999 resultados para Vekkelse og vitenskap : Lars Levi L©Œstadius 200 år


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Introduction: Endodontic treatment is commonly based on nonspecific elimination of intraradicular micro-organisms. Although some authors prefer single-visit root canal operations for endodontic treatment, several studies have shown the importance of intracanal medication between sessions to kill microorganisms that biomechanical preparations alone cannot achieve. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 and chlorhexidine gel on the elimination of intratubular Enterococcus faecalis. Methods: Human uniradicular teeth contaminated with E. faecalis were treated with Ca(OH)(2), 2% chlorhexidine gel, Ca(OH)(2) plus 2% chlorhexidine gel, or saline (0.9% NaCl) as a negative control. Samples obtained at a depth of 0 to 100 mu m and 100 to 200 mu m from these root canal preparations were analyzed for bacterial load by counting the number of colonyforming units (CFUs) and bacterial viability using fluorescence microscopy. Results: A significant decrease in the number of CFUs and the percentage of viable E. faecalis was observed after treatment with either Ca(OH)(2) or chlorhexidine when compared with the control group. Additionally, chlorhexidine gel had a significantly higher antimicrobial efficacy as measured by the number of CFUs and the percentage of viable cells than Ca(OH)(2). No differences were observed between the antimicrobial properties of chlorhexidine gel with and without the addition of Ca(OH)(2). Conclusion: Both Ca(OH)(2) and chlorhexidine have antimicrobial effects on E. faecalis. Chlorhexidine had increased antimicrobial activity when compared with Ca(OH)(2.) Ca(OH)(2) combined with chlorhexidine showed similar antimicrobial activity to chlorhexidine alone. (J Endod 2010;36:1389-1393)


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Objectives: To evaluate the influence of two surface sealants (BisCover/Single Bond) and three application techniques (unsealed/conventional/co-polymerization) on the roughness of two composites (Filtek Z250/Z350) after the toothbrushing test. Methods: Seventy-two rectangular specimens (5 mm x 10 mm x 3 mm) were fabricated and assigned into 12 groups (n = 6). Each sample was subjected to three random roughness readings at baseline, after 100,000 (intermediate), and 200,000 (final) toothbrushing strokes. Roughness (R) at each stage was obtained by the arithmetic mean of the reading of each specimen. Sealant removal was qualitatively examined (optical microscope) and classified into scores (0-3). Data were analyzed by Student`s paired t-test, two-way ANOVA/Tukey`s test, and by Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis and Miller`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Z250 groups at baseline did not differ statistically from each other. Unsealed Z350 at baseline had lower R values. All the unsealed groups presented gradual decrease in R from baseline to final brushing. From baseline to the inter-mediate stage, Z250 co-polymerized groups presented a significant reduction in R (score 3). Conventionally sealed groups had no significant changes in R (scores 2-0.8). From baseline to the intermediate stage, the conventionally sealed Z350 Single Bond group had an increase in R (score 1.5). In the final stage, all the conventionally sealed groups presented a reduction in R (scores 0.7-0). Co-polymerized Single Bond groups had a significant reduction in R (scores 2.5-2.7), and co-polymerized BisCover groups an increase in R (scores 2.8-3). Conclusions: At any brushing stage, sealed composites presented superior performance when compared with unsealed composites. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives To compare the reliability of the disto-facial (DF) and mesio-lingual (ML) cusps of an anatomically correct zirconia (Y-TZP) crown system The research hypotheses tested were (1) fatigue reliability and failure mode are similar for the ML and DF cusps, (2) failure mode of one cusp does not affect the failure of the other Methods The average dimensions of a mandibular first molar crown were imported into CAD software, a tooth preparation was modelled by 1 5 mm marginal high reduction of proximal walls and occlusal surface by 2 0 mm The CAD-based tooth preparation was milled and used as a die to fabricate crowns (n = 14) with porcelain veneer on a 0 5 mm Y-TZP core. Crowns were cemented on composite reproductions of the tooth preparation The crowns were step-stress mouth motion fatigued with sliding (0 7 mm) a tungsten-carbide indenter of 6 25 mm diameter down on the inclines of either the DF or ML cusps Use level probability Weibull curve with use stress of 200 N and the reliability for completion of a mission of 50,000 cycles at 200 N load were calculated Results Reliability for a 200 N at 50,000 cycles mission was not different between tested cusps SEM imaging showed large cohesive failures within the veneer for the ML and smaller for the DF Fractures originated from the contact area regardless of the cusp loaded Conclusion No significant difference on fatigue reliability was observed between the DF compared to the ML cusp Fracture of one cusp did not affect the other (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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Purpose: The aim of this research was to evaluate the fatigue behavior and reliability of monolithic computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) lithium disilicate and hand-layer-veneered zirconia all-ceramic crowns. Materials and Methods: A CAD-based mandibular molar crown preparation, fabricated using rapid prototyping, served as the master die. Fully anatomically shaped monolithic lithium disilicate crowns (IPS e.max CAD, n = 19) and hand-layer-veneered zirconia-based crowns (IPS e.max ZirCAD/Ceram, n = 21) were designed and milled using a CAD/CAM system. Crowns were cemented on aged dentinlike composite dies with resin cement. Crowns were exposed to mouth-motion fatigue by sliding a WC-indenter (r = 3.18 mm) 0.7 mm lingually down the distobuccal cusp using three different step-stress profiles until failure occurred. Failure was designated as a large chip or fracture through the crown. If no failures occurred at high loads (> 900 N), the test method was changed to staircase r ratio fatigue. Stress level probability curves and reliability were calculated. Results: Hand-layer-veneered zirconia crowns revealed veneer chipping and had a reliability of < 0.01 (0.03 to 0.00, two-sided 90% confidence bounds) for a mission of 100,000 cycles and a 200-N load. None of the fully anatomically shaped CAD/CAM-fabricated monolithic lithium disilicate crowns failed during step-stress mouth-motion fatigue (180,000 cycles, 900 N). CAD/CAM lithium disilicate crowns also survived r ratio fatigue (1,000,000 cycles, 100 to 1,000 N). There appears to be a threshold for damage/bulk fracture for the lithium disilicate ceramic in the range of 1,100 to 1,200 N. Conclusion: Based on present fatigue findings, the application of CAD/CAM lithium disilicate ceramic in a monolithic/fully anatomical configuration resulted in fatigue-resistant crowns, whereas hand-layer-veneered zirconia crowns revealed a high susceptibility to mouth-motion cyclic loading with early veneer failures. Int J Prosthodont 2010; 23: 434-442.


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Objectives: This study compared the reliability and fracture patterns of zirconia cores veneered with pressable porcelain submitted to either axial or off-axis sliding contact fatigue. Methods: Forty-two Y-TZP plates (12 mm x 12 mm x 0.5 mm) veneered with pressable porcelain (12 mm x 12 mm x 1.2 mm) and adhesively luted to water aged composite resin blocks (12 mm x 12 mm x 4 mm) were stored in water at least 7 days prior to testing. Profiles for step-stress fatigue (ratio 3:2:1) were determined from single load to fracture tests (n = 3). Fatigue loading was delivered on specimen either on axial (n = 18) or off-axis 30 degrees angulation (n = 18) to simulate posterior tooth cusp inclination creating a 0.7 mm slide. Single load and fatigue tests utilized a 6.25 mm diameter WC indenter. Specimens were inspected by means of polarized-light microscope and SEM. Use level probability Weibull curves were plotted with 2-sided 90% confidence bounds (CB) and reliability for missions of 50,000 cycles at 200 N (90% CB) were calculated. Results: The calculated Weibull Beta was 3.34 and 2.47 for axial and off-axis groups, respectively, indicating that fatigue accelerated failure in both loading modes. The reliability data for a mission of 50,000 cycles at 200 N load with 90% CB indicates no difference between loading groups. Deep penetrating cone cracks reaching the core-veneer interface were observed in both groups. Partial cones due to the sliding component were observed along with the cone cracking for the off-axis group. No Y-TZP core fractures were observed. Conclusions: Reliability was not significantly different between axial and off-axis mouth-motion fatigued pressed over Y-TZP cores, but incorporation of sliding resulted in more aggressive damage on the veneer. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Central giant-cell granulomas are benign, but occasionally aggressive, lesions that traditionally have been treated surgically. 21 cases of central giant-cell granuloma of the jaw were treated with intralesional injection of corticosteroids. The treatment protocol adopted was intralesional injection of 20 mg/ml triamcinolone hexacetonide diluted in an anaesthetic solution of 2% lidocaine/epinephrine 1:200,000 in the proportion 1:1; 1.0 ml of the solution was infiltrated for every 1 cm(3) of radiolucid area of the lesion, totalling 6 biweekly applications. Ten patients had aggressive lesions and 11 nonaggressive. Two patients showed a negative response to the treatment and underwent surgical resection, 4 showed a moderate response and 15 a good response. 8 of the 19 who had a moderate-to-good response to the drug treatment underwent osteoplasty to reestablish facial aesthetics. In these cases, only mature or dysplastic bone was observed, with the presence or absence of rare giant multinucleated cells. The advantages of this therapy are its less-invasive nature, the probable lower cost to the patient, lower risk and the ability to treat the lesion surgically in the future, if necessary.


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Objectives The aims of this research were to evaluate the efficacy of a bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate (R)) and a bioactive glass (Biogran (R)) placed in dental sockets in the maintenance of alveolar ridge and in the osseointegration of Ti implants. Material and methods Six dogs had their low premolars extracted and the sockets were implanted with Biosilicate (R), Biogran (R) particles, or left untreated. After the extractions, measurements of width and height on the alveolar ridge were taken. After 12 weeks a new surgery was performed to take the final ridge measurements and to insert bilaterally three Ti implants in biomaterial-implanted and control sites. Eight weeks post-Ti implant placement block biopsies were processed for histological and histomorphometric analysis. The percentages of bone-implant contact (BIC), of mineralized bone area between threads (BABT), and of mineralized bone area within the mirror area (BAMA) were determined. Results The presence of Biosilicate (R) or Biogran (R) particles preserved alveolar ridge height without affecting its width. No significant differences in terms of BIC, BAMA, and BABT values were detected among Biosilicate (R), Biogran (R), and the non-implanted group. Conclusions The results of the present study indicate that filling of sockets with either Biosilicate (R) or Biogran (R) particles preserves alveolar bone ridge height and allows osseointegration of Ti implants. To cite this article:Roriz VM, Rosa AL, Peitl O, Zanotto ED, Panzeri H, de Oliveira PT. Efficacy of a bioactive glass-ceramic (Biosilicate (R)) in the maintenance of alveolar ridges and in osseointegration of titanium implants.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 148-155.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01812.x.


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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been used for pain relief in orthodontics, but clinical studies reported that they may reduce tooth movement (TM). By other side, TM seems to activate brain structures related to nociception, but the effects of NSAIDs in this activation have not been studied yet. We analyzed the effect of short-term treatment with acetaminophen or celecoxib in the separation of rat upper incisors, as well as in neuronal activation of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, following tooth movement. Thirty rats (400-420 g) were pretreated through oral gavage (1 ml/dose)with acetaminophen (200 mg/kg), celecoxib (50 mg/kg) or vehicle (carboxymethylcellulose 0.4%). After 30 min, they received an activated (30 g) orthodontic appliance for TM. In controls, this appliance was immediately removed after its introduction. Rats received ground food, and every 12 h, one of the drugs or vehicle. After 48 h, they were anesthetized, maxilla was radiographed, and were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde. Brains were further processed for Fos immunohistochemistry. TM induced incisor distalization (p < 0.05) and neuronal activation of the spinal trigeminal nucleus. Treatment with both drugs did not affect tooth movement, but reduced c-fos expression in the caudalis subnucleus. No changes in c-fos expression were seen in the oralis and interpolaris subnuclei. We conclude that neither celecoxib nor acetaminophen seems to affect tooth movement, when used for 2 days, but both drugs are able to reduce the activation of brain structures related to nociception. Short-term treatment with celecoxib, thus, may be a therapeutic alternative to acetaminophen when the latter is contra indicated. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nitric oxide (NO) is thought to play a key role in the development of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia in mammals, acting on the preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus to activate autonomic heat loss responses. Regarding behavioral thermoregulation, no data exists for NO modulation/mediation of thermoregulatory behavior changes during hypoxia. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that NO is involved in the preferred body temperature (Tb) reduction in the hypoxic toad Chaunus schneideri (formerly Bufo paracnemis), a primarily behavioral thermoregulator. Toads equipped with a temperature probe were placed in a thermal gradient chamber, and preferred Tb was monitored continuously. We analyzed the effect of intracerebroventricular injections of the nonselective NO synthase inhibitor L-NMMA (200, 400 and 800 microg per animal) or mock cerebrospinal fluid (mCSF, vehicle) on the preferred Tb of toads. No significant difference in preferred Tb was observed after L-NMMA treatments. Another group of toads treated with 2 mg kg(-1) (400 microg per animal) of L-NMMA or mCSF was submitted to hypoxia (3% inspired 02) for 8 h. The vehicle group showed a reduction of preferred Tb, a response that was inhibited by L-NMMA. A 3rd group of hypoxic animals was injected with Ringer or L-NMMA (2 mg kg(-1)) into the lymph sac and both treatments induced no change in the anapyretic response to hypoxia. These results indicate that NO acting on the central nervous system has an excitatory role for the development of hypoxia-induced anapyrexia in toads. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background. Potassium (K) deficiency (KD) and/or hypokalemia have been associated with disturbances of phosphate metabolism The purpose of the present study was to determine the cellular mechanisms that mediate the impairment of renal proximal tubular Na/Pi cotransport in a model of K deficiency in the rat. Methods. K deficiency in the rat was achieved by feeding rats a K-deficient diet for seven days. which resulted in a marked decrease in serum and tissue K content. Results. K deficiency resulted in a marked increase in urinary Pi excretion and a decrease in the V-max of brush-border membrane (BBM) Na/Pi cotransport activity (1943 95 in control vs. 1183 +/- 99 pmol/5 sec/mg BBM protein in K deficiency. P < 0.02). Surprisingly. the decrease in Na/Pi cotransport activity was associated with increases in the abundance of type I (NaPi-1). and type II (NaPi-2) and type III (Glvr-1) Na/Pi protein. The decrease in Na/Pi transport was associated with significant alterations in BBM lipid composition, including increases in sphingomyelin. glucosylceramide. and ganglioside GM, content and a decrease in BBM lipid fluidity. Inhibition of glucosylceramide synthesis resulted in increases in BBM Na/Pi cotransport activity in control and K-deficient rats. The resultant Na/Pi cotransport activity in K-deficit nt rats was the same as in control rats (1148 +/- 52 in control + PDMP vs. 11.52 +/- 61 pmol/5 sec/mg BBM protein in K deficiency + PDMP). These changes in transport activity occurred independent of further changes in BBM NaPi-2 protein or renal cortical NaPi-2 mRNA abundance. Conclusion. K deficiency in the rat causes inhibition of renal Na/Pi cotransport activity by post-translational mechanisms that are mediated in part through alterations in glucosylceramide content and membrane lipid dynamics.


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The monogenean Neobenedenia melleni (Mac- Callum, 1927) Yamaguti 1963 is a well-known and virulent pathogen in culture conditions recorded from the skin of many teleost fish species worldwide. Until now, N. melleni has not been reported from wild or cultured fish in Australian waters. This study documents a recent outbreak of N. melleni that occurred on Lates calcarifer (barramundi) cultivated in sea cages in Hinchinbrook Channel between Hinchinbrook Island and mainland Queensland, Australia, which resulted in the loss of 200 000 fish (50 tonnes). The origin of this outbreak is unclear because N. melleni has not been recorded from any wild host species in Australia and strict quarantine regulations exclude the possibility of its introduction on imported fish. We propose that N. melleni occurs naturally on wild populations of some teleost species in Australian waters and that the few surveys of wild fish conducted along the eastcoast have failed to report this species. The possibility that uncharacteristically low water temperatures led to the outbreak is discussed.


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Using NONMEM, the population pharmacokinetics of perhexiline were studied in 88 patients (34 F, 54 M) who were being treated for refractory angina. Their mean +/- SD (range) age was 75 +/- 9.9 years (46-92), and the length of perhexiline treatment was 56 +/- 77 weeks (0.3-416). The sampling time after a dose was 14.1 +/- 21.4 hours (0.5-200), and the perhexiline plasma concentrations were 0.39 +/- 0.32 mg/L (0.03-1.56). A one-compartment model with first-order absorption was fitted to the data using the first-order (FO) approximation. The best model contained 2 subpopulations (obtained via the $MIXTURE subroutine) of 77 subjects (subgroup A) and 11 subjects (subgroup B) that had typical values for clearance (CL/F) of 21.8 L/h and 2.06 L/h, respectively. The volumes of distribution (V/F) were 1470 L and 260 L, respectively, which suggested a reduction in presystemic metabolism in subgroup B. The interindividual variability (CV%) was modeled logarithmically and for CL/F ranged from 69.1% (subgroup A) to 86.3% (subgroup B). The interindividual variability in V/F was 111%. The residual variability unexplained by the population model was 28.2%. These results confirm and extend the existing pharmacokinetic data on perhexiline, especially the bimodal distribution of CL/F manifested via an inherited deficiency in hepatic and extrahepatic CYP2D6 activity.


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(E)-N-Hexadecyl-4-[2-(4-octadecyloxynaphthyl) ethenyl] quinolinium bromide, which has a wide-bodied chromophore and terminal n-alkyl groups, adopts a U-shape when spread at the air-water interface but a stretched conformation when compressed to ca. 35 mN m(-1). The high-pressure phase has a narrow stability range prior to collapse but may be extended from 40 to 60 mN m(-1) by co-spreading the dye in a 1 : 1 ratio with docosanoic acid. The mixed Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film has a monolayer thickness of 4.6 +/- 0.2 nm which decreases to 2.5 +/- 0.1 nm layer(-1) in the bulk, the reduction arising from an interdigitating layer arrangement, both top and bottom. It is the first example of LB-Lego(R) and, in addition, represents the only fully interdigitating structure with non-centrosymmetrically aligned chromophores. They are tilted 38 degrees from the substrate normal. The second-harmonic intensity increases quadratically with the number of layers, i.e. as I-(N)(2 omega) = (I(1)N2)-N-2 omega, with a second-order susceptibility of chi ((2))(zzz) = 30 pm V-1 at 1064 nm for refractive indices of n(omega) = 1.55 and n(2 omega) = 1.73, d = 2.5 nm layer(-1) and phi = 38 degrees. Angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of these films provide no evidence of the bromide counterion, which suggests that it is replaced by OH 2 or HCO3-, which occur naturally in the aqueous subphase, or C21H43COO- from the co-deposited fatty acid. This probably applies to all cationic dyes deposited by the LB technique.


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Many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which have antiproliferative activity in colon cancer cells are carboxylate compounds forming acyl glucuronide metabolites. Acyl glucuronides are potentially reactive, able to hydrolyse, rearrange into isomers, and covalently modify proteins under physiological conditions. This study investigated whether the acyl glucuronides (and isomers) of the carboxylate NSAIDs diflunisal, zomepirac and diclofenac had antiproliferative activity on human adenocarcinoma. HT-29 cells in culture. Included as controls were the carboxylate NSAIDs themselves, the non-carboxylate NSAID piroxicam, and the carboxylate non-NSAID valproate, as well as its acyl glucuronide and isomers. The compounds were incubated at 1-3000 muM with HT-29 cells for 24 hr, with [H-3]-thymidine added for an additional 2 hr incubation. IC50 values were calculated from the concentration-inhibition response curves for thymidine uptake. The four NSAIDs inhibited thymidine uptake, with IC50 values about 200-500 muM. All of the NSAID acyl glucuronides (and isomers, tested in the case of diflunisal) showed antiproliferative activity broadly comparable to the parent drugs. This activity may stem from direct uptake of intact glucuronide/isomers followed by covalent modification of proteins critical in the cell replication process. However, hydrolysis during incubation and cellular uptake of liberated parent NSAID will play a role. In HT-29 cells incubated with zomepirac, covalently modified proteins in cytosol were detected by immunoblotting with a zomepirac antibody, suggesting that HT-29 cells do have the capacity to glucuronidate zomepirac. The anti-epileptic drug valproate had no effect on inhibition of thymidine uptake, though, surprisingly, its acyl glucuronide and isomers were active. The reasons for this are unclear at present. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.