901 resultados para Tennis Elbow


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Recent player tracking technology provides new information about basketball game performance. The aim of this study was to (i) compare the game performances of all-star and non all-star basketball players from the National Basketball Association (NBA), and (ii) describe the different basketball game performance profiles based on the different game roles. Archival data were obtained from all 2013-2014 regular season games (n = 1230). The variables analyzed included the points per game, minutes played and the game actions recorded by the player tracking system. To accomplish the first aim, the performance per minute of play was analyzed using a descriptive discriminant analysis to identify which variables best predict the all-star and non all-star playing categories. The all-star players showed slower velocities in defense and performed better in elbow touches, defensive rebounds, close touches, close points and pull-up points, possibly due to optimized attention processes that are key for perceiving the required appropriate environmental information. The second aim was addressed using a k-means cluster analysis, with the aim of creating maximal different performance profile groupings. Afterwards, a descriptive discriminant analysis identified which variables best predict the different playing clusters. The results identified different playing profile of performers, particularly related to the game roles of scoring, passing, defensive and all-round game behavior. Coaching staffs may apply this information to different players, while accounting for individual differences and functional variability, to optimize practice planning and, consequently, the game performances of individuals and teams.


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Esta Dissertação irá apresentar a utilização de técnicas de controle nãolinear, tais como o controle adaptativo e robusto, de modo a controlar um sistema de Eletroestimulação Funcional desenvolvido pelo laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica da COPPE/UFRJ. Basicamente um Eletroestimulador Funcional (Functional Electrical Stimulation FES) se baseia na estimulação dos nervos motores via eletrodos cutâneos de modo a movimentar (contrair ou distender) os músculos, visando o fortalecimento muscular, a ativação de vias nervosas (reinervação), manutenção da amplitude de movimento, controle de espasticidade muscular, retardo de atrofias e manutenção de tonicidade muscular. O sistema utilizado tem por objetivo movimentar os membros superiores através do estímulo elétrico de modo a atingir ângulos-alvo pré-determinados para a articulação do cotovelo. Devido ao fato de não termos conhecimento pleno do funcionamento neuro-motor humano e do mesmo ser variante no tempo, não-linear, com parâmetros incertos, sujeito a perturbações e completamente diferente para cada indivíduo, se faz necessário o uso de técnicas de controle avançadas na tentativa de se estabilizar e controlar esse tipo de sistema. O objetivo principal é verificar experimentalmente a eficácia dessas técnicas de controle não-linear e adaptativo em comparação às técnicas clássicas, de modo a alcançar um controle mais rápido, robusto e que tenha um desempenho satisfatório. Em face disso, espera-se ampliar o campo de utilização de técnicas de controle adaptativo e robusto, além de outras técnicas de sistemas inteligentes, tais como os algoritmos genéticos, provando que sua aplicação pode ser efetiva no campo de sistemas biológicos e biomédicos, auxiliando assim na melhoria do tratamento de pacientes envolvidos nas pesquisas desenvolvidas no Laboratório de Engenharia Biomédica da COPPE/UFRJ.


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Adolescentes apresentam rápido crescimento e intensas mudanças corporais que os tornam vulneráveis em termos nutricionais. A prática de restrições alimentares, bastante comum entre adolescentes, pode levar a inadequações nutricionais que parecem ser o primeiro sinal para o início de uma desordem alimentar (DA). A participação feminina no esporte e o número de casos de DA em adolescentes atletas de modalidades que exigem exposição do corpo, agilidade e leveza dos movimentos, como o tênis, têm aumentado nos últimos anos. As DA podem levar a complicações de saúde como irregularidades menstruais (IM) e baixa densidade mineral óssea (DMO), caracterizando a Tríade da Mulher Atleta (TMA). Desta forma, acredita-se que alguns componentes dietéticos podem ter associação com DA e seus agravos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a associação de componentes dietéticos com desordens alimentares, irregularidades menstruais e composição corporal em adolescentes atletas tenistas e não atletas do sexo feminino. Trata-se de estudo do tipo transversal. Foram realizadas avaliações do desenvolvimento puberal pela auto-aplicação dos critérios de Tanner; da composição corporal pela absortometria radiológica de dupla energia (DXA); dos parâmetros dietéticos por registro alimentar de três dias alternados; das DA pela aplicação de três questionários validados (Eating Attitudes Test - EAT-26, Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh- BITE e o Body Shape Questionnaire - BSQ); do ciclo menstrual por questionário validado e da DMO também pelo DXA. A Tríade da Mulher Atleta (TMA) foi estabelecida pela presença concomitante de DA e/ou baixa disponibilidade de energia (BDE), IM e baixa DMO. Foram realizadas associações por meio de correlações de Spearman entre as variáveis numéricas de componentes dietéticos com DA e composição corporal. Também foram realizadas associações por meio do teste qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher ou prova binomial para as variáveis categóricas de adequação dos componentes dietéticos com DA e seus agravos. Participaram do estudo 75 adolescentes (25 tenistas, 50 não atletas) apresentando desenvolvimento puberal similar. Atletas obtiveram melhor perfil da composição corporal quanto ao tecido adiposo. Quanto à ingestão de macronutrientes, os carboidratos merecem destaque. Em ambos os grupos, a maioria das participantes apresentaram baixa ingestão de carboidratos, sendo este percentual de inadequação significativamente maior para as atletas. Os micronutrientes que obtiveram maior percentual de inadequação foram folato e cálcio em ambos os grupos. Verificou-se que 92%, 32% e 24% das atletas e 72%, 8% e 30% das não atletas preencheram critérios para DA e/ou BDE, IM e baixa massa óssea, respectivamente. Apesar de adolescentes atletas tenistas e não atletas apresentarem prevalência de DA similares, as não atletas apresentaram maior insatisfação com a imagem corporal pelo teste BSQ. No entanto, as atletas parecem estar em situação mais grave uma vez que apresentaram maior prevalência de BDE e de IM. A DMO e a prevalência de TMA foram similares entre os grupos. Foi verificada associação inversa e significativa entre alguns componentes dietéticos (principalmente energia e carboidratos) e os escores do teste BSQ. Foi possível concluir que a baixa ingestão de alguns componentes dietéticos, principalmente energia e carboidratos, podem funcionar como marcadores para desordens alimentares em ambos os grupos a fim de previnir posteriores consequências à saúde


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Although learning a motor skill, such as a tennis stroke, feels like a unitary experience, researchers who study motor control and learning break the processes involved into a number of interacting components. These components can be organized into four main groups. First, skilled performance requires the effective and efficient gathering of sensory information, such as deciding where and when to direct one's gaze around the court, and thus an important component of skill acquisition involves learning how best to extract task-relevant information. Second, the performer must learn key features of the task such as the geometry and mechanics of the tennis racket and ball, the properties of the court surface, and how the wind affects the ball's flight. Third, the player needs to set up different classes of control that include predictive and reactive control mechanisms that generate appropriate motor commands to achieve the task goals, as well as compliance control that specifies, for example, the stiffness with which the arm holds the racket. Finally, the successful performer can learn higher-level skills such as anticipating and countering the opponent's strategy and making effective decisions about shot selection. In this Primer we shall consider these components of motor learning using as an example how we learn to play tennis.


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A block-based motion estimation technique is proposed which permits a less general segmentation performed using an efficient deterministic algorithm. Applied to image pairs from the Flower Garden and Table Tennis sequences, the algorithm successfully localizes motion discontinuities and detects uncovered regions. The algorithm is implemented in C on a Sun Sparcstation 20. The gradient-based motion estimation required 28.8 s CPU time, and 500 iterations of the segmentation algorithm required 32.6 s.


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In the field of motor control, two hypotheses have been controversial: whether the brain acquires internal models that generate accurate motor commands, or whether the brain avoids this by using the viscoelasticity of musculoskeletal system. Recent observations on relatively low stiffness during trained movements support the existence of internal models. However, no study has revealed the decrease in viscoelasticity associated with learning that would imply improvement of internal models as well as synergy between the two hypothetical mechanisms. Previously observed decreases in electromyogram (EMG) might have other explanations, such as trajectory modifications that reduce joint torques. To circumvent such complications, we required strict trajectory control and examined only successful trials having identical trajectory and torque profiles. Subjects were asked to perform a hand movement in unison with a target moving along a specified and unusual trajectory, with shoulder and elbow in the horizontal plane at the shoulder level. To evaluate joint viscoelasticity during the learning of this movement, we proposed an index of muscle co-contraction around the joint (IMCJ). The IMCJ was defined as the summation of the absolute values of antagonistic muscle torques around the joint and computed from the linear relation between surface EMG and joint torque. The IMCJ during isometric contraction, as well as during movements, was confirmed to correlate well with joint stiffness estimated using the conventional method, i.e., applying mechanical perturbations. Accordingly, the IMCJ during the learning of the movement was computed for each joint of each trial using estimated EMG-torque relationship. At the same time, the performance error for each trial was specified as the root mean square of the distance between the target and hand at each time step over the entire trajectory. The time-series data of IMCJ and performance error were decomposed into long-term components that showed decreases in IMCJ in accordance with learning with little change in the trajectory and short-term interactions between the IMCJ and performance error. A cross-correlation analysis and impulse responses both suggested that higher IMCJs follow poor performances, and lower IMCJs follow good performances within a few successive trials. Our results support the hypothesis that viscoelasticity contributes more when internal models are inaccurate, while internal models contribute more after the completion of learning. It is demonstrated that the CNS regulates viscoelasticity on a short- and long-term basis depending on performance error and finally acquires smooth and accurate movements while maintaining stability during the entire learning process.


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The goal of this work was to investigate stability in relation to the magnitude and direction of forces applied by the hand. The endpoint stiffness and joint stiffness of the arm were measured during a postural task in which subjects exerted up to 30% maximum voluntary force in each of four directions while controlling the position of the hand. All four coefficients of the joint stiffness matrix were found to vary linearly with both elbow and shoulder torque. This contrasts with the results of a previous study, which employed a force control task and concluded that the joint stiffness coefficients varied linearly with either shoulder or elbow torque but not both. Joint stiffness was transformed into endpoint stiffness to compare the effect on stability as endpoint force increased. When the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at only one joint, as in the previous study, we found that hand position became unstable if endpoint force exceeded about 22 N in a specific direction. This did not occur when the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at both joints, as in the present study. Rather, hand position became increasingly more stable as endpoint force increased for all directions of applied force. Our analysis suggests that co-contraction of biarticular muscles was primarily responsible for the increased stability. This clearly demonstrates how the central nervous system can selectively adapt the impedance of the arm in a specific direction to stabilize hand position when the force applied by the hand has a destabilizing effect in that direction.


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This study investigates the interaction between soil and pipeline in sand subjected to lateral ground displacements with emphasis on the peak force exerted to a bended elbow-pipe. A series of three-dimensional (3D) finite-element (FE) analyses were performed in both opening and closing modes of the elbow section for different initial pipe bending angles. To model the mechanical behavior of sands, two soil models were adopted: Mohr-Coulomb and Nor-Sand soil model. Investigations also included the effects of pipe embedment depth and soil density. Results show that the opening mode exhibits higher ultimate forces and greater localized deformations than the closing mode. Nondimensional charts that account for pipeline location, bending angle, and soil density are developed. Soil-spring pipeline analyses of an elbow-pipe were performed using modified F-δ soil-spring models based on the 3D FE results and were compared to the findings of conventional spring model analyses using the standard two-dimensional soil-spring model. Results show that the pipe strain does not change in the closing mode case. However, in the opening mode case, the pipe strain computed by the modified analysis is larger than that by the conventional analysis and the difference is more pronounced when the pipe stiffness is stiffer. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Successful motor performance requires the ability to adapt motor commands to task dynamics. A central question in movement neuroscience is how these dynamics are represented. Although it is widely assumed that dynamics (e.g., force fields) are represented in intrinsic, joint-based coordinates (Shadmehr R, Mussa-Ivaldi FA. J Neurosci 14: 3208-3224, 1994), recent evidence has questioned this proposal. Here we reexamine the representation of dynamics in two experiments. By testing generalization following changes in shoulder, elbow, or wrist configurations, the first experiment tested for extrinsic, intrinsic, or object-centered representations. No single coordinate frame accounted for the pattern of generalization. Rather, generalization patterns were better accounted for by a mixture of representations or by models that assumed local learning and graded, decaying generalization. A second experiment, in which we replicated the design of an influential study that had suggested encoding in intrinsic coordinates (Shadmehr and Mussa-Ivaldi 1994), yielded similar results. That is, we could not find evidence that dynamics are represented in a single coordinate system. Taken together, our experiments suggest that internal models do not employ a single coordinate system when generalizing and may well be represented as a mixture of coordinate systems, as a single system with local learning, or both.


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沙蜥属Phrynocephalus Kaup,1825隶属于爬行纲(Reptilia)有鳞目(Squamata)蜥蜴亚目(Lacertilia)鬣蜥科(Agamidae),是欧亚大陆荒漠和稀疏草原常见蜥蜴。沙蜥属的分类及系统演化关系、地理分布格局与新生代第三纪以来古地中海的变迁、青藏高原的抬升及亚洲内陆干旱荒漠化的过程有密切的关系,长期以来有关沙蜥属的研究一直受到中外学者们的关注。由于沙蜥属地理分布广、形态变异大、体色和斑纹变化复杂,虽然前人使用过许多形态性状来描述和分类沙蜥属物种,但是仍然存在许多问题。性状的分类学意义不明确是造成这些问题的主要原因之一,因此本研究针对沙蜥属常用的鉴别性状进行分类意义的分析,希望能对沙蜥属物种鉴定及分类学其它研究有所裨益。 中国沙蜥属物种主要分布于西北的干旱荒漠区域及青藏高原的大部分地区,大约为18种。 本文研究了中国境内12种沙蜥:青海沙蜥(Phrynocephalus vlangalii)、西藏沙蜥(P. theobaldi)、南疆沙蜥(P. forsythii)、变色沙蜥(P. versicolor)、旱地沙蜥(P. helioscopus)、荒漠沙蜥(P. przewalskii)、乌拉尔沙蜥(P. guttatus)、草原沙蜥(P. frontalis)、叶城沙蜥(P. axillaris)、白稍沙蜥(P. koslowi)、无斑沙蜥(P. immaculatus)和白条沙蜥(P. albolineatus),对它们的65项外部形态性状进行了观察和测量,其中数量性状29项、质量性状36项。评价了这些性状的序级性、间断性和代表性,结论如下: 1. 对于数量性状,得出了适合各级分类的数值区间; 2. 给出了在不同序级上适合分类的质量性状。 并利用各性状评价的结果,给出12种沙蜥的检索表,以及对中国沙蜥物种某些尚存在争议的问题进行了探讨。 详细记录了青海沙蜥红原亚种的骨骼系统,首次发现并命名了肘骨(elbow bone)和垫骨(stepping bone),为沙蜥属系统学研究补充了骨骼方面的证据;解剖了乌拉尔沙蜥、旱地沙蜥、荒漠沙蜥的雌体和雄体的骨骼系统,并在14项骨骼形态性状上对这3种沙蜥进行了比较。 Phrynocephalus (Squamata,Agamidae) is a familiar genus of lizards inhabited desert and sparse steppes in Eurasia. The taxonomics, phylogenetics and distribution pattern of Phrynocephalus are relative intensely to these events: the vicissitudes of the archaic Mediterranean sea since the Cainozoic, the uplift of Qingzang Plateau and the expending arid areas in the inland of Asia. Owing to the wide distribution, the large variability of the morphology and the different colors in Phrynocephalus, it is difficult to identify them. Tough many morphological characters are used to describe and discriminate them,a lot of questions still exist. One of the most important reasons is the confusion in the morphological characters. In this study, we demonstrate the validity and the invalidity of the familiar characters. There are about 18 species of the genus Phrynocephalus in China, which exist in arid desert in Northwest China and Qingzang Plateau. Twelve Chinese species was analyzed in this paper. They are P. vlangalii,P. theobaldi,P. forsythia,P. versicolor,P. helioscopus,P. przewalskii,P. guttatus,P. frontalis,P. axillaris,P. koslowi,P. immaculatus,P. albolineatus. We measure 29 quantitative characters and observe 36 qualitative characters in each individual. Through analyzing these characters, we made some conclusions as follows: 1. to every quantitative character, we get a clear numeric area to discriminate the different operational taxonomic units. 2. we chose the valid qualitative characters in these operational taxonomic units. This paper is the first to describe the “elbow bone”, which is a bone in pectoral appendage equivalent to patella,and “stepping bone”, which is a bone under carpal. A detailed description of the skeletal system of female Phrynocephalus vlangalii hongyuanensis was conducted. We also anatomise the skeletal systems of three species: P. guttatus,P. przewalskii,P. helioscopus, and compare or contrast 14 skeletal characters in them. What’s more,this paper offers some suggestions to the questions of Chinese Phrynocephalus species and keys to 12 species of Phrynocephalus basing on our conclusions on the evaluation of the morphological characters.


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The replacement of coronene monolayer on Au (111) by 6-mercapto-1-hexanol (MHO) was studied by in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in solutions. It was found that the rate of replacement depends strongly on the concentration of MHO. The replacement finished within a second at a higher concentration of MHO. At a lower concentration, the slow replacement could be followed by in situ STM. The replacement occurred initially near the elbow position of reconstructed Au (111) with the formation of pits in a single or several missing molecules. With the proceeding of replacement, these small pits expanded, and the surrounding coronene molecules were gradually substituted by MHO, which developed into ordered domains within a spatial confined environment. Meanwhile, the reconstruction of Au (111) was lifted. The replacement expanded fast along the reconstruction lines in the domain. For the fast replacement, a (root 3 x root 3) R30 degrees adlattice was observed, while a c(4 x 2) superlattice was observed for the slow replacement.


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The effect of lanthanum ions on the structural and conformational change of yeast tRNA(Phe) was studied by H-1 NMR. The results suggest that the tertiary base pair (G-15)(C-48), which was located in the terminal in the augmented dihydrouridine helix (D-helix), was markedly affected by adding La3+ and shifted 0.33 downfield. Based pair (U-8)(A-14), which is associated with a tertiary interaction, links the base of the acceptor stem to the D-stem and anchors the elbow of the L structure, shifted 0.20 upfield. Another imino proton that may be affected by La3+ in tRNA(Phe) is the tertiary base pair (G-19)(C-56). The assignment of this resonance is tentative since it is located in the region of highly overlapping resonances between 12.6 and 12.2. This base pair helps to anchor the D-loop to the T psi C loop.


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A wearable WIMU (Wireless Inertial Measurement Unit) [1] system for sports applications based on Tyndall's 25mm mote technology [2] has been developed to identify tennis performance determining factors, giving coaches & players improved feedback [3, 4]. Multiple WIMUs transmit player motion data to a PC/laptop via a receiver unit. Internally the WIMUs consist of: an IMU layer with MEMS based sensors; a microcontroller/transceiver layer; and an interconnect layer with supplemental 70g accelerometers and a lithium-ion battery. Packaging consists of a robust ABS plastic case with internal padding, a power switch, battery charging port and status LED with Velcro-elastic straps that are used to attach the device to the player. This offers protection from impact, sweat, and movement of sensors which could cause degradation in device performance. In addition, an important requirement for this device is that it needs to be lightweight and comfortable to wear. Calibration ensures that misalignment of the accelerometer and magnetometer axes are accounted for, allowing more accurate measurements to be made.


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The importance of relative motion information when modelling a novel motor skill was examined. Participants were assigned to one of four groups. Groups 1 and 2 viewed demonstrations of a skilled cricket bowler presented in either video or point light format. Group 3 observed a single point of light pertaining to the wrist of the skilled bowler only. Participants in Group 4 did not receive a demonstration and acted as controls. During 60 acquisition trials, participants in the demonstration groups viewed a model five times before each 10-trial block. Retention was examined the following day. Intra-limb coordination was assessed for the right elbow relative to the wrist in comparison to the model. The demonstration groups showed greater concordance with the model than the control group. However, the wrist group performed less like the model than the point light and video groups, who did not differ from each other. These effects were maintained in retention. Relative motion information aided the acquisition of intra-limb coordination, while making this information more salient (through point lights) provided no additional benefit. The motion of the models bowling arm was replicated more closely than the non-bowling arm, suggesting that information from the end-effector is prioritized during observation for later reproduction.


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We investigated the role of visual feedback in adapting to novel visuomotor environments. Participants produced isometric elbow torques to move a cursor towards visual targets. Following trials with no rotation, participants adapted to a 60 degrees rotation of the visual feedback before returning to the non-rotated condition. Participants received continuous visual feedback (CF) of cursor position during task execution or post-trial visual feedback (PF). With training, reductions of the angular deviations of the cursor path occurred to a similar extent and at a similar rate for CF and PF groups. However, upon re-exposure to the non-rotated environment only CF participants exhibited post-training aftereffects, manifested as increased angular deviation of the cursor path, with respect to the pre-rotation trials. These aftereffects occurred despite colour cues permitting identification of the change in environment. The results show that concurrent feedback permits automatic recalibration of the visuomotor mapping while post-trial feedback permits performance improvement via a cognitive strategy. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.