964 resultados para Thyroid hormone responsive
Background: Growth hormone (GH) is a potent regulator of bone formation. The proposed mechanism of GH action is through the stimulation of osteogenic precursor Cell proliferation and, following clonal expansion of these cells. promotion of differentiation along the osteogenic lineage. Objectives: We tested this hypothesis by studying the effects of GH on primary cell populations of human periodontal ligament cells (PLC) and alveolar bone cells (ABC), which contain a spectrum of osteogenic precursors. Method: The cell populations were assessed for mineralization potential after long-term culture in media containing beta-glycerophosphate and ascorbic acid, by the demonstration of mineral deposition by Von Kossa staining. The proliferative response of the cells to GH was determined over a 48-h period using a crystal violet dye-binding assay. The profile of the cells in terms of osteogcnic marker expression was established using quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteopontin. osteocalcin, bone sialoprotein (BSP), as well as the bone morphogenetic proteins BMP-2, BMP-4 and BMP-7. Results: As expected, a variety of responses were observed ranging from no mineralization in the PLC populations to dense mineralized deposition observed in one GH-treated ABC population. Over a 48-h period GH was found to be non-mitogenic for all cell populations. Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) BSP mRNA expression correlated well with mineralizing potential of the cells. The change in the mRNA expression of the osteogenic markers was determined following GH treatment of the cells over a 48-h period. GH caused an increase in ALP in most cell populations, and also in BMP expression in some cell populations. However a decrease in BSP. osteocalcin and osteopontin expression in the more highly differentiated cell populations was observed in response to GH. Conclusion: The response of the cells indicates that while long-term treatment with GH may promote mineralization, short-term treatment does not promote proliferation of osteoblast precursors nor induce expression of late osteogenic markers.
Although the co-ordination of promotive root-sourced cytokinin (CK) and inhibitory shoot apex-sourced auxin (IAA) is central to all current models on lateral bud dormancy release, control by those hormones alone has appeared inadequate in many studies. Thus it was hypothesized that the IAA : CK model is the central control but that it must be considered within the relevant timeframe leading to lateral bud release and against a backdrop of interactions with other hormone groups. Therefore, IAA and a wide survey of cytokinins (CKs), were examined along with abscisic acid (ABA) and polyamines (PAs) in released buds, tissue surrounding buds and xylem sap at 1 and 4 h after apex removal, when lateral buds of chickpea are known to break dormancy. Three potential lateral bud growth inhibitors, IAA, ABA and cis-zeatin 9-riboside (ZR), declined sharply in the released buds and xylem following decapitation. This is in contrast to potential dormancy breaking CKs like trans-ZR and trans-zeantin 9-riboside 5'phosphate (ZRMP), which represented the strongest correlative changes by increasing 3.5-fold in xylem sap and 22-fold in buds. PAs had not changed significantly in buds or other tissues after 4 h, so they were not directly involved in the breaking of bud dormancy. Results from the xylem and surrounding tissues indicated that bud CK increases resulted from a combination synthesis in the bud and selective loading of CK nucleotides into the xylem from the root.
In the toothless (tl/tl) osteopetrotic rat, teeth form but fail to erupt. Treatment of tl/tl rats with colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) activates bone resorption by osteoclasts, permits tooth eruption, and up-regulates the immunoreactivity of bone marrow mononuclear cells to growth hormone receptor (GHr) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I. This study examined the distribution of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and immunoreactivity for GHr and IGF-I in osteoclast-like cells located on the alveolar bone margin, adjacent to the lower first molar crown, in 14-day-old normal and tl/tl rats, following treatment with CSF-1. Osteoclast-like cells demonstrated a positive reaction for TRAP, GHr, and IGF-I in all groups. However, in tl/tl tissue, osteoclast-like cells were generally negative for GHr. There was no significant difference in the total number of TRAP, GHr, and IGF-I-positive osteoclast-like cells on the adjacent bone margin in normal, normal treated with CSF-1, and tl/tl rats. CSF-1 treatment of the tl/tl rat significantly increased the total number of osteoclast-like cells, which were positive for TRAP (p < 0.001), GHr (p < 0.05) and IGF-I (P < 0.01).
Growth hormone (GH) profoundly affects the developing and adult myocardium. Adult patients with GH deficiency (GHD) and GH excess (acromegaly) provide important models in which to understand the effects of GH in adult cardiac physiology. An increasing body of clinical and experimental evidence illustrates the specific physiological abnormalities that are likely associated with the excess cardiovascular mortality observed in both acromegaly and GHD. Because human GH replacement is now available to treat adults with GHD, new questions emerge about the long-term cardiovascular effects of replacement therapy. In multiple trials, GH therapy for congestive heart failure has been proved ineffective in the absence of preexisting GHD. Case reports suggest that, in the setting of GHD, GH therapy can exert a potent beneficial effect on congestive heart failure. Long-term studies addressing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality are needed to assess the role of GH therapy for GHD.
In the rodent central nervous system (CNS) during the five days prior to birth, both growth hormone (GH) and its receptor (GHR) undergo transient increases in expression to levels considerably higher than those found postnatally. This increase in expression coincides with the period of neuronal programmed cell death (PCD) in the developing CNS. To evaluate the involvement of growth hormone in the process of PCD, we have quantified the number of motoneurons in the spinal cord and brain stem of wild type and littermate GHR-deficient mice at the beginning and end of the neuronal PCD period. We found no change in motoneuron survival in either the brachial or lumbar lateral motor columns of the spinal cord or in the trochlear, trigeminal, facial or hypoglossal nuclei in the brain stem. We also found no significant differences in spinal cord volume, muscle fiber diameter, or body weight of GHR-deficient fetal mice when compared to their littermate controls. Therefore, despite considerable in vitro evidence for GH action on neurons and glia, genetic disruption of GHR signalling has no effect on prenatal motoneuron number in the mouse, under normal physiological conditions. This may be a result of compensation by the signalling of other neurotrophic cytokines.
Cytokines are important for breast cell function, both as trophic hormones and as mediators of host defense mechanisms against breast cancer. Recently, inducible feedback suppressors of cytokine signalling (SOCS/JAB/SSI) have been identified, which decrease cell sensitivity to cytokines. We examined the expression of SOCS genes in 17 breast carcinomas and 10 breast cancer lines, in comparison with normal tissue and breast lines. We report elevated expression of SOCS-1-3 and CIS immunoreactive proteins within in situ ductal carcinomas and infiltrating ductal carcinomas relative to normal breast tissue. Significantly increased expression of SOCS-1-3 and CIS transcripts was also shown by quantitative in situ hybridisation within both tumour tissue and reactive stroma. CIS transcript expression was elevated in all 10 cancer lines, but not in control lines. However, there was no consistent elevation of other SOCS transcripts. CIS protein was shown by immunoblot to be present in all cancer lines at increased levels, mainly as the 47 kDa ubiquitinylated form. A potential proliferative role for CIS overexpression is supported by reports that CIS activates ERK kinases, and by strong induction in transient reporter assays with an ERK-responsive promoter. The in vivo elevation of SOCS gene expression may be part of the host/tumour response or a response to autocrine/paracrine GH and prolactin. However, increased CIS expression in breast cancer lines appears to be a specific lesion, and could simultaneously shut down STAT 5 signalling by trophic hormones, confer resistance to host cytokines and increase proliferation through ERK kinases.
Although it is the best characterized in vitro model of GH action, the mechanisms used by GH to induce differentiation of murine 3T3-F442A preadipocytes remain unclear. Here we have examined the role of three transcriptional regulators in adipogenesis. These regulators are either rapidly induced in response to GH [Stra13, signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) 3] or of central importance to GH signaling (Stat5). Retroviral transfection of 3T3-F442A preadipocytes was used to increase expression of Stra13, Stat3, and Stat5a. Only Stat5a transfection increased the expression of adipogenic markers peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, CCAAT enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)alpha, and adipose protein 2/fatty acid-binding protein in response to GH, as determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Transfection with constitutively active Stat3 and Stat5a revealed that constitutively active Stat5a but not Stat3 was able to replace the GH requirement for adipogenesis. Constitutively active Stat5a but not Stat3 was able to increase the formation of lipid droplets and expression of alpha-glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase toward levels seen in mature adipocytes. Constitutively active Stat5a was also able to increase the expression of transcripts for C/EBPalpha to similar levels as GH, and of C/EBPbeta, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, and adipose protein 2/fatty acid-binding protein transcripts to a lesser extent. An in vivo role for GH in murine adipogenesis is supported by significantly decreased epididymal fat depot size in young GH receptor-deleted mice, before manifestation of the lipolytic actions of GH. We conclude that Stat5 is a critical factor in GH-induced, and potentially prolactin-induced, murine adipogenesis.
Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 263 is a widely used monoclonal antibody that recognizes the extracellular domain (ECD) of the GH receptor. It has been shown to act as a GH agonist both in vitro and in vivo, and we report here that it must be divalent to exert its effect on the full-length receptor. To understand the mechanism of its agonist action, we have determined the precise epitope for this antibody using a novel random PCR mutagenesis approach together with expression screening in yeast. A library of 5200 clones of rabbit GH receptor ECD mutants were screened both with MAb 263 and with an anticarboxy-tag antibody to verify complete ECD expression. Sequencing for clones that expressed complete ECD but were not MAb 263 positive identified 20 epitope residues distributed in a discontinuous manner throughout the ECD. The major part of the epitope, as revealed after mapping onto the crystal structure model of the ECD molecule, was located on the side and upper portion of domain 1, particularly within the D - E strand disulfide loop 79 - 96. Molecular dynamics docking of an antibody of the same isotype as MAb 263 was used to dock the bivalent antibody to the 1528-Angstrom(2) epitope and to visualize the likely consequences of MAb binding. The minimized model enables the antibody to grasp two receptors in a pincer-like movement from opposite sides, facilitating alignment of the receptor dimerization domains in a manner similar to, but not identical with, GH.
Background: The surgical cure rate for primary hyperparathyroidism is greater than 95%. For those who have recurrent or persistent disease, preoperative localization improves reoperation success rates. Selective parathyroid venous sampling (SPVS) for intact parathyroid hormone is particularly useful when non-invasive localization techniques are negative or inconclusive. Methods: We present all known cases (n = 13) between 1994 and 2002 who had venous sampling for localization at our institution prior to reoperation for recurrent or persistent primary hyperparathyroidism. Comparison was made with non-invasive localization procedures. Results of invasive and non-invasive localization were correlated with surgical findings. Results: Of the nine reoperated cases, eight had positive correlations between SPVS and operative findings and histopathology. SPVS did not reveal the parathyroid hormone source in one case with negative non-invasive localization procedures. Comparisons between SPVS, computerized tomography (CT), and parathyroid scintigraphy (MIBI) as expressed in terms of true positive (TP), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) were: SPVS - TP 88.8%, FP 0%, FN 11.1%; CT - TP 22.2%, FP 22.2%, FN 55.5%; and MIBI - TP 33.3%, FP 0%, FN 66.6%. At least seven of the nine operated cases have been cured; another remained normocalcaemic 2 weeks after subtotal parathyroidectomy. Conclusion: In our institution SPVS has proven to be a valuable tool in cases with recurrent or persistent primary hyperparathyroidism and negative non-invasive localization procedures.
Context: Telomerase promoter mutations (TERT) were recently described in follicular cell-derived thyroid carcinomas (FCDTC) and seem to be more prevalent in aggressive cancers. Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the frequency of TERT promoter mutations in thyroid lesions and to investigate the prognostic significance of such mutations in a large cohort of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas (DTCs). Design: This was a retrospective observational study. Setting and Patients: We studied 647 tumors and tumor-like lesions. A total of 469 patients with FCDTC treated and followed in five university hospitals were included. Mean follow-up (±SD) was 7.8 ± 5.8 years. Main Outcome Measures: Predictive value of TERT promoter mutations for distant metastasization, disease persistence at the end of follow-up, and disease-specific mortality. Results: TERT promoter mutations were found in 7.5% of papillary carcinomas (PTCs), 17.1% of follicular carcinomas, 29.0% of poorly differentiated carcinomas, and 33.3% of anaplastic thyroid carcinomas. Patients with TERT-mutated tumors were older (P < .001) and had larger tumors (P = .002). In DTCs, TERT promoter mutations were significantly associated with distant metastases (P < .001) and higher stage (P < .001). Patients with DTC harboring TERT promoter mutations were submitted to more radioiodine treatments (P = .009) with higher cumulative dose (P = .004) and to more treatment modalities (P = .001). At the end of follow-up, patients with TERT-mutated DTCs were more prone to have persistent disease (P = .001). TERT promoter mutations were significantly associated with disease-specific mortality [in the whole FCDTC (P < .001)] in DTCs (P < .001), PTCs (P = .001), and follicular carcinomas (P < .001). After adjusting for age at diagnosis and gender, the hazard ratio was 10.35 (95% confidence interval 2.01–53.24; P = .005) in DTC and 23.81 (95% confidence interval 1.36–415.76; P = .03) in PTCs. Conclusions: TERT promoter mutations are an indicator of clinically aggressive tumors, being correlated with worse outcome and disease-specific mortality in DTC. TERT promoter mutations have an independent prognostic value in DTC and, notably, in PTC.
The incorporation of small amount of highly anisotropic nanoparticles into liquid crystalline hydroxypropylcellulose (LC-HPC) matrix improves its response when is exposed to humidity gradients due to an anisotropic increment of order in the structure. Dispersed nanoparticles give rise to faster order/disorder transitions when exposed to moisture as it is qualitatively observed and quantified by stress-time measurements. The presence of carbon nanotubes derives in a improvement of the mechanical properties of LC-HPC thin films.