999 resultados para Tecnologia e território


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Solid municipal waste contains a large volume of polymers and its final disposal is a serious environmental problem. Consequently, the recycling of the principal polymers present in the solid waste is an alternative. In this review we describe the mechanical and chemical recycling of polymers and the energy recovery from plastic wastes. Polymer recycling involves not only the development of processing technologies, but also the solution of many chemical and analytical problems. The technological, economical and social aspects of polymer recycling are also considered.


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This paper describes the separation of CO2 from a gas mixture containing 25% CO2, 4% O2 and 71% N2 using the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) technique. The adsorbent selected was the zeolite 13X due to its great adsorption capacity for CO2 and selectivity towards the other components of the gas mixture. The experimental technique was designed to identify the most important variables for the process and to optimize it. It is shown that the PSA technique can be used to separate CO2 from O2 and N2 to obtain an effluent containing 2% CO2 with 99% separation efficiency.


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The indigo blue dye is widely used in the textile industry. When discarded, besides polluting the environment, it affects the appearance and transparency of aquatic bodies, causing damage to flora and fauna. The removal of this dye from industrial effluents is difficult due to its resistance towards degradation. This work proposes the recovery of indigo blue by electroflocculation, as a subsidy for the treatment of effluents from the jeans industry.


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The concept of research and the controversy among classical models for C, T & I, outdated by the development of knowledge and Post-modern society needs were revisited through the (3) Quadrants advanced by Donald Stokes in the mid-nineties. The scientific community to fit into these Quadrants was faced with many difficulties and reacted by issuing pseudo-facts, accepted by under-prepared technocrats as viable justifications for conducting research in face of these new paradigms. In a poor country full of contrast and needs such as Brazil, this attitude satisfies the bureaucracy and academic elite, but frustrates government and society, that do not get, in the expected measure, the benefits of their commitment with the Teaching, Research and Extension Sectors mainly embedded in the Public University system. An extension, in fact a contradictory approach, to Pasteur's Quadrant, is proposed to characterize this situation: The Syndrome of Ruetsap's Quadrant.


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Given that innovation is fundamental for competitiveness, and that it is intrinsically linked to knowledge, it has become essential to foster effective interaction between the Brazilian productive sector and universities and R&D centers. This interface should be created by means of the model used in developed countries: Observatory of Industrial Activities and Trends in Science, Technology and Innovation. The present work describes its main functions, using examples of activities undertaken by the Chemical Industry Information System of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro related to production systems of primary and high-tech industries, examining the diffusion of knowledge to decision-makers.


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The goal of this work is to show the use of undoped nanodiamond films as a new material for electrochemical and aerospace applications. Correlation between the applications and physico-chemical features of nano and conventional CVD polycrystalline diamond films are presented. An important and innovative application of these nanodiamonds is organic electrosynthesis, including pharmaceutical and water disinfection products, as well as electroanalytical applications, for example, development of biosensors for detection of glucose, glutamate and dopamine. In aeronautics and space developments, these nanodiamonds could be used as electrodes in rechargable batteries and in tribological investigations.


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This manuscript shows an overview of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology based on industrial developments. The information presented has been collected mostly at conferences that the authors attended. It is observed that several companies have been pursuing the development of the SOFC technology. Significant advances in stability and power density have raised the economic interest in this technology recently. It is revealed that the SOFC materials are essentially the same ones that have been used in the past decades, and that the two most important designs of pre-commercial SOFC prototypes are the tubular and planar ones.


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Pheromones are chemical compounds used by species to communicate intra and inter specifically. As strategy of integrated pest management (IPM), the use of these compounds allows the monitoring of target insects that results in more reliable interventions and consequently avoiding unnecessary use of pesticides. In certain crops these compounds are used as a control measure, not only monitoring. The Brazilian agriculture has a portfolio of 49 major crops that are attacked by 447 species of insects. Of this total, 103 species have already been the subject of study in the research with pheromones. Currently, in the Brazilian market, 28 pheromone products are indicated for the control of 19 insect pests. However, these products are not used regularly in major crops of the country. This stems from the lack of implementation of IPM of these crops. While the research focused on the main species of agribusiness pests, marked of pheromones products is serving to more marginal crops like apples and peaches at the expense of major crops like soybean and corn.


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The use of poorly water soluble molecules in pharmaceutical area has grown. Since these molecules exhibit low oral bioavailability, they are not used in intravenous administrations. Therefore, it is necessary to develop their new formulations with the aim to increase their oral bioavailabilities as to enable intravenous applications. One of the few possibilities in achieving this is a nanonization process that can produce crystals smaller than 1 μm by high pressure homogenization and without use of organic solvents. This mini-review describes technical aspects of the nanocrystal production, morphological aspects (polymorphisms), the market relevance of the nanocrystals products that are already in clinical phase or at the market, as well as, perspectives for the near future.


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Although the production of liquid fuels from coal, natural gas (CTL and GTL processes) and other carbon sources has been discovered 90 years ago, the interest was renewed in the last years motivated by stranded gas reserves and by petroleum market instability. This review intends to show the scenario of these technologies nowadays, discussing the applied technologies, the steps in an industrial plant, the ways to produce syngas and liquid fuels, the catalysts used, the type of reactors and the operating plants with their respective capacities, besides the technical, economical and environmental viability, challenges and perspectives for Brazil.


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Currently, public policy has encouraged innovation in universities and also transference of technology to the industry. Another important stage to be considered would be the registration or filing of a patent and the economical viability study. Government programs, such as the innovation incentive program, among others, should facilitate popularization and promote interest by industry. In this work we described the steps, from the conception of the idea to the scale up going through its interest by the industry. The case study is about the glycerol conversion utilizing modified niobia as catalysts.


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Significant functions in the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) rely on Gas Diffusion Layers (GDLs), such as control the water balance in the membrane electrode assembly (MEA), allow suitable gas permeability and porosity, etc. Aware of the GDL importance in the cell performance and its great demand in scale-up projects, the fuel cell research group at Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN) has developed a Sieve Printing method (innovative in Brazil) as a strategic solution for producing GDL and electrodes used in high power PEMFC stacks. The method has shown to be adequate to fabricate low cost electrodes, GDLs of different dimensions and to produce any amount of MEAs for power stacks.


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Based on Science, Technology & Innovation (ST&I) indicators, Brazil is a competitive and interesting country from the point of view of technological foreign investment. However, it is still incipient with regard to national investments, production of technological knowledge, inbound mobility of scientists and technology transfer to the productive sector. Among many other factors, global patent production is considered as an important indicator of innovation. Likewise, the balance between revenue and expenses obtained through royalties and licensing fees of technologies is also critical in mapping the diffusion and absorption of knowledge. The understanding of intellectual property and its strategic management brings a significant advantage to the economic and technological development of nations, especially in the field of chemistry, which greatly contributes to biotechnology, new materials and microelectronics - three fundamental areas for innovation in developed countries. Therefore, this article aims to map out competencies in chemistry in Brazil and evaluate science, technology and innovation indicators in the country, comparing this dynamic to the one of other BRIC members (Russia, India and China). Chemistry is the fourth biggest field of interest in Brazil based on the number of researchers registered at the governmental platform for researchers, Plataforma Lattes/CNPq, and is preceded by education, medicine and agronomy. The majority of research groups are registered in the area of materials, followed by macromolecules and polymers, pharmaceutical products and basic materials chemistry. These groups represent approximately 77% of research groups analyzed, therefore, indicating a tendency in the country. The analyses of patents in different sub-areas of chemistry reveal that non-residents file most deposits in the country, a probable reflection of the low internal intellectual property culture. Pharmaceutics and Fine Chemistry are prominent areas in the country, in line with the global trend. Among BRIC countries, China has the highest number of patents and of requests for protection in international offices. On the other hand, Brazil has the lowest number of chemical patents published at USPTO, EPO and JPO. An analysis of the transfer of technology data indicates an increase in this activity in various sub-areas of chemistry in the country. Despite the great efforts made by the country to consolidate its national innovation system, more needs to be done to put Brazil in a competitive position. In a globalized world dominated by large players, Brazil needs a lot of progress on ownership and generation of chemistry technologies to strengthen its national sovereignty. It is essential to strengthen chemical research at all levels, from elementary school to university, as an inexhaustible source of knowledge and technology that, when properly protected, may generate real public achievement and social return.


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The aim of this work was to synthesize a polyurethane polymer matrix using polyols as a raw material to obtain a binder such as the hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) pre-polymer in energetic material formulation. The soybean-based polyol was the best starting raw material for producing a binder for solid fuel formulation in rocket motor applications. Characterization of the obtained soybean-based polyurethane binder was carried out by employing FT-IR analysis and thermo analytical techniques that showed similar HTPB binder thermo decomposition behaviors, confirming their potential for use as polymer matrix composites.