999 resultados para Teoria antropológica: religião afro-brasileira
Na Amazônia brasileira, a exploração das florestas tem se dado com imensos danos ambientais e desperdício de recursos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a cadeia produtiva da madeira de espécie nativa em dois municípios do estado do Pará, Paragominas e Novo Progresso, mediante pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os dois municípios são polos madeireiros expressivos para realização do trabalho de campo: um de exploração mais antiga e outro mais recente. Foram entrevistados representantes de empresas de diferentes tamanhos com enfoque na cadeia produtiva da madeira (extração, processamento primário e beneficiamento). Nos dois municípios de forma geral, o parque industrial encontrado é antigo e com tecnologia defasada. Conclui-se que uma política de agregação de valor aos recursos naturais deveria incluir investimentos relevantes em capacitação, treinamento e tecnologia. A cadeia de base florestal pode desempenhar um papel importante na manutenção da floresta em pé, na geração de empregos e nas exportações da região
This article presents the results of a study that investigated the meaning of evaluation in mathematics from the historical cultural perspective, focusing on activity theory. In order to develop the investigation, a collaborative group was formed from the Oficina Pedagogica de Matematica de Ribeirao Preto - Sao Paulo (Math Pedagogic Workshop of Ribeirao Preto - OPM/RP), constituted of pre-school teachers and early elementary school teachers, who were participants in this research. The main role of the collaborative group was to offer guided development to the teachers about the teaching of mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective, aiming at collecting data on the process of appropriation of mathematical knowledge by the teachers. The syntheses about the teachers' learning process have contributed to systematize the guiding elements of evaluation in mathematics from the historical-cultural perspective.
The objective of this manuscript is to discuss the existing barriers for the dissemination of medical guidelines, and to present strategies that facilitate the adaptation of the recommendations into clinical practice. The literature shows that it usually takes several years until new scientific evidence is adopted in current practice, even when there is obvious impact in patients' morbidity and mortality. There are some examples where more than thirty years have elapsed since the first case reports about the use of a effective therapy were published until its utilization became routine. That is the case of fibrinolysis for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction. Some of the main barriers for the implementation of new recommendations are: the lack of knowledge of a new guideline, personal resistance to changes, uncertainty about the efficacy of the proposed recommendation, fear of potential side-effects, difficulties in remembering the recommendations, inexistence of institutional policies reinforcing the recommendation and even economical restrains. In order to overcome these barriers a strategy that involves a program with multiple tools is always the best. That must include the implementation of easy-to-use algorithms, continuous medical education materials and lectures, electronic or paper alerts, tools to facilitate evaluation and prescription, and periodic audits to show results to the practitioners involved in the process. It is also fundamental that the medical societies involved with the specific medical issue support the program for its scientific and ethical soundness. The creation of multidisciplinary committees in each institution and the inclusion of opinion leaders that have pro-active and lasting attitudes are the key-points for the program's success. In this manuscript we use as an example the implementation of a guideline for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, but the concepts described here can be easily applied to any other guideline. Therefore, these concepts could be very useful for institutions and services that aim at quality improvement of patient care. Changes in current medical practice recommended by guidelines may take some time. However, if there is a broader participation of opinion leaders and the use of several tools listed here, they surely have a greater probability of reaching the main objectives: improvement in provided medical care and patient safety.
This article analyzes the Brazilian political system from the local perspective. Following Cox (1997), we review the problems with electoral coordination that emerge from a given institutional framework. Due to the characteristics of the Brazilian Federal system and its electoral rules, linkage between the three levels of government is not guaranteed a priori, but demands a coordinating effort by the parties' leadership. According to our hypothesis, the parties are capable of coordinating their election strategies at different levels in the party system. Regression models based on two-stage least squares (2SLS) and TOBIT, analyzing a panel of Brazilian municipalities with data from the 1994 and 2000 elections, show that the proportion of votes received by a party in a given election correlates closely with its previous votes in majoritarian elections. Despite institutional incentives, the Brazilian party system shows evidence that it is organized nationally to the extent that it links the competition for votes at the three levels of government (National, State, and Municipal).
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a significant public health concern with 350 million chronic carriers worldwide. Eight HBV genotypes (A-H) have been described so far. Genotype E (HBV/E) is widely distributed in West Africa and has rarely been found in other continents, except for a few cases in individuals with an African background. In this study, we characterized HBV genotypes in Quibdo, Colombia, by partial S/P gene sequencing, and found, for the first time, HBV/E circulating in nine Afro-Colombian patients who had no recent contact with Africa. The presence of HBV/E in this community as a monophyletic group suggests that it was a result of a recent introduction by some Afro-descendent contact or, alternatively, that the virus came with slaves brought to Colombia. By using sequences with sampling dates, we estimated the substitution rate to be about 3.2x10(-4) substitutions per site per year, which resulted in a time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of 29 years. In parallel, we also estimated the TMRCA for HBV/E by using two previously estimated substitution rates (7.7x10(-4) and 1.5x10(-5) substitutions per site per year). The TMRCA was around 35 years under the higher rate and 1500 years under the slower rate. In sum, this work reports for the first time the presence of an exclusively African HBV genotype circulating in South America. We also discuss the time of the entry of this virus into America based on different substitution rates estimated for HBV.
The genetic constitution of Afro-derived Brazilian populations is barely studied. To improve that knowledge, we investigated the AluYAP element and five Y-chromosome STRs (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393) to estimate ethnic male contribution in the constitution of four Brazilian quilombos remnants: Mocambo, Rio das Ras, Kalunga, and Riacho de Sacutiaba. Results indicated significant differences among communities, corroborating historical information about the Brazilian settlement. We concluded that besides African contribution, there was a great European participation in the constitution of these four populations and that observed haplotype variability could be explained by gene flow to quilombos remnants and mutational events in microsatellites (STRs). Am. J. Hum. Biol. 21:354-356, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Many studies have used genetic markers to understand global migration patterns of our species. However, there are only few studies of human migration on a local scale. We, therefore, researched migration dynamics in three Afro-Brazilian rural communities, using demographic data and ten Ancestry Informative Markers. In addition to the description of migration and marriage structures, we carried out genetic comparisons between the three populations, as well as between locals and migrants from each community. Genetic admixture analyses were conducted according to the gene-identity method, with Sub-Saharan Africans, Amerindians, and Europeans as parental populations. The three analyzed Afro-Brazilian rural communities consisted of 16% to 30% of migrants, most of them women. The age pyramid revealed a gap in the segment of men aged between 20 to 30 yrs. While endogamous marriages predominated, exogamous marriages were mainly patrilocal. Migration dynamics are apparently associated with matrimonial customs and other social practices of such communities. The impact of migration upon the populations` genetic composition was low but showed an increase in European alleles with a concomitant decrease in the Amerindian contribution. Admixture analysis evidenced a higher African contribution to the gene pool of the studied populations, followed by the contribution of Europeans and Amerindians, respectively.
Background: Brazilian Quilombos are Afro-derived communities founded mainly by fugitive slaves between the 16(th) and 19(th) centuries; they can be recognized today by ancestral and cultural characteristics. Each of these remnant communities, however, has its own particular history, which includes the migration of non-African derived people. Methods: The present work presents a proposal for the origin of the male founder in Brazilian quilombos based on Y-haplogroup distribution. Y haplogroups, based on 16 binary markers (92R7, SRY2627, SRY4064, SRY10831.1 and .2, M2, M3, M09, M34, M60, M89, M213, M216, P2, P3 and YAP), were analysed for 98 DNA samples from genetically unrelated men from three rural Brazilian Afro-derived communities-Mocambo, Rio das Ras and Kalunga-in order to estimate male geographic origin. Results: Data indicated significant differences among these communities. A high frequency of non-African haplogroups was observed in all communities. Conclusions: This observation suggested an admixture process that has occurred over generations and directional mating between European males and African female slaves that must have occurred on farms before the slaves escaped. This means that the admixture occurred before the slaves escaped and the foundation of the quilombo.
A Sa??de da Fam??lia ?? uma estrat??gia de reorienta????o do modelo assistencial, operacionalizada mediante a implanta????o de equipes multiprofissionais em unidades b??sicas de sa??de. Essas equipes s??o respons??veis pelo acompanhamento de um n??mero definido de fam??lias, localizadas em ??rea geogr??fica delimitada. As equipes atuam com a????es de promo????o da sa??de, preven????o, recupera????o, reabilita????o de doen??as e agravos mais frequentes, e na manuten????o da sa??de dessa comunidade. A responsabilidade pelo acompanhamento das fam??lias coloca para as equipes de sa??de da fam??lia a necessidade de ultrapassar os limites classicamente definidos para a aten????o b??sica no Brasil, especialmente no contexto do SUS. A implanta????o da estrat??gia de Sa??de da Fam??lia tem demonstrado significativa melhoria nos indicadores de sa??de do pa??s, em especial na amplia????o do acesso ?? sa??de da popula????o brasileira, tendo se mostrado tamb??m efetiva na redu????o das iniquidades, cumprindo seu papel de porta de entrada do SUS
Na Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Tel??grafos (ECT), um grande n??mero de empregados recebe uniformes com periodicidade semestral, o que inclui tamb??m a troca peri??dica dos malotes inutilizados pelo desgaste. Por quest??es de seguran??a, todo esse material inserv??vel era destinado ao aterro sanit??rio. Mas, desde 2004, foi encontrado um novo destino para esses objetos a partir das cooperativas formadas em conv??nio com a Universidade Federal do Paran??, Associa????o Comercial do munic??pio de Toledo e Organiza????es N??o-Governamentais (ONGs). As cooperativas transformam artesanalmente esse material em v??rios produtos que geram emprego e renda, especialmente para as fam??lias que, em muitas situa????es, viviam do subemprego. Isso demonstra a import??ncia que a empresa confere ??s a????es de responsabilidade social que ultrapassam a oferta de servi??os com qualidade ?? comunidade, assegurando que todo o processo de trabalho seja feito de forma socialmente respons??vel. Este programa gera emprego e renda para aproximadamente 50 fam??lias em todo o estado, com projeto de amplia????o para outras regi??es
Minibibliotecas da Embrapa ?? uma iniciativa da Embrapa que tem por objetivo disseminar conhecimentos e informa????es resultantes da sua atua????o em pesquisa agropecu??ria ??s comunidades rurais do pa??s, por meio das crian??as e dos jovens que freq??entam a rede p??blica de ensino. A principal conseq????ncia da dissemina????o dessas informa????es, em diversos meios, ?? o despertar das comunidades assistidas para uma consci??ncia socioeducativa, cient??fica e ambiental. Criada em 2003 pela Embrapa Informa????o Tecnol??gica, em parceria com o Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome (MDS), Instituto Nacional de Coloniza????o e Reforma Agr??ria (Incra) e Funda????o Banco do Brasil (FBB), a iniciativa alcan??ou mais de 529 munic??pios, em todo o Pa??s, que possu??am o menor ??ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH). A iniciativa caracterizou-se pela elabora????o de produtos em diferentes m??dias (livros, cartilhas, v??deos e CDs), no sentido de democratizar a informa????o cient??fica e tecnol??gica gerada pela Embrapa, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade, a seguran??a alimentar e a inclus??o social, respeitando a realidade das comunidades rurais
A experi??ncia da Diretoria Regional de S??o Paulo Metropolitana dos Correios objetiva implementar melhoria em um dos seus principais processos: o atendimento nas ag??ncias. Dentro do contexto de gest??o pela qualidade total, destacamos o programa de ger??ncia da rotina e gerenciamento de melhorias (revis??o de processos), cujas ferramentas nortearam o nosso projeto. Nas ag??ncias, em decorr??ncia dos diversos produtos e servi??os que a ECT comercializa, faz-se necess??ria a gest??o das filas para que o tempo de espera excessivo n??o ocasione a insatisfa????o dos clientes. Com a implanta????o do pr??-atendimento em guich?? espec??fico, na ag??ncia Adolfina de Pinheiros, houve uma redu????o significativa do tempo de espera na fila, servindo como modelo para implanta????o em outras ag??ncias dos Correios. Al??m de atender ?? necessidade do cliente, estabelecida na matriz do QFD (Desdobramento da Fun????o Qualidade) do sistema de gest??o da qualidade da ECT, o projeto objetiva tornar a rotina de trabalho dos atendentes de guich?? mais f??cil, racional e produtiva
A experi??ncia diz respeito ?? cria????o de um sistema de avalia????o e monitoramento dos programas e pol??ticas do Minist??rio de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome, MDS, formulado e implementado pela Secretaria de Avalia????o e Gest??o da Informa????o, SAGI. A cria????o e o conjunto de a????es dessa secretaria constituem uma inova????o na gest??o governamental brasileira, pois at?? ent??o n??o existia, em nenhum minist??rio, uma secretaria com essa finalidade exclusiva. O relato descreve, sucintamente, as a????es necess??rias para a implementa????o do sistema, apresentando-se um quadro dos recursos humanos e financeiros contratados, al??m dos resultados produzidos. Foram constru??dos e calculados 60 indicadores relativos aos programas, bem como duas ferramentas para o tratamento da informa????o: Dicion??rio de Vari??veis e Indicadores de Programas, DICI-VIP e a Matriz de Informa????es Sociais, MI Social. Na ??rea de avalia????o, existem, finalizadas, em andamento ou a contratar, 62 pesquisas, divulgadas por diferentes tipos de publica????o
Este caso aborda as Confer??ncias Nacionais de Sa??de (CNS) enquanto espa??os institucionais leg??timos de participa????o social que contribuem para a emerg??ncia de uma governan??a apoiada em cidadania mais engajada e ativa. O estudo de caso pretende fomentar o debate sobre a emerg??ncia de novos padr??es de rela????o entre o Estado e sociedade, e sobre o avan??o da resili??ncia nas organiza????es sociais e nas institui????es p??blicas. Pretende tamb??m levantar os novos desafios colocados para os gestores p??blicos com a amplia????o da participa????o e diversidade dos atores, al??m de maior especificidade das demandas, o que gera maiores dificuldades na obten????o de consensos e na elei????o de prioridades. O caso pode ser aplicado em cursos que abordem tem??ticas relacionadas ?? participa????o social, redes sociais, governan??a, democracia e pol??ticas p??blicas