956 resultados para Urinary Bladder Calculi.
Toxicokinetic modeling is a useful tool to describe or predict the behavior of a chemical agent in the human or animal organism. A general model based on four compartments was developed in a previous study in order to quantify the effect of human variability on a wide range of biological exposure indicators. The aim of this study was to adapt this existing general toxicokinetic model to three organic solvents, which were methyl ethyl ketone, 1-methoxy-2-propanol and 1,1,1,-trichloroethane, and to take into account sex differences. We assessed in a previous human volunteer study the impact of sex on different biomarkers of exposure corresponding to the three organic solvents mentioned above. Results from that study suggested that not only physiological differences between men and women but also differences due to sex hormones levels could influence the toxicokinetics of the solvents. In fact the use of hormonal contraceptive had an effect on the urinary levels of several biomarkers, suggesting that exogenous sex hormones could influence CYP2E1 enzyme activity. These experimental data were used to calibrate the toxicokinetic models developed in this study. Our results showed that it was possible to use an existing general toxicokinetic model for other compounds. In fact, most of the simulation results showed good agreement with the experimental data obtained for the studied solvents, with a percentage of model predictions that lies within the 95% confidence interval varying from 44.4 to 90%. Results pointed out that for same exposure conditions, men and women can show important differences in urinary levels of biological indicators of exposure. Moreover, when running the models by simulating industrial working conditions, these differences could even be more pronounced. In conclusion, a general and simple toxicokinetic model, adapted for three well known organic solvents, allowed us to show that metabolic parameters can have an important impact on the urinary levels of the corresponding biomarkers. These observations give evidence of an interindividual variablity, an aspect that should have its place in the approaches for setting limits of occupational exposure.
PURPOSE: We preoperatively assessed neurovesical function and spinal cord function in children with anorectal malformations. In cases of neurovesical dysfunction we looked for an association with vertebral malformation or myelodysplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We prospectively evaluated 80 children with anorectal malformations via preoperative urodynamics and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. Bladder compliance and volume, detrusor activity and vesicosphincteric synergy during voiding allowed urodynamic evaluation. Results were reported according to Wingspread and Krickenbeck classifications of anorectal malformations. RESULTS: Urodynamic findings were pathological in 14 children (18%). Pathological evaluations did not seem related to type of fistula or level of anorectal malformation. Vertebral anomalies were seen in 34 patients (43%) and myelodysplasia in 16 (20%). Neither vertebral anomaly nor myelodysplasia seemed associated with type of fistula or severity of anorectal malformation. Of 14 children with pathological urodynamics no vertebral anomaly or myelodysplasia was found in 7. Of 66 children with normal urodynamics 40 presented with vertebral or spinal malformation. CONCLUSIONS: Lower urinary tract dysfunction is common in patients with anorectal malformations. Normal spine or spinal cord does not exclude neurovesical dysfunction. Myelodysplasia or vertebral anomaly does not determine lower urinary tract dysfunction. Thus, we recommend preoperative urodynamic assessment of the bladder and magnetic resonance imaging of the spine in children with anorectal malformations.
This study reports the isolation and characterization of seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci in Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae). The loci were isolated from two libraries constructed from genomic DNA enriched for CA and GA repeats. These markers yielded nine to 40 alleles per locus (mean 22.1) in a survey of 45 individuals from a single population located in the western Swiss Alps. Average observed heterozygosity ranged from 16.2 to 77.4%. These microsatellite loci should be valuable tools for studying fine-scale genetic structure.
PURPOSE: We report our clinical experience with anterior pelvic osteotomy in 16 patients who underwent surgery for bladder exstrophy. The technique and its difficulties are discussed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Anterior pelvic osteotomy of the superior ramus of the public bone is a simple and efficient method to facilitate symphyseal approximation and abdominal wall closure without or with low tension on the suture lines in neonates who undergo surgery for bladder exstrophy. Older children in whom surgery has been delayed can also benefit from this method. Compared to other methods of osteotomy in exstrophy surgery it does not require additional incisions, nor does the patient need to be repositioned on the operating table. A successful operation does not depend on any particular orthopedic skills and it can easily be done by the pediatric urologist. RESULTS: Immediate postoperative results regarding abdominal wall closure were excellent in all 16 patients. However, major postoperative complications developed in 2 patients. Despite antibiotic prophylaxis a severe soft tissue infection developed in 1 child, resulting in complete bladder dehiscence. In another patient an obturator nerve injury resulted in transient palsy, which resolved completely. While the first complication was not related to osteotomy, the second was osteotomy related. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral superior ramotomy of the pubic bones is a new alternative, easily performed technique to optimize bladder exstrophy surgery in children.
This article presents the role of nuclear medicine procedures in investigating renal and parenchymal disease, as well as upper urinary tract abnormalities. More specifically, the use of scintigraphy is described in the exploration of urinary tract dilatation and UTIs, vesicoureteric reflux, renovascular hypertension, and renal transplants. With a low radiation burden and the absence of sedation, these nuclear medicine procedures are easy to perform and can provide clinicians with valuable data on renal perfusion and the function of individual kidneys, as well as on urinary tract dynamics. However, knowledge of limitations and technical pitfalls is essential in understanding the role of scintigraphy among contemporary imaging methods and the unique information it supplies in nephrourology.
The use of urinary hexane diamine (HDA) as a biomarker to assess human respiratory exposure to hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) aerosol was evaluated. Twenty-three auto body shop workers were exposed to HDI biuret aerosol for two hours using a closed exposure apparatus. HDI exposures were quantified using both a direct-reading instrument and a treated-filter method. Urine samples collected at baseline, immediately post exposure, and every four to five hours for up to 20 hours were analyzed for HDA using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Mean urinary HDA (microg/g creatinine) sharply increased from the baseline value of 0.7 to 18.1 immediately post exposure and decreased rapidly to 4.7, 1.9 and 1.1, respectively, at 4, 9, and 18 hours post exposure. Considerable individual variability was found. Urinary HDA can assess acute respiratory exposure to HDI aerosol, but may have limited use as a biomarker of exposure in the workplace. [Authors]
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Supplementation with certain probiotics can improve gut microbial flora and immune function but should not have adverse effects. This study aimed to assess the risk of D-lactate accumulation and subsequent metabolic acidosis in infants fed on formula containing Lactobacillus johnsonii (La1). METHODS: In the framework of a double-blind, randomized controlled trial enrolling 71 infants aged 4-5 months, morning urine samples were collected before and 4 weeks after being fed formulas with or without La1 (1 x 10(8)/g powder) or being breastfed. Urinary D- and L-lactate concentrations were assayed by enzymatic, fluorimetric methods and excretion was normalized per mol creatinine. RESULTS: At baseline, no significant differences in urinary D-/L-lactate excretion among the formula-fed and breastfed groups were found. After 4 weeks, D-lactate excretion did not differ between the two formula groups, but was higher in both formula groups than in breastfed infants. In all infants receiving La1, urinary D-lactate concentrations remained within the concentration ranges of age-matched healthy infants which had been determined in an earlier study using the same analytical method. Urinary L-lactate also did not vary over time or among groups. CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation of La1 to formula did not affect urinary lactate excretion and there is no evidence of an increased risk of lactic acidosis.
The study was performed to evaluate the prevalence of prenatal ultrasound diagnoses for renal anomalies in 20 registries of 12 European countries, and to compare the different prenatal scanning policies. Standardized data were acquired from 709,030 livebirths, stillbirths, and induced abortions during the study period of 2.5 years and transmitted for central analysis. At least one renal malformation was diagnosed in 1130 infants and fetuses. Prenatal diagnosis (PD) was given in 81.8% of all cases, 29% of these pregnancies were terminated. The highest detection rate was reported for unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidneys with 97% (102/105). An early diagnosis was documented for exstrophy of bladder at a mean gestational age of 18.5 weeks. Dilatations of the upper urinary tract were seen late in pregnancy at 28.3 weeks. Terminations of pregnancies (TOP) were performed in 67% (58/86) of the detected bilateral renal agenesis/dysgenesis, but only 4% of the unilateral multicystic dysplastic renal malformations (4/102). In about 1/3 of the cases, renal malformations are within the category of associated malformations, which include multiple non-syndromal malformations, chromosomal aberrations, and non-chromosomal syndromes. Renal malformations were detected in 2/3 of the associated category by the first prenatal ultrasound scan. Detection rates vary in the different countries of the European community due to diverse policies, ethical, and religious background. Countries with no routine ultrasound show the lowest rates in detection, and termination of pregnancy. Prenatally detected renal malformations should result in a careful examination for further anomalies. Prenatal ultrasound fulfills the needs of screening examinations and is a good tool in detecting lethal and severe renal malformations.
The aim of the study was to quantify the variability on biological indicators of exposure between men and women for three well known solvents: methyl ethyl ketone, 1-methoxy-2-propanol and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Another purpose was to explore the effect of selected CYP2E1 polymorphisms on the toxicokinetic profile. Controlled human exposures were carried out in a 12m(3) exposure chamber for each solvent separately, during 6h and at half of the threshold limit value. The human volunteers groups were composed of ten young men and fifteen young women, including ten women using hormonal contraceptive. An analysis of variance mainly showed an effect on the urinary levels of several biomarkers of exposure among women due to the use of hormonal contraceptive, with an increase of more than 50% in metabolites concentrations and a decrease of up to 50% in unchanged substances concentrations, suggesting an increase in their metabolism rate. The results also showed a difference due to the genotype CYP2E1*6, when exposed to methyl ethyl ketone, with a tendency to increase CYP2E1 activity when volunteers were carriers of the mutant allele. Our study suggests that not only physiological differences between men and women but also differences due to sex hormones levels can have an impact on urinary concentrations of several biomarkers of exposure. The observed variability due to sex among biological exposure indices can lead to misinterpretation of biomonitoring results. This aspect should have its place in the approaches for setting limits of occupational exposure. [Authors]
Gout is an inflammatory arthritis caused by monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposits in and around the joint. The formation of urinary calculi can also occur in gout, but are less common than arthritis. Gout usually presents with recurrent episodes of joint inflammation, which over time lead to tophus formation and joint destruction. In the last decade, significant advances have been made regarding not only the epidemiology and genetics of gout and hyperuricemia but also the mechanisms of inflammation and treatment of gout. In addition, knowledge concerning the key role of interleukin 1 (IL-1) has provided new therapeutic perspectives. However, the current management of gout is often suboptimal, with many Patienten either not receiving adequate treatment or being unable to tolerate existing treatments. New therapeutic agents provide interesting new options for Patienten with difficult-to-treat gouty arthritis.The English full-text version of this is available at SpringerLink (under "Supplemental").
INTRODUCTION: Urinary stress incontinence affects 10% to 30% of the female population and may have a major impact on psychosocial health. In interstitial lung disease, chronic cough may lead to development of urinary incontinence, but the prevalence and impact of this symptom are unknown. OBJECTIVES: To determine the rate and impact of urinary stress incontinence among women with chronic cough due to interstitial lung disease. METHODS: 28 female patients with chronic cough secondary to interstitial lung disease and 15 controls were evaluated by questionnaires to determine the prevalence of cough-related urinary incontinence, its severity, and its impact on quality of life. RESULTS: Cough-related urinary incontinence was present in 14/28 patients with interstitial lung disease and chronic cough (50%), but in only 1/15 controls (7%, p=0.005). On a 5-points quality of life scale, the median impact of urinary incontinence was 3 (minimum=1, maximal=5), and the median impact of chronic cough was 3.5. The majority of patients (64%) believed that incontinence was a natural phenomenon due to ageing, all were ashamed by this symptom and 79% were unable to mention it to their caring physician. Only one physician had previously addressed this issue. CONCLUSION: Cough-related urinary incontinence is common in patients with interstitial lung disease and is largely overlooked. It may significantly alter quality of life. A systematic questioning by the physician would allow to promptly refer these patients for appropriate therapeutic interventions, such as perineal training.
We report the case of a 69-year-old woman, with a BMI of 42.9, suffering from bilateral struvite calculi and who raised end stage renal failure. Urease-synthesizing bacteria, leading to the hydrolysis of urea into ammonium and to an alkaline urine (pH > 7.2), are required for struvite stone formation in humans. Struvite component constitutes the majority of staghom calculi. Patients with struvite stones could lose renal function because of obstructive or pyelonephritic episodes and surgical interventions on the kidney. Therapeutic success needs a follow up by a specialized uro-nephrologist team as soon as possible.
Captan and folpet are two fungicides largely used in agriculture, but biomonitoring data are mostly limited to measurements of captan metabolite concentrations in spot urine samples of workers, which complicate interpretation of results in terms of internal dose estimation, daily variations according to tasks performed, and most plausible routes of exposure. This study aimed at performing repeated biological measurements of exposure to captan and folpet in field workers (i) to better assess internal dose along with main routes-of-entry according to tasks and (ii) to establish most appropriate sampling and analysis strategies. The detailed urinary excretion time courses of specific and non-specific biomarkers of exposure to captan and folpet were established in tree farmers (n = 2) and grape growers (n = 3) over a typical workweek (seven consecutive days), including spraying and harvest activities. The impact of the expression of urinary measurements [excretion rate values adjusted or not for creatinine or cumulative amounts over given time periods (8, 12, and 24 h)] was evaluated. Absorbed doses and main routes-of-entry were then estimated from the 24-h cumulative urinary amounts through the use of a kinetic model. The time courses showed that exposure levels were higher during spraying than harvest activities. Model simulations also suggest a limited absorption in the studied workers and an exposure mostly through the dermal route. It further pointed out the advantage of expressing biomarker values in terms of body weight-adjusted amounts in repeated 24-h urine collections as compared to concentrations or excretion rates in spot samples, without the necessity for creatinine corrections.
BACKGROUND: Exposure to particles (PM) induces adverse health effects (cancer, cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases). A key-role in these adverse effects seems to be played by oxidative stress, which is an excess of reactive oxygen species relative to the amount of reducing species (including antioxidants), the first line of defense against reactive oxygen species. The aim of this study was to document the oxidative stress caused by exposure to respirable particles in vivo, and to test whether exposed workers presented changes in their urinary levels for reducing species.METHODS: Bus depot workers (n = 32) exposed to particles and pollutants (respirable PM4, organic and elemental carbon, particulate metal content, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, NOx, O3) were surveyed over two consecutive days. We collected urine samples before and after each shift, and quantified an oxidative stress biomarker (8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine), the reducing capacity and a biomarker of PAH exposure (1-hydroxypyrene). We used a linear mixed model to test for associations between the oxidative stress status of the workers and their particle exposure as well as with their urinary level of reducing species.RESULTS: Workers were exposed to low levels of respirable PM4 (range 25-71 μg/m3). However, urinary levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine increased significantly within each shift and between both days for non-smokers. The between-day increase was significantly correlated (p < 0.001) with the concentrations of organic carbon, NOx, and the particulate copper content. The within-shift increase in 8OHdG was highly correlated to an increase of the urinary reducing capacity (Spearman ρ = 0.59, p < 0.0001).CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm that exposure to components associated to respirable particulate matter causes a systemic oxidative stress, as measured with the urinary 8OHdG. The strong association observed between urinary 8OHdG with the reducing capacity is suggestive of protective or other mechanisms, including circadian effects. Additional investigations should be performed to understand these observations.