1000 resultados para VIH (Virus) -- Epidemiologia
A seroepidemiologic survey about hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection was carried out in a group comprising 310 children, ranging in age from 3 months to 9 years, from day-care centers, in Goiania, a middle sized city in the central region of Brazil. The biomarkers employed in the investigation of previous infection include total IgG and IgM anti-HAV antibodies, and for the detection of more recent infection, IgM anti-HAV antibodies were analyzed. The study was performed in 1991 and 1992. According to the results, 69.7% of the children presented total IgG/IgM anti-HAV antibodies, with 60% of the group in the age range of 1 to 3 years. Among 10 day-care centers analyzed, the prevalence of the biomarker IgM anti-HAV was 3.2%, with an uniform distribution of the cases in the group of children ranging in age from 1 to 4 years. Multi-variate analysis was performed to investigate the sociodemographic factors that could influence the results. It was verified that the risk for the infection increased with the length of the attendance in the day-care centers, i.e., the risk for children with attendance of one year or more was 4.7 times higher, when compared with children with one month attendance (CI 95% 2.3-9.9). According to the results, hepatitis A is an endemic infection in day-care centers in the study area. The length of attendance in the day-care settings was demonstrated to be a risk factor for the HAV infection. Such findings suggest that if hepatits A vaccination becomes available as a routine policy in our region, the target group should be children under one year. Moreover, those children should receive the vaccine before they start to attend the day-care centers.
Hepatitis G virus/ GB virus C is a novel flavivirus recently detected in hepatitis non A-E cases. In this study, the presence of this virus in chronic non-B, non-C hepatitis patients was evaluated using GBV-C specific PCR and this virus was detected in one out of thirteen patients. This patient has presented a severe liver failure, has lived for a long time in the Western Amazon basin and no other cause for this clinical picture was reported. The impact of the discovery of this new agent is still under evaluation throughout the world. The study of the prevalence of this virus among chronic hepatitis patients and healthy individuals (as blood donors) will furnish subside to evaluate its real pathogenicity.
To evaluate the effect of concurrent infection by HIV on HBV infection or immunity, we have studied a group of 66 HIV1+ symptomatic Caucasian patients and another of 38 African HIV2+ asymptomatic individuals, concerning their HBV status: serological markers of infection and presence of HBV-DNA in serum, the last taken as sign of hepatitis B virus active replication, were monitored. HIV+ groups were compared with seronegative controls, adequately matched for age, sex and ethnological background. HBV DNA was found in 7.6% of HIV1+ Caucasian patients and 3.2% of seronegative controls; in African HIV2+ individuals 2.6% were also HBV DNA+, a percentage close to that found in HIV2 seronegative controls (2.9%). No correlation was found between HIV infection and HBV active replication. Immunodepression that follows HIV infection over time may be compatible with a degree of T cell function capable of avoiding reinfection with or reactivation of HBV, even in symptomatic stages of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Our findings are relevant to the choice of preventive strategies in populations at risk for HIV and HBV infection.
The identification of the major agents causing human hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Viruses) was achieved during the last 30 years. These viruses are responsible for the vast majority of human viral hepatitis cases, but there are still some cases epidemiologically related to infectious agents without any evidence of infection with known virus, designated as hepatitis non A - E. Those cases are considered to be associated with at least three different viruses: 1 - Hepatitis B Virus mutants expressing its surface antigen (HBsAg) with altered epitopes or in low quantities; 2 - Another virus probably associated with enteral transmitted non A-E hepatitis, called Hepatitis F Virus. Still more studies are necessary to better characterize this agent; 3 - Hepatitis G Virus or GB virus C, recently identified throughout the world (including Brazil) as a Flavivirus responsible for about 10% of parenteral transmitted hepatitis non A-E. Probably still other unknown viruses are responsible for human hepatitis cases without evidence of infection by any of these viruses, that could be called as non A-G hepatitis.
We show here a simplified RT-PCR for identification of dengue virus types 1 and 2. Five dengue virus strains, isolated from Brazilian patients, and yellow fever vaccine 17DD as a negative control, were used in this study. C6/36 cells were infected and supernatants were collected after 7 days. The RT-PCR, done in a single reaction vessel, was carried out following a 1/10 dilution of virus in distilled water or in a detergent mixture containing Nonidet P40. The 50 µl assay reaction mixture included 50 pmol of specific primers amplifying a 482 base pair sequence for dengue type 1 and 210 base pair sequence for dengue type 2. In other assays, we used dengue virus consensus primers having maximum sequence similarity to the four serotypes, amplifying a 511 base pair sequence. The reaction mixture also contained 0.1 mM of the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, 7.5 U of reverse transcriptase, 1U of thermostable Taq DNA polymerase. The mixture was incubated for 5 minutes at 37ºC for reverse transcription followed by 30 cycles of two-step PCR amplification (92ºC for 60 seconds, 53ºC for 60 seconds) with slow temperature increment. The PCR products were subjected to 1.7% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized by UV light after staining with ethidium bromide solution. Low virus titer around 10 3, 6 TCID50/ml was detected by RT-PCR for dengue type 1. Specific DNA amplification was observed with all the Brazilian dengue strains by using dengue virus consensus primers. As compared to other RT-PCRs, this assay is less laborious, done in a shorter time, and has reduced risk of contamination
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em BioOrgânica
The MN strain of HIV-1 is known to be more prevalent in Brazil, the BRU strain is more prevalent in Europe, and the NDK strain in Africa. It has been suggested in the literature to include different strains in the same vaccine against HIV-1. To contribute to the studies for the development of a universal vaccine, the occurrence of antibodies (Ab) against three HIV-1 strains (MN, BRU and NDK) was determined in serum samples from 85 HIV-1-positive patients, adult volunteers seen at the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto-USP. One-hundred tissue culture infective unit (TCIU) of the viruses reacted with serial dilutions of the sera (2x) and with MT4 cells added at a final concentration of 0.3 × 106 cells/ml, and a cytopathic effect was observed on the 7th and 11th days of incubation. Titres of less than 1/50 were considered to be negative. In 129 tests, the sera were negative for one of the three strains: 40 for MN, 29 for BRU and 60 for NDK. There was a predominance of strains MN and BRU, most of them presenting titres from 1/50 to 1/200. Titres for NDK were detected in 25 sera. We conclude that there seems to be a predominance of strains MN and BRU among the individuals from the region tested; however, the detection of sera with positive NKD titres indicates the need for further studies of this strain in other populations and regions of Brazil
The cyanobacteria are known to be a rich source of metabolites with a variety of biological activities in different biological systems. In the present work, the bioactivity of aqueous and organic (methanolic and hexane) crude extracts of cyanobacteria isolated from estuarine ecosystems was studied using different bioassays. The assessment of DNA damage on the SOS gene repair region of mutant PQ37 strain of Escherichia coli was performed. Antiviral activity was evaluated against influenza virus, HRV-2, CVB3 and HSV-1 viruses using crystal violet dye uptake on HeLa, MDCK and GMK cell lines. Cytotoxicity evaluation was performed with L929 fibroblasts by MTT assay. Of a total of 18 cyanobacterial isolates studied, only the crude methanolic extract of LEGE 06078 proved to be genotoxic (IF > 1.5) in a dose-dependent manner and other four were putative candidates to induce DNA damage. Furthermore, the crude aqueous extract of LEGE 07085 showed anti- herpes type 1 activity (IC50 = 174.10 μg dry extract mL−1) while not presenting any cytotoxic activity against GMK cell lines. Of the 54 cyanobacterial extracts tested, only the crude methanolic and hexane ones showed impair on metabolic activity of L929 fibroblasts after long exposure (48–72 h). The inhibition of HSV-1 and the strong cytotoxicity against L929 cells observed emphasizes the importance of evaluating the impact of those estuarine cyanobacteria on aquatic ecosystem and on human health. The data also point out their potential application in HSV-1 treatment and pharmacological interest.
Hepatitis B has proved to be a major health hazard in hemodialysis patients. In order to investigate the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection profile in the hemodialysis population of Goiânia city - Central Brazil, all dialysis patients (N=282) were studied. The prevalence of any HBV marker (HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc) was 56.7% (95% CI: 51.1-62.7), ranging from 33.3% to 77.7% depending on dialysis unit. HBV-DNA was detected in 67.6% and 88.2% of the HBsAg-positive serum samples, in 91.3% and 100% of the HBsAg/HBeAg-positive samples, and in 18.2% and 63.6% of the HBsAg/anti-HBe-reactive sera by hybridization and PCR, respectively. The length of time on hemodialysis was significantly associated with HBV seropositivity. Only 10% of the patients reported received hepatitis B vaccination. The findings of a high HBV infection prevalence in this population and the increased risk for HBV infection on long-term hemodialysis suggest the environmental transmission, emphasizing the urgent need to evaluate strategies of control and prevention followed in these units.
TTV is a recently discovered DNA virus, isolated from a patient with post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology by Japanese researchers. In the present study, we evaluated the presence of TTV among chronic liver diseases patients in São Paulo and Pará states, representing two geographically distinct Brazilian regions. TTV DNA was found in 21/105 (20%) and 9/20 (45%) cases from São Paulo and Pará States, respectively. DNA sequence data confirmed the presence of TTV genotypes 1a and 2a, as well as other genotypes not yet described. In conclusion, TTV is present in chronic liver diseases cases from Southeast and North Brazil. However, further studies involving healthy populations are necessary before establishing any causal relationship among TTV and human hepatitis.
An indirect ELISA for determination of post-vaccination rabies antibody was applied. Purified rabies virus was used as antigen to coat plates, and staphylococcal protein A linked with horseradish peroxidase was used for detecting IgG antibody in human sera. Sera from humans, vaccinated with cell-culture vaccine or suckling-mouse-brain vaccine, were examined. ELISA results were compared to those obtained from the virus neutralization test. The mean and standard deviation of OD were determined for 126 negative sera (pre-vaccination) and for 73 sera from vaccinated persons showing antibody titers lower than 0.5 IU/ml. Results were defined as ELISA -positive, -negative or -doubtful. Establishment of a doubtful region reduced the number of sera otherwise classified as positive (false-positive sera). In this way, the sensitivity, specificity and agreement values were respectively 87.5%, 92.4% and 88.5%. No significant differences were observed in these values when the group vaccinated with cell-culture vaccine and the group vaccinated with suckling-mouse-brain vaccine were compared. It was shown that much of the disagreement between the values obtained by neutralization test and ELISA occurred in sera obtained at the beginning of the immunization process, and was probably due to the presence of IgM in the serum samples, detected only by the former test. This ELISA method can be used as a screening test in rabies laboratories regardless of the kind of vaccine used for immunization.
The present study assessed the clinical significance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes and their influence on response to long term recombinant-interferon-alpha (r-IFN-a) therapy in Brazilian patients. One hundred and thirty samples from patients previously genotyped for the HCV and with histologically confirmed chronic hepatitis C (CH-C) were evaluated for clinical and epidemiological parameters (sex, age, time of HCV infection and transmission routes). No difference in disease activity, sex, age or mode and time of transmission were seen among patients infected with HCV types 1, 2 or 3. One hundred and thirteen of them were treated with 3 million units of r-IFN-a, 3 times a week for 12 months. Initial response (IR) was significantly better in patients with genotype 2 (100%) and 3 (46%) infections than in patients with genotype 1 (29%) (p < 0.005). Among subtypes, difference in IR was observed between 1b and 2 (p < 0.005), and between 1b and 3a (p < 0.05). Sustained response (SR) was observed in 12% for (sub)type 1a, 13% for 1b, 19% for 3a, and 40% for type 2; significant differences were found between 1b and 2 (p < 0.001), and between 1b and 3a (p < 0.05). Moreover, presence of cirrhosis was significantly associated with non response and response with relapse (p < 0.05). In conclusion, non-1 HCV genotype and lack of histological diagnosis of cirrhosis were the only baseline features associated with sustained response to treatment. These data indicate that HCV genotyping may have prognostic relevance in the responsiveness to r-IFN-a therapy in Brazilian patients with chronic HCV infection, as seen in other reports worldwide.
A infecção pelo VIH/SIDA constitui um dos principais problemas de saúde no Mundo e em África. A África Sub-sahariana detém actualmente 67% das infecções a nível global. Angola, localizada na sub-região central de África (OMS) tem uma prevalência actual média estimada em 2.4%, estando rodeada a Sul e Leste por países de prevalências mais elevadas. Em Angola, predomina o VIH-1. Os dados publicados sobre a epidemiologia molecular do VIH em Angola mostram uma grande diversidade de subtipos e formas recombinantes circulantes (CRF), recombinantes circulantes únicas (URF) e amostras não tipificadas. A motivação para o estudo presente foi o conhecimento ainda limitado sobre a infeção por VIH em Angola, desde a epidemiologia molecular às características clínicas, imunológicas, virológicas, resposta à terapêutica anti-retrovírica combinada (TARVc) e perfil de resistência do VIH à TARVc. Foi estudado um coorte de 300 doentes adultos, com infecção por VIH, de 15 de Junho de 2006 a 15 de Junho de 2010. Predomina o género feminino, 65% (194/300) e o grupo etário dos 25 aos 39 anos, 62% (186/300). A mediana de idades é 33 anos, residem em Luanda 98% (295/300), 94% são angolanos, sendo os estrangeiros de S. Tomé e RDC. A Classificação CDC de 1993 na linha de base mostrou um predomínio de doentes da categoria clínica C, 53% (160/300), com uma ou duas doenças definidoras; 34% (101/300) dos doentes eram da Categoria C3 do CDC e 49% (147/300) tinham linfócitos T CD4+ abaixo das 200 cel/l. A doença definidora mais frequente foi a Tuberculose, em 39% dos doentes (117/300). A mediana de linfócitos T CD4+ na linha de base foi de 195 cel/μl [1-1076]. Apenas 12,2% dos doentes (37/302) tinha T CD4+ de base superior a 500 células/l. Determinou-se a carga vírica na linha de base, em 213 dos doentes (71%), verificando-se que 46% destes doentes (97/213) tinham cargas virícas superiores a 100.000 cp/ml, 32% (69/213) entre 10001 e 100000, 21% (45/213) entre 400 e 10000, 0,9% (2/213) abaixo de 400 cp/ml. Iniciaram terapêutica anti-retrovírica no período de estudo 206 doentes (69%) com esquemas terapêuticos baseados em NNRTI, sendo 131 (64%) medicados com a associação d4t+3TC+ NVP. Ao fim de 4 anos, em Junho de 2010, havia 126 doentes monitorizados com contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ e CV, estando 62% dos doentes com CV indetectável (79/126). Os doentes em falência virológica corresponderam a 16% (20/126), 9% (11/126) tinham resultados discordantes (boa resposta imunológica mas carga viral detectável) e 13% (16/126) foram inconclusivos. Foi mudada a terapêutica para esquema de 2ª linha em 5 doentes, 4 dos 5 doentes com critérios de falência virológica e 1 sem critérios de falência virológica, por toxicidade ao EFV. Os doentes com critérios de falência imunológica ou virológica segundo a OMS e os doentes com dados inconclusivos foram seleccionados para testes genotípicos de resistência aos anti-retrovíricos (TR). Foram realizados TR e subtipagem em 37 doentes. Nos doentes que realizaram TR sob TARVc, as mutações de resistência mais frequentemente encontradas foram a M184V, em 16 doentes, a K103N em 12 doentes e a Y181C em 7 doentes. O subtipo C, foi o subtipo predominante em 30% (11/37) dos casos. Para avaliar a adesão à TARVc, foram estudados 63 doentes, faltosos a consultas ou demonstrado sinais de falência clínica, imunológica ou virológica. O método realizado foi o auto-relato por entrevista. Verificou-se uma adesão à TARVc de 100% em 33% (21/63), adesão entre 100% e 90% em 7% (4/63), de 50 a 90% em 7% (4/63) e inferior a 50% em 54% (34/63). Como factores de não-adesão, predominavam a mobilidade no emprego Opções de utilização sequencial de anti-retrovíricos em doentes com falência terapêutica em Angola X e factores familiares e sociais, apontados como razão para a falta às consultas que davam acesso aos medicamentos ARV. Fazendo corresponder os resultados dos testes de resistência realizados à adesão de todos os doentes entrevistados, verifica-se que o grupo de 34 doentes com menos de 50% de adesão, 19 realizaram TR e desses, 13 mostraram mutações de resistência, sendo 10 resistentes a 2 classes de ARV, NITR e NNITR, 2 a NNITR e 1 a NITR. Os restantes 6 doentes deste grupo eram aparentemente susceptíveis às 3 classes de ARV. Actualmente, estão em seguimento 58% dos doentes (176/300), 26 % (77/300) perderam-se no seguimento e 16% (47/300) faleceram. O estudo realizado salienta a fase tardia da chegada aos cuidados médicos; mostra a tuberculose como doença indicadora mais frequente e mostra que a maioria dos doentes foi medicada com D4T+3TC+NVP. Os critérios de sucesso terapêutico descem ao longo do estudo de 71% para 62%. Indica a necessidade de acções urgentes para acesso mais precoce aos cuidados de saúde e intervenção social para ultrapassar as limitações à adesão à TARVc e tornar esta mais eficaz. As opções de segunda linha já disponíveis são muito reduzidas (tenofovir, lopinavir potenciado com ritonavir e saquinavir), havendo necessidade de continuar estes estudos para uma avaliação mais profunda da eficácia destas terapêuticas.