más notoriedad en las regiones de América Latina y el Caribe y Oriente Medio/África del Norte mientras que en África prevalece el modelo social y en la región de Asia Meridional se aprecia un equilibrio entre ambos enfoques. Igualmente, se constata la contribución al alivio de la pobreza cuando el acceso del microcrédito se dirige mayoritariamente a la mujer.