928 resultados para Uranium-doped-ration
In rare earth ion doped solids, a resonant non-linear refractive index, n2, appears when the laser pumps one of the ion excited states and the refractive index change is proportional to the excited state population. In these solids there are usually thermal and non-thermal lensing effects, where the non-thermal one is due to the polarizability difference, Δα, between excited and ground states of the ions. We have used the time resolved Z-scan and a mode-mismatched thermal lens technique with an Ar+ ion laser in Er+3 (20ZnF2-20SrF2-2NaF-16BaF2-6GaF3-(36 - x)InF3-xErF3, with x= 1, 2, 3 and 4 mol%) and Nd+3 (20SrF2-16BaF2-20ZnF2-2GdF3-2NaF-(40 - x)InF3-xNdF3, with x = 0.1, 0.25, 0.5-1 mol%) doped fluoroindate glasses. In both samples we found that the non-linear refraction is due to the thermal effect, while the non-thermal effect is negligible. This result indicates that in fluoride glasses Δα is very small (less than 10-26 cm3). We also measured the imaginary part of the non-linear refractive index (n″2) due to absorption saturation.
We report the observation of intense frequency up-conversion in Nd3+-doped fluoroindate glasses pumped by the second harmonic of a cw mode-locked Nd: YAG laser. Mechanisms for generating the observed emissions are discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work reports on the optical properties of Cr3+ ions in the pseudoternary system InF3-GdF3-GaF3. Linear properties, investigated through absorption and emission spectra, provide information on the crystal field, the frequency, and number of phonons emitted during the absorption to the 4T2 band and the emission to the 4A2 ground state, and the Fano antiresonance line shape in the vicinity of the 4A2→2E transition. A study of the nonlinear refractive index as a function of the wavelength, carried out with the Z-scan technique, provides spectroscopic data about electronic transitions starting from the excited state.
From Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) data in pressed pellets of BF4 - doped Poly(3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) we obtained simultaneously the paramagnetic susceptibility and. the microwave conductivity. We observed a transition from a high-temperature insulator state to a room-temperature metallic state. Around 240K. evidence of a Peierls transition is observed, but if the sample is slowly cooled, this transition is partially suppressed. DC conductivity data taken with the sample quenched to 79 K show a non-linear I-V response for very small electric fields, suggesting depinning of Charge-Density Wave (CDW). The data for heating and cooling the system above room temperature, indicate the formation of bipolarons.
Optical absorption, Stokes, and anti-Stokes photoluminescence were performed on Er3+-Yb3+ co-doped fluoroindate glasses. For compounds prepared with a fixed 2 mol % ErF3 concentration and YbF3 contents ranging from 0 to 8 mol %, important upconversion processes were observed as a function of temperature and photon excitation energy. Based on the experimental data, two mechanisms for the upconversion (or anti-Stokes photoluminescence) processes were identified and analyzed in detail. At high Yb contents, the upconversion mechanisms are mostly determined by the population of the 2F5/2 levels of Yb3+ ions (or 4I11/2 levels of Er3+ ions, by energy transfer) regardless of the photon excitation energy and temperature of measurement. Moreover, green and red light emission have similar intensities when a large Yb3+ content is present. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.
Orthorhombic modification of europium doped lanthanum trimetaphosphate has been prepared. The compound was obtained by precipitation of rare earth chloride solution with trimetaphosphoric acid. The characterizations were made using X-ray diffractometry, chemical analysis and infrared spectroscopy. Excitation and emission spectra were recorded at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures. Assignments of the 5D0→7FJ (J=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) transitions were made and an unusual high 5D0→7F4 transition intensity with six split lines has been observed. Structural distortion of the crystal lattice may be caused by the Eu3+ ion inclusion. The simple overlap model was applied for the calculation of the total splitting of the 5D0→7F1 transition, the 5D0→7F0/5D 0→7F2 transition intensity ratio and the Ωλ (λ=2.4) intensity parameters. Theoretical predictions showed to be in good accordance with the experimental data. © 1988 Elsevier Science S.A.
Er3+:LiYF4 single crystal has been studied by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in the IR-visible-UV (0-44000 cm-1) region from 4.2 K to room temperature. Polarized spectra were recorded in order to assign numerous Stark levels of electronic transitions mentioned but not attributed before in the related literature and to discuss the irreducible representations (irreps) of the 4I15/2 sublevels. A parametric hamiltonian, including free ion (Eν, α, β, γ, Tλ, ζ, Mk and Pi) and crystal field parameters (B2 0, B4 0, B4 4, B6 0 and B6 4) in an approximate D2d symmetry for the rare earth site in this scheelite type structure, was used to simulate 109 energy positions of the Er ion with a r.m.s. standard deviation of 14.6 cm-1. A comparison with previously published results for Nd3+ in the same matrix is done. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.
Groundwaters and surface waters from an area of treatment of sand for industrial purposes at Analandia municipality, nearly in the center of Sao Paulo State, Brazil, were chemically and isotopically analyzed with two aims: to evaluate if the anthropogenic activities that has taken place for the last 6 years is affecting the quality of the hydrological resources and to relate the hydrogeochemical behaviour of the uranium isotopes 234U and 238U with the pattern of circulation of groundwaters.
We report optical gain at 382 and 414 nm from Nd3+-doped fluroindate glasses after excitation with lasers operating either at 583 or 532 nm. Stimulated emission due to a frequency upconversion process results in increase of the emitted violet and blue light intensity and emission line narrowing. Large optical gain is measured by pump-probe spectroscopy using samples with various Nd3+ concentrations. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
Non-linear absorption is observed in Er3+-doped fluoroindate glass (in mol% 37InF2:20ZnF2:20SrF2:16BaF2:2GdF2: 2NaF:1GaF3:2ErF3) when the sample is irradiated with a CW laser emitting at 650 nm. An intensity dependence of the optical transmittance is detected. Saturation and sequential absorption of two photons are responsible for the decrease of 50% in the transmittance. The results are explained by simple models which are solved based on rate-equations for the populations of energy levels.
Nonlinear absorption and amplification of a probe laser beam can be controlled by adjustment of the intensity-modulation frequency and the wavelength of a pump laser beam. A demonstration of this effect in Er3+-doped fluoroindate glass is presented. The results show maximum amplification of the probe beam (∼12%) when a pump laser emitting 16 mW of power is modulated at ∼30 Hz. In the limit of low modulation frequencies, or cw pumping, induced absorption of the probe beam is the dominant nonlinear process. © 1999 Optical Society of America.
Groundwaters from the Guarany aquifer located at the South American continent and sampled at four wells with described geological sections in São Paulo State, Brazil, were chemically and isotopically analysed with two aims: to evaluate the quality of this important hydrological resource and to investigate the possibility of using the natural uranium isotopes 234U and 238U as a chronological tool, since the 234U/238U activity ratio and dissolved U content data in groundwater systems have generated models for dating purposes.
Multiphonon assisted frequency upconversion was observed in a Nd3+-doped fluoroindate glass pumped at 866 nm. A near-infrared upconverted emission at 750 nm with a peculiar linear dependence with the laser intensity was observed and explained. The intensity of the upconverted emission experienced a 40-fold enhancement when the sample's temperature was varied from 298 to 498 K. A rate equation model that includes light pumping and multiphonon absorption via thermally coupled electronic excited states of Nd3+ was used, describing quite well the experimental results. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.
Hybrid organic-inorganic ionic conductors, also called ormolytes (organically modified electrolytes), were obtained by dissolution of LiClO 4 in siloxane-poly(propylene glycol) matrixes. The dynamic features of these nanocomposites were studied and correlated to their electrical properties. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to probe the effects of the temperature and nanocomposite composition on the dynamic behaviors of both the ionic species ( 7Li) and the polymer chains ( 13C). NMR, dc ionic conductivity, and DSC results demonstrate that the Li + mobility is strongly assisted by the segmental motion of the polymer chain above its glass transition temperature. The ac ionic conductivity in such composites is explained by use of the random free energy barrier (RFEB) model, which is agreement with their disordered and heterogenous structures. These solid ormolytes are transparent and flexible, and they exhibit good ionic conductivity at room temperature (up to 10 -4 S/cm). Consequently, they are very promising candidates for use in several applications such as batteries, sensors, and electrochromic and photoelectro-chemical devices.