999 resultados para Via digestiva


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Introducción: el tratamiento de la hemorragia digestiva alta por rotura de varices esofágicas y/o gástricas en pacientes con cirrosis hepática debe estar dirigido al control inicial de la hemorragia sin alterar más una función hepática ya deteriorada , y a la prevención de la recidiva hemorrágica precoz. Métodos endoscópicos, farmacológicos y quirúrgicos forman el conjunto de alternativas terapéuticas. Material y métodos: estudio prospectivo de los resultados obtenidos tras el seguimiento de 90 episodios hemorrágicos de un total de 54 pacientes, 35 hombres y 19 mujeres, con una edad media de 58 años (32-77), sobre los que se aplicó un protocolo terapéutico de la hemorragia aguda secundaria a la hipertensión portal, durante un periodo de 22 meses. La clasificación según Child-Pugh al ingreso fue 57% Child A, 34% Child B y 9% Child C. Resultados: la estancia media hospitalaria fue de 9 días (2-50). De los 90 episodios hemorrágicos, se registraron 15 recidivas hemorrágicas precoces (16,7%). Murieron 12 pacientes (mortalidad del 22,2% por pacientes y del 13,4% por episodios hemorrágicos). Se realizaron 12 intervenciones de urgencias por persistencia de la hemorragia. El 41% de los pacientes reingresaron por recidiva de la hemorragia al menos una vez durante el periodo de seguimiento. Conclusiones: el tratamiento de la hemorragia digestiva alta por varices esófago-gástricas con cirrosis hepática, requiere un conjunto de diferentes tratamientos para obtener la máxima eficacia en el episodio hemorrágico agudo y poder abarcar todas las posibles repercusiones a posteriori; dicho tratamiento debería ser realizado en un centro hospitalario que disponga de material y personal especializado en esta patología. En nuestra experiencia, la cirugía de urgencias, como tratamiento de rescate de la hemorragia persistente o recidivante a corto plazo, sólo tendría lugar en algunos pacientes con una buena función hepática dada su alta morbi/mortalidad


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In this work we obtained microporous and mesoporous silica membranes by sol-gel processing. Tetraethylortosilicate (TEOS) was used as precursor. Nitric acid was used as catalyst. In order to study the affect of N,N-dimethylformamide (NDF) as drying additive, we used a molar ratio TEOS/NDF of 1/3. The performance of N,N-dimethylformamide was evaluated through monolithicity measurements. The structural evolutions occurring during the sol-gel transition and in the interconnected network of the membranes during thermal treatment were monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analyses and nitrogen sorption. We noted that in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide, polymerization goes through a temporary stabilization of oligomers. The Si-O(H) bonds are stronger and belong to a more cross-linked structure for the N,N-dimethylformamide containing sol. The membranes obtained in the presence of N,N-dimethylformamide have larger surface area and its pore structure is in the range of mesoporous. The membranes obtained without additive have pore structure in the range of microporous.


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The involvement of lipoxygenase isozymes in several physiological processes of plants has been described but their role is not well understood and more biochemical studies are needed to elucidate the role of the "Lipoxygenase Pathway" in plant physiology. Thus, the biochemical and kinetic characterization of a lipoxygenases "pool" from soybean leaves was carried out. Two genotypes were used: IAC-100 (a normal variety having lipoxygenases in the seeds) and IAC-100 TN (genetically modified genotype, which is devoid of lipoxygenases in the seeds). The plants were submitted to the application of fatty acids (lipoxygenase substrates) on leaves. The results of the biochemical and kinetic studies of lipoxygenase isozymes from leaves of the two genotypes analysed showed that genetic removal of lipoxygenase from seeds did not affect the response of the plant to the treatment, since both genotypes showed similar results.


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The esterification of fragment C1-C8 (2) with fragment C16-C23 (3) to give iodo derivative 4, followed by a Pd-catalysed coupling with a C9-C15 fragment (7 or 8), may provide a common precursor of most palmerolides. Ligands and reaction conditions were exhaustively examined to perform the C15-C16 bond formation via Negishi reaction. With simple models, pre-activated Pd-Xantphos and Pd-DPEphos complexes were the most efficient catalysts at RT. Zincation of the C9-C15 fragment (8) and cross coupling with 4 required 3 equiv of t-BuLi, 10 mol % of Pd-Xantphos and 60 °C.


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The asymmetric Michael addition reactions using chiral imines, under neutral conditions (deracemizing alkylation process), constitute one of the main methods for the stereocontrolled elaboration of quaternary carbon centers. This protocol is based on the conjugate addition of secondary chiral enamines to electron-deficient alkenes. The focus of this report deals with the discussion of regio- and stereochemical aspects of the deracemizing alkylation process concerning enamines bearing a resident chiral center.


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A lab-made interface for acquisition of instrumental analog signals between 0 and 5 V at a frequency up to 670 kHz at the parallel port of a microcomputer is described. Since it uses few and small components, it was built into the connector of a printer parallel cable. Its performance was evaluated by monitoring the signals of four different instruments and similar analytical curves were obtained with the interface and from readings from the instrument' displays. Because the components are cheap (~U$35,00) and easy to get, the proposed interface is a simple and economical alternative for data acquisition in small laboratories for routine work, research and teaching.


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In this study the efficiency of advanced oxidative processes (AOPs) were investigated toward the degradation of aqueous solutions containing benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX). The results indicated that BTX can be effectively oxidized by the UV-A-assisted photo-Fenton process. The treatment permits almost total degradation of BTX and removal of more than 80% of the phenolyc intermediates at reaction times of about 30 min. Preliminary investigations using solar light suggest a good potentiality of the process for the treatment of large volumes of aqueous samples containing these polluting species.


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One main assumption in the theory of rough sets applied to information tables is that the elements that exhibit the same information are indiscernible (similar) and form blocks that can be understood as elementary granules of knowledge about the universe. We propose a variant of this concept defining a measure of similarity between the elements of the universe in order to consider that two objects can be indiscernible even though they do not share all the attribute values because the knowledge is partial or uncertain. The set of similarities define a matrix of a fuzzy relation satisfying reflexivity and symmetry but transitivity thus a partition of the universe is not attained. This problem can be solved calculating its transitive closure what ensure a partition for each level belonging to the unit interval [0,1]. This procedure allows generalizing the theory of rough sets depending on the minimum level of similarity accepted. This new point of view increases the rough character of the data because increases the set of indiscernible objects. Finally, we apply our results to a not real application to be capable to remark the differences and the improvements between this methodology and the classical one


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The scientific community has been suffering from peer review for decades. This process (also called refereeing) subjects an author's scientific work or ideas to the scrutiny of one or more experts in the field. Publishers use it to select and screen manuscript submissions, and funding agencies use it to award research funds. The goal is to get authors to meet their discipline's standards and thus achieve scientific objectivity. Publications and awards that haven't undergone peer review are often regarded with suspicion by scholars and professionals in many fields. However, peer review, although universally used, has many drawbacks. We propose replacing peer review with an auction-based approach: the better the submitted paper, the more scientific currency the author likely bid to have it published. If the bid correctly reflects the paper's quality, the author is rewarded in this new scientific currency; otherwise, the author loses this currency. We argue that citations are an appropriate currency for all scientists. We believe that citation auctions encourage scientists to better control their submissions' quality. It also inspire them to prepare more exciting talks for accepted papers and to invite discussion of their results at congresses and conferences and among their colleagues. In the long run, citation auctions could have the power to greatly improve scientific research


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2,2',4,4',6,6'-hexanitrostilbene (HNS) is a very important high explosive that is used in a range of military, aerospace and industrial formulations owing to its suitable properties. It is an insensitive and thermaly stable explosive that can be produced from 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). This paper shows the characterization of synthesized HNS by different techniques, such as elementary analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TG), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and through the determination of the heat of combustion in a calorimeter.


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This work describes a process for metal recovery from spent NiMo and CoMo/Al2O3 commercial hydrorefining catalysts. The samples were treated by fusion with potassium hydrogen sulfate (5 h, 600 ºC) with a KHSO4/catalyst mass ratio of 10:1. After fusion the solid was solubilized in water (100 ºC), leaving silicon compounds as residue. Losses of nickel and cobalt may reach 16 wt% of the amount present in the sample, depending on the silicon content. Soluble metals were isolated by selective precipitation techniques (nickel, cobalt, aluminum) or by solvent extraction with methyl-isobutyl ketone (molybdenum) in a hydrochloric acid medium. All metals were recovered in very good yields except for nickel and cobalt in the presence of considerable amounts of silicon. Soluble wastes consist of potassium/sodium sulfates/chlorides. Solid wastes correspond to about 4 wt% of the catalyst and can be discarded in industrial dumps.


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Coffee is one of the beverages most widely consumed in the world and the "cafezinho" is normally prepared from a blend of roasted powder of two species, Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora. Each one exhibits differences in their taste and in the chemical composition, especially in the caffeine percentage. There are several procedures proposed in the literature for caffeine determination in different samples like soft drinks, coffee, medicines, etc but most of them need a sample workup which involves at least one step of purification. This work describes the quantitative analysis of caffeine using ¹H NMR and the identification of the major components in commercial coffee samples using 1D and 2D NMR techniques without any sample pre-treatment.


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Biodiesel was obtained by transesterification of babassu oil in anhydrous ethanol and methanol, employing NaOH as catalyst. The products obtained were characterized by physico-chemical and thermogravimetric analysis. It could be concluded that the properties of the two types of biodiesel (ethanolic and methanolic) are very similar when compared with diesel oil.


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This work describes a recovery process of cadmium from spent nickel-cadmium batteries by a new hydrometallurgical route based on the selective extraction in hydrochloric acid medium with tributylphosphate (TBP), alone or dissolved in kerosene. The best results were obtained when TBP concentration was at least 75 vol%. Nickel extraction was negligible under these conditions. It was isolated after processing the rafinate through an anionic ion-exchange column. Final wastes generated are basically sodium chloride solutions, with no turbidity, color or heavy metals present in significant amounts.


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Poder mesurar i enregistrar diferents tipus de magnituds com pressió, força, temperatura etc. s’ha convertit en una necessitat per moltes aplicacions actuals. Aquestes magnituds poden tenir procedències molt diverses, tals com l’entorn, o poden ser generades per sistemes mecànics, elèctrics, etc. Per tal de poder adquirir aquestes magnituds, s’utilitzen els sistemes d’adquisició de dades. Aquests sistemes, prenen mostres analògiques del món real, i les transformen en dades digitals que poden ser manipulades per un sistema electrònic. Pràcticament qualsevol magnitud es pot mesurar utilitzant el sensor adient. Una magnitud molt utilitzada en sistemes d’adquisició de dades, és la temperatura. Els sistemes d’adquisició de temperatures estan molt generalitzats, i podem trobar-los com a sistemes, on l’objectiu és mostrar les dades adquirides, o podem trobar-los formant part de sistemes de control, aportant uns inputs necessaris per el seu correcte funcionament, garantir-ne l’estabilitat, seguretat etc. Aquest projecte, promogut per l’empresa Elausa, s’encarregarà d’adquirir, el senyal d’entrada de 2 Termoparells. Aquests mesuraran temperatures de circuits electrònics, que es trobaran dintre la càmera climàtica de Elausa, sotmesos a diferents condicions de temperatura, per tal de rebre l’homologació del circuit. El sistema haurà de poder mostrar les dades adquirides en temps real, i emmagatzemar-les en un PC que estarà ubicat en una oficina, situada a uns 30 m de distància de la sala on es farà el test. El sistema constarà d’un circuit electrònic que adquirirà, i condicionarà el senyal de sortida dels termoparells, per adaptar-lo a la tensió d’entrada d’un convertidor analògic digital, del microcontrolador integrat en aquesta placa. Seguidament aquesta informació, s’enviarà a través d’un mòdul transmissor de radiofreqüència, cap al PC on es visualitzaran les dades adquirides. Els objectius plantejats són els següents: - Dissenyar el circuit electrònic d’adquisició i condicionament del senyal. - Dissenyar, fabricar i muntar el circuit imprès de la placa d’adquisició. - Realitzar el programa de control del microcontrolador. - Realitzar el programa per presentar i desar les dades en un PC. - El sistema ha d’adquirir 2 temperatures, a través de Termoparells amb un rang d’entrada de -40ºC a +240ºC - S’ha de transmetre les dades via R.F. Els resultats del projecte han estat satisfactoris i s’han complert els objectius plantejats.