993 resultados para Termogravimentria (TG) e calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC)
O fracionamento do farelo de milho desengordurado (fubá grosso), subproduto do processamento industrial do milho, para obtenção de frações de amido, proteínas e fibras, utilizando métodos físicos e químicos, foi investigado. O fracionamento do fubá grosso por meio de tratamento químico com soluções de bissulfito de sódio e de etanol, foi satisfatório, pois produziu fração de amido com aceitável rendimento; já o fracionamento físico não foi muito eficiente, visto que não produziu fração enriquecida de proteínas e amido. Tanto o fubá grosso como as frações obtidas, foram caracterizados por meio de CLAE (Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência) e Análise Térmica (TG, DTG e DSC). O fubá grosso possui mais de 50% de amido (CLAE), e perda de 52% de sua massa entre 270 e 450ºC (TG e DTG). O estudo cinético, a partir de curvas DSC, mostrou que os processos de gelatinização da fração de amido e de desnaturação da fração de proteínas são eventos endotérmicos, com diferentes valores de entalpia e de energia de ativação.
The aim of this work was to study the effect of the hydrolysis degree (HD) and the concentration (C PVA) of two types of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and the effect of the type and the concentration of plasticizers on the phase properties of biodegradable films based on blends of gelatin and PVA, using a response-surface methodology. The films were made by casting and the studied properties were their glass (Tg) and melting (Tm) transition temperatures, which were determined by diferential scanning calorimetry (DSC). For the data obtained on the first scan, the fitting of the linear model was statistically significant and predictive only for the second melting temperature. In this case, the most important effect on the second Tm of the first scan was due to the HD of the PVA. In relation to the second scan, the linear model could be fit to Tg data with only two statistically significant parameters. Both the PVA and plasticizer concentrations had an important effect on Tg. Concerning the second Tm of the second scan, the linear model was fit to data with two statistically significant parameters, namely the HD and the plasticizer concentration. But, the most important effect was provoked by the HD of the PVA.
In this work, through the use of thermal analysis techniques, the thermal stabilities of some antioxidants were investigated, in order to evaluate their resistance to thermal oxidation in oils, by heating canola vegetable oil, and to suggest that antioxidants would be more appropriate to increase the resistance of vegetable oils in the thermal degradation process in frying. The techniques used were: Thermal Gravimetric (TG) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) analyses, as well as an allusion to a possible protective action of the vegetable oils, based on the thermal oxidation of canola vegetable oil in the laboratory under constant heating at 180 ºC/8 hours for 10 days. The studied antioxidants were: ascorbic acid, sorbic acid, citric acid, sodium erythorbate, BHT (3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxytoluene), BHA (2, 3-tert-butyl-4-methoxyphenol), TBHQ (tertiary butyl hydroquinone), PG (propyl gallate) - described as antioxidants by ANVISA and the FDA; and also the phytic acid antioxidant and the SAIB (sucrose acetate isobutyrate) additive, which is used in the food industry, in order to test its behavior as an antioxidant in vegetable oil. The following antioxidants: citric acid, sodium erythorbate, BHA, BHT, TBHQ and sorbic acid decompose at temperatures below 180 ºC, and therefore, have little protective action in vegetable oils undergoing frying processes. The antioxidants below: phytic acid, ascorbic acid and PG, are the most resistant and begin their decomposition processes at temperatures between 180 and 200 ºC. The thermal analytical techniques have also shown that the SAIB antioxidant is the most resistant to oxidative action, and it can be a useful choice in the thermal decomposition prevention of edible oils, improving stability regarding oxidative processes.
Baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.), a species of legume found in the Brazilian savannas, was investigated in this study for the composition of its flesh and seed. Thermal analyses, Thermogravimetry (TG), and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) were used to investigate the proteins in defatted meal, concentrate, and protein isolate. The protein concentrate was extracted at pH 10, followed by a precipitation at the isoelectric point to obtain the isolate that was spray dried. The thermogravimetric curves were obtained under a nitrogen atmosphere with a 100 mL/minutes flow. The initial, final and peak temperatures and mass loss were analyzed. Within the performed temperature ranges studied, the defatted meal and concentrate presented four steps of mass loss, while the isolate showed only two steps. The protein content of defatted meal from Baru nuts was higher than that of the isolate. On the other hand, there was a reduction in enthalpy, which suggests that the process applied to obtain the baru concentrate and isolate led to protein denaturation.
A gamopatia monoclonal de significado indeterminado (GMSI) é uma doença pré-maligna rara assintomática, definida por uma concentração de imunoglobulina monoclonal no soro menor que 3 g/dL e uma proporção de células plasmocitárias na medula óssea menor que 10%, na ausência de lesões líticas ósseas, anemia, hipercalcemia e insuficiência renal relacionadas com a proliferação de células plasmáticas monoclonais. O hiperparatireoidismo primário (HP) é uma doença relativamente frequente, afetando aproximadamente um em cada 1000 indivíduos. Alguns trabalhos sugerem que a frequência de HP está aumentada em neoplasias, ampliando o espectro da etiologia da hipercalcemia nesses pacientes. Relata-se, aqui, um caso de paciente de 63 anos admitido para investigação de anemia, parestesias e dores em membros inferiores, além de insuficiência renal. Durante investigação, verificou-se hipercalcemia, pico monoclonal sérico de IgA/lambda, sem critérios para mieloma múltiplo, e adenoma de paratireoide. O mesmo foi submetido à paratireoidectomia, cujo anatomopatológico revelou adenoma de paratireoide. Após a cirurgia, houve retorno dos níveis de cálcio e de função renal ao normal.
O processo de germinação se constitui num complexo e ordenado conjunto de eventos fisiológicos e bioquímicos em que a semente é submetida logo após iniciar a absorção de água. A retomada do crescimento do embrião por causa da absorção de água envolve a reativação de muitas enzimas já presentes nas sementes e a sínteses de outras que irão hidrolisar as sustâncias de reserva, fornecer poder oxidante, energia, entre outras, para a germinação. A emergência das plântulas nas monocotiledôneas depende, principalmente, da profundidade de semeadura, e de muitos outros fatores tais como atributos genéticos e vigor das sementes, sendo que o embrião é nutrido de forma exclusiva, pelas reservas da semente. No presente trabalho, os padrões isoenzimáticos de Esterase (EST), Fosfatase Acida (ACP), Malato Deshidrogenase (MDH), Álcool Deshidrogenase (ADH) e Glutamato Oxalacetato Transaminase (GOT) de 34 ecótipos de arroz vermelho e 5 cultivares comerciais foram analisados durante o processo de germinação a 20 cm de profundidade com o objetivo de identificar variações de expressão diferencial nos sistemas isoenzimáticos analisados. Os cinco sistemas isoenzimáticos analisados apresentaram variações na expressão enzimática, principalmente quando comparados os padrões observados em semente seca e em plântulas em desenvolvimento. Dos resultados obtidos conclui-se que, há um diferencial de expressão nos genes que comandam a expressão das isoenzimas Esterase (EST), Fosfatase Ácida (ACP), Malato Deshidrogenase (MDH), Álcool Deshidrogenase (MDH) e Glutamato Oxalacetato Transaminase (GOT), nos processos de germinação de sementes de arroz.
Public servant wages represent a significant part of Brazilian state governments' current expenses. Based on the literature, this paper has tried to identify which states practice efficient, compensatory or appropriation wage politics through the estimation of public-private wage differentials. The differential of salaries was calculated between 1995 and 2004 following the Oaxaca's technique. The results show that the wage policy of an important number of states has had efficiency and a numerous part of the North and the Northeast states have developed compensatory politics. The Federal District and Roraima practiced a wage policy characterized by explicit appropriation.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética) UANL
Tesina (Maestría en Administración de Empresas con Especialidad en Negocios Internacionales) U.A.N.L.
[Tesis] (Maestría en la Enseñanza de las Ciencias con Especialidad en Matemáticas) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Eléctrica con Especialidad en Potencia) U.A.N.L.
L’accumulation de triglycérides (TG) dans les hépatocytes est caractéristique de la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique (SHNA). Cette dernière se produit dans diverses conditions dont le facteur commun est le métabolisme anormal des lipides. Le processus conduisant à l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie n’a pas encore été totalement élucidé. Toutefois, des lipides s'accumulent dans le foie lorsque les mécanismes qui favorisent leur exportation (oxydation et sécrétion) sont insuffisants par rapport aux mécanismes qui favorisent leur importation ou leur biosynthèse. De nos jours il est admis que la carence en œstrogènes est associée au développement de la stéatose hépatique. Bien que les résultats des études récentes révèlent l'implication des hormones ovariennes dans l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce phénomène doivent encore être étudiés. En conséquence, les trois études présentées dans cette thèse ont été menées sur des rates ovariectomizées (Ovx), comme modèle animal de femmes post-ménopausées, pour étudier les effets du retrait des œstrogènes sur le métabolisme des lipides dans le foie, en considérant l'entraînement physique comme étant un élément positif pouvant contrecarrer ces effets. Il a été démontré que l'entraînement physique peut réduire l'accumulation de graisses dans le foie chez les rates Ovx. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que chez les rates Ovx nourries à la diète riche en lipides (HF), les contenus de TG hépatiques étaient élevées (P < 0.01) comparativement aux rates Sham, 5 semaines après la chirurgie. Le changement de la diète HF par la diète standard (SD) chez les rates Sham a diminué l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. Toutefois, chez les rates Ovx, 8 semaines après le changement de la HF par la SD le niveau de TG dans le foie était maintenu aussi élevé que chez les rates nourries continuellement avec la diète HF. Lorsque les TG hépatiques mesurés à la 13e semaine ont été comparés aux valeurs correspondant au retrait initial de la diète HF effectué à la 5e semaine, les niveaux de TG hépatiques chez les animaux Ovx ont été maintenus, indépendamment du changement du régime alimentaire; tandis que chez les rats Sham le passage à la SD a réduit (P < 0.05) les TG dans le foie. Les mêmes comparaisons avec la concentration des TG plasmatiques ont révélé une relation inverse. Ces résultats suggèrent que la résorption des lipides au foie est contrée par l'absence des œstrogènes. Dans cette continuité, nous avons utilisé une approche physiologique dans notre seconde étude pour investiguer la façon dont la carence en œstrogènes entraîne l’accumulation de graisses dans le foie, en nous focalisant sur la voie de l'exportation des lipides du foie. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé que le retrait des œstrogènes a entraîné une augmentation (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie en concomitance avec la baisse (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG et une réduction l'ARNm et de la teneur en protéines microsomales de transfert des triglycérides (MTP). Tous ces effets ont été corrigés par la supplémentation en œstrogènes chez les rates Ovx. En outre, l'entraînement physique chez les rates Ovx a entraîné une réduction (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG accompagnée de celle de l'expression des gènes MTP et DGAT-2 (diacylglycérol acyltransférase-2). Des études récentes suggèrent que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP) devrait être au centre des intérêts des recherches sur les métabolismes énergétiques et lipidiques. Le ANP est relâché dans le plasma par les cellules cardiaques lorsque stimulée par l’oxytocine et exerce ses fonctions en se liant à son récepteur, le guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A). En conséquence, dans la troisième étude, nous avons étudié les effets du blocage du système ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire (OT-ANP) en utilisant un antagoniste de l’ocytocine (OTA), sur l'expression des gènes guanylyl cyclase-A et certains marqueurs de l’inflammation dans le foie de rates Ovx. Nous avons observé une diminution (P < 0.05) de l’ARNm de la GC-A chez les rates Ovx et Sham sédentaires traitées avec l’OTA, tandis qu’une augmentation (P < 0.05) de l'expression de l’ARNm de la protéine C-réactive (CRP) hépatique a été notée chez ces animaux. L’exercice physique n'a apporté aucun changement sur l'expression hépatique de ces gènes que ce soit chez les rates Ovx ou Sham traitées avec l’OTA. En résumé, pour expliquer l’observation selon laquelle l’accumulation et la résorption de lipides dans le foie dépendent des mécanismes associés à des niveaux d’œstrogènes, nos résultats suggèrent que la diminution de production de VLDL-TG induite par une déficience en œstrogènes, pourrait être un des mecanismes responsables de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. L’exercice physique quant à lui diminue l'infiltration de lipides dans le foie ainsi que la production de VLDL-TG indépendamment des niveaux d'œstrogènes. En outre, l'expression des récepteurs de l’ANP a diminué par l'OTA chez les rates Ovx et Sham suggérant une action indirecte de l’ocytocine (OT) au niveau du foie indépendamment de la présence ou non des estrogènes. L’axe ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire, dans des conditions physiologiques normales, protègerait le foie contre l'inflammation à travers la modulation de l’expression de la GC-A.
A detailed study of the blends of ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM) and chlorobutyl rubber (CIIR) is proposed in this study. These blends may find application in the manufacture of curing diaphragms/curing envelopes for tire curing applications. EPDM possesses better physical properties such as high heat resistance, ozone resistance, cold and moisture resistance, high resistance to permanent defonnation, very good resistance to flex cracking and impact. Because of the low gas and moisture penneability, good weathering resistance and high thermal stability of CIIR, blends of EPDM with CIlR may be attractive, if sufficient mechanical strength can be developed. Although a lot of work has been done on elastomer blends, studies on the blends of EPDM and CIIR rubbers are meagre. Hence in this investigation it is proposed to make a systematic study on the characteristics of EPDM and CIIR rubber blends.The mechanical and physical properties of an elastomer blend depend mainly on the blend compatibility. So in the first part of the study, it is proposed to develop compatible blends of EPDM with CIIR. Various commercial grades of ethylenepropylene- diene rubber are proposed to be blended with a specific grade of chlorobutyl rubber at varying proportions. The extent of compatibility in these blends is proposed to be evaluated based on their mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tear strength and ageing resistance. In addition to the physical property measurements, blend compatibility is also proposed to be studied based on the glass transition behavlour of the blends in relation to the Tg's of the individual components using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The phase morphology of the blends is also proposed to be investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies of the tensile fracture surfaces. In the case of incompatible blends, the effect of addition of chlorosulfonated polyethylene as a compatibiliser is also proposed to be investigated.In the second part of the study, the effect of sulphur curing and resin curing on the curing behaviour and the vulcanizate properties of EPDM/CIIR blends are planned to be evaluated. Since the properties of rubber vulcanizates are determined by their network structures, it is proposed to determine the network structure of the vulcanizates by chemical probes so as to correlate it with the mechanical properties.In the third part of the work, the effect of partial precuring of one of the components prior to blending as a possible means of improving the properties of the blend is proposed to be investigated. This procedure may also help to bring down the viscosity mismatch between the constituent e1astomers and provide covulcanization of the blend.The rheological characteristics and processability of the blends are proposed to be investigated in the last part of the study. To explore their possible applications, the air permeability of the blend samples at varying temperatures is proposed to be measured. The thermal diffusivity behaviour of EPDM/CIlR blends is also proposed to be investigated using novel laser technique. The thermal diffusivity of the blends along with the thermal degradation resistance may help to determine whether the blends are suitable for high temperature applications such as in the manufacturing of curing envelope.
In dieser Dissertation werden zunächst Synthesewege zu Spirobigermolen dargestellt. Die Eigenschaften der erfolgreich synthetisierten Spirogermole werden im Anschluss gezeigt. Neben Kristallstrukturanalysen werden auch Ergebnisse aus optischen (Absorption und Fluoreszenz), elektrochemischen (CV und SPEL) und thermischen (TG/DTA und DSC) Messungen veranschaulicht. Besonders vorzuheben ist das selbstorganisierte, vertikale Drahtwachstum von 8,8'-Spirobi[triphenyleno[1,12-bcd]germol], S-TriPGe.