971 resultados para VERBAL FLUENCY


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What are the precise brain regions supporting the short-term retention of verbal information? A previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study suggested that they may be topographically variable across individuals, occurring, in most, in regions posterior to prefrontal cortex (PFC), and that detection of these regions may be best suited to a single-subject (SS) approach to fMRI analysis (Feredoes and Postle, 2007). In contrast, other studies using spatially normalized group-averaged (SNGA) analyses have localized storage-related activity to PFC. To evaluate the necessity of the regions identified by these two methods, we applied repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to SS- and SNGA-identified regions throughout the retention period of a delayed letter-recognition task. Results indicated that rTMS targeting SS analysis-identified regions of left perisylvian and sensorimotor cortex impaired performance, whereas rTMS targeting the SNGA-identified region of left caudal PFC had no effect on performance. Our results support the view that the short-term retention of verbal information can be supported by regions associated with acoustic, lexical, phonological, and speech-based representation of information. They also suggest that the brain bases of some cognitive functions may be better detected by SS than by SNGA approaches to fMRI data analysis.


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This article addresses the question of how far working memory may affect second language (L2) learners' improvement in spoken language during a period of immersion. Research is presented testing the hypothesis that individual differences in working memory (WM) capacity are associated with individual variation in improvements in oral production of questions in English. Thirty-two Chinese adult speakers of English were tested, before and after a year's postgraduate study in the United Kingdom, to measure grammatical accuracy and fluency using a question elicitation task, and to measure WM using a battery of first language (L1) and L2 WM tests. Story recall in L1 (Mandarin) was significantly associated with individuals' improvement in oral grammatical measures (p < .05). However, there was no significant mean improvement across the cohort in grammatical accuracy, although there was for fluency. The findings suggest that WM may aid certain aspects of individuals' L2 oral proficiency during academic immersion through postgraduate study. They also indicate that academic immersion in itself can lead to improvements in oral proficiency, independent of WM capacity, but there is no general guarantee of significant grammatical change. Further research to clarify the opportunities for input and interaction available in academic immersion settings is called for.


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Spatial memory is important for locating objects in hierarchical data structures, such as desktop folders. There are, however, some contradictions in literature concerning the effectiveness of 3D user interfaces when compared to their 2D counterparts. This paper uses a task-based approach in order to investigate the effectiveness of adding a third dimension to specific user tasks, i.e. the impact of depth on navigation in a 3D file manager. Results highlight issues and benefits of using 3D interfaces for visual and verbal tasks, and introduces the possible existence of a correlation between aptitude scores achieved on the Guilford- Zimmerman Orientation Survey and Electroencephalography- measured brainwave activity as participants search for targets of variable perceptual salience in 2D and 3D environments.


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The aim of this paper is to examine the acquisition pattern of person and number verb morphology within the generative framework and to compare the results of the analyses with previous research in Greek and other European languages. The study considers previous data on the acquisition of subject-verb agreement, and thereafter, examines the acquisition of person and number morphology in a new dataset of two monolingual Greek-speaking children. The analyses present quantitative data of accuracy of person and number marking, error data, and qualitative analyses addressing the productivity of person and number marking. The results suggest that person and number morphology is used correctly and productively from a very early age in Greek speaking children. The findings provide new insight into early Greek language acquisition and are also relevant for research in early development of languages with rich inflectional morphology.


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Short-term memory (STM) impairments are prevalent in adults with acquired brain injuries. While there are several published tests to assess these impairments, the majority require speech production, e.g. digit span (Wechsler, 1987). This feature may make them unsuitable for people with aphasia and motor speech disorders because of word finding difficulties and speech demands respectively. If patients perceive the speech demands of the test to be high, the may not engage with testing. Furthermore, existing STM tests are mainly ‘pen-and-paper’ tests, which can jeopardise accuracy. To address these shortcomings, we designed and standardised a novel computerised test that does not require speech output and because of the computerised delivery it would enable clinicians identify STM impairments with greater precision than current tests. The matching listening span tasks, similar to the non-normed PALPA 13 (Kay, Lesser & Coltheart, 1992) is used to test short-term memory for serial order of spoken items. Sequences of digits are presented in pairs. The person hears the first sequence, followed by the second sequence and s/he decides whether the two sequences are the same or different. In the computerised test, the sequences are presented in live voice recordings on a portable computer through a software application (Molero Martin, Laird, Hwang & Salis 2013). We collected normative data from healthy older adults (N=22-24) using digits, real words (one- and two-syllables) and non-words (one- and two- syllables). Their performance was scored following two systems. The Highest Span system was the highest span length (e.g. 2-8) at which a participant correctly responded to over 7 out of 10 trials at the highest sequence length. Test re-test reliability was also tested in a subgroup of participants. The test will be available as free of charge for clinicians and researchers to use.


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This study investigates the effects of a short-term pedagogic intervention on the development of L2 fluency among learners studying English for Academic purposes (EAP) at a university in the UK. It also examines the interaction between the development of fluency, and complexity and accuracy. Through a pre-test, post-test design, data were collected over a period of four weeks from learners performing monologic tasks. While the Control Group (CG) focused on developing general speaking and listening skills, the Experimental Group (EG) received awareness-raising activities and fluency strategy training in addition to general speaking and listening practice i.e following the syllabus. The data, coded in terms of a range of measures of fluency, accuracy and complexity, were subjected to repeated measures MANOVA, t-tests and correlations. The results indicate that after the intervention, while some fluency gains were achieved by the CG, the EG produced statistically more fluent language demonstrating a faster speech and articulation rate, longer runs and higher phonation time ratios. The significant correlations obtained between measures of accuracy and learners’ pauses in the CG suggest that pausing opportunities may have been linked to accuracy. The findings of the study have significant implications for L2 pedagogy, highlighting the effective impact of instruction on the development of fluency.


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Parents’ verbal communication to their child, particularly the expression of fear-relevant information (e.g., attributions of threat to the environment), is considered to play a key role in children’s fears and anxiety. This review considers the extent to which parental verbal communication is associated with child anxiety by examining research that has employed objective observational methods. Using a systematic search strategy, we identified 15 studies that addressed this question. These studies provided some evidence that particular fear-relevant features of parental verbal communication are associated with child anxiety under certain conditions. However, the scope for drawing reliable, general conclusions was limited by extensive methodological variation between studies, particularly in terms of the features of parental verbal communication examined and the context in which communication took place, how child anxiety was measured, and inconsistent consideration of factors that may moderate the verbal communication–child anxiety relationship. We discuss ways in which future research can contribute to this developing evidence base and reduce further methodological inconsistency so as to inform interventions for children with anxiety problems.


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Research has shown that verbal short‐term memory span is shorter in individuals with Down syndrome than in typically developing individuals of equivalent mental age, but little attention has been given to variations within or across groups. Differences in the environment and in particular educational experiences may play a part in the relative ease or difficulty with which children remember verbal material. This article explores the performance of 26 Egyptian pupils with Down syndrome and 26 Egyptian typically developing children on two verbal short‐term memory tests: digit recall and non‐word repetition tasks. The findings of the study revealed that typically developing children showed superior performance on these tasks to that of pupils with Down syndrome, whose performance was both lower and revealed a narrower range of attainment. Comparisons with the performance of children with Down syndrome in this study suggested that not only did the children with Down syndrome perform more poorly than the typically developing children, their profile also appeared worse than the results of studies of children with a similar mental age with Down syndrome carried out in western countries. The results from this study suggested that, while deficits in verbal short‐term memory in Down syndrome may well be universal, it is important to recognise that performances may vary as a consequence of culture and educational experiences. The significance of these findings is explored with reference to approaches to education and how these are conceptualised in relation to children with disabilities.


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This paper explores the status and function of English among gay men in Hong Kong through the analysis of postings about English on a popular gay internet forum. The forum, gayhk.com, while mainly featuring discussions about sex, fashion, entertainment and relationships, also contains a surprising amount of discussion about the English language, mostly taking the form of what Cameron refers to as ‘verbal hygiene’ – the enforcement of language ‘standards’ through the criticism of the language use of particular individuals or groups. The analysis of these postings sees them not just as evidence of language attitudes within the gay community, but also as tools with which Chinese gay men in postcolonial Hong Kong position themselves in relation to one another, in relation to ‘foreign’ gay men, and in relation to the wider population of Hong Kong.


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Previous research with children learning a second language (L2) has reported errors with verb inflection and cross-linguistic variation in accuracy and error patterns. However, owing to the cross-linguistic complexity and diversity of different verbal paradigms, the cross-linguistic effects on the nature of default forms has not been directly addressed in L2 acquisition studies. In the present study, we compared accuracy and error patterns in verbal agreement inflections in L2 children acquiring Dutch and Greek, keeping the children’s L1 constant (Turkish). Results showed that inflectional defaults in Greek follow universal predictions regarding the morphological underspecification of paradigms. However, the same universal predictions do not apply to the same extent to Dutch. It is argued that phonological properties of inflected forms should be taken into account to explain cross-linguistic differences in the acquisition of inflection. By systematically comparing patterns in child L2 Dutch and Greek, this study shows how universal mechanisms and target language properties work in tandem in the acquisition of inflectional paradigms.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do título de mestre do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul


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Proponho, com este trabalho, uma análise da variação da manutenção da marca de concordância verbal de segunda pessoa do singular em Pelotas (RS). Considero, para tanto, os aspectos lingüísticos e, sobretudo, os aspectos sociais dessa variação. Almejo, assim, auxiliar na descrição de fenômenos de concordância verbal. Apóio esta análise na Teoria da Variação Laboviana e em visões de classes sociais que levam em conta princípios socioeconomicistas, marxistas, econolingüísticos, ocupacionais e das condições estruturais de manutenção das desigualdades sociais. Analisei dados de concordância de segunda pessoa do singular em noventa entrevistas do Banco de Dados Sociolingüísticos Variáveis por Classe Social – VarX – que foram realizadas em Pelotas (RS) em 2000 e 2001. O VarX possui uma divisão equilibrada de informantes por gênero, faixa etária e classe social. Das entrevistas realizadas na casa do informante, afloram falas espontâneas sobre histórias familiares, peripécias do passado. Utilizei, para a análise dos dados, metodologia quantitativa com base na interface Windows para o Varbrul e em formulário de codificação de dados. Além dos dados de fala do VarX, utilizei como fonte de pesquisa o Questionário do VarX e os resultados do Censo 2000 do IBGE. Os resultados, com relação à concordância de segunda pessoa do singular em Pelotas, apontam na direção de que: ocorra apagamento variável da desinência número-pessoal em virtude de uma regularização do paradigma verbal em que são privilegiadas formas neutras; o apagamento da marca de segunda pessoa do singular sofra influência de condicionadores lingüísticos (saliência fônica, interlocução entrevistado/entrevistador, ausência do pronome-sujeito e tipo de frase) e sociais (há indícios de que: a utilização de marca tenha prestígio, mas sua não-utilização não sofra estigma; o fenômeno esteja em fase de consolidação e se configure como uma mudança lingüística quase completada; as mulheres resistam ao processo de apagamento da marca de concordância mais do que homens).


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Trabalho experimental, CUJO objetivo e provar ser possivel uma aprendizagem de ma10r sensibilização da comunicação não-verbal, atraves de um curso ção de Comunicações não-verbais. ~ precedido de de interaabordagem teórica mostrando a importância da comunicação não-verbale_ de como a Educação precisa se ocupar desta area. Apresenta,. em seguida, sugestoes para a aplicação dos resultados na formação de professores e propoe futuras pesqu1sas a tir da ora realizada.


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O objetivo deste trabalho situa-se a partir dos acréscimos do pensamento cientifico moderno, que em função dos estudos do processo verbal da comunicação humana, visa, agora, um pouco mais adiante, o estudo de seu processo não verbal, onde se sanam velhas dúvidas e propõem-se novos questionamentos acerca da figura Homem. O trabalho analisará as duas dimensões existenciais que o homem estabelece com o mundo: a dimensão verbal, quando da sua apreensão da "imagem de mundo", dentro de suas características psico-linguísticas e a dimensão não-verbal que sobredetermina esta "imagem de mundo", dentro do aspecto psico-biológico do ser. A postulação de uma existência verbal e de uma existência não-verbal, não poderia ser entendida como duas ordens diferentes e antagônicas, mas como duas modalidades de manifestação da existencialidade: o indivíduo participa simultaneamente das duas, como identidade e diferença. E é sob este aspecto que, a sala de aula se revelaria como um micro-universo, cujas coordenadas básicas, informação/formação, articulariam, de fato, as coordenadas existenciais identidade/diferença. Acrescentaria-se, finalmente, que a partir da sala de aula, o indivíduo modelaria a sua realidade conceitual, sendo ao mesmo tempo, por ela modelado. Tal processo se desenvolveria à medida em que o indivíduo reelaborasse a realidade objetiva como sujeito do discurso e seria modelado, à medida em que se deixasse objetivar e impessoalizar-se no discurso cultural. A partir então deste jogo maior do homem, onde se ajustariam as duas dimensões existenciais, que o equilíbrio psico-social do individuo se tentaria, garantindo a sua sobrevivência. Seria desta forma, o espaço sala de aula, franquia maior da individualidade, um campo aberto a educadores e psicologos, fazendo uso mais profilatico que terapêutico ao ajuste do homem a seu grupo e/ou um pouco mais, ao seu próprio sentido humano.


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Esta dissertação tem como base o estudo de caso de uma criança com dificuldade na fala, diagnosticada por neurologista, fonoaudiólogo e psicólogo como apresentando um distúrbio no desenvolvimento global com suspeita de deficiência mental. A metodologia está amparada na forma e na estrutura que FREUD se utiliza na descrição do caso do pequeno Hans (1909), onde a criança é falada por seus pais. Utilizamos como referencial teórico a Psicomotricidade Relacional, a Psicanálise e a Educação Inclusiva, fazendo parte de uma idéia de estrutura interligada e inter-relacionada. Seus fundamentos foram caminhos ao tema desta dissertação ou seja: o que a criança nos diz quando parece nada falar? o desbloqueio do discurso falado através do não-verbal. Este desbloqueio do discurso falado, que no início das sessões propostas pelo pesquisador com base na comunicação não-verbal, apresentava-se, pela criança (estudo de caso), apenas com monossílabas e a repetição de uma palavra “amnei”, foi aos poucos e progressivamente, evoluindo a outras palavras, chegando a frases pequenas, juntamente com sua mudança de comportamento e relacionamento na família e na escola. Nossa abordagem visa fazer emergir da criança seus desejos, seus interesses, suas faltas e falas, através do jogo livre e espontâneo, do brincar, na busca de seu reconhecimento de sujeito diferente, portanto único, ator, atuante. O foco psicoafetivo do sujeito é o cerne de nossa atuação, onde o facilitador, orientador das sessões, deve estar disponível e disposto a interagir mas observando o desejo da criança, favorecendo a realização simbólica de seus desejos e frustrações inconscientes. Desta forma pretendemos apresentar, quem sabe, novas formas e maneiras de abordagens possíveis a serem realizadas com crianças com dificuldades na aprendizagem, procurando restabelecer a dinâmica do desejo do ser, em busca de sua autonomia, utilizando suas possibilidades na resolução dos problemas.