977 resultados para Transfected Dendritic Cells
We investigated whether the protection from graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) afforded by donor treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) could be enhanced by dose escalation. Donor treatment with human G-CSIF prevented GVHD in the B6 --> B6D2F1 murine model in a dose-dependent fashion, and murine G-CSF provided equivalent protection from GVHD at 10-fold lower doses. Donor pretreatment with a single dose of pegylated G-CSF (peg-G-CSF) prevented GVHD to a significantly greater extent than standard G-CSIF (survival, 75% versus 11%, P < .001). Donor T cells from peg-G-CSF-treated donors failed to proliferate to alloantigen and inhibited the responses of control T cells in an interleukin 10 (IL-10)-dependent-fashion in vitro. T cells from peg-GCSF-treated IL-10(-/-) donors induced lethal GVHD; T cells from peg-G-CSF-treated wild-type (wt) donors promoted long-term survival. Whereas T cells from peg-G-CSF wt donors were able to regulate GVHD induced by T cells from control-treated donors, T cells from G-CSF-treated wt donors and peg-G-CSF-treated IL-10(-/-) donors did not prevent mortality. Thus, peg-G-CSF is markedly superior to standard G-CSF for the prevention of GVHD following allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT), due to the generation of IL-10-producing regulatory T cells. These data support prospective clinical trials of peg-G-CSF-mobilized allogeneic blood SCT. (C) 2004 by The American Society of Hematology.
The poor response to immunotherapy in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) indicates that a better understanding of any defects in the immune response in these patients is required before effective therapeutic strategies can be developed. Recently we reported that high potency (CMRF44(+)) dendritic cells (DC) in the peripheral blood of patients with MM failed to significantly up-regulate the expression of the B7 co-stimulatory molecules, CD80 and CD86, in response to an appropriate signal from soluble trimeric human CD40 ligand. This defect was caused by transforming growth factor beta(1) (TGFbeta(1)) and interleukin (IL)-10, produced by malignant plasma cells, and the defect was neutralized in vitro with anti-TGFbeta(1). As this defect could impact on immunotherapeutic strategies and may be a major cause of the failure of recent trials, it was important to identify a more clinically useful agent that could correct the defect in vivo. In this study of 59 MM patients, the relative and absolute numbers of blood DC were only significantly decreased in patients with stage III disease and CD80 up-regulation was reduced in both stage I and stage III. It was demonstrated that both IL-12 and interferon-gamma neutralized the failure to stimulate CD80 up-regulation by huCD40LT in vitro. IL-12 did not cause a change in the distribution of DC subsets that were predominantly myeloid (CD11c+ and CDw123-) suggesting that there would be a predominantly T-helper cell type response. The addition of IL-12 or interferon-gamma to future immunotherapy trials involving these patients should be considered.
alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) activates the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) on melanocytes to promote a switch from red/yellow pheomelanin synthesis to darker eumelanins via positive coupling to adenylate cyclase. The human MC1R locus is highly polymorphic with the specific variants associated with red hair and fair skin (RHC phenotype) postulated to be loss-of-function receptors. We have examined the ability of MC1R variants to activate the cAMP pathway in stably transfected REK293 cells. The RHC associated variants, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His, demonstrated agonist-mediated increases in cAMP and phosphorylation of cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB). Whereas the Asp294His variant showed severely impaired functional responses, the Arg151Cys and Arg160Trp variants retained considerable signaling capacity. Melanoma cells homozygous for either the Arg151Cys variant or consensus sequence both elicited CREB phosphorylation in response to alpha-MSH in the presence of IBMX. The common RHC alleles, Arg151Cys, Arg160Trp and Asp294His, are neither complete loss-of-function receptors nor are they functionally equivalent. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) are heterotetramers consisting of an equimolar ratio of heavy chain (HC) and light chain (LC) polypeptides. Accordingly, most recombinant Mab expression systems utilize an equimolar ratio of heavy chain (he) to light chain (lc) genes encoded on either one or two plasmids. However, there is no evidence to suggest that this gene ratio is optimal for stable or transient production of recombinant Mab. In this study we have determined the optimal ratio of hc:lc genes for production of a recombinant IgG(4) Mab, cB72.3, by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using both empirical and mathematical modeling approaches. Polyethyleneimine-mediated transient expression of cB72.3 at varying ratios of hc:lc genes encoded on separate plasmids yielded an optimal Mab titer at a hc:lc gene ratio of 3:2; a conclusion confirmed by separate mathematical modeling of the Mab folding and assembly process using transient expression data. On the basis of this information, we hypothesized that utilization of he genes at low hc:lc gene ratios is more efficient. To confirm this, cB72.3 Mab was transiently produced by CHO cells at constant he and varying lc gene dose. Under these conditions, Mab yield was increased with a concomitant increase in lc gene dose. To determine if the above findings also apply to stably transfected CHO cells producing recombinant Mab, we compared the intra- and extracellular ratios of HC and LC polypeptides for three GS-CHO cells lines transfected with a 1:1 ratio of hc:lc genes and selected for stable expression of the same recombinant Mab, cB72.3. Intra- and extracellular HC:LC polypeptide ratios ranged from 1:2 to 1:5, less than that observed on transient expression of the same Mab in parental CHO cells using the same vector. In conclusion, our data suggest that the optimal ratio of hc:lc genes used for transient and stable expression of Mab differ. In the case of the latter, we infer that optimal Mab production by stably transfected cells represents a compromise between HC abundance limiting productivity and the requirement for excess LC to render Mab folding and assembly more efficient.
The initiation of graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) after stem cell transplantation is dependent on direct Ag presentation by host APCs, whereas the effect of donor APC populations is unclear. We studied the role of indirect Ag presentation in allogenic T cell responses by adding populations of cytokine-expanded donor APC to hemopoietic grafts that would otherwise induce lethal GVHD. Progenipoietin-1 (a synthetic G-CSF/Flt-3 ligand molecule) and G-CSF expanded myeloid dendritic cells (DC), plasmacytoid DC, and a novel granulocyte-monocyte precursor population (GM) that differentiate into class II+,CD80/CD86(+),CD40(-) APC during GVHD. Whereas addition of plasmacytoid and myeloid donor DC augmented GVHD, GM cells promoted transplant tolerance by MHC class II-restricted generation of IL-10-secreting, Ag-specific regulatory T cells. Importantly, although GM cells abrogated GVHD, graft-vs-leukemia effects were preserved. Thus, a population of cytokine-expanded GM precursors function as regulatory APCs, suggesting that G-CSF derivatives may have application in disorders characterized by a loss of self-tolerance.
Correspondence between the T-cell epitope responses of vaccine immunogens and those of pathogen antigens is critical to vaccine efficacy. In the present study, we analyzed the spectrum of immune responses of mice to three different forms of the SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid (N): (1) exogenous recombinant protein (N-GST) with Freund's adjuvant; (2) DNA encoding unmodified N as an endogenous cytoplasmic protein (pN); and (3) DNA encoding N as a LAMP-I chimera targeted to the lysosomal MHC II compartment (p-LAMP-N). Lysosomal trafficking of the LAMP/N chimera in transfected cells was documented by both confocal and immunoelectron microscopy. The responses of the immunized mice differed markedly. The strongest T-cell IFN-gamma and CTL responses were to the LAMP-N chimera followed by the pN immunogen. In contrast, N-GST elicited strong T cell IL-4 but minimal IFN-gamma responses and a much greater antibody response. Despite these differences, however, the immunodominant T-cell ELISpot responses to each of the three immunogens were elicited by the same N peptides, with the greatest responses being generated by a cluster of five overlapping peptides, N76-114, each of which contained nonameric H2(d) binding domains with high binding scores for both class I and, except for N76-93, class II alleles. These results demonstrate that processing and presentation of N, whether exogenously or endogenously derived, resulted in common immunodominant epitopes, supporting the usefulness of modified antigen delivery and trafficking forms and, in particular, LAMP chimeras as vaccine candidates. Nevertheless, the profiles of T-cell responses were distinctly different. The pronounced Th-2 and humoral response to N protein plus adjuvant are in contrast to the balanced IFN-gamma and IL-4 responses and strong memory CTL responses to the LAMP-N chimera. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Mouse follicular B cells express TLR9 and respond vigorously to stimulation with single-stranded CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN). Surprisingly, follicular B cells do not respond to direct stimulation with other TLR9 ligands, such as bacterial DNA or class A(D) CpG-ODN capable of forming higher-order structures, unless other cell types are present. Here, we show that priming with interferons or with B cell-activating factor, or simultaneous co-engagement of the B cell receptor for antigen (BCR), can overcome this unresponsiveness. The effect of interferons occurs at the transcriptional level and is mediated through an autocrine/paracrine loop, which is dependent on IRF-1, IL-6 and IL-12 p40. We hypothesize that the lack of bystander activation of follicular B cells with more complex CpG ligands may be an important safety mechanism for avoiding autoimmunity. This will prevent resting B cells from responding to foreign or self-derived hypomethylated double-stranded CpG ligands unless these ligands are either delivered through the B cell receptor or under conditions where B cells are simultaneously co-engaged by activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells or TH1 cells. A corollary is that the heightened responsiveness of lupus B cells to TLR9-induced stimulation cannot be ascribed to unprimed follicular B cells, but is rather mediated by hypersensitive marginal zone B cells.
Objective. NKT cells have diverse immune regulatory functions including activation of cells involved in Th1- and Th2-type immune activities. Most previous studies have investigated the functions of NKT cells as a single family but more recent evidence indicates the distinct functional properties of NKT cell subpopulation. This study aims to determine whether NKT cell subpopulations have different stimulatory activities on other immune cells that may affect the outcome of NKT cell-based immunotherapy. Methods. NKT cells and NKT cell subpopulations (CD4(+)CD8(-), CD4(-)CD8(+), CD4(-)CD8(+)) were cocultured with PBMC and their activities on immune cells including CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, NK cells, and B cells were assessed by flow cytometry. The production of cytokines in culture was measured by enzyme-linked immunsorbent assay. Results. The CD4(+)CD8(-) NKT cells demonstrated substantially greater stimulatory activities on CD4(+) T cells, NK cells, and B cells than other NKT cell subsets. The CD4(-)CD8(+) NKT cells showed the greatest activity on CD8(+) T cells, and were the only NKT cell subset that activated these immune cells. The CD4(-)CD8(-) NKT cells showed moderate stimulatory activity on CD4(+) T cells and the least activity on other immune cells. Conclusion. The results here suggest that NKT cell subpopulations differ in their abilities to stimulate other immune cells. This highlights the potential importance of manipulating specific NKT cell subpopulations for particular therapeutic situations and of evaluating subpopulations, rather than NKT cells as a group, during investigation of a possible role of NKT cells in various disease settings. (c) 2006 International Society for Experimental Hematology. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Host antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are known to be critical for the induction of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT), but the relative contribution of specific APC subsets remains unclear. We have studied the role of host B cells in GVHD by using B-cell-deficient mu MT mice as BMT recipients in a model of CD4-dependent GVHD to major histocompatlibility complex antigens. We demonstrate that acute GVHD is initially augmented in mu MT recipients relative to wild-type recipients (mortality: 85% vs 44%, P < .01), and this is the result of an increase in donor T-cell proliferation, expansion, and inflammatory cytokine production early after BMT. Recipient B cells were depleted 28-fold at the time of BMT by total body irradiation (TBI) administered 24 hours earlier, and we demonstrate that TBI rapidly induces sustained interleukin-110 (IL-10) generation from B cells but not dendritic cells (DCs) or other cellular populations within the spleen. Finally, recipient mice in which B cells are unable to produce IL-10 due to homologous gene deletion develop more severe acute GVHD than recipient mice in which B cells are wild type. Thus, the induction of IL-10 in host B cells during conditioning attenuates experimental acute GVHD.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are able to present glycolipids to invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells in vivo. Very few compounds have been found to stimulate iNKT cells, and of these, the best characterised is the glycolipid a-galactosylceramide, which stimulates the production of large quantities of interferon-gamma (IFN-?) and interleukin-4 (IL-4). However, aGalCer leads to overstimulation of iNKT cells. It has been demonstrated that the aGalCer analogue, threitol ceramide (ThrCer 2), successfully activates iNKT cells and overcomes the problematic iNKT cell activation-induced anergy. In this study, ThrCer 2 has been inserted into the bilayers of liposomes composed of a neutral lipid, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), or dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA), a cationic lipid. Incorporation efficiencies of ThrCer within the liposomes was 96% for DSPC liposomes and 80% for DDA liposomes, with the vesicle size (large multilamellar vs. small unilamellar vesicles) making no significant difference. Langmuir-Blodgett studies suggest that both DSPC and DDA stack within the monolayer co-operatively with the ThrCer molecules with no condensing effect. In terms of cellular responses, IFN-? secretion was higher for cells treated with small DDA liposomes compared with the other liposome formulations, suggesting that ThrCer encapsulation in this liposome formulation resulted in a higher uptake by DCs.
Adjuvants are substances that enhance immune responses and thus improve the efficacy of vaccination. Few adjuvants are available for use in humans, and the one that is most commonly used (alum) often induces suboptimal immunity for protection against many pathogens. There is thus an obvious need to develop new and improved adjuvants. We have therefore taken an approach to adjuvant discovery that uses in silico modeling and structure-based drug-design. As proof-of-principle we chose to target the interaction of the chemokines CCL22 and CCL17 with their receptor CCR4. CCR4 was posited as an adjuvant target based on its expression on CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs), which negatively regulate immune responses induced by dendritic cells (DC), whereas CCL17 and CCL22 are chemotactic agents produced by DC, which are crucial in promoting contact between DC and CCR4(+) T cells. Molecules identified by virtual screening and molecular docking as CCR4 antagonists were able to block CCL22- and CCL17-mediated recruitment of human Tregs and Th2 cells. Furthermore, CCR4 antagonists enhanced DC-mediated human CD4(+) T cell proliferation in an in vitro immune response model and amplified cellular and humoral immune responses in vivo in experimental models when injected in combination with either Modified Vaccinia Ankara expressing Ag85A from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MVA85A) or recombinant hepatitis B virus surface antigen (rHBsAg) vaccines. The significant adjuvant activity observed provides good evidence supporting our hypothesis that CCR4 is a viable target for rational adjuvant design.
Understanding the evolution of the direct and indirect pathways of allorecognition following tissue transplantation is essential in the design of tolerance-promoting protocols. On the basis that donor bone marrow-derived antigen presenting cells are eliminated within days of transplantation, it has been argued that the indirect response represents the major threat to long term transplant survival, and is consequently the key target for regulation. However, the detection of MHC transfer between cells, and particularly the capture of MHC:peptide complexes by dendritic cells, led us to propose a third, semi-direct, pathway of MHC allorecognition. Persistence of this pathway would lead to sustained activation of direct pathway T cells, arguably persisting for the life of the transplant. In this study, we focused on the contribution of acquired MHC class I, on recipient DCs, during the life span of a skin graft. We observed that MHC class I acquisition by recipient DCs occurs for at least one month following transplantation and may be the main source of alloantigen that drives CD8+ cytotoxic T cell responses. In addition, acquired MHC class I-peptide complexes stimulate T cell responses in vivo further emphasizing the need to regulate both pathways to induce indefinite survival of the graft.
The tumour microenvironment (TME) is an important factor in determining the growth and metastasis of colorectal cancer, and can aid tumours by both establishing an immunosuppressive milieu, allowing the tumour avoid immune clearance, and by hampering the efficacy of various therapeutic regimens. The tumour microenvironment is composed of many cell types including tumour, stromal, endothelial and immune cell populations. It is widely accepted that cells present in the TME acquire distinct functional phenotypes that promote tumorigenesis. One such cell type is the mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC). Evidence suggests that MSCs exert effects in the colorectal tumour microenvironment including the promotion of angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis. MSCs immunomodulatory capacity may represent another largely unexplored central feature of MSCs tumour promoting capacity. There is considerable evidence to suggest that MSCs and their secreted factors can influence the innate and adaptive immune responses. MSC-immune cell interactions can skew the proliferation and functional activity of T-cells, dendritic cells, natural killer cells and macrophages, which could favour tumour growth and enable tumours to evade immune cell clearance. A better understanding of the interactions between the malignant cancer cell and stromal components of the TME is key to the development of more specific and efficacious therapies for colorectal cancer. Here, we review and explore MSC- mediated mechanisms of suppressing anti-tumour immune responses in the colon tumour microenvironment. Elucidation of the precise mechanism of immunomodulation exerted by tumour-educated MSCs is critical to inhibiting immunosuppression and immune evasion established by the TME, thus providing an opportunity for targeted and efficacious immunotherapy for colorectal cancer growth and metastasis.
The intestinal mucosa is the first biological barrier encountered by natural toxins, and could possibly be exposed to high amounts of dietary mycotoxins. Patulin (PAT), a mycotoxin produced by Penicillium spp. during fruit spoilage, is one of the best known enteropathogenic mycotoxins able to alter functions of the intestine (Maresca et al., 2008). This study evaluated the effects of PAT on barrier function of the gut mucosa utilizing the intestinal epithelial cell model Caco-2, and scrutinized immunomodulatory effects using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and human blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) as test systems. PAT exposure reduced Caco-2 cell viability at concentrations above 12 mM. As expected, the integrity of a polarized Caco-2 monolayer was affected by PAT exposure, as demonstrated by a decrease in TER values, becoming more pronounced at 50 mM. No effects were detected on the expression levels of the tight junction proteins occludin, claudin-1 and claudin-3 at 50 mM. However, the expression of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) and myosin light chain 2 (MLC2) declined. Also, levels of phospho-MLC2 (p-MLC2) increased after 24 h of exposure to 50 mM of PAT. T cell proliferation was highly sensitive to PAT with major effects for concentrations above 10 nM of PAT. The same conditions did not affect the maturation of moDC. PAT causes a reduction in Caco-2 barrier function mainly by perturbation of ZO-1 levels and the phosphorylation of MLC. Low doses of PAT strongly inhibited T cell proliferation induced by a polyclonal activator, but had no effect on the maturation of moDC. These results provide new information that strengthens the concept that the epithelium and immune cells of the intestinal mucosa are important targets for the toxic effects of food contaminants like mycotoxins