991 resultados para Turing, Alan
The safe and responsible development of engineered nanomaterials (ENM), nanotechnology-based materials and products, together with the definition of regulatory measures and implementation of "nano"-legislation in Europe require a widely supported scientific basis and sufficient high quality data upon which to base decisions. At the very core of such a scientific basis is a general agreement on key issues related to risk assessment of ENMs which encompass the key parameters to characterise ENMs, appropriate methods of analysis and best approach to express the effect of ENMs in widely accepted dose response toxicity tests. The following major conclusions were drawn: Due to high batch variability of ENMs characteristics of commercially available and to a lesser degree laboratory made ENMs it is not possible to make general statements regarding the toxicity resulting from exposure to ENMs. 1) Concomitant with using the OECD priority list of ENMs, other criteria for selection of ENMs like relevance for mechanistic (scientific) studies or risk assessment-based studies, widespread availability (and thus high expected volumes of use) or consumer concern (route of consumer exposure depending on application) could be helpful. The OECD priority list is focussing on validity of OECD tests. Therefore source material will be first in scope for testing. However for risk assessment it is much more relevant to have toxicity data from material as present in products/matrices to which men and environment are be exposed. 2) For most, if not all characteristics of ENMs, standardized methods analytical methods, though not necessarily validated, are available. Generally these methods are only able to determine one single characteristic and some of them can be rather expensive. Practically, it is currently not feasible to fully characterise ENMs. Many techniques that are available to measure the same nanomaterial characteristic produce contrasting results (e.g. reported sizes of ENMs). It was recommended that at least two complementary techniques should be employed to determine a metric of ENMs. The first great challenge is to prioritise metrics which are relevant in the assessment of biological dose response relations and to develop analytical methods for characterising ENMs in biological matrices. It was generally agreed that one metric is not sufficient to describe fully ENMs. 3) Characterisation of ENMs in biological matrices starts with sample preparation. It was concluded that there currently is no standard approach/protocol for sample preparation to control agglomeration/aggregation and (re)dispersion. It was recommended harmonization should be initiated and that exchange of protocols should take place. The precise methods used to disperse ENMs should be specifically, yet succinctly described within the experimental section of a publication. 4) ENMs need to be characterised in the matrix as it is presented to the test system (in vitro/ in vivo). 5) Alternative approaches (e.g. biological or in silico systems) for the characterisation of ENMS are simply not possible with the current knowledge. Contributors: Iseult Lynch, Hans Marvin, Kenneth Dawson, Markus Berges, Diane Braguer, Hugh J. Byrne, Alan Casey, Gordon Chambers, Martin Clift, Giuliano Elia1, Teresa F. Fernandes, Lise Fjellsbø, Peter Hatto, Lucienne Juillerat, Christoph Klein, Wolfgang Kreyling, Carmen Nickel1, and Vicki Stone.
Apesar do forte desenvolvimento e da alta produtividade nos últimos anos, a Sociologia da Infância parece estar sem rumo atualmente. Este artigo explora o problema, indicando possíveis causas e apontando algumas soluções. Argumenta-se que a construção de uma Sociologia da Infância implicou uma dupla tarefa: criar um espaço para a infância no discurso sociológico e enfrentar a crescente complexidade e ambiguidade da infância como um fenômeno contemporâneo e instável. Sustenta-se que, embora se tenha criado um espaço para a infância, isto se deu, em grande medida, nos termos de sociologia moderna, que se mostrava cada vez mais incapaz de lidar adequadamente com o mundo instável da modernidade tardia. Um aspecto importante desse problema revela-se pela reprodução, na Sociologia da Infância, das oposições dicotomizadas que caracterizaram a sociologia moderna. Três dessas oposições (ação e estrutura, natureza e cultura, ser e devir) são exploradas. Sugere-se que para libertar a Sociologia da Infância do controle desse pensamento moderno é preciso desenvolver uma estratégia para incluir o terceiro excluído. Entre outras coisas, isso pode exigir maior atenção à interdisciplinaridade, ao hibridismo do mundo social, às suas redes e mediações, à mobilidade e à relação entre gerações.
We study the response of Turing stripe patterns to a simple spatiotemporal forcing. This forcing has the form of a traveling wave and is spatially resonant with the characteristic Turing wavelength. Experiments conducted with the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction reveal a striking symmetry-breaking phenomenon of the intrinsic striped patterns giving rise to hexagonal lattices for intermediate values of the forcing velocity. The phenomenon is understood in the framework of the corresponding amplitude equations, which unveils a complex scenario of dynamical behaviors.
The interaction between Hopf and Turing modes has been the subject of active research in recent years. We present here experimental evidence of the existence of mixed Turing-Hopf modes in a two-dimensional system. Using the photosensitive chlorine dioxide-iodine-malonic acid reaction (CDIMA) and external constant background illumination as a control parameter, standing spots oscillating in amplitude and with hexagonal ordering were observed. Numerical simulations in the Lengyel-Epstein model for the CDIMA reaction confirmed the results.
This paper presents a process of mining research & development abstract databases to profile current status and to project potential developments for target technologies, The process is called "technology opportunities analysis." This article steps through the process using a sample data set of abstracts from the INSPEC database on the topic o "knowledge discovery and data mining." The paper offers a set of specific indicators suitable for mining such databases to understand innovation prospects. In illustrating the uses of such indicators, it offers some insights into the status of knowledge discovery research*.
Historical exploitation of the Mediterranean Sea and the absence of rigorous baselines makes it difficult to evaluate the current health of the marine ecosystems and the efficacy of conservation actions at the ecosystem level. Here we establish the first current baseline and gradient of ecosystem structure of nearshore rocky reefs at the Mediterranean scale. We conducted underwater surveys in 14 marine protected areas and 18 open access sites across the Mediterranean, and across a 31-fold range of fish biomass (from 3.8 to 118 g m22). Our data showed remarkable variation in the structure of rocky reef ecosystems. Multivariate analysis showed three alternative community states: (1) large fish biomass and reefs dominated by non-canopy algae, (2) lower fish biomass but abundant native algal canopies and suspension feeders, and (3) low fish biomass and extensive barrens, with areas covered by turf algae. Our results suggest that the healthiest shallow rocky reef ecosystems in the Mediterranean have both large fish and algal biomass. Protection level and primary production were the only variables significantly correlated to community biomass structure. Fish biomass was significantly larger in well-enforced no-take marine reserves, but there were no significant differences between multi-use marine protected areas (which allow some fishing) and open access areas at the regional scale. The gradients reported here represent a trajectory of degradation that can be used to assess the health of any similar habitat in the Mediterranean, and to evaluate the efficacy of marine protected areas.
Este artigo objetiva discutir a questão da acessibilidade no âmbito dos estudos de uso da informação arquivística. Apontando os arquivos como importantes unidades de informação e o papel da arquivologia na contemporaneidade, aborda a concepção dos estudos híbridos de uso da informação no contexto arquivístico a partir da definição dos estudos de usuários. Neste contexto, discute a acessibilidade quanto à informação em unidades de informação arquivística por meio do direito à informação; do acesso físico; do acesso às tecnologias da informação e comunicação; e do acesso intelectual. Destaca a iniciativa de arquivos acessíveis na internet. Conclui com a proposta de promoção dos estudos híbridos de uso da informação voltados à questão da inclusão e da acessibilidade, ampliando a abordagem "arquivos direcionados para os usuários", tratando o acesso à informação arquivística a partir do seu direito instituído.
Field experiments involving upland rice genotypes, sown in various dates in late season, were carried out to assess the relationship of carbon isotope discrimination with grain yield and drought resistance. In each one of the three years, one trial was kept under good water availability, while other suffered water shortage for a period of 18-23 days, encompassing panicle emergence and flowering. Drought stress reduced carbon isotope discrimination measured on soluble sugars (deltas) extracted from stem uppermost internode at the end of the imposition period, but had relatively less effect on bulk dry matter of leaves, sampled at the same period, or that of uppermost internodes and grains, sampled at harvest. The drought-induced reduction in deltas was accompanied of reduced spikelet fertility and grain yield. In the three trials subjected to drought, genotypes with the highest yield and spikelet fertility had the lowest deltas. However, this relationship was weak and it was concluded that deltas is not a sufficiently reliable indicator of rice drought resistance to be useful as a screening test in breeding programs. On the other hand, grain yield and spikelet fertility of genotypes which were the soonest to reach 50% flowering within the drought imposition period, were the least adversely affected by drought. Then, timing of drought in relation to panicle emergence and to flowering appeared to be a more important cause of yield variation among genotypes than variation in deltas.
Abstract This paper presents the outcomes from a workshop of the European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials (NanoImpactNet). During the workshop, 45 experts in the field of safety assessment of engineered nanomaterials addressed the need to systematically study sets of engineered nanomaterials with specific metrics to generate a data set which would allow the establishment of dose-response relations. The group concluded that international cooperation and worldwide standardization of terminology, reference materials and protocols are needed to make progress in establishing lists of essential metrics. High quality data necessitates the development of harmonized study approaches and adequate reporting of data. Priority metrics can only be based on well-characterized dose-response relations derived from the systematic study of the bio-kinetics and bio-interactions of nanomaterials at both organism and (sub)-cellular levels. In addition, increased effort is needed to develop and validate analytical methods to determine these metrics in a complex matrix.
What's so special about conversion disorder? A problem and a proposal for diagnostic classification.
Conversion disorder presents a problem for the revisions of DSM-IV and ICD-10, for reasons that are informative about the difficulties of psychiatric classification more generally. Giving up criteria based on psychological aetiology may be a painful sacrifice but it is still the right thing to do.
Angiotensin receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and diuretics all cause reactive rises in plasma renin concentration, but particularly high levels have been reported with aliskiren. This prompted speculation that blockade of plasma renin activity with aliskiren could be overwhelmed, leading to paradoxical increases in blood pressure. This meta-analysis of data from 4877 patients from 8 randomized, double-blind, placebo- and/or active-controlled trials examined this hypothesis. The analysis focused on the incidence of paradoxical blood pressure increases above predefined thresholds, after > or =4 weeks of treatment with 300 mg of aliskiren, angiotensin receptor blockers (300 mg of irbesartan, 100 mg of losartan, or 320 mg of valsartan), 10 mg of ramipril, 25 mg of hydrochlorothiazide, or placebo. There were no significant differences in the frequency of increases in systolic (>10 mm Hg; P=0.30) or diastolic (>5 mm Hg; P=0.65) pressure among those treated with aliskiren (3.9% and 3.1%, respectively), angiotensin receptor blockers (4.0% and 3.7%), ramipril (5.7% and 2.6%), or hydrochlorothiazide (4.4% and 2.7%). Increases in blood pressure were considerably more frequent in the placebo group (12.6% and 11.4%; P<0.001). None of the 536 patients with plasma renin activity data who received 300 mg of aliskiren exhibited an increase in systolic pressure >10 mm Hg that was associated with an increase in plasma renin activity >0.1 ng/mL per hour. In conclusion, the incidence of blood pressure increases with aliskiren was similar to that during treatment with other antihypertensive drugs. Blood pressure rises on aliskiren treatment were not associated with increases in plasma renin activity. This meta-analysis found no evidence that aliskiren uniquely causes paradoxical rises in blood pressure.