976 resultados para Verbal Memory
Treball realitzat en el context de l'assignatura de Comunicació Interculturaldel professor Miquel Rodrigo Alsina dintre del Màster Oficial Interdisciplinari dels Sistemes Cognitius i els Mitjans Interactius de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
A series of 4 experiments examined the performance of rats with retrohippocampal lesions on a spatial water-maze task. The animals were trained to find and escape onto a hidden platform after swimming in a large pool of opaque water. The platform was invisible and could not be located using olfactory cues. Successful escape performance required the rats to develop strategies of approaching the correct location with reference solely to distal extramaze cues. The lesions encompassed the entire rostro-caudal extent of the lateral and medial entorhinal cortex, and included parts of the pre- and para-subiculum, angular bundle and subiculum. Groups ECR 1 and 2 sustained only partial damage of the subiculum, while Group ECR+S sustained extensive damage. These groups were compared with sham-lesion and unoperated control groups. In Expt 1A, a profound deficit in spatial localisation was found in groups ECR 1 and ECR+S, the rats receiving all training postoperatively. In Expt 1B, these two groups showed hyperactivity in an open-field. In Expt 2, extensive preoperative training caused a transitory saving in performance of the spatial task by group ECR 2, but comparisons with the groups of Expt 1A revealed no sustained improvement, except on one measure of performance in a post-training transfer test. All rats were then given (Expt 3) training on a cueing procedure using a visible platform. The spatial deficit disappeared but, on returning to the normal hidden platform procedure, it reappeared. Nevertheless, a final transfer test, during which the platform was removed from the apparatus, revealed a dissociation between two independent measures of performance: the rats with ECR lesions failed to search for the hidden platform but repeatedly crossed its correct location accurately during traverses of the entire pool. This partial recovery of performance was not (Expt 4) associated with any ability to discriminate between two locations in the pool. The apparently selective recovery of aspects of spatial memory is discussed in relation to O'Keefe and Nadel's (1978) spatial mapping theory of hippocampal function. We propose a modification of the theory in terms of a dissociation between procedural and declarative subcomponents of spatial memory. The declarative component is a flexible access system in which information is stored in a form independent of action. It is permanently lost after the lesion. The procedural component is "unmasked" by the retrohippocampal lesion giving rise to the partial recovery of spatial localisation performance.
Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) is characterized by memory deficits alone (single-domain, sd-aMCI) or associated with other cognitive disabilities (multi-domain, md-aMCI). The present study assessed the patterns of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during the encoding and retrieval phases of short-term memory in these two aMCI subtypes, to identify potential functional differences according to the neuropsychological profile. Continuous EEG was recorded in 43 aMCI patients, whose 16 sd-aMCI and 27 md-aMCI, and 36 age-matched controls (EC) during delayed match-to-sample tasks for face and letter stimuli. At encoding, attended stimuli elicited parietal alpha (8-12 Hz) power decrease (desynchronization), whereas distracting stimuli were associated with alpha power increase (synchronization) over right central sites. No difference was observed in parietal alpha desynchronization among the three groups. For attended faces, the alpha synchronization underlying suppression of distracting letters was reduced in both aMCI subgroups, but more severely in md-aMCI cases that differed significantly from EC. At retrieval, the early N250r recognition effect was significantly reduced for faces in md-aMCI as compared to both sd-aMCI and EC. The results suggest a differential alteration of working memory cerebral processes for faces in the two aMCI subtypes, face covert recognition processes being specifically altered in md-aMCI.
[Documents. 1789, mars-avril]
[Documents. 1789, mars-avril]
These experiments were designed to analyze how medial septal lesions reducing the cholinergic innervation in the hippocampus might affect place learning. Rats with quisqualic lesions of the medial septal area (MS) were trained in a water maze and on a homing table where the escape position was located at a spatially fixed position and further indicated by a salient cue suspended above it. The lesioned rats were significantly impaired in reaching the cued escape platform during training. In addition rats, did not show any discrimination of the training sector during a probe trial in which no platform or cue was present. This impairment remained significant during further training in the absence of the cue. When the cued escape platform was located at an unpredictable spatial location, the MS-lesioned rats showed no deficit and spent more time under the cue than control rats during the probe trial. On the homing board, with a salient object in close proximity to the escape hole, the MS rats showed no deficit in escape latencies, although a significant reduction in spatial memory was observed. However, this was overcome by additional training in the absence of the cue. Under these conditions, rats with septal lesions were prone to develop a pure guidance strategy, whereas normal rats combined a guidance strategy with a memory of the escape position relative to more distant landmarks. The presence of a salient cue appeared to decrease attention to environmental landmarks, thus reducing spatial memory. These data confirm the general hypothesis that MS lesions reduce the capacity to rely on a representation of the relation between several landmarks with different salience.
Nous présontons l'étalonnage d'un test mnésique de recognition dans un échantillon de 180 adultes francophones de la Suisse Romande. Le test comprend trois formes utilisant un matériel verbal (mots) ou non verbal (visages ou paysages). Une attention particulière est accordée à l'âge dans la présentation des résultats. Celui-ci affecte plus précocement et plus intensément la performance aux formes non verbales qu'à la forme verbale du test. Il induit également une importante augmentation du nombre de fausses reconnaissances pour les formes non verbales.
We present results from both, calorimetric and dilatometric studies of the isothermal ordering process taking place in a Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloy after quenches from Tq temperatures ranging from 350 K to 1200 K. The dissipated energy and the length variations of the system are obtained during the process. The change of these quantities in the whole process have been compared with the difference [MATH] between Ms, measured after the relaxation and Ms measured just after the quench. We obtain that these three quantities present, as a function of Tq, the same qualitative behaviour. These changes are then associated with changes of the L21 ordering after the quench in the system. The relaxational process does not follow a single exponential decay. Instead, a continuous slowing down is observed. A relaxation time [MATH] has been defined to characterize the relaxation rate. We show that [MATH] depends on both the annealing and the quenching (Tq [MATH] 800 K) temperatures through an Arrhenius law.
Activation dynamics of hippocampal subregions during spatial learning and their interplay with neocortical regions is an important dimension in the understanding of hippocampal function. Using the (14C)-2-deoxyglucose autoradiographic method, we have characterized the metabolic changes occurring in hippocampal subregions in mice while learning an eight-arm radial maze task. Autoradiogram densitometry revealed a heterogeneous and evolving pattern of enhanced metabolic activity throughout the hippocampus during the training period and on recall. In the early stages of training, activity was enhanced in the CA1 area from the intermediate portion to the posterior end as well as in the CA3 area within the intermediate portion of the hippocampus. At later stages, CA1 and CA3 activations spread over the entire longitudinal axis, while dentate gyrus (DG) activation occurred from the anterior to the intermediate zone. Activation of the retrosplenial cortex but not the amygdala was also observed during the learning process. On recall, only DG activation was observed in the same anterior part of the hippocampus. These results suggest the existence of a functional segmentation of the hippocampus, each subregion being dynamically but also differentially recruited along the acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval process in parallel with some neocortical sites.
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies show that up to 10% of individuals aged 65 years and older suffer from dementia, most commonly from dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT) (1). Clinicopathological studies are critical to our understanding of this disease and improving the accuracy of clinical diagnoses. OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to examine the validity of clinical diagnoses of DAT, to determine the prevalence of different forms of dementia in this sample, and to investigate the relationship between age at death and polymorbidity. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Clinical data were available from 221 patients who had been examined at the Basel Memory Clinic between 1986 and 1996. From this population, 34% (75 patients) were autopsied in the Department of Pathology, University Hospital Basel, and neuropathological examinations were additionally performed on 62 (83%) of these patients. Clinical and neuropathological data were retrospectively compared. RESULTS: 67.8% of the neuropathologically examined patients received a definitive diagnosis of AD (Alzheimer's disease), vascular dementia (VaD) or mixed dementia (AD and VaD). AD alone or with other histopathological hallmarks of dementia was the most prevalent neuropathological diagnosis (63%). VaD was deemed the only cause of dementia in only 4.8% of patients. The sensitivity for DAT was 75.9%, the specificity 60.6%. Increasing age was associated with an increasing number of clinical and neuropathological diagnoses. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity and specificity of the clinical diagnoses of DAT found in our study are similar to previous reports (2-5). Older patients had more etiologies of their dementia than younger patients. This study reaffirms the need for internationally accepted criteria for clinical and neuropathological diagnoses, as well as further clinical-neuropathological investigations to further refine the clinical diagnostic process.
Procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale des États de la principauté d'Orange, tenue le 16 février 1789
Neuropsychological and neuroimaging data suggest that the self-memory system can be fractionated into three functionally independent systems processing personal information at several levels of abstraction, including episodic memories of one's life (episodic autobiographical memory, EAM), semantic knowledge of facts about one's life (semantic autobiographical memory, SAM), and semantic knowledge of one's personality [conceptual self, (CS)]. Through the study of two developmental amnesic patients suffering of neonatal brain injuries, we explored how the different facets of the self-memory system develop when growing up with bilateral hippocampal atrophy. Neuropsychological evaluations showed that both of them suffered from dramatic episodic learning disability with no sense of recollection (Remember/Know procedure), whereas their semantic abilities differed, being completely preserved (Valentine) or not (Jocelyn). Magnetic resonance imaging, including quantitative volumetric measurements of the hippocampus and adjacent (entorhinal, perirhinal, and temporopolar) cortex, showed severe bilateral atrophy of the hippocampus in both patients, with additional atrophy of adjacent cortex in Jocelyn. Exploration of EAM and SAM according to lifetime periods covering the entire lifespan (TEMPAu task, Piolino et al., 2009) showed that both patients had marked impairments in EAM, as they lacked specificity, details and sense of recollection, whereas SAM was completely normal in Valentine, but impaired in Jocelyn. Finally, measures of patients' CS (Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, Fitts and Warren, 1996), checked by their mothers, were generally within normal range, but both patients showed a more positive self-concept than healthy controls. These two new cases support a modular account of the medial-temporal lobe with episodic memory and recollection depending on the hippocampus, and semantic memory and familiarity on adjacent cortices. Furthermore, they highlight developmental episodic and semantic functional independence within the self-memory system suggesting that SAM and CS may be acquired without episodic memories.