952 resultados para The State
In vineyards, if phosphate is applied both before planting and at intervals during growth without consideration of technical criteria, the soil P fractions may be increased and their proportions altered. This study was carried out to evaluate the accumulation of P fractions and the parameters of the adsorption isotherm in a sandy Typic Hapludalf soil in vineyards with a history of successive and excessive phosphate fertilization. In December 2010, two vineyards were selected, one 4 and the other 15 years old, in Urussanga, State of Santa Catarina (Brazil). Three trenches were dug in each area and soil was collected from the 0-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm depth ranges. The soil samples were dried in a forced-air oven, sieved and subjected to chemical analyses, P chemical fractionation and P adsorption isotherms. Excessive phosphate fertilization, before and during cultivation, particularly in the older vineyard and, consequently, with a longer history of phosphate fertilization, increased the inorganic P concentrations to the depth of 20 cm, especially in labile fractions extracted by anion exchange resin and NaHCO3 in the non-labile fraction, as well as in the non-labile fraction extracted by 1.0 mol L-1 HCl. The application of phosphate fertilizers and the long cultivation period increased the P levels in the organic labile fraction extracted by 0.5 mol L-1 NaHCO3, and especially in the moderately labile fraction extracted by 0.1 and 0.5 mol L-1 NaOH. Phosphate fertilization of older vineyards, i.e., cultivated for 15 years, increased the amounts of P desorbed in water, indicating a risk of contamination of surface waters and groundwater. The phosphate fertilization before planting, without considering the results of soil analysis, and during cultivation, disregarding the results of soil analysis, leaf analysis and expected yield, led to a reduction in the maximum P adsorption capacity in the 0-5 cm layer of vineyard 2, indicating saturation of part of the reactive particle adsorption sites.
The retention and availability of water in the soil vary according to the soil characteristics and determine plant growth. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate water retention and availability in the soils of the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, according to the textural class, soil class and lithology. The surface and subsurface horizons of 44 profiles were sampled in different regions of the State and different cover crops to determine field capacity, permanent wilting point, available water content, particle size, and organic matter content. Water retention and availability between the horizons were compared in a mixed model, considering the textural classes, the soil classes and lithology as fixed factors and profiles as random factors. It may be concluded that water retention is greater in silty or clayey soils and that the organic matter content is higher, especially in Humic Cambisols, Nitisols and Ferralsol developed from igneous or sedimentary rocks. Water availability is greater in loam-textured soils, with high organic matter content, especially in soils of humic character. It is lower in the sandy texture class, especially in Arenosols formed from recent alluvial deposits or in gravelly soils derived from granite. The greater water availability in the surface horizons, with more organic matter than in the subsurface layers, illustrates the importance of organic matter for water retention and availability.
Variability of soil fertility properties in areas planted to sugarcane in the State of Goias, Brazil
Soil sampling should provide an accurate representation of a given area so that recommendations for amendments of soil acidity, fertilization and soil conservation may be drafted to increase yield and improve the use of inputs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variability of soil fertility properties of Oxisols in areas planted to sugarcane in the State of Goias, Brazil. Two areas of approximately 8,100 m² each were selected, representing two fields of the Goiasa sugarcane mill in Goiatuba. The sugarcane crop had a row spacing of 1.5 m and subsamples were taken from 49 points in the row and 49 between the row with a Dutch auger at depths of 0.0-0.2 and 0.2-0.4 m, for a total of 196 subsamples for each area. The samples were individually subjected to chemical analyses of soil fertility (pH in CaCl2, potential acidity, organic matter, P, K, Ca and Mg) and particle size analysis. The number of subsamples required to compose a sample within the acceptable ranges of error of 5, 10, 20 and 40 % of each property were computed from the coefficients of variation and the Student t-value for 95 % confidence. The soil properties under analysis exhibited different variabilities: high (P and K), medium (potential acidity, Ca and Mg) and low (pH, organic matter and clay content). Most of the properties analyzed showed an error of less than 20 % for a group of 20 subsamples, except for P and K, which were capable of showing an error greater than 40 % around the mean. The extreme variability in phosphorus, particularly at the depth of 0.2-0.4 m, attributed to banded application of high rates of P fertilizers at planting, places limitations on assessment of its availability due to the high number of subsamples required for a composite sample.
This book contains information on the dedication ceremony of Iowa monuments on the southern battlefields from the civil war and their final transfer made to the care of the general government. It includes history of the battles, photos and maps.
The electrical charges in soil particles are divided into structural or permanent charges and variable charges. Permanent charges develop on the soil particle surface by isomorphic substitution. Variable charges arise from dissociation and association of protons (H+), protonation or deprotonation, and specific adsorption of cations and anions. The aim of this study was to quantify the permanent charges and variable charges of Reference Soils of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. To do so, 24 subsurface profiles from different regions (nine in the Zona da Mata, eight in the Agreste, and seven in the Sertão) were sampled, representing approximately 80 % of the total area of the state. Measurements were performed using cesium chloride solution. Determination was made of the permanent charges and the charges in regard to the hydroxyl functional groups through selective ion exchange of Cs+ by Li+ and Cs+ by NH4+, respectively. All the soils analyzed exhibited variable cation exchange capacity, with proportions from 0.16 to 0.60 and an average of 0.40 when related to total cation exchange capacity.
The report of adulterated anhydrous ammonia did not completely prevent the manufacture of methamphetamine. The amount of the methamphetamine manufactured using the adulterated ammonia was consistently very low. Although clandestine laboratory "field-like" reaction conditions were mimicked for purposes of these tests it should be noted that no attempts were made to distill the adulterated anhydrous ammonia.
This book is the address delivered at Iowa City, Iowa, before the State Historical Society of Iowa on May 25, 1910 by Laenas Gifford Weld. His speech covers the history and the discovery of the territory of the Mississippi Valley and Iowa. He talks about early pioneers and explorers, the routes they took and how they navigated into this newly discovered territory.
Operations lead evaluation to determine future opportunities for best practices in Treatment, Operations, Classification, and Programs; ultimately leading evaluations toward the appropriate utilization and application of new and existing infrastructure.
During the second phase of this study, efforts have focused on integrating opportunities for best practices into a long-range plan designed to meet the Department of Corrections institutional and community corrections goals and objectives.
Agreed upon procedures report on the six Library Service Areas in the State of Iowa for the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011
What we do: Since 1892, the Iowa Geological and Water Survey (IGWS) has provided earth, water, and mapping science to all Iowans. We collect and interpret information on subsurface geologic conditions, groundwater and surface water quantity and quality, and the natural and built features of our landscape. This information is critical for: Predicting the future availability of economic water supplies and mineral resources. Assuring proper function of waste disposal facilities. Delineation of geologic hazards that may jeopardize property and public safety. Assessing trends and providing protection of water quality and soil resources. Applied technical assistance for economic development and environmental stewardship. Our goal: Providing the tools for good decision making to assure the long-term vitality of Iowa’s communities, businesses, and quality of life. Information and technical assistance are provided through web-based databases, comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, predictive groundwater models, and watershed assessments and improvement grants. The key service we provide is direct assistance from our technical staff, working with Iowans to overcome real-world challenges. This report describes the basic functions of IGWS program areas and highlights major activities and accomplishments during calendar year 2011. More information on IGWS is available at http://www.igsb.uiowa.edu/.
Report on the State University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2011
Constitution of the State of Iowa 1844.