994 resultados para Thermal modeling
The main purpose of the poster is to present how the Unified Modeling Language (UML) can be used for diagnosing and optimizing real industrial production systems. By using a car radios production line as a case study, the poster shows the modeling process that can be followed during the analysis phase of complex control applications. In order to guarantee the continuity mapping of the models, the authors propose some guidelines to transform the use cases diagrams into a single object diagram, which is the main diagram for the next phases of the development.
Transparency document related to this article can be found online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.10.014
A rotary thermal diffusion column with the inner cylinder rotating and the outer cylinder static was used to separate n-heptane-benzene mixtures at different speeds of rotation. The results show that the column efficiency depends on the speed of rotation. For the optimum speed the increase in efficiency relative to the static column was of the order of 8%. The role of the geometric irregularities in the annulus width on performance of the rotary column is also discussed.
The influence of the feed composition upon the actual degrees of separation attained at the top and bottom sections of a thermogravitational column is discussed using the classical phenomenological theory of Furry, Jones, and Onsager. It is shown that, except for a feed composition of C 0 = 0.5 (mass fraction), the separation profile is nonsymmetric, i.e., the separations in the top and bottom sections of the column are nonsymmetric with respect to the feed composition, the asymmetry increasing as the feed composition moves away from C 0 = 0.5. An equation for the determination of the optimum feed location as a function of the feed composition is derived.
Data have been obtained in steady-state batch operated thermogravitational separation columns using different binary mixtures to test the theory recently published by Morgado et al. The experimental results confirm that separations by thermal diffusion are asymmetrical except when the initial concentration is 0.5 and that the asymmetry is larger as the initial concentration deviates from 0.5 and as the separation potential increases.
The equivalent annulus width concept is used to characterize a small commercial thermogravitational hermal diffusion column and its validity checked experimentally by separating batchwise in the column mixtures of n-heptanebenzene with different initial concentrations. The equation of Ruppell and Coull was used to analyse the data in the short separation times range and determine the equivalent annulus width. Good agreement was obtained between the experimental and predicted time-separation curves when using the equivalent annulus width value and on averaged value of the thermal diffusion constant. A new method is presented for the simultaneous determination of the equivalent annulus width and the thermal diffusion constant of a binary mixture from a single set of experimental data.
En la investigación anterior -en la zona pampeana de la Provincia de Córdoba- se demostró teórica y empíricamente, que el desarrollo de la Sociedad Civil muchas veces libradas a su suerte y con limitaciones legales apoyan decididamente el desarrollo local, sin embargo han logrado solo parcialmente sus objetivos, por lo que es necesario comenzar un camino de fortalecimiento en los nuevos roles que deben asumir. Los gobiernos locales, a la vez, intentan trabajosamente con contados éxitos detener el procesos de descapitalización social -financiera y humana- de sus comunidades locales y regionales, peregrinando con escaso éxito a los centros concentrados del poder político y económico, para procurar los recursos financieros y humanos necesarios que no alcanzan a reponer los que se fugan desde hace décadas de sus localidades. Las empresas, con ciclos recurrentes de crecimiento y decrecimiento vinculados a los mercados en que colocan sus productos, también se debaten en la búsqueda de los escasos recursos, financieros y humanos, que les permitan consolidar un desarrollo a mediano y largo plazo. El desarrollo alcanzado en Sistemas de información, instrumentos de relevamiento, análisis y elaboración de propuestas para el Desarrollo Local, nos permite avanzar en: 1. La confirmación empírica de las hipótesis iniciales - factores exógenos y endógenos - en la zona Norte y Serrana de la provincia 2. La validación científica -mediante el Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales. de tales supuestos, para el conjunto de las poblaciones analizadas en ambas etapas. 3. La identificación de los problemas normativos que afectan el desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC). METODOLOGÍA Respecto la validación empírica en la zona norte y serrana 1. Selección de las 4 localidades a relevar de acuerdo a las categorías definidas 2. Elaboración de acuerdos con autoridades e instituciones locales. 3. Relevamiento cualitativo con líderes locales y fuentes de datos secundarias. 4. Adaptación de instrumentos de relevamiento a las realidades locales y estudios previos 5. Relevamiento cuantitativo de campo, capacitación de encuestadores y supervisores. 6. Procesamiento y elaboración de informes finales locales. Respecto de la construcción de modelos de desarrollo 1. Desarrollar las dimensiones especificas y las variables (items) de cada factor crítico. 2. Revisar el instrumento con expertos de cada una de las dimensiones. 3. Validar a nivel exploratorio por medio de un Análisis de Componentes Principales 4. Someter a los expertos la evaluación de una serie de localidades que representan cada uno. Respecto de la identificación de las normas legales que afectan a la Sociedad Civil 1.Relevamiento documental de normas 2. Relevamiento con líderes de instituciones de la Sociedad Civil 3. Análisis de las normas vigentes 4. Elaboración de Informes Finales y Transferencia a líderes e instituciones
A composting Heat Extraction Unit (HEU) was designed to utilise waste heat from decaying organic matter for a variety of heating application The aim was to construct an insulated small scale, sealed, organic matter filled container. In this vessel a process fluid within embedded pipes would absorb thermal energy from the hot compost and transport it to an external heat exchanger. Experiments were conducted on the constituent parts and the final design comprised of a 2046 litre container insulated with polyurethane foam and kingspan with two arrays of qualpex piping embedded in the compost to extract heat. The thermal energy was used in horticultural trials by heating polytunnels using a radiator system during a winter/spring period. The compost derived energy was compared with conventional and renewable energy in the form of an electric fan heater and solar panel. The compost derived energy was able to raise polytunnel temperatures to 2-3°C above the control, with the solar panel contributing no thermal energy during the winter trial and the electric heater the most efficient maintaining temperature at its preset temperature of 10°C. Plants that were cultivated as performance indicators showed no significant difference in growth rates between the heat sources. A follow on experiment conducted using special growing mats for distributing compost thermal energy directly under the plants (Radish, Cabbage, Spinach and Lettuce) displayed more successful growth patterns than those in the control. The compost HEU was also used for more traditional space heating and hot water heating applications. A test space was successfully heated over two trials with varying insulation levels. Maximum internal temperature increases of 7°C and 13°C were recorded for building U-values of 1.6 and 0.53 W/m2K respectively using the HEU. The HEU successfully heated a 60 litre hot water cylinder for 32 days with maximum water temperature increases of 36.5°C recorded. Total energy recovered from the 435 Kg of compost within the HEU during the polytunnel growth trial was 76 kWh which is 3 kWh/day for the 25 days when the HEU was activated. With a mean coefficient of performance level of 6.8 calculated for the HEU the technology is energy efficient. Therefore the compost HEU developed here could be a useful renewable energy technology particularly for small scale rural dwellers and growers with access to significant quantities of organic matter
Coupled Electromechanical Analysis, MEMS Modeling, MEMS, RF MEMS Switches, Defected Ground Structures, Reconfigurable Resonator
Moving grate, LEPOL, Particle, Limestone, Decomposition, Clinker, Fluidisation
This work focuses on the modeling and numerical approximations of population balance equations (PBEs) for the simulation of different phenomena occurring in process engineering. The population balance equation (PBE) is considered to be a statement of continuity. It tracks the change in particle size distribution as particles are born, die, grow or leave a given control volume. In the population balance models the one independent variable represents the time, the other(s) are property coordinate(s), e.g., the particle volume (size) in the present case. They typically describe the temporal evolution of the number density functions and have been used to model various processes such as granulation, crystallization, polymerization, emulsion and cell dynamics. The semi-discrete high resolution schemes are proposed for solving PBEs modeling one and two-dimensional batch crystallization models. The schemes are discrete in property coordinates but continuous in time. The resulting ordinary differential equations can be solved by any standard ODE solver. To improve the numerical accuracy of the schemes a moving mesh technique is introduced in both one and two-dimensional cases ...
PEEC, computational electromagnetics
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2010