985 resultados para VENTILATOR WEANING


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Devido a numerosas discrepâncias nos resultados de estudos experimentais relativos à interação flúor-manganês, propusemo-nos a verificar se a adição de manganês 5 água fluoretada (1 ppm), em diferentes proporções fluor-manganês, levaria a uma diferente fixaçao do halogênio. Para tanto, 24 ratos Wistar, recém-desmamados, foram mantidos em dieta padrão de caseína a 27%, recebendo na sua água de consumo: 1) H2O destilada (controle); 2) 1,0 ppm de flúor: 3) 1,0 ppm de flúor + 0,5 ppm de manganês (F:Mn = 2,0); 4) 1,0 ppm de flúor +1,0 ppm de manganês (F: Mn = 1,0). Foram anotados o peso ganho e o consumo de alimento e água, durante os 60 dias de experimento, após o qual as patas traseiras, dos animais sacrificados, foram autoclavadas e desossadas, e os femures retirados. Posteriormente, foram estes submetidos à secagem, extração da gordura, pulverização e analise do flúor fixado. Também foram efetuadas analises da composição centesimal da ração e de flúor e manganês nesta e nas diferentes águas de consumo. Os resultados de percentagem do flúor ingerido fixado nos femures, foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis (níveis de 1% e 5%) mostrando que, para as proporções consideradas, o flúor na taxa de 1 ppm, o manganês, quando administrado após o desmame, parece não afetar a fixaçao do flúor. Contudo, faz-se necessário dar continuidade aos estudos com novas proporções e taxas mais elevadas de flúor e manganês.


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Cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and weight loss were investigated in periadolescent Wistar rats kept with their mothers or subjected to repeated maternal separation. Litters allocated to the separation procedure were placed in a temperature-controlled (33ºC) chamber for 3 h per day from postnatal day 6 (P6) to P20. Non-handled rats were left undisturbed until weaning. Treatments were started on P30-31 and the test was performed on P36-37. Animals received injections of saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg, sc) twice daily for 5 days. on day 6 all animals received saline. on day 7 animals were challenged with 10 mg/kg cocaine and their locomotion was evaluated in activity cages. A third group received saline throughout the 7-day period. Body weights were recorded on P30-31 and P36-37. Two-way ANOVA on body weights showed a main effect of treatment group (F(1,35) = 10.446, P = 0.003; N = 10-12). Non-handled rats treated with cocaine for 5 days gained significantly less weight, while no significant effect was observed in maternally separated rats. Two-way ANOVA revealed a main effect of drug treatment on locomotor activity (F(2,32) = 15.209, P<0.001; N = 6-8), but not on rearing condition (F(1,32)<0.001, P = 0.998). Animals pretreated with cocaine showed a clear behavioral sensitization relative to the saline group. No difference in the magnitude of sensitization was found between separated and non-handled animals. Only the effect of cocaine on weight gain was significantly affected by repeated episodes of early maternal separation during the pre-weaning period.


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High protein content in the diet during childhood and adolescence has been associated to the onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We investigated the effect of interleukin-1 beta (IL-I beta) on insulin secretion, glucose metabolism, and nitrite formation by islets isolated from rats fed with normal protein (NP, 17%) or low protein (LP, 6%) after weaning. Pretreatment of islets with IL-1 beta for 1 h or 34 h inhibited the insulin secretion induced by glucose in both groups, but it was less marked in LP than in NP group. Islets from LP rats exhibited a decreased IL-1 beta -induced nitric oxide (NO) production, lower inhibition of D-[(UC)-C-14]-glucose oxidation to (CO2)-C-14, and less pronounced effect of IL-1 beta on alpha -ketoisocaproic acid-induced insulin secretion than NP islets. However, when the islets were stimulated by high concentrations of K+ the inhibitory effect of IL-1 beta on insulin secretion was not different between groups. In conclusion, protein restriction protects beta -cells of the deleterious effect of IL-1 beta, apparently, by decreasing NO production. The lower NO generation in islets from protein deprived rats may be due to increased free fatty acids oxidation and consequent alteration in Ca2+ homeostasis. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to evaluate the performance and profitability of Canindé goats kept under semi-intensive management in mix farming system. 84 animals were used, being 81 does e three bucks.. The means of fertility rate at parturition, prolificacy and percentages of pregnant, kid survival and reproductive rate were compared by Tukey test at significance level of 5.0%. The kid weights from birth to weaning were submitted to variance analysis considering sex and birth type and the means were compared by Tukey test at 5.0% of significance. The percentages of fertility rate by ultrassographic were 91.36 and parturition 74.84. The prolificacy was 1.53. Independently of sex the mortality rate of kids from birth to weaning was 12.3. The average weights of offspring were 2.11 and 1.92 kg and 6.74 and 6.84 kg for male and female offspring at birth and weaning, in this order. The average weights of kids, meaning PN, P28, P56, P63, in the first season of kidding were 2.11 ± 0.46 kg, 3.63 ± 1.04 kg, 5.96 ± 158 kg and 6.74 ± 1.79 kg. There was significant differences (P<0,05) only to birth weight of kids sons of buck 135. However, the fertility at parturition for first and second breeding seasons (BS) were 87.65 and 62.96, respectively (P<0.05). The prolificacy was 1.58 and 1.47 to first and second BS in this order. The percentages of offspring survival from birth to weaning, to first and second BS were 92.86 and 80.00, respectively. From the first BS the reproduction rate was 1.28 while in the second was 0.74. After weaning the duration of lactation was 104 days to first breeding parturition and 38 days in the second one. The total milk production was 853.50 kg. The kids weight gain was influenced by season of year, wet and dry and buck (P<0.05). Were concluded that the seasons of year when breeding season and parturition occur strongly affected the productive performance and profitability of production system


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The use of animal models in biomedical research is ever increasing. Models that use primates might also have advantages in terms of low maintenance costs and availability of biological knowledge, thereby favoring their use in different experimental protocols. Many current stress studies use animal models at different developmental stages since biological response differs during ontogeny. The aims of this study were to perform a detailed characterization of the developmental stages of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), a very important animal model used in biomedical research. Ten subjects, 6 females and 4 males, were followed from birth to initial adult age (16 months). Behavioral and fecal collection for measurement of adrenal (cortisol) and sex (progesterone, estradiol and androgens) hormones took place twice a week during the first month of life and once a week for the remainder of the study. Behavior was observed for 30 minutes in the morning (0700-09:00h) and afternoon (12:00-14:00h). Behavioral profile showed changes during ontogeny, characterizing the 4 developmental stages and the respective phases proposed by Leão et al (2009).. Differentiation of developmental stages was considered using the onset, end, change and stabilization of the behavioral profile parental care (weaning and carrying), ingestion (solid food), affiliation (social grooming) and autogrooming, agonism (scent marking and piloerection) and play behavior and endocrine profile. Infant weaning and carrying terminated within the infantile stage and the peak of solid food ingestion was recorded in the infantile III phase. Receiving grooming was recorded earlier than grooming performed by the infant and autogrooming. The first episode of scent marking was recorded in the 4th week and it was the least variable behavior, in terms of its onset, which, in almost all animals, was between the 5th and 7th week of life. Solitary play and play with the twin started around the 7th week and play with other members of the group started 8 weeks later. Sex hormone secretion started to differ from basal levels between the 21st and 23rd week of life, in males and females, suggesting that puberty occurs simultaneously in both sexes. Basal cortisol, even at an early age, was higher in females than in males. However, cortisol was not correlated with the juvenile stage, as expected, since this stage corresponds to the transition between infancy and adult age and most behaviors are intensified by this time. The behavioral and endocrine profile of subadult animals did not differ from that of the adults. These results provide more detailed parameters for the developmental process of C. jacchus and open new perspectives for the use of experimental approaches focused on the intermediate ontogenetic phases of this species


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The juvenile period represents the developmental phase between weaning and sexual maturity. Weaning occurs when the youngster does not receive direct care from the caretakers anymore. Individuals in the species Callithrix jacchus live in groups composed by the reproductive pair and successive twin sets. Cooperative care is the rule. Infants are weaned early, and from then on, food is provided by the adults in the group. These animals present high levels of social interactions, through play, grooming and social contact. During infant age, the twin becomes the main partner. There are few studies about the juvenile period, especially on Callithrix gender. The objective of this study was describing the pattern of activities and social interactions of four sets (one single and three twin sets) during juvenile phase in two Callithrix jacchus groups. We used instantaneous and continuous focal sampling for juveniles and scan sampling for adults behavioral recordings. Juveniles presented the same behavioral pattern as the adults relating the activity budget, in particular, foraging along the months. The composition of the diet was the same as that of the adults. Food transfer ended along the juvenile period. Social play as much as grooming were important socializing activities for the juveniles. The young individuals in the group were the main partners in social play, specially the twin. Adults were the main partners in grooming interactions. Scent marking differed between twins in the male/female sets, the female presenting the highest levels of marking. The juveniles were independent from adults in foraging activity. Social interaction varied according to group composition, but in general, interacted more with the twin and with the youngsters (infants and subadults), except in grooming. Even presenting many similarities, juveniles showed some differences between genders, which indicates the differentiation in behavior towards reproductive strategies early in the juvenile period


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Objetivou-se estudar as medidas de espessura de gordura subcutânea, área de olho-de-lombo, comprimento e profundidade máxima do músculo longissimus dorsi entre a 13ª costela e 1ª vértebra lombar determinadas por ultrassom e na carcaça de ovelhas de descarte abatidas em diferentes estágios fisiológicos, além dos coeficientes de correlação e determinação das medidas avaliadas. Utilizaram-se 21 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, distribuídas nos seguintes grupos: OL = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus cordeiros e foram abatidas um dia após o desmame dos mesmos; OSC = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus cordeiros e mais 30 dias sem os cordeiros e foram posteriormente abatidas; e ONP = ovelhas que não pariram durante o ano. O comprimento máximo do músculo longissimus dorsi obtido pelo ultrassom e na carcaça dos animais não foi influenciado pelos estágios fisiológicos. O ultrassom pode ser utilizado com razoável precisão para estimar características da carcaça de ovelhas de descarte, em particular a espessura de gordura subcutânea.


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Avaliaram-se a qualidade física do músculo Longissimus lumborum de ovelhas de descarte da raça Santa Inês, abatidas em diferentes estágios fisiológicos, a cor da gordura subcutânea desse músculo e as possíveis correlações entre as variáveis de qualidade da carne. Utilizaram-se 21 ovelhas, distribuídas nos seguintes tratamentos: T1= ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e abatidas um dia após o desmame das crias; T2= ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e mais um período aproximado de 30 dias sem os cordeiros e posteriormente abatidas; e T3= ovelhas que não pariram durante o ano. A cor da carne e da gordura subcutânea não foram influenciadas pelo estágios fisiológico dos animais no momento do abate, com exceção da luminosidade da carne (T1= 41,13; T2= 37,56 e T3= 38,12 L*). A qualidade física da carne apresentou pouca variação entre os tratamentos, porém a força de cisalhamento (T1= 4,08; T2=2,86 e T3=2,35 kgf/cm²) e as perdas por cocção (T1=31,97; T2=35,70 e T3= 31,91 %) da carne diferiram entre os tratamentos. Não se observou alta correlação entre a maioria das características avaliadas.


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Estudaram-se a composição centesimal do músculo Longissimuslumborum e a aceitação sensorial do músculo Longissimus thoracis, provenientes de ovelhas de descarte da raça Santa Inês, abatidas em distintos estágios fisiológicos. Foram utilizadas 21 ovelhas, distribuídas nos seguintes grupos: OL = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e que foram abatidas um dia após o desmame deles; OSC = ovelhas que permaneceram por 60 dias em lactação com seus respectivos cordeiros e mais um período aproximado de 30 dias sem os cordeiros e que, posteriormente, foram abatidas; e ONP = ovelhas que não pariram durante o ano. Os teores de proteína e de cinzas da carne ovina foram semelhantes entre os grupos experimentais, e os valores de umidade e de gordura da carne diferiram entre os grupos. Não houve diferença significativa na aceitação sensorial da carne, segundo os grupos. Concluiu-se que o abate de ovelhas de descarte em diferentes estágios fisiológicos promove alteração na composição centesimal, quanto ao teor de gordura e de umidade da carne, e que não há diferença da aceitação sensorial da carne, de acordo com os grupos experimentais.


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We herein report a case of a double aortic arch in a 10-week-old male dog of no defined race, which presented episodes of regurgitation at the time of weaning. This vascular malformation was Characterized by the persistence of two aortic arches, right and left, of varying dimensions. The right aortic arch was observed to be larger. During post mortem examination the vessels of the animal were injected with coloured latex bi-centrifuged CIS 1-4 polisopreno which revealed the patency of the two aortic arches. Concomitantly, dilation of the cranial oesophagus causing constriction was observed, indicating megaesophagus, Apart from the constriction, the oesophagus presented normal morphometric parameters in relation to its dimensions.


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Objective - Kidney dysfunction is a common complication after cardiac surgery. It occurs in 7 to 31% of the patients. The lowest haematocrit after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (LHCT) has been identified as a risk factor for kidney dysfunction after cardiac surgery. The aim of this study is to determine whether different levels of haematocrit during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery are related to kidney dysfunction.Methods and results-A prospective study was conducted on consecutive adult patients undergoing myocardial revascularization. Preoperative renal function was assessed by baseline serum creatinine level (CrPre). Peak postoperative creatinine (CrPost) was defined as the highest daily in-hospital postoperative value. Peak fractional change in creatinine (% Delta Cr) was defined as the difference between the CrPre and CrePost represented as a percentage of the preoperative value. The LHTC was defined as the lowest recorded haematocrit prior to weaning from the initial pump run. A category variable was created for haematocrit based on the distribution of values. The category variable had the following cut-off points: less than 23%, 23.1 to 28% and greater than 28.1 %. Lowest haematocrit (26.62 +/- 4.15%), CPB (74.71 +/- 24.90 min), CrPre (1.23 +/- 0.37 mg/dl) and highest CrPost (1.52 +/- 0.47 mg/dl) data varied in near-normal fashion. Statistical significance has been observed in the < 23% lowest haematocrit group (CrIPOD and Cr5POD; P = 0.006) and the 23.1 28% lowest haematocrit level group (CrPre and Cr2POD; P = 0.047). CrPre and Cr5POD did not differ between groups (P > 0.05). The multiple linear regression model confirmed that the determinants for higher %Delta Cr were age, body surface area and preoperative serum creatinine level.Conclusion - The LHTC was not identified as a risk factor for kidney dysfunction after myocardial revascularization.