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The focus of this research is in ascertaining how and why the Irish state patronises the visual arts. The framework that the state puts in place for the support of the arts influences the creation of art. The initial standpoint from which to evaluate the system is founded on the belief that art is of social good. The second source of belief is in the necessity for an autonomous setting in which it can be created. These two beliefs underpin state patronage of the arts in contemporary society. Therefore they have to be examined carefully in order to see if they hold up. This requires an investigation into the formation of value. This is undertaken by looking into the social development of western society and its influence on the placement of arts value. Establishing how arts value to society is defined provides a means by which to investigate the manner in which the state patronises the visual arts. Two case studies provide the evidence in how the state supports the arts and why it chooses to do so. The Irish Museum of Modem Art is used as an example of the states role in the maintenance of the canon of art. The second case study looks at the work being done by Breaking Ground. Breaking Ground is an extensive art project as an element of the regeneration process happening in Ballymun funded by the state. It provides and insight into how the state utilises art in the unification of a social group.
This study analyses the area of construction and demolition waste (C & D W) auditing. The production of C&DW has grown year after year since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first published a report in 1996 which provided data for C&D W quantities for 1995 (EPA, 1996a). The most recent report produced by the EPA is based on data for 2005 (EPA, 2006). This report estimated that the quantity of C&DW produced for that period to be 14 931 486 tonnes. However, this is a data update report containing an update on certain waste statistics so any total provided would not be a true reflection of the waste produced for that period. This illustrates that a more construction site-specific form of data is required. The Department of Building and Civil Engineering in the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology have carried out two recent research projects (Grimes, 2005; Kelly, 2006) in this area, which have produced waste production indicators based on site-specific data. This involved the design and testing of an original auditing tool based on visual characterisation and the application of conversion factors. One of the main recommendations of these studies was to compare this visual characterisation approach with a photogrammetric sorting methodology. This study investigates the application of photogrammetric sorting on a residential construction site in the Galway region. A visual characterisation study is also carried out on the same project to compare the two methodologies and assess the practical application in a construction site environment. Data collected from the waste management contractor on site was also used to provide further evaluation. From this, a set of waste production indicators for new residential construction was produced: 50.8 kg/m2 for new residential construction using data provided by the visual characterisation method and the Landfill Levy conversion factors. 43 kg/m2 for new residential construction using data provided by the photogrammetric sorting method and the Landfill Levy conversion factors. 23.8 kg/m2 for new residential construction using data provided by Waste Management Contractor (WMC). The acquisition of the data from the waste management contractor was a key element for testing of the information produced by the visual characterisation and photogrammetric sorting methods. The actual weight provided by the waste management contractor shows a significant difference between the quantities provided.
Hepatitis C is a rapidly developing area of medicine diagnostic tools are ever more refined, and entirely new treatments and treatment strategies are arriving, with more on the horizon. And because the virus affects such a large and varying population up to 170 million at last count we think it is important to have a pocket reference especially devoted to hepatitis C. We look forward to your comments on the usefulness of our 2014 Short Guide to Hepatitis C, which is an expansion and update of the HCV chapters in Hepatology A Clinical Textbook (2014), also published by Flying Publisher. As always, we invite qualified people everywhere to translate this book into other languages, and make them available widely. This web-based free-of- harge concept is made possible by unrestricted educational grants from the pharmaceutical industry and has allowed the material to reach countries usually not covered by print media. We are convinced that this new pocket guide concept, focusing here on hepatitis C, will become a valuable source of information for our readers.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne densenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientfic del Jovent lany 2005. La criptografia s lart descriure un llenguatge convingut, amb ls dunes claus i de la seva operaci inversa sen diu criptoanalitzar. Els sistemes criptogrfics han estat emprats al llarg de la histria. Actualment existeixen multituds de software i de hardware destinats a analitzar el trfic de dades en xarxes de computadores. Encara que aquestes eines constitueixen un aven en tcniques de seguretat i protecci, el seu s indegut es al mateix temps un greu problema i una enorme font datacs a la intimitat dels seus usuaris i a la integritat dels seus propis sistemes. Des daquest punt de vista, sexplica com sha dissenyat dos aplicacions informtiques per encriptar i desencriptar.
We prove that the Cuntz semigroup is recovered functorially from the Elliott invariant for a large class of C-algebras. In particular, our results apply to the largest class of simple C-algebras for which K-theoretic classification can be hoped for. This work has three significant consequences. First, it provides new conceptual insight into Elliott's classification program, proving that the usual form of the Elliott conjecture is equivalent, among Z-stable algebras, to a conjecture which is in general substantially weaker and for which there are no known counterexamples. Second and third, it resolves, for the class of algebras above, two conjectures of Blackadar and Handelman concerning the basic structure of dimension functions on C-algebras. We also prove in passing that the Kuntz-Pedersen semigroup is recovered functorially from the Elliott invariant for all simple unital C-algebras of interest.
We prove a double commutant theorem for hereditary subalgebras of a large class of C*-algebras, partially resolving a problem posed by Pedersen[8]. Double commutant theorems originated with von Neumann, whose seminal result evolved into an entire field now called von Neumann algebra theory. Voiculescu proved a C*-algebraic double commutant theorem for separable subalgebras of the Calkin algebra. We prove a similar result for hereditary subalgebras which holds for arbitrary corona C*-algebras. (It is not clear how generally Voiculescu's double commutant theorem holds.)
"Vegeu el resum a l'inici del document adjunt."
"Es tracta d'un projecte dividit en dues parts independents per complementries, realitzades per autors diferents. Aquest document cont originriament altre material i/o programari noms consultable a la Biblioteca de Cincia i Tecnologia"
Al llarg dels estius de 2006 i 2007 s'estudiaren 44 platges de tot el litoral de l'illa de Menorca, classificades en tres tipologies: A (platges urbanes), B (platges semi-urbanes) i C (platges verges). En cadascuna s'aplic un sistema de 15 indicadors per tal de veure el nivell de pressi ambiental a qu estaven sotmeses, i aix valorar el seu grau de qualitat. En aquest treball es presenten els resultats de dos dels indicadors: ndex d'impacte visual d'infraestructures i qualitat de flora terrestre. Els resultats preliminars sobre la situaci de les platges de Menorca a partir d'aquests dos indicadors mostren conclusions prou significatives. A tall dexemple, nicament un 9% de les platges estudiades no presentaven cap impacte visual d'alguna infraestructura; per, d'altra banda, un 80% de les platges estudiades compten amb presncia despcies psammfiles indicadores de qualitat.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo disear un nuevo receptor SAR biesttico para el sistema SABRINA (SAR Bistatic fixed Receiver for INterferometric Applications) caracterizando el sistema que ya exista. El nuevo dispositivo deber cumplir con las caractersticas y requisitos del escenario teniendo en cuenta la potencia recibida y el ruido de cuantificacin de la tarjeta digitalizadora. Con este fin se introducen previamente conocimientos de teora RADAR y SAR. Adems, se deber compactar al mximo el sistema para conseguir un receptor autocontenido que facilite su traslado. Para tal fin se ha incorporado a la caja del receptor un sintetizador programable que acta de oscilador local de las cadenas de recepcin y una fuente de alimentacin que provee la tensin a todos los componentes activos del dispositivo. Por otra parte el proyecto ilustra las diferentes campaas de experimentos que se han realizado durante el periodo de trabajo.
Este trabajo aspira a plantear en qu estado se halla actualmente la regulacin de la intervencin de las comunicaciones telefnicas en nuestro ordenamiento jurdico. Nuestro enfoque en el presente trabajo ser plantearnos la legitimidad o licitud de las medidas de intervencin telefnica as como su mbito de validez y eficacia a efectos de su utilizacin en el proceso penal en el sentido de qu lmites o controles deben establecerse. Asimismo analizaremos el derecho fundamental al secreto de las comunicaciones consagrado en el art. 18.3 de la Constitucin y la regulacin positiva de dicho derecho en nuestro ordenamiento jurdico. En definitiva, se trata de plantear la problemtica en trminos amplios para posteriormente profundizar y abordar cuestiones de gran relevancia tales como qu sucede o qu tratamiento debe darse a los llamados hallazgos casuales o a la prueba ilegalmente obtenida, elementos que debido a su extensin trataremos de una forma puntual y que sern objeto de desarrollo en un trabajo posterior.
L'objectiu d'aquest projecte es dissenyar i implementar en Java una interfcie grfica que permeti simular l'arquitectura VLIW. Ha d'interactuar amb un simulador ja existent, VEX, i amb l'usuari. VEX permet analitzar, desenvolupar i depurar codi escrit en C sobre un processador VLIW configurable, des dels recursos hardware fns al comportament de la "cach". L'interfcie grfica desenvolupada es diu JavaVEX. T el gran avantatge d'evitar la introducci de les comandes de text que necesita VEX perqu son substitudes per elements. s una eina ms intutiva, rpida i eficient. JavaVEX mostra informaci sobre el codi C tradut a instruccions VLIW de fins a 4 operacions. Tamb mostra els resultats de les instrucciones VLIW simulades. JavaVEX s'ha incorporat a un LiveCD. Aix es pot executar l'aplicaci sobre qualsevol ordinador. La finalitat docent de JavaVEX s ser utilitzada en les prctiques de l'assignatura Arquitectura per a Computadors 2.