915 resultados para Total tardiness


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The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between total nitrite/nitrate concentrations (NOx) and the kinetic parameters of monoamine oxidase enzymes (MAO-A and MAO-B) and semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) in human mesenteric arteries. Arteries were from non-diabetic and type 2 diabetic patients with sigmoid or rectum carcinoma for whom surgery was the first option and who were not exposed to neo-adjuvant therapy. Segments of human inferior mesenteric arteries from non-diabetic (61.1 ± 8.9 years old, 7 males and 5 females, N = 12) and type 2 diabetic patients (65.8 ± 6.2 years old, 8 males and 4 females, N = 12) were used to determine NOx concentrations and the kinetic parameters of MAO-A, MAO-B and SSAO by the Griess reaction and by radiochemical assay, respectively. The NOx concentrations in arteries from diabetic patients did not differ significantly from those of the non-diabetic group (10.28 ± 4.61 vs 10.71 ± 4.32 nmol/mg protein, respectively). In the non-diabetic group, there was a positive correlation between NOx concentrations and MAO-B parameters: Km (r = 0.612, P = 0.034) and Vmax (r = 0.593, P = 0.042), and a negative correlation with the SSAO parameters: Km (r = -0.625, P = 0.029) and Vmax (r = -0.754, P = 0.005). However, in the diabetic group no correlation was found between NOx concentrations and the three kinetic parameters of the enzymes. These results suggest an important function of sympathetic nerves and vascular NOx concentrations in arteries of non-diabetic patients. Thus, these results confirm the importance of a balance between oxidants and antioxidants in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis to prevent oxidative stress.


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How is the corneal epithelium restored when all of it plus the limbus have been eliminated? This investigation explored the possibility that this may be achieved through the conjunctival epithelium. The corneal epithelium of the right eye of 12 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was totally scraped followed by surgical excision of the limbus plus 1.0-1.5 mm of the adjacent conjunctiva. Antibiotics and corticosteroids were applied for 1 week after surgery. Histological and immunohistochemical techniques were used to monitor the events taking place on the eye surface 2 weeks and 1, 3 and 6 months thereafter. Initially, the corneal surface was covered by conjunctival-like epithelium. After 1 month and more prominently at 3 and 6 months an epithelium displaying the morphological features of the cornea and reacting with the AE5 antibody was covering the central region. It is likely that the corneal epithelium originated from undifferentiated cells of the conjunctiva interacting with the corneal stroma.


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This study was designed to compare the variability of the onset and offset of the effect of two neuromuscular blocking drugs with different elimination pathways in adult and elderly patients during total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA). After Ethics Committee approval and patients’ informed consent, the drugs were compared in 40 adult and 40 elderly patients scheduled for elective surgery under TIVA with tracheal intubation who were randomized to receive a single bolus dose of 0.15 mg/kg cisatracurium or 0.9 mg/kg rocuronium. The time of onset of maximum depression, duration of action, and recovery index time were measured and recorded for each patient and variability is reported as means ± standard deviation. Time of onset was significantly shorter for rocuronium than cisatracurium for the adult and elderly groups (P = 0.000), but the variability of cisatracurium was significantly greater compared with rocuronium for the same age groups (93.25 vs 37.01 s in the adult group and 64.56 vs 33.75 s in the elderly group; P = 0.000). The duration of the effect in the elderly group receiving rocuronium was significantly longer than in the elderly group receiving cisatracurium, and the variability of the duration was significantly greater in the rocuronium group than in the cisatracurium group. Mean time of recovery was significantly longer for the elderly group receiving rocuronium than for the elderly group receiving cisatracurium (P = 0.022), and variability was also greater (P = 0.002). Both drugs favored good intubating conditions. In conclusion, cisatracurium showed less variability in these parameters than rocuronium, especially in the elderly, a fact that may be of particular clinical interest.


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Biofilm formed by Staphylococcus aureus is considered an important virulence trait in the pathogenesis of infections associated with implantable medical devices. Gene expression analyses are important strategies for determining the mechanisms involved in production and regulation of biofilm. Obtaining intact RNA preparations is the first and most critical step for these studies. In this article, we describe an optimized protocol for obtaining total RNA from sessile cells of S. aureus using the RNeasy Mini Kit. This method essentially consists of a few steps, as follows: 1) addition of acetone-ethanol to sessile cells, 2) lysis with lysostaphin at 37°C/10 min, 3) vigorous mixing, 4) three cycles of freezing and thawing, and 5) purification of the lysate in the RNeasy column. This simple pre-kit procedure yields high-quality total RNA from planktonic and sessile cells of S. aureus.


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This study aimed to determine whether psychological factors affect health-related quality of life (HRQL) and recovery of knee function in total knee replacement (TKR) patients. A total of 119 TKR patients (male: 38; female: 81) completed the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-revised (EPQR-S), Knee Society Score (KSS), and HRQL (SF-36). At 1 and 6 months after surgery, anxiety, depression, and KSS scores in TKR patients were significantly better compared with those preoperatively (P<0.05). SF-36 scores at the sixth month after surgery were significantly improved compared with preoperative scores (P<0.001). Preoperative Physical Component Summary Scale (PCS) and Mental Component Summary Scale (MCS) scores were negatively associated with extraversion (E score) (B=-0.986 and -0.967, respectively, both P<0.05). Postoperative PCS and State Anxiety Inventory (SAI) scores were negatively associated with neuroticism (N score; B=-0.137 and -0.991, respectively, both P<0.05). Postoperative MCS, SAI, Trait Anxiety Inventory (TAI), and BAI scores were also negatively associated with the N score (B=-0.367, -0.107, -0.281, and -0.851, respectively, all P<0.05). The KSS function score at the sixth month after surgery was negatively associated with TAI and N scores (B=-0.315 and -0.532, respectively, both P<0.05), but positively associated with the E score (B=0.215, P<0.05). The postoperative KSS joint score was positively associated with postoperative PCS (B=0.356, P<0.05). In conclusion, for TKR patients, the scores used for evaluating recovery of knee function and HRQL after 6 months are inversely associated with the presence of negative emotions.


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This study aims to analyze the influence of dehydration and different preparation methods during home processing related toalpha-carotene, beta-carotene and total carotenoids stability in carrots. Vitamin A values were evaluated after different treatments. Thus, carrots were submitted to steam cooking, water cooking with and without pressure, moist/dry cooking and conventional dehydration. Determination of alpha- and beta-carotenes was made by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) (conditions were developed by us) using spectrophotometric detection visible-UV at 470 nm; a RP-18 column and methanol: acetonitrile: ethyl acetate (80: 10: 10) as mobile phase. Total carotenoids quantification was made by 449 nm spectrophotometer. The retention of the analyzed carotenoids ranged from 60.13 to 85.64%. Water cooking without pressure promoted higher retention levels of alpha- and beta-carotene and vitamin A values, while water cooking with pressure promoted higher retention levels of total carotenoids. Dehydration promoted the highest carotenoid losses. The results showed that, among the routinely utilized methods under domestic condition, cooking without pressure, if performed under controlled time and temperature, is the best method as it reduces losses in the amount of alpha- and beta-carotene, the main carotenoids present in the carrots. Despite the significant carotenoid losses, carrots prepared through domestic methods, remain a rich source of provitamin A.


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A perda de mercúrio contido em músculo de peixes (Piraíba, Brachyplatystoma ssp; Traíra, Hoplias malabaricus) submetidos a dois distintos processos de cozimento foi investigada. Os resultados mostraram perdas variando entre 0 e 30% (base seca), indicando que a maior parte do mercúrio foi retida. Assim, tais processos não protegem as populações, que deles se utilizam, contra a exposição por ingestão ao mercúrio originariamente contido na amostra "in natura".


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O abacaxi por longo tempo tem sido a fruta não cítrica mais popular nos países tropicais e sub-tropicais, principalmente pelo seu atrativo sabor e aroma, além do refrescante balanço açúcar-ácido que possui, o que certamente, determinou sua importância sócio-econômica. Além dessas características, é fonte da enzima proteolítica bromelina, um produto de alto valor comercial, que não é fabricado no Brasil. O presente trabalho objetivou a determinação do escore de aminoácidos de bromelinas extraídas das várias partes do abacaxizeiro (casca, folha, caule, coroa e polpa), com duas precipitações subseqüentes, utilizando-se como agente precipitante, o etanol p.a. Análises mostraram maior teor de proteínas na bromelina extraída da coroa. Nas duas precipitações a composição de aminoácidos das enzimas obtidas, apresentaram resultados inferiores aos da comercial.


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Foram determinados os teores de mercúrio total em espécies de cação - anjo, cação-azul, cambeva, caçoa, machote e anequim - comercializadas em São Paulo - SP, Brasil. Os níveis encontrados variaram de 0,04 a 4,71mg Hg/kg, sendo que 54% estavam acima de 1mg Hg/kg, que é o limite aceito pela legislação brasileira especificamente para peixes predadores, para o propósito de consumo. Os resultados mostram que espécies de cação têm sido comercializadas em desacordo com a legislação, expondo os consumidores aos riscos tóxicos provocados pelo mercúrio. Foram feitas considerações em relação aos elevados níveis de mercúrio observados e o consumo correspondente, baseado na Ingestão Semanal Tolerável Provisional de 0,3mg de mercúrio total por pessoa, que no máximo não deverá ser superior a 0,2mg na forma de metilmercúrio, recomendada pela FAO/OMS. Considerações também foram feitas em relação à necessidade de inspeção e monitoramento das espécies brasileiras de cação usadas como alimento.


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O mercúrio total foi quantificado em 11 espécies de peixes de água-doce, originárias de diferentes procedências comerciais. O mercúrio vem sendo utilizado na agricultura, indústria, mineração, etc., e isso tem provocado drástico aumento desse metal no meio ambiente, atingindo em conseqüência a cadeia trófica. Nesse contexto, o homem, através do consumo de alimentos, principalmente pescado, torna-se vulnerável à ação tóxica do mercúrio. Os resultados obtidos para as espécies mandi - Pimelodus maculatus, tilápia - Tilapia sp, sagüiru - Cyphocharax modestus, lambari - Astyanax sp, sardela - Triportheus sp, traíra - Hoplias sp, curimbatá - Prochilodus sp e dourado - Salminus sp, comercializadas em São Paulo - SP, e para o jaraqui - Semaprochilodus insignis, curimatã - Prochilodus nigricans e matrinchã - Brycon sp, procedentes da Amazônia brasileira, variaram de 0,01 a 0,39mgHg/Kg. Os resultados observados, sob o ponto-de-vista de Saúde Pública, estão abaixo dos limites de tolerância brasileiros, de 0,5 e 1,0mgHg/Kg, para espécies não-predadoras e predadoras, respectivamente. Nas espécies de hábito alimentar carnívoro (traíra e dourado) os teores de mercúrio foram de 0,26 a 0,39mgHg/Kg. A expectativa de ocorrência de espécies excessivamente contaminadas não se confirmou.


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Cocoa flavour is greatly influenced by polyphenols. These compounds undergo a series of transformations during cocoa processing leading to the characteristic cocoa flavour. The use of exogenous polyphenol oxidase (PPO) proved to be useful to reduce polyphenol content in cocoa nibs. The effect of a PPO associated or not with air over total phenol and tannin content was evaluated. Cocoa nibs were autoclaved and treated with a PPO or water in the absence or presence of an air flow for 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 hours. Total phenol content was reduced in PPO or water treatments, but when associated with air there was an increase in phenol content. Tannin content was reduced only by the treatment with water and air.


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Individual milk samples taken every two weeks from parturition to the end of lactation from 34 animals of three different herds and breeds were analyzed for free-GMP. A milk pool of each herd was analyzed for free and total GMP (released from k-casein by the action of rennin) and the data were correlated with sanitary conditions of animal and udder, phase of lactation and milk production. Most udder problems were concentrated near parturition, with few and spaced occurrences of clinical mastitis. The Californian Mastitis Test (CMT) results showed oscillations compatible with the phases of lactation period and environmental conditions. The widest variations in free-GMP occurred as a function of lactation period and as a consequence of clinical or subclinical mastitis. Higher levels were observed at the beginning of lactation (5.87mg L-1 of sialic acid), becoming normal with mean values of about 3.30mg L-1 at the end of the second month, and increasing again during the final third of lactation. On average, the same trends were observed for total GMP released by commercial rennet, beginning with slightly high values (35.59mg L-1), becoming normal by the sixth month with values close to 27.15mg L-1, and rising gradually up to the end of lactation, with 58.35mg L-1 of sialic acid. These results prove to be useful for the correct interpretation of tests applied to milk selection with respect to proteolytic status or even to restrain frauds by the addition of whey to milk.


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Avaliou-se os níveis de mercúrio total em amostras de peixes de água doce, procedentes de pesqueiros e pisciculturas de 39 regiões do estado de São Paulo. As espécies de peixes estudadas foram: pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tilápia (Oreochromis niloticus), piauçu (Leoporinum sp), matrinxã (Brycon cephalus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e carpa (Cyprinus carpis). Foram avaliadas três metodologias de digestão de amostras para a determinação de mercúrio total, variando-se o volume de mistura sulfonítrica utilizada e a concentração do permanganato de potássio, sendo que o uso de 10mL de mistura sulfonítrica e solução de permanganato de potássio a 7% (m/v) na digestão da amostra foi a que forneceu as recuperações mais altas (96%), precisão de 1% e limite de quantificação de 0,3µg/kg. Após a validação do método, foram realizadas as determinações de teor de mercúrio total em 293 amostras de pescado, usando a técnica de espectrometria de emissão com fonte de plasma acoplado em gerador de hidretos. Os níveis médios de mercúrio encontrados variaram entre: tambaqui (0,0003-0,012mg/kg), carpa (0,063mg/kg), matrinxã (0,0003-0,074mg/kg), pacu (0,0003-0,078mg/kg), piauçu (0,0003-0,183mg/kg) e tilápia (0,0003-0,217mg/kg). Os resultados mostraram que nenhuma das amostras procedentes das diferentes regiões e diferentes pesque-pagues, apresentaram níveis de mercúrio total acima do permitido pela legislação brasileira, que é de 0,5mg/kg para pescado não-predador.


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A cultura do milho é de grande importância na agricultura brasileira, com ampla distribuição do norte ao sul do país. O milho pode ser uma fonte significativa de fibra, dependendo da forma como é utilizado na alimentação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os teores de fibra alimentar insolúvel (FAI), solúvel (FAS) e total (FAT) de produtos derivados do milho. Determinou-se também os teores de umidade, resíduo mineral fixo, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta das amostras analisadas. Trabalhou-se com amostras de canjica, pipoca, farinha fina, farinha média e farinha pré-cozida. O método utilizado na determinação de fibra foi o de Prosky et al. Entre os produtos analisados observou-se que a pipoca apresentou o maior teor de FAT (média de 12,15% ) e a canjica o menor (média de 2,39 %). Em relação às farinhas, a fina e a média apresentaram teores de fibra semelhantes, enquanto as amostras de farinha pré-cozida apresentaram um teor um pouco mais baixo. Em todos os produtos analisados, a FAI correspondeu a mais de 90% da fibra total. Quanto aos demais constituintes avaliados, encontrou-se, neste trabalho, valores de acordo com os já disponíveis na literatura.


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O objetivo do estudo foi elaborar a Cesta de Mercado para a realização de Estudos de Dieta Total (EDT) para avaliação de ingestão dietética de elementos tóxicos e essenciais no Estado de São Paulo. A fonte de dados foi a pesquisa de consumo nacional domiciliar atualizada, Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF) 2002-2003, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Para estimar o consumo de alimentos pela população estudada, os dados de aquisição alimentar utilizados foram pertinentes ao Estado de São Paulo. A Cesta de Mercado inicialmente foi formulada com os dados disponíveis das publicações do IBGE, e para detalhamento dos alimentos foram pesquisados os seus Micro dados, resultando numa Cesta de Mercado com 71 alimentos, que corresponde a 72% do peso dos alimentos da população do Estado de São Paulo, segundo a POF. Como abordagem sugerida pelos EDT já realizados em outros países, os alimentos foram agrupados em 30 compostos, que serão posteriormente analisados para determinar o seu conteúdo dos elementos essenciais e tóxicos.