678 resultados para Teacher professional standards
In spite of new legislation and much public and professional interest, intensive family preservation service (IFPS) remains in a vulnerable position as compared to other child welfare services. This article details a method to project ideal IFPS caseloads as a function of children who are at-risk for placement by various referral sources. Using this approach, resource allocation for IFPS can be more nearly on equal ground with the traditional child welfare functions and help IFPS to assume its needed place as a core service in the child welfare continuum.
This chapter focuses on teaching practices used in multigrade classes and the importance of them being incorporated in teacher education as promising pedagogies for future use. Multigrade classes - defined as classes in which two or more grades are taught together - are common worldwide. Hence, there is a need for teacher candidates to become familiar with how to teach in split grade classrooms. However, research on multigrade teaching as well as its development in teacher education studies has been neglected, even though multigrade teachers need special skills to organize instruction in their heterogeneous classrooms. We argue that in successful multigrade teaching practices, the heterogeneity of students is taken into account and cultivated. Based on content analysis of teacher interviews conducted in Austrian and Finnish primary schools, we recommend teaching practices such as spiral curricula, working plans, and peer learning as promising teacher education pedagogies for future multigrade class teaching. We also suggest that the professional skills required in high-quality teaching practices in multigrade teaching should be further studied by researchers and educators.
An International Professional Development Collaboration in Literacy Education is a report of an international professional development project in Guatemala designed to improve literacy instructional practices and thereby raise student achievement in reading and writing. The opportunity for coaching Guatemalan teachers in teaching literacy strategies and skills provides data for this participatory action research study. This research is intended to contribute to cross-cultural understanding by graduate and undergraduate students in literacy, improved pedagogical techniques, international outreach in developing countries, and student academic success worldwide.
Objective. To conduct a summative evaluation of an Early Childhood Care, Education and Development (ECCED) Teacher Training Workshop in Mongu, Zambia by assessing changes in knowledge, attitudes and intent to use the information. ^ Study design. A matched cohort survey design was used with additional qualitative data collected by structured observation of workshop sessions, daily facilitator and participant debriefs and participant interviews. ^ Results. Matching pre and post tests were completed by 27 individuals in addition to daily debriefs, structured workshop observation and participant interviews with 22% of the group. The participant population was predominantly female individuals aged 15-44 years old that had completed high school and additional post-secondary training, been teaching children aged 0 – 8 years for 2-5 years in the Western Province and received other HIV/AIDS and ECCED education. Pre-tests indicated a strong understanding of ECCED principles and misconceptions regarding HIV transmission, prevention and the disease's impact on early childhood development. The workshop was found to significantly increase the participants' knowledge of topics covered by the curriculum (paired t-test, N=27, p = 0.004, 95% CI 1.8, 8.6). Participants began with a more limited understanding of HIV/AIDS than ECCED, but the mean gain was much greater at 7.4 +/- 12.3 points. Significantly more participants believed at post-test that HIV/AIDS education should increase for future educators. The 77.8% of participants that increased their knowledge scores at post-test expressed significantly less fear of having a child with HIV/AIDS in the classroom (Independent Samples t-test, N= 27, p = 0.011). Overall participant fear decreased 15.5%. 92.6% and 88.9% of participants planned at post-test to respectively use and share the taught information in their daily professional lives and reported on innovative strategies to communicate with the community. ^ Conclusions. Teacher training workshops can significantly increase HIV/AIDS awareness and promote positive attitudes in educators working with children affected by HIV/AIDS. Using participant suggested teaching techniques such as poems and songs and translating the materials to the local language could assist future facilitators to both culturally and professionally relate to the workshop audience as well as increase participant capacity to share the information with the local community. ^
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can have significant implications for health, productivity, job performance, and operating cost. Professional experience in the field of indoor air quality suggests that high expectations (better than nationally established standards) (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)) of workplace indoor air quality lead to increase air quality complaints. To determine whether there is a positive association between expectations and indoor air quality complaints, a one-time descriptive and analytical cross-sectional pilot study was conducted. Area Safety Liaisons (n = 330) at University of Texas Health Science Center – Houston were asked to answer a questionnaire regarding their expectations of four workplace indoor air quality indicators i.e., (temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide) and if they experienced and reported indoor air quality problems. A chi-square test for independence was used to evaluate associations among the variables of interest. The response rate was 54% (n = 177). Results did not show significant associations between expectation and indoor air quality. However, a greater proportion of Area Safety Liaisons who expected indoor air quality indicators to be better than the established standard experienced greater indoor air quality problems. Similarly, a slightly higher proportion of Area Liaisons who expected indoor air quality indicators to be better than the standard reported greater indoor air quality complaints. ^ The findings indicated that a greater proportion of Area Safety Liaisons with high expectations (conditions that are beyond what is considered normal and acceptable by ASHRAE) experienced greater indoor air quality discomfort. This result suggests a positive association between high expectations and experienced and reported indoor air quality complaints. Future studies may be able to address whether the frequency of complaints and resulting investigations can be reduced through information and education about what are acceptable conditions.^
This paper presents the main results of the eContent HARMOS project. The project has developed a webbased educational system for professional musicians. The main idea of the project consists of recording master classes taught by highly recognised maestros and annotate this multimedia material using an educational musical taxonomy and automatic annotation tools. Users of the system access a multi-criteria search engine that allows them to find and play video segments according to a combination of criteria, which include instrument, teacher, composer, composition, movement and pedagogical concept. In order to preserve teachers and students rights, a DRM and protection system has been developed. The system is being publicly exploited. This model preserves musical heritage, since these valuable master classes are usually not recorded and it also provides a sustainable model for musical institutions.
A host of studies over the years have been published on introductions to research articles across a variety of fields. However, much less attention has been paid to professional or workplace introductions as well as student written introductions. This study aims to redress this imbalance by studying the writing samples of four primary English teacher trainees’ introductions to curricular design i.e. the document candidates must present to an examination board in Spain. This genre can be considered occluded in that exemplars are private and confidential and not readily available to the aspiring candidate. Three recurrent moves were identified, namely, explaining the importance of curricular design, providing background and defining concepts. Instances of self-glorification (Bhatia 1996) were revealed. The implications of the findings can have a positive effect on students’ future writing. RESUMEN. Se han publicado varios estudios en los últimos años sobre las introducciones de los artículos de investigación en varios campos. Sin embargo, se ha prestado mucha menor atención a las introducciones en los ámbitos profesionales o las introducciones en el lugar de trabajo, así como a las introducciones escritas por estudiantes. Este estudio tiene por objeto corregir este desequilibrio mediante el análisis de cuatro introducciones redactadas por candidatos para las oposiciones públicas de profesores de inglés de primaria. Este género se puede considerar oculto puesto que las muestras de dichas introducciones no están publicadas. El análisis de estas introducciones muestra que hay tres movimientos recurrentes: una explicación de la importancia del diseño curricular, definición del contexto educativo y, por último, definición de conceptos. Hay ejemplos en este estudio empírico de auto-promoción (Bhatia 1996). Las implicaciones de los resultados pueden tener un efecto positivo en la escritura de estos estudiantes en el futuro.
Esta investigación surge a raíz de la experiencia profesional del autor, maestro especialista de Educación Física en el C.E.I.P. “Alhambra” de Madrid, cuando de manera progresiva, aprecia que el tenis de mesa puede ser un deporte muy interesante de desarrollar en las sesiones de Educación Física y de promover dentro de los tiempos de recreo. El autor cree que este deporte desarrolla una serie de objetivos motrices, afectivos, cognitivos y sociales que pueden contribuir a la adquisición de las competencias básicas y al desarrollo integral de los alumnos. Es entonces cuando recibe formación sobre el deporte de tenis de mesa y busca los medios necesarios de financiación para que se dote al centro del material necesario. Así la Junta municipal del distrito de Fuencarral-El Pardo instala en el patio del colegio tres mesas de exterior y, con los recursos del colegio y la ayuda de la Asociación de padres y madres (AMPA), se consiguen cinco mesas de interior plegables y todo el material necesario (redes, raquetas, pelotas, etc.). Tras introducir este deporte desde 3º a 6º de Educación Primaria promueve un campeonato en el colegio cuyo índice de participación ronda el 90% del alumnado, estos resultados crean al autor ciertas incertidumbres que son la motivación y punto de partida para realizar esta investigación que analice si la práctica del tenis de mesa puede resultar idónea en la etapa de Educación Primaria. Introducción La legislación actual en materia de educación, Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación (LOE) modificada por la Ley Orgánica 8/2013, de 9 de diciembre, para la mejora de la calidad educativa. (LOMCE), otorga una gran relevancia al deporte en general. "El deporte es una actividad saludable, divertida y formativa que puede tener profundos beneficios no sólo para su salud y su bienestar sino también para el desarrollo personal integral físico, psicológico y psicosocial del niño, además de sobre su desarrollo deportivo" (Pradas, 2009, p. 151), es pues, un momento idóneo para analizar qué deportes se practican en los colegios o por qué se practican unos más que otros. "El tenis de mesa además de ser un deporte para todos, se presenta como un juego atractivo, en donde su práctica resulta muy divertida a cualquier edad, tanto para niños como para adultos, principalmente porque presenta unas reglas de juego simples, no encerrando peligro alguno para la integridad física de sus practicantes durante su juego" (Pradas, 2009, p. 83). Es un deporte que "está abierto a todos, sin distinción de edad o sexo, tanto como deporte de alto nivel como de práctica familiar o social" (Gatien, 1993, p. 16). No obstante, "son escasas las obras sobre tenis de mesa. Pocos libros, tanto de divulgación como de reflexión sobre el tenis de mesa, adornan los estantes de las librerías y las bibliotecas" (Erb, 1999, p.14) y añade “así pues, el medio escolar padece de falta de obras explicativas y pedagógicas referidas a este tema" (Erb, 1999, p.14 ) En particular, se pretenden conseguir cinco objetivos divididos en tres categorías (el centro, el profesorado y el deporte. • A nivel de Centro: - Conocer el porcentaje de colegios que disponen de espacios y materiales adecuados para la práctica del tenis de mesa, así como identificar, de las distintas Direcciones de Área Territoriales (DAT), cuál tiene los colegios mejor dotados tanto en instalaciones como en materiales para desarrollar programas de promoción del tenis de mesa. - Averiguar las posibles causas por las que el tenis de mesa no se practica tanto como otros deportes, analizando los impedimentos que limitan la implantación del tenis de mesa como un deporte habitual en los centros de Educación Primaria. Analizar la opinión del profesorado en cuanto a los materiales y las instalaciones necesarios para el tenis de mesa. • A nivel de profesorado: - Analizar el nivel de conocimiento que tienen los profesionales que imparten la asignatura de Educación Física sobre el tenis de mesa, así como sus necesidades para incluir unidades didácticas de tenis de mesa en sus programaciones didácticas. - Conocer el perfil de profesor ideal que recomienda la utilización del tenis de mesa y averiguar el interés del profesorado por recibir formación específica del tenis de mesa. • A nivel de deporte: - Analizar la opinión de los profesionales sobre la idoneidad del tenis de mesa en la Educación Primaria atendiendo a los objetivos que persigue, a las competencias que desarrolla, a los contenidos, criterios de evaluación y estándares de aprendizaje que se pueden trabajar y a las lesiones que se producen. Metodología La investigación se caracterizó por utilizar una metodología inductiva, al surgir de la experiencia profesional del autor, también fue transversal al analizar la realidad en un momento concreto y de tipo cuantitativa. La población objeto de estudio fue la totalidad de los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid, siendo los profesores de Educación Física los encargados de facilitar los datos solicitados. Estos datos se obtuvieron utilizando como instrumento de toma de datos el cuestionario auto administrado con preguntas cerradas de opción múltiple previamente validado por un panel de 5 expertos. Las variables indirectas fueron: el género del profesorado, la edad del profesorado, la experiencia profesional y el tipo de destino. El proceso de la toma de datos supuso un lapso de tiempo de 3 meses, desde mayo de 2015 hasta julio de 2015, en este tiempo hubo dos fases de recogida de datos, una online a través del correo electrónico institucional de los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid y otra “in situ” con cuestionarios de lápiz y papel. En cuanto a los datos que se obtuvieron, sobre una población de 798 colegios, se consiguió una muestra de 276, esto supuso una tasa de respuesta del 34,59%, asumiendo la situación más desfavorable posible (p=q) y un nivel de confianza del 95%, para el total de los 276 cuestionarios cumplimentados, el error máximo fue del ±4,78%. Resultados En cuanto a los resultados obtenidos, se establecieron de acuerdo a tres dimensiones: A nivel de Centro, a nivel de Profesorado y a nivel del Deporte y pretendieron averiguar si se alcanzaron los cinco objetivos planteados. Tras el análisis de los resultados, se apreció que los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid disponían de las suficientes instalaciones para el tenis de mesa, en cambio, faltaban materiales específicos y formación por parte del profesorado, así como recursos didácticos y un programa de promoción del tenis de mesa. Se apreció un manifiesto interés por parte del profesorado en recibir formación específica de tenis de mesa pues la mayoría recomendaba la utilización del tenis de mesa dentro de la asignatura de Educación Física en Educación Primaria. Por último, los resultados mostraron la cantidad de objetivos motrices, afectivos, cognitivos y sociales que desarrolla el tenis de mesa así como su contribución a la adquisición de las competencias básicas y al objetivo “k” de la Educación Primaria, que indica “Valorar la higiene y la salud, conocer y respetar el cuerpo humano, y utilizar la Educación Física y el deporte como medios para favorecer el desarrollo personal y social”, además, se mostró el bajo índice de lesiones que provoca. Discusión y conclusiones El tenis de mesa es un deporte idóneo para ser practicado y enseñado en la asignatura de Educación Física en la etapa de Educación Primaria debido a la gran cantidad de contenidos que son susceptibles de ser trabajados a través de este deporte y debido a la gran cantidad de valores, individuales y sociales que se pueden fomentar con la práctica del tenis de mesa. Las causas de que hasta ahora, el tenis de mesa no sea un deporte practicado de forma habitual en los colegios públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid a pesar de trabajar muchos contenidos específicos de la asignatura de Educación Física puede deberse a factores externos al deporte del tenis de mesa y susceptibles de ser solucionados con una adecuada inversión en materiales específicos, formación del profesorado y recursos didácticos. Si se dota a los centros de los materiales y recursos didácticos necesarios y dando formación al profesorado, éste introduciría unidades didácticas de tenis de mesa dentro de sus programaciones anuales. La federación española y madrileña de tenis de mesa, deberían desarrollar un programa de promoción dotando de materiales y recursos a los centros, tal y como lo han hecho otras federaciones como la de voleibol, bádminton o de baloncesto, entre otras. ABSTRACT This research arises from the professional experience of the author, specialized teacher of physical education in the CEIP "Alhambra" in Madrid, where progressively, appreciates that table tennis can be a very interesting sport to develop in physical education sessions and promote within the playtimes. The author believes that this sport develops a range of motor, affective, cognitive and social objectives that can contribute to the acquisition of basic skills and the integral development of students. It is then when receives training on the sport of table tennis and seeks ways of funding in order to outfit the center with necessary equipment. The Municipal District of Fuencarral-El Pardo installed three outdoor tables in the schoolyard and with the resources of the school and the support of the Association of Parents (AMPA), five indoor folding tables are achieved as well as all the necessary material (nets, rackets, balls, etc.). After introduce the sport from 3rd to 6th grade of primary education, promotes a championship in the school where the participation rate is around 90% of students, these results create the uncertainties to the author that are the motivation and starting point for this research to analyze whether the practice of table tennis can be ideal at the stage of primary education. Introduction The current legislation on education, Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May, on Education (LOE) as amended by Organic Law 8/2013, of December 9, to improve educational quality (LOMCE), attaches great importance to the sport in general, "Sport is a healthy, funny and educational activity that can have great benefits not only for their health and well-being but also for the physical, psychological and psychosocial comprehensive personal child development besides on their sports development "(Pradas, 2009, p. 151), is therefore an ideal moment to analyze which sports are practiced in schools or why are practiced some more than others. "The table tennis as well as being a sport for everyone, is presented as an attractive game, where its practice is funny at any age, both children and adults, mainly because it has simple game rules, not enclosing danger for the physical integrity of its practitioners during their game" (Pradas, 2009, p. 83). It is a sport that is "open to all, regardless of age or sex, as high-level sport, as family or social practice" (Gatien, 1993, p. 16). However, "there are few books on table tennis. Few books, both reflexion or popularization about table tennis, adorn the shelves of bookstores and libraries." (Erb, 1999, p.14) and add "So, the school environment suffers from lack of explanatory and educational work related to this issue." (Erb, 1999, p.14) In particular, it is intended to achieve the following objectives within the Community of Madrid: • To determine the percentage of schools that have spaces and materials suitable for practicing table tennis and identify, from the different Directorates of Land Area (DAT), which has the best equipped schools in both facilities and materials to develop programs to promote table tennis. • Find out the possible causes that explained why table tennis is not practiced as much as other sports, analyzing impediments that limit the implementation of table tennis as a regular sport in primary schools. Analyze the opinion of teachers in terms of materials and facilities needed for table tennis. • Analyze the level of knowledge about table tennis among professionals who teach the subject of Physical Education and their needs to include teaching units about table tennis in their teaching programs. • Knowing the profile of the ideal teacher who recommends the use of table tennis and figure out the interest of teachers to receive specific training of table tennis. • Analyze the professional opinion on the suitability of table tennis in Primary Education taking into account the objectives pursued, to develop the skills, content, evaluation criteria and learning standards that can work and injuries involved. Methodology The investigation was characterized by using an inductive methodology, arising from the professional experience of the author, was also transverse to analyze reality in a particular time and quantitative type. The population under study were all the state schools in Madrid region, being the physical education teachers responsible for providing the requested data. These data were obtained using as data collection instrument a self-administered questionnaire with multiple choice questions, because it facilitates the analysis thereof. In terms of obtained data, on a population of 798 schools, a sample of 276 was achieved, this represented a response rate of 34.59%, assuming the worst case scenario (p = q) and a level 95% confidence for the total of the 276 completed questionnaires, the maximum error was ± 4.78%. Results In terms of the results, they were set according to three dimensions: center level, professorate level and Sport level and trying to find out whether the five objectives were achieved. After analyzing the results, it was found that schools possessed sufficient facilities for table tennis, however, lacked specific materials and training by teachers, as well as teaching resources and a program to promote table tennis. A clear interest was noticed by teachers in order to receive specific training in table tennis since most recommended the use of table tennis in the subject of physical education in primary education. Finally, the results proved the number of motor, affective, cognitive and social objectives developed by table tennis and its contribution to the acquisition of basic skills and the objective "k" of primary education, in addition to the low rate of injury it causes. Discussion and conclusions Table tennis is an ideal sport to be practiced and taught in the subject of Physical Education in Primary Education due to the large amount of content that are likely to be worked through this sport and due to the large number of individual and social values that can foster the practice of table tennis. The causes of that so far, table tennis is not a sport practiced regularly in schools despite working many specific contents of the subject of Physical Education may be due to factors outside the sport of table tennis and subject to solved with adequate investment in specific materials, teacher training and educational resources. By endowing the centers with the necessary teaching materials and resources and providing training to teachers, they would introduce teaching units of table tennis within their annual programs. Madrid and the Spanish Federation of table tennis should develop a promotional program by endowing materials and resources to the centers, as did other federations such as badminton and basketball, among others.
Convivemos natural e socialmente com as diferenças, mesmo que de forma não apreendida, não aparente. Nesse contexto surge o estigma do deficiente, parte integrante de um grupo que foge aos padrões normais da sociedade e da natureza. E no convívio escolar essa diferença torna-se mais evidente gerando um desequilíbrio social, que as práticas pedagógicas tentam minimizar com a proposta da inclusão. As pesquisas acerca da educação inclusiva apontam experiências de professores(as) normais com alunos(as) com e sem deficiência que freqüentam o mesmo ambiente escolar. Observando essa realidade de outro ângulo, como se apresentam essas relações quando o(a) professor(a) é deficiente? Existem poucos trabalhos documentando essas experiências. Esta pesquisa pretende preencher essa lacuna, tendo como base a trajetória formativa de um professor com deficiência física, atuando no ensino superior, em conjunto com entrevistas de outros dois professores do ensino superior, também com deficiência física por meio das seguintes categorias: trajetórias no ensino básico, acesso e permanência no ensino superior, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, acesso e atuação como professor de ensino superior e inclusão. Objetivou-se assim, estabelecer uma reflexão sobre a inclusão profissional frente às dificuldades enfrentadas diariamente na escola. Na tentativa de explicitar as características e os atributos dos indivíduos com deficiência, em convívio com pessoas normais, utilizou-se como base teórica o apoio da estatística, especificamente da curva normal, em conjunto com a trajetória histórica e legislativa acerca do tema. Portanto, o estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura inclusiva promovendo a normalidade das diferenças.(AU)
Convivemos natural e socialmente com as diferenças, mesmo que de forma não apreendida, não aparente. Nesse contexto surge o estigma do deficiente, parte integrante de um grupo que foge aos padrões normais da sociedade e da natureza. E no convívio escolar essa diferença torna-se mais evidente gerando um desequilíbrio social, que as práticas pedagógicas tentam minimizar com a proposta da inclusão. As pesquisas acerca da educação inclusiva apontam experiências de professores(as) normais com alunos(as) com e sem deficiência que freqüentam o mesmo ambiente escolar. Observando essa realidade de outro ângulo, como se apresentam essas relações quando o(a) professor(a) é deficiente? Existem poucos trabalhos documentando essas experiências. Esta pesquisa pretende preencher essa lacuna, tendo como base a trajetória formativa de um professor com deficiência física, atuando no ensino superior, em conjunto com entrevistas de outros dois professores do ensino superior, também com deficiência física por meio das seguintes categorias: trajetórias no ensino básico, acesso e permanência no ensino superior, acesso ao mercado de trabalho, acesso e atuação como professor de ensino superior e inclusão. Objetivou-se assim, estabelecer uma reflexão sobre a inclusão profissional frente às dificuldades enfrentadas diariamente na escola. Na tentativa de explicitar as características e os atributos dos indivíduos com deficiência, em convívio com pessoas normais, utilizou-se como base teórica o apoio da estatística, especificamente da curva normal, em conjunto com a trajetória histórica e legislativa acerca do tema. Portanto, o estudo visa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura inclusiva promovendo a normalidade das diferenças.(AU)
Date of Acceptance: 13/07/2015
The Connecticut State Medical Society (CSMS) reviews and accredits the continuing medical education (CME) programs offered by Connecticut's hospitals. As part of the survey process, the CSMS assesses the quality of the hospitals' libraries. In 1987, the CSMS adopted the Medical Library Association's (MLA's) “Minimum Standards for Health Sciences Libraries in Hospitals.” In 1990, professional librarians were added to the survey team and, later, to the CSMS CME Committee. Librarians participating in this effort are recruited from the membership of the Connecticut Association of Health Sciences Librarians (CAHSL). The positive results of having a qualified librarian on the survey team and the invaluable impact of adherence to the MLA standards are outlined. As a direct result of this process, hospitals throughout the state have added staffing, increased space, and added funding for resources during an era of cutbacks. Some hospital libraries have been able to maintain a healthy status quo, while others have had proposed cuts reconsidered by administrators for fear of losing valuable CME accreditation status. Creating a relationship with an accrediting agency is one method by which hospital librarians elsewhere may strengthen their efforts to ensure adequate library resources in an era of downsizing. In addition, this collaboration has provided a new and important role for librarians to play on an accreditation team.
Students in urban schools who are negatively impacted need stability and continuity the most. However, at least half of new teachers leave their profession within five years. In order for this situation to change, support is needed for new teachers and encouragement is needed for experienced teachers. The purpose of the study is to offer a first-hand description of factors that affect the profession of teaching and especially teachers who may be wondering how to stay in teaching for more than five years. Veteran teachers gain the opportunity to reflect, validate, and (probably) celebrate their own journey through this profession. This autoethnography uses my experience of a 29-year veteran teacher, who started with an alternative teaching license, to mirror what researchers have identified as key factors for sustainability and how they affected my continued commitment to teaching in urban schools. The following questions framed the study: 1. Why did I choose teaching as a career? 2. What supportive factors contributed to my decision to continue teaching in an urban school rather than leave the profession? 3. What internal and external struggles have I encountered in teaching and what strategies did I use to overcome them? 4. What beliefs and experiences led to my steadfast commitment to teaching in an urban setting? 5. How do I define success as an urban teacher? 6. What are the implications of my story for urban education? This autoethnography involves data collection and in-depth analysis of documents and artifacts that were generated during my teaching career as an urban educator. These documents and artifacts come from both internal and external sources. The study’s implications reach beyond teachers and include two sub-groups: teacher education programs and school administrators. The implication for teachers is the importance of a two-fold support system in order to thrive: first teachers need spiritual support and second they need to surround themselves with likeminded teachers. The implications for teacher education programs include making pre-service teachers aware of the realities of urban settings and provide them with resources, which could help overcome the attrition rate. Additionally, pre-service teachers need to know how to form credible relationships with their students. This study also reveals the important role that school principals play in the success of their teachers. First, principals are responsible for creating a positive school climate that promotes a professional learning community. Second, they need to establish relational trust in their building. Third, they need to nourish their staff both physically and emotionally. Finally, the implications of autoethnography for teachers and researchers are also discussed.
The purpose of this study was to examine the beliefs that teachers have about diversity and their level of sensitivity towards some topics related to it. Moreover, beliefs were compared according to teachers’ personal and professional views and teaching experience. The Personal and Professional Beliefs about Diversity Scales (Pohan and Aguilar, 1999) were administered to a sample of 233 teachers. Results showed highly positive beliefs towards diversity in all its dimensions (cultural, linguistic and social diversity, ability, gender, sexual orientation and religion), especially regarding its personal implications compared to the professional ones. Likewise, it was observed a significant relationship between years of teaching experience and professional beliefs about diversity, so teachers with no school experience showed a higher tolerance than those with teaching experience, mainly in aspects related to cultural, linguistic and social differences, ability and gender. The implications that these results have for educational practice and the need for the development of multicultural education courses that favour an effective teaching are discussed.
Mode of access: Internet.