998 resultados para Vol. I.
Vol. I was first published in 1892. cf. Exordio.
Vol. I.
Reports of crops in English and Spanish with separate t.-p.
Vol. I: 1913.
Vol. I. To 24th August, 1904.--vol. II. To 13th January, 1905.--vol. II. To 13th September, 1905.
A list of authors of the biographies (originally published in the New York times) may be found in Proc. of the Mass. hist. soc., 1876-1877 [v.15] p. 393.
Added t.-p.: Moore, J. B. International adjudications, ancient and modern ... Modern series. vol. I-II.
1861-72: L. Hachette et cie.
v. 1-2. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy.--v. 3. A sentimental journey through France and Italy and The letters of Laurence Sterne to his most intimate friends, vol. I.--v. 4. The letters of Laurence Sterne to his most intimate friends, vols. II and III.--v. 5. The sermons of Mr. Yorick.--v. 6. Life, by Percy Fitzgerald, including memoirs of the life of the family of the late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne written by himself.
Note in vol. 6 states that this publication forms "no part of the series 'Greek papyri in the British Museum'." (p.vii) After full consideration it was later decided to regard that title as constituting vol. 6 of this series. (vol.7, p.iii)
vol.I fasc. I Dialogorvm libros XII edidit E. Hermes. 1905. fasc. II. De beneficiss libri VII, De clementia libri II, edidit C. Hosivs. 1900.--vol. II. Naturalium quaestionum libros VIII edidit A. Gercke. 1907.--vol.III. Ad Lvcilivm epistvlarvm moralivm qvae svpersvent edidit O. Hense. 1898.--Svpplementvm: Lvdvs de morte Clavdii. Epigrammata svper exilio. De amissis L. Annaei Senecae libris testimonia vetervm et fragmenta ex iis servata. Ad Gallionem de remediis fortvitorvm liber. De paupertate excerpta e Senecae epistvlis. De moribvs lib. De formvla honestae vitae lib. Epistolae Senecae ad Pavlvm apostolvm et Pavli apostoli ad Senecam. Epitaphivm Senecae. Edidit F. Haase. 1902 (Reissue of the edition 1852).
Description de l'observatoire de Nice: v. 1, p. 1-122 and atlas of XLVII plates.
Vol. I. The book of Stephen Orry. -- vol. II. The book of Michael Sunlocks. -- vol. III. The book of Red Jason.
In eight parts with special t.-p. for each.
Volume 1 contains Book I (also called vol.I) as well as Books II & III (also called vol.II). Volume 2 contains Books III continued & IV (also called vol.III) as well as Book IV continued (also called vol.IV). Volume 3 contains Book V (also called vol.V) as well as Books VI & VII (also called vol.VI). Volume 4 contains Book VII continued (also called vol.VII) as well as Book VIII (also called vol.VIII).